God is always surprising us!

I recently experienced a beautiful encounter at my parish during a book signing after Mass. A woman came up to me and said she wanted to purchase my memoir The Kiss of Jesus which she wanted to gift to her sister who lived out West. She said she hoped she could surprise her sister with the book in thanksgiving for all her sister had done for her.

The Domestic Church: Room By Room: A Mother's Study Guide

She went on to explain that her sister had gifted four of my books to her in recent years. As she was telling me, she pointed to my book The Domestic Church: Room By Room and recalled how that book helped her immensely.

“This book, The Domestic Church, brought me back into the Church! It also made me be sure to get all of my children baptized,” she recalled. “I also have an altar in my home because of this book.”

She was referring to my encouragement to parents to establish a prayer table or prayer corner in their homes so that they can raise their family in the faith more tangibly. They can hopefully be drawn to the Sacred rather than the secular with the holy reminders of the sacramentals and sacred images on and near their prayer table.

My heart was soaring, knowing that this woman had come back to the Church because her generous and caring sister had gifted my The Domestic Church book to her. God is so amazing! I thought.

The woman pointed to other titles on the table that her sister had sent to her and seemed to be so surprised that they were there in front of her.

The story gets even better.

The sweet woman at my book table went on to tell me that she was in disbelief that I was a parishioner at this particular parish.

“Don’t you usually go to this Mass?” she asked me. “I have seen you here before.”

She was trying to figure out whether or not I was just visiting this evening with my books or if I had been the woman she had seen all along.

I confirmed that I was indeed a parishioner. She was astounded. I told her that I try to keep a low profile at my parish.

“I watch you all of the time on EWTN and I read all of your blogs!” She told me. It took a moment for her to wrap her head around the fact that the author she was following for years was nearer to her than she could have imagined.

“You look shorter on TV!”

She had not realized that the woman she had seen at Mass at a distance was me.

We both smiled. Again, I felt deeply grateful to God that He had worked in this woman’s life through my books and television shows.

Chatting about warming and inspiring the homeless on the airwaves!

I recently spoke with Matt Swaim on EWTN’s Son Rise Morning show about my new outreach to the homeless and needy “Warming the homeless with LOVE, ‘holy’ scarves, and sacramentals.” You can liIMG_2009sten to our short segment here.

If you’d like to learn more you can go here to this blog post

St. Elizabeth of Hungary inspires us to help the poor.

saint_elizabeth_of_hungaryHappy feast of St. Elizabeth of Hungary! She inspires us to help the poor. Even from a young age she was thinking about and helping the less fortunate.

As a daughter of royalty, Elizabeth was thrust into many  responsibilities as well as her future marriage which had been arranged by her father. This arrangement caused her to be separated from her family at a very young age.

Elizabeth lived up to her duties, as well as took care of the countless needy people who came to her gate for bread. In serving the afflicted, there were times Elizabeth gave away the royal clothes and goods.

Perhaps my very favorite story about St. Elizabeth was when she allowed a sick leper to sleep in her bed when her husband was away. Her husband Ludwig returned unexpectedly and his mother, who always found fault with Elizabeth, summoned Ludwig to see who was in his bed. Upon throwing back the blankets, Elizabeth’s husband did not see a leper but miraculously saw Jesus lying there.

Constantly caring for the severely ill, Elizabeth became deathly ill and died at the young age of almost twenty four. Miraculous healings soon began to occur at her grave located near the hospital she founded. Elizabeth was canonized only four years later.

St. Elizabeth is the patron saint of Secular Franciscans and Catholic Charities.

Pope Benedict XVI spoke about her:

Elizabeth practiced assiduously the works of mercy: she gave to drink and eat those who came to her door, she got clothes, paid debts, looked after the sick and buried the dead. Coming down from her castle, she often went with her maidservants to the homes of the poor, taking bread, meat, flour and other foods. She would hand the food out personally and carefully oversaw clothes and shelter for the poor. This behavior was reported to her husband, who not only was not annoyed, but answered her accusers: “So long as they don’t come to the castle, I’m happy!” Placed in this context is the miracle of bread transformed into roses: While Elizabeth was going through the street with her apron full of bread for the poor, she met her husband, who asked her what she was carrying. She opened her apron and, instead of bread, magnificent roses appeared. This symbol of charity is often present in depictions of St. Elizabeth.

Hers was a profoundly happy marriage: Elizabeth helped her husband to raise his human qualities to the supernatural level and he, on the other hand, protected his wife in her generosity to the poor and in her religious practices. Ever more in admiration of his wife’s great faith, Ludwig, referring to her care of the poor, said to her: “Dear Elizabeth, it is Christ whom you have washed, fed and looked after.” A clear testimony of how faith and love of God and one’s neighbor reinforce marital union and make it even more profound…”

~ Pope Benedict XVI, Oct. 20, 2010.

More here.


Conrad of Marburg, St. Elizabeth’s spiritual adviser, wrote a letter in support of her canonization:


Pray for us and teach us to love the poor, St. Elizabeth! As your husband realized and exclaimed, “Dear Elizabeth, it is Christ whom you have washed, fed and looked after,” pray for us that we will strive to care for the poor too. Amen.

First day of Miraculous Medal novena: Going out with the “holy” scarves for the homeless.

mar1Today begins the Miraculous Medal novena which is nine days of prayer to end up on the feast day of November 25th (though it is also celebrated on November 27th, the anniversary of an important apparition).

It seems so fitting to me that I should be going out today with the first batch of “holy” scarves for the homeless and needy. You might have seen my post about this new part of my ministry: “Warming the homeless with LOVE, scarves, and sacramentals.”

Please pray along with me in this beautiful novena. I am requesting that in this novena all throughout the nine days which is to Jesus through Mary and Her blessed sacramental, the Miraculous Medal, that you ask for special help for the homeless and unfortunate and if you could, please keep my ministry in your prayers as well. Of course, we don’t want to forget to include France in this novena. The Blessed Mother Herself mentioned France to St. Catherine in one of Her apparitions to her when explaining the Miraculous medal.

Please add all of your own intentions in this powerful novena. Thank you in advance for praying for the homeless, for my encounters with them when I gift them with the “holy” scarves, that Our Lord would really speak to their hearts, and for whatever God’s holy Will might be in this regard.

Here is the novena prayer (but please continue to read the post below the prayers because there is more):

Novena of the Miraculous Medal

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy

   Spirit. Amen.

   Come, O Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your

   faithful, and kindle in them the fire of Your love. Send

   forth Your Spirit, and they shall be created. And You

   shall renew the face of the earth.

   Let us pray.

   O God, who did instruct the hearts of the faithful by

   the light of the Holy Spirit, grant us in the same

   Spirit to be truly wise and ever to rejoice in His

   consolation, through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.

   O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have

   recourse to you. (3 times.)

   O Lord Jesus Christ, who have vouchsafed to glorify by

   numberless miracles the Blessed Virgin Mary, immaculate

   from the first moment of her conception, grant that all

   who devoutly implore her protection on earth, may

   eternally enjoy Your presence in heaven, who, with the

   Father and Holy Spirit, live and reign, God, for ever

   and ever. Amen.

   O Lord Jesus Christ, who for the accomplishment of Your

   greatest works, have chosen the weak things of the

   world, that no flesh may glory in Your sight; and who

   for a better and more widely diffused belief in the

   Immaculate Conception of Your Mother, have wished that

   the Miraculous Medal be manifested to Saint Catherine

   Laboure, grant, we beseech You, that filled with like

   humility, we may glorify this mystery by word and work.



   Remember, O most compassionate Virgin Mary, that never

   was it known that anyone who fled to your protection,

   implored your assistance, or sought your intercession

   was left unaided. Inspired with this confidence, we fly

   unto you, O Virgin of Virgins, our Mother; to you we

   come; before you we kneel sinful and sorrowful. O Mother

   of the Word Incarnate, despise not our petitions, but in

   your clemency hear and answer them. Amen.

–   Novena Prayer

   O Immaculate Virgin Mary, Mother of Our Lord Jesus and

   our Mother, penetrated with the most lively confidence

   in your all-powerful and never failing intercession,

   manifested so often through the Miraculous Medal, we

   your loving and trustful children implore you to obtain

   for us the graces and favors we ask during this Novena,

   if they be beneficial to our immortal souls, and the

   souls for whom we pray. (Here privately form your

   petitions.) You know, O Mary, how often our souls have

   been the sanctuaries of your Son who hates iniquity.

   Obtain for us also a spirit of prayer and self-denial

   that we may recover by penance what we have lost by sin

   and at length attain to that blessed abode where you are

   the Queen of angels and of men. Amen.

   An Act of Consecration to Our Lady of the Miraculous


   O Virgin Mother of God, Mary Immaculate, we dedicate and

   consecrate ourselves to you under the title of Our Lady

   of the Miraculous Medal. May this Medal be for each one

   of us a sure sign of your affection for us and a

   constant reminder of our duties toward you. Ever while

   wearing it, may be blessed by your loving protection and

   preserved in the grace of your Son. O most powerful

   Virgin, Mother of our Savior, keep us close to you every

   moment of our lives. Obtain for us, your children, the

   grace of a happy death; so that, in union with you, we

   may enjoy the bliss of heaven forever. Amen.

   O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have

   recourse to you. (3 times.)

[from EWTN and appears in my book]


Novena of the Miraculous Medal (a shorter novena)

O Immaculate Virgin Mary,
Mother of Our Lord Jesus and our Mother, 
penetrated with the most lively confidence in your all-powerful and never-failing intercession, manifested so often through the Miraculous Medal,
we your loving and trustful children implore you to obtain for us the graces and favors we ask during this novena,
if they be beneficial to our immortal souls,
and the souls for whom we pray.
(Here form your petition)

You know, O Mary, how often our souls have been the sanctuaries of your Son who hates iniquity.
Obtain for us then a deep hatred of sin and that purity of heart which will attach us to God alone so that our every thought, word and deed may tend to His greater glory.
Obtain for us also a spirit of prayer and self-denial that we may recover by penance what we have lost by sin and at length attain to that blessed abode where you are the Queen of angels and of men.


You can also check this out at one of the popular Miraculous Medal Shrines (in Philadelphia) to follow along with what they are doing for the novena if you’d like.

THANK YOU again from the bottom of my heart for praying along with me this beautiful Miraculous Medal novena. I pray that Mother Mary may grant you many graces. I do hope that you are (or will) wear a blessed Miraculous Medal.

O, Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee. (the prayer that the Blessed Mother asked to be printed on each Miraculous Medal).

You can read the whole history of the Miraculous Medal, the Blessed Mother, and St. Catherine Laboure in my book: The Miraculous Medal, Stories, Prayers, and Devotions.


Saint Maximilian was someone who had a beautiful devotion to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal and would hand out blessed Miraculous Medals often also saw the medal as a means of expressing the Total Consecration of his followers to the Blessed Mother and was a means of safeguarding it. He added his own prayer to be said by those in the Militia Immaculatae (Knights of the Immaculate) group that he formed:

O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us
who have recourse to thee, and for all who do
not have recourse to thee, especially the enemies
of the Church and those recommended to thee.

Saint Catherine Laboure would pray this way:

“When I go to the Chapel I place myself before the good God and I say to Him: ‘Lord, here I am, give me what you will.’ If he gives me something, I am very pleased and I thank Him. If He gives me nothing, I still thank Him because I do not deserve anything. And then again, I tell Him all that passes through my mind; I recount my pains and my joys and…I listen. If you listen to Him, He will speak to you also, because with the good God it is necessary to speak and to listen. He will always speak to you if you go to Him simply and sincerely.”


Click on image to see more about the medals.

Very happy to visit my beloved friends, the Missionaries of Charity Sisters!

This morning I headed out with a healthy armload of beautiful hand-made scarves embellished with blessed medals which I had sewn on to each one. Here is a bit of information about this “holy scarf ministry.


The scarves that were all ready to go out this morning are shown here stacked up on this little rocker.

I decided that the first stop after my doctor’s appointment was to visit a Religious Order that is very near and dear to my heart–the Missionaries of Charity (Mother Teresa’s Order). So, after my appointment we headed over–my husband drove and I prayed many Hail Mary’s as my fingers glided over the beads of my Rosary with a passion. We were headed deep into an area of the city known for its crime. Though I knew this to be a certain reality, I also knew without doubt that we would be safe. God was with us.

A couple of times, as we drove along I pointed out various people to my husband who was intent on finding the address of the MC convent and was totally focused on that.

“There’s a little lady in a wheel chair. She could use a “holy” scarf.”

She continued wheeling down the sidewalk and my husband kept on driving–a man on a mission.

“There’s someone who looks very needy…” My voice trailed off. I wanted to offer the scarves to everyone. I continued on with my Rosary.

Our destination this day was the convent where I knew the Sisters would welcome the scarves for the poor and who would have direct contact with the most in need.

I spotted a church and we found the convent very near. My husband and I were greeted warmly by the Sisters upon arriving at the convent. I was surprised that I was recognized immediately when one sister called out my name. I wasn’t expecting that. I spent some time with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. I felt so much at home as I knelt there in quiet Adoration for a few moments. Peace entered my soul.

Then, when my husband came back inside after he had re-parked our vehicle closer to the convent, I prayed a prayer out loud quietly in the chapel while Dave stood by my side. I prayed for the Sisters, for all of the needs in that area, and for all who would receive the scarves. We then enjoyed a chat with the gracious and joyful Sisters.


If you have read any of my books you’ll know how much I appreciate those two poignant words, “I Thirst” painted on the MC chapel wall. I have observed those same two words painted on at least seven other MC chapels around the world. But, that might be another subject for another time.

For now, I’ll tell you that I was so happy to give the Sisters the “holy” scarves so that they could give them to the homeless and needy in their area. I let them know that I will be sending more scarves to them and that I’d visit again when I could.

We had to bid our good byes because I knew the Sisters needed to get back to their work.

“Come back anytime. You are welcome!” one Sister called out to us again as we made our departure down the front steps to our vehicle.

I’ll keep you posted about further journeys. I’ll keep scarves with me as I am out and about all throughout the cold Autumn days winter days ahead.

Pray for me please and all those I will meet who will receive these warm gifts. Thank you in advance!

“The 33” an inspiring movie is opening today!


From Alcon Entertainment and Warner Bros. Pictures comes the untold true story of “The 33.”


In 2010, the eyes of the world turned to Chile, where 33 miners had been buried alive by the catastrophic collapse of a 100-year-old gold and copper mine.  Over the next 69 days, an international team worked night and day in a desperate attempt to rescue the trapped men as their families and friends, as well as millions of people globally, waited and watched anxiously for any sign of hope.  But 200 stories beneath the surface, in the suffocating heat and with tensions rising, provisions—and time—were quickly running out.

A story of resilience, personal transformation and triumph of the human spirit, the film takes us to the Earth’s darkest depths, revealing the psyches of the men trapped in the mine, and depicting the courage of both the miners and their families who refused to give up.


Based on the gripping true story of survival—and filmed with the cooperation of the miners, their families and their rescuers—“The 33” captures the never-before-seen actual events that unfolded, above and below ground, which became nothing less than a worldwide phenomenon.

The international cast is led by Antonio Banderas, Rodrigo Santoro, Academy Award winner Juliette Binoche (“The English Patient”), James Brolin, and Lou Diamond Phillips, with Bob Gunton and Gabriel Byrne.  The cast also includes Mario Casas, Jacob Vargas, Juan Pablo Raba, Oscar Nuñez, Tenoch Huerta, Marco Treviño, Adriana Barraza, Kate Del Castillo, Cote de Pablo, Elizabeth De Razzo and Naomi Scott.

Patricia Riggen directed “The 33” from a screenplay by Mikko Alanne, Oscar nominee Craig Borten (“Dallas Buyers Club”) and Michael Thomas, based on the screen story by Oscar nominee José Rivera (“The Motorcycle Diaries”) and the book Deep Down Dark by Hector Tobar.  The film was produced by Oscar nominee Mike Medavoy (“Black Swan”), Robert Katz and Edward McGurn. Carlos Eugenio Lavin, Leopoldo Enriquez, Alan Zhang and José Luis Escolar served as executive producers.

The behind-the-scene creative team included cinematographer Checco Varese, production designer Marco Niro, editor Michael Tronick and Oscar-nominated costume designer Paco Delgado (“Les Misérables”).  The Academy Award-winning team of Alex Henning and Ben Grossmann (“Hugo”) supervised the visual effects.  The score was composed by Oscar winner James Horner (“Titanic”).

“The 33” was filmed on location in Chile’s harshly remote yet breathtakingly beautiful Atacama desert just kilometers away from where the event took place, and deep within two mines located in central Colombia.


“The 33” is a presentation of Alcon Entertainment, co-founded by CEOs Andrew A. Kosove and Broderick Johnson.  A Phoenix Pictures production, the film is being distributed domestically and in select international territories by Warner Bros. Pictures, a Warner Bros. Entertainment Company.  This film has been rated PG-13 for a disaster sequence and some language.

CHECK IT OUT: the33movie.com


Visiting on the airwaves with Barbara on EWTN’s “The Good Fight”!


I recently had the pleasure of speaking with and sharing my story and my memoir The Kiss of Jesus with the very sweet Barbara McGuigan on EWTN’s “The Good Fight.” We chatted for a whole two hours which was my longest radio interview yet!

In case you didn’t get to tune in you can listen here at your leisure. I hope you enjoy it. Get yourself a beverage and pull up a chair. You might be surprised at what you will hear.

So happy to offer “holy” scarves to the homeless!


The first two scarves have arrived!

“This is the fasting that I wish: Sharing your bread with the hungry, sheltering the oppressed and the homeless; Clothing the naked when you see them.” (Is 58:6-7)


I am so happy that the first donation of scarves has arrived! I recently started a ministry to the homeless called “Warming the Homeless with LOVE, Scarves, and Sacramentals.” I will be attaching a blessed Miraculous Medal and a blessed St. Benedict Medal (which has a full exorcism blessing on it) to each scarf.

I am praying that not only will the scarves help to keep the homeless warm this winter, but will also keep them protected, and even inspired due to the attached holy sacramentals. I plan to have the scarves (hats, and gloves) blessed ahead of time with holy water too. And when possible, blessed by a priest.

Here is the blog post in which I told about a homeless man named Andrew, the new ministry, and how one can donate new or gently used (and freshly washed) scarves, hats, or gloves that I will give out to the homeless.

You can share in this “Works of Mercy” ministry by praying about helping, praying for the ministry, and especially for the homeless. And, hopefully, by sending your donations of new or very gently used (and clean) scarves, hats, and gloves to me at: PO Box 773, New Milford, CT 06776.

ANOTHER WAY to join in this “Work of Mercy” is to get together in your own area with people who would like to crochet or knit scarves for the homeless. Imagine the beautiful fellowship that can unfold as you chat and pray, and knit or crochet away! I recommend that you start with a prayer when you gather together. Or, purchase or collect donations of scarves, gloves, and hats (or from your own closet) and attach blessed Miraculous Medals on them (and hopefully a blessed St. Benedict medal too). You can get them at my website or elsewhere. My medals have FULL blessings upon them. If you decide to do this, please let me know in the comments section, or you may email me: DMCOBoyle@aol.com.

Thank you very much in advance. God bless you!

PS Look what just arrived–a big box filled with homemade scarves!! I will get busy sewing the blessed medals onto these beautiful hand-made scarves.

Gorgeous homemade scarves donated to the ministry!



Please pray for me as I will be going out in a couple of days into a couple of big cities to gift these warm scarves to the needy.


So many beautiful scarves!







“Whatever you do to the least of my brothers you do to me.” (Matthew 25:40)

Heartfelt words from a woman on the path to healing

A woman just reviewed The Kiss of Jesus and disclosed that because of the book and God’s Infinite Grace, she is now on a path to healing. Praise God!

THE_KISS_OF_JESUS_3D_Cover_2“The inner most devastating details shared within this book spoke directly to my soul and have given me a real hope that God is with me…and also given me an understanding that this spiritual journey she presents (which is all too familiar) is purposeful and necessary in its purification of the soul perhaps or some other meaningful teaching that needs to be learned. I’m grateful for the courage Donna-Marie used to forge through revealing such painful experiences. I’m on a path to healing myself because of having read it and of course, more importantly thanks to God’s infinite grace.”

Let’s say a prayer for her and for all women experiencing difficulties and dark nights. May God bless them in great abundance!

Keeping my promise to call a “stranger.”


Two lovely women I know.

Guess who I called yesterday afternoon? Suzanne! She is the 88-year-old woman who called me by mistake a few weeks ago. We chatted for about an hour!

I’ll admit I was cleaning out a hall closet for part of the time as we spoke. But, I can multi-task. 🙂 And I paid full attention to her.

Finally, after an hour of chatting I needed to get off the phone and told Suzanne once again (I had tried a few times already) that I had better go. She then very enthusiastically told me that I had made her day by calling her! She thanked me over and over again. I told Suzanne that I was very happy to have chatted with her and I promised my prayers.

God is so good and I am thanking Him for the opportunity to reach out to this woman. Only He knows the reason that He arranged all of this. But I have no doubt that God has a plan. Mother Teresa would call this woman “Jesus in the distressing disguise.”

Here is a note about our first phone conversation when Suzanne called me by mistake when dialing a wrong number.

Instilling Holiness in our homes

1018_pgB1profile_500-255x255In a recent article in the National Catholic Register, Katie Warner quotes me (using my sentiments expressed to her in an earlier interview).

Katie writes:

“Ever since I was a little girl, I observed a bit of the ‘big Church’ inside little domestic churches,” author, EWTN host and new grandmother Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle reminisced. “My Polish grandmother’s home was adorned with sacred Catholic items. From pictures of the saints and images of her favorite — Polish Pope John Paul II — to rosary beads and crucifixes, my grandmother’s faith was easily perceived in her home. My mother followed in her mother’s footsteps, and I grew up with [the Catholic faith] inconspicuously woven into my life.”

O’Boyle continued to build upon the foundation that her grandmother and mother gave her in her own family, adorning her home with Catholic art and sacramentals, which for her serve as “holy reminders that help uplift one’s spirit and heart to God” in the midst of busy family life. “Placing visible signs of our faith throughout our Catholic homes will transform walls, brick and mortar into a beautiful domestic church,” she explained.

Furthermore, O’Boyle has noticed that the church of the home is a powerful place to evangelize others. “The sacred items and sacramentals that we are accustomed to in our home can spark a conversation about the faith with a visitor or even a complete stranger. A deliveryman ended up staying a short while because we became engrossed in a conversation about God. It all unfolded after he observed religious art in the foyer of my home. After that, he left with a big smile on his face and said, ‘Wow! This was really meant to be … I have never had this route before!’”


You can read the entire article here: http://www.ncregister.com/site/article/fostering-holiness/#ixzz3qRWHZF00


Warming the homeless with LOVE, scarves, and sacramentals.

My heart goes out to the needy and less fortunate–especially at this time of year. I always enjoy this beautiful season of Autumn. But, in my humble opinion, there is a problem with this glorious Fall season in my part of the world. It’s that winter and its freezing weather never fail to be not too far behind.

I am not particularly fond of the cold weather.  But, more than that, I am cIMG_4713oncerned for the poor and homeless who are cold and needy. 

The other day, I had a beautiful encounter with a couple of homeless men in which I offered a bit of monetary help and blessed sacramentals from our Church. I was very happy to see Andrew and his friend so that I could converse with Andrew again even briefly. I had met him a few weeks ago when I was passing through his town. That story is here. Perhaps you should take a look at that brief story first before continuing.

IMG_1843I had been hoping I’d see Andrew again when I would travel through that town. He had been in my thoughts and prayers. I wanted to see how he was doing and perhaps offer him a little something to eat, or a little money, or something to keep him warm.

In fact, with Andrew in mind, I dug around a bit in my hall closet and pulled out a scarf that my husband had not worn in years and I asked him if I could give it away to a homeless man. I thought I could bring it with me when we went back up to that area of Massachusetts. Well, Dave said he wanted to hang onto that particular scarf. So, I didn’t push the issue. But something was definitely brewing in my heart.

Recently, when passing through that area, I purposely strolled over to the area where I had met Andrew a few weeks ago. I was so delighted to see him again and I told him that I remembered that his name was Andrew.

He lit right up.

Then, he got right up from the sidewalk and reached into his pocket to pull out the blessed medals I had given him a few weeks ago. Wow. He said he always keeps them with him in his pocket. My heart was secretly soaring. And, I told him that I was happy that he still had the blessed medals. We chatted a few minutes and then I gave each of the homeless men a dollar bill. I handed the scruffy-looking man with the nose ring who was sitting next to Andrew, two of the same kinds of blessed medals that I had given to Andrew previously. He seemed very happy to receive them. I told him that they were powerful medals.

I pray that God blesses these men and all those who are living on the streets.

Sharing an Inspiration

I have an inspiration to do something to help keep our brothers and sisters warm. I would like to give warm scarves to the homeless that I will have attached blessed medals onto in advance. Of course, I’ll still be handing out the blessed medals to people I meet when I am inspired to do so. But, giving out the scarves is a way to help the needy to stay warmer, as well as have the protection of the blessed medals too.


Do you have a winter scarf hanging around? Maybe there are too many in your closet and it’s a good time to de-clutter. Would you like to donate a scarf to help keep someone warm?

Do you crochet or knit? Would you like to make a scarf for the homeless? Or perhaps you would like to buy a scarf for the homeless. If you’d like to help in some way, you can send your scarves to me at: PO Box 773, New Milford, CT 06776. I will add the blessed sacramentals (a Miraculous Medal and a St. Benedict medal that has the FULL exorcism blessing on it) to the scarves and give them to the homeless and will find ways to distribute them.

In addition, if you’d like to donate adult sized warm gloves or mittens, please feel free to send them along too.

ANOTHER WAY to join in this “Work of Mercy” is to get together in your own area with people who would like to crochet or knit scarves for the homeless. Imagine the beautiful fellowship that can unfold as you chat and pray, and knit or crochet away! I recommend that you start with a prayer when you gather together. Or, purchase or collect donations of scarves, gloves, and hats (or from your own closet) and attach blessed Miraculous Medals on them (and hopefully a blessed St. Benedict medal too). You can get them at my website or elsewhere. My medals have FULL blessings upon them. If you decide to do this, please let me know in the comments section, or you may email me: DMCOBoyle@aol.com.

God bless you for considering helping and also for praying for the homeless and less fortunate.

Remember that Jesus continually teaches us in the Gospel of Matthew: “Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.” (Matthew 25: 40).

AFTER POSTING ABOUT THIS MINISTRY, Aleteia interviewed me for an article. Check it out here.

Heartfelt words about The Kiss of Jesus

A woman recently shared her heartfelt thoughts on Face Book about how The Kiss of Jesus has changed her life. I am deeply thankful to God.

She said:

As one of those who Donna-Marie has helped make sense of a troubled life through her new book I encourage all to not only read the book but go to her website and read the blog tour. Also I recommend everyone to listen to this interview and all others there. The more blogs I read and interviews I listen to the more graces I receive from this book!! Donna-Marie has helped me deal with memories and deep sorrows from a difficult childhood, many life events, and poor choices I have made in my 60 years of life. Most importantly she has helped me realize my many blessings in my suffering and offering it all to God. I know going forward my relationship with God will not only improve but maybe I can even bring some blessings to others. This book and my friendship with Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle indeed has changed my life!

Chatting with The Catholic Foodie about The Kiss of Jesus


The-Catholic-Foodie-Show-Cover-FinalI recently had the pleasure of speaking with Jeff Young AKA the Catholic Foodie.

He writes: “I have wanted to have Donna-Marie join me here on The Catholic Foodie Show for quite a while, and the recent release of her new book provided the perfect opportunity. The Kiss of Jesus is the name of the book, published by Ignatius Press. In The Kiss of Jesus, Donna-Marie tells her story, the good and the bad. She doesn’t shy away from the dark corners. She tells her story because she knows that so many of us are suffering. We are hurting and we are trying to make sense of it all. We are trying to find God in the midst of it. Donna-Marie understands the power of stories, and she shares hers knowing that doing so might just give hope to you and to me. Listen now to our conversation. Full show notes are available at CatholicFoodie.com.


Jeff has recently interviewed me on his radio show. You can listen to that here.

The Kiss of Jesus Blog Tour Day # 16!








Today’s The Kiss of Jesus Blog Tour stop is over at The Snoring Scholar.

reinhard-sarahSarah begins with an excerpt of my book and then gets into some personal stuff:

I had been writing Catholic articles whenever I could fit them into my schedule. After careful reflection and prayer, I decided to retire from my preschool program and to devote myself to full-time writing. Mother Teresa and Father Hardon had encouraged me to continue writing. Mother Teresa had said that she prayed my writing would “do much good” and that I should do it “for the glory of God and the good of the people.” Father Hardon had given me positive feedback and had reminded me that “many mothers are overwhelmed” and need encouragement and inspiration.

After many years of storing away my writings in cardboard boxes, I heard from a publisher who asked if I would be interested in writing a prayer book for Catholic mothers. They had seen some of my writing in the past, and I was thrilled to be invited to write for them. Before long, I signed my first book contract and got to work. Dave was very supportive of my writing work, and I thoroughly enjoyed the writing process, praying as I wrote that God would use my words for His glory and to help and encourage mothers of all ages. I drew from some ideas I had during my long bed rest while pregnant with Mary-Catherine.

I’ll never forget the day that the copies of my first book arrived…


[see the entire blog post here]


Visiting with Sheila Liaugminas on the airwaves.


Sheila Liaugminas

I was blessed last night with the pleasure of speaking with Sheila Liaugminas on her great show “A Closer Look” on Relevant Radio. If you missed it, you can listen anytime here at your leisure.

It’s about a half hour show. Our segment starts at about the hallway point. So, feel free to slide the little marker down to the 25:41 time and start listening there. Or, listen to the whole thing knowing my interview is in the 2nd half.


The Kiss of Jesus Blog Tour Day # 14!


Today our The Kiss of Jesus blog tour stops at “Water Into Wine.”

Lisa writes:

“I love when a memoir provides both the shock of the unfamiliar and an intimate sense of shared humanity. Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle’s new memoir, The Kiss of Jesus: How Mother Teresa and the Saints Helped Me to Discover the Beauty of the Cross, does all of that and more.

With incredible courage, through the gripping story of her life, Donna-Marie reveals to her many fans that she is wounded, like they are. She has made mistakes, suffered from abuse and humiliating losses, lived in poverty, fought to protect her children and clear her name, and struggled alone as a single mom.

Walking in faith sometimes seems like walking in the dark. I seemed to grope blindly a lot throughout my life, but with a certainty, or at least a strong hope, that there would be light–somewhere. I needed to trust God fully with my life and I prayed to do so. When I found myself in darkness I continued to search for God there, and I strove to serve Him each day in the people He put around me, starting in my own family. (p. 116)

Life, she admits candidly, has not gone according to plan. But because she has persevered in handing it all over to God, step by step and day by day, it has all come right; and she has done more than just survive: she has triumphed by joining her own suffering to that of her crucified Lord:”

[See the entire review here]

The Kiss of Jesus Blog Tour Day # 12!


Today our blog tour stops at Catholic Mom. Lisa Hendey writes:

cm_logo_final_vertical-copy_300“I’ve lovingly called Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle a mentor and friend for over a decade. Her work has inspired, edified and blessed me in countless ways over those years. And while I’ve known for some time that Donna-Marie faced personal challenges along her spiritual journey, nothing could have hinted at the level of hardship she retells in her new memoir The Kiss of Jesus.

Why was I so surprised when I read this book? The reason comes from the love and peace that Donna-Marie exudes. When reading of her hardships over the course of so many years, one might imagine that a “victim” mentality or a bitter worldview would be the result of such suffering. But the truth of the matter is that Donna-Marie has found a key to peace and joy in her life: her faith in and love for Jesus Christ. Her ability to convey this life-changing love is what’s at the heart of  The Kiss of Jesus and it’s also what you feel when you meet this lovely author, speaker and television host in “real life”.  This is also what takes this book from being simply a “tell all” story and turns it into a major gift for anyone who has faced challenges and hardships along life’s path…”

[See the entire blog post here]