“Have you ever considered that you may well be part of God’s plan in bringing restoration and hope to others, healing and new life?
And have you ever considered that perhaps your sufferings and trials are the means God uses to fill you with His divine life that you might be that font of mercy for another?
Well, it’s not just possible, it is plausible. And here to tell us how God has used her travail to be a source of grace for others is our guest, Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle.”
“Do you recall the Via Dolorosa of Our Lord? That moment when He carried His cross through the streets of Jerusalem and up the hill to Calvary?
We can only imagine the intensity of the suffering He endured, the pain and travail that he experienced – physically, emotionally, psychologically, and yes, spiritually. But notice something more. Jesus was not alone on His way of the Cross. God’s providence was in play and there were others who sojourned with Him to bring Him aid and relief, consolation and solace, encouragement and strength.
And so it is with us. The Father always provides for us in the midst of our suffering. And He sends others to assist us as well, to help us discover the beauty of the Cross. Guest Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle knows this to be true. And today she is going to tell us about it.”
Here is the description from the Women of Grace website:
“Woman’s greatest gift is the gift of herself. Through her feminine charisms of receptivity, trust, and surrender, she demonstrates fully her Christ-likeness in the world. Be she professional woman in the world, mother of a family of ten, or religious sister or nun, woman is called to be mother.”
Today, we will talk about this graced charism of the feminine person with our guest, Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle.”
My visits with Johnnette B. Williams are airings this week on EWTN’s “Women of Grace” television.
The description for the series
“The common denominator of the human experience is suffering. We all experience it to greater or lesser degree, and if we haven’t experienced it yet, it is sure to come. After all, we live in a broken and fallen world surrounded by broken and fallen people.
So the question ought not to be. “Will I suffer?” We are assured of that. Rather the question ought to be, “What will I do when I suffer?” And the way we answer that question makes all the difference in the world.
This week’s guest on Women of Grace answered that question not once in her life, but many times over. And what she discovered was the cross, when embraced, holds abundant and beautiful treasures. In this 5 Part Women of Grace series, Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle will share with us how to Discover the Beauty of the Cross.”
Part 1 through Part 5 airing all week this week on EWTN television (1:00 PM and 11:00 PM Eastern)
Always a blessing to visit with Johnnette Benkovic!
“The Kiss of Jesus” is #4 in Biographies of Catholicism
By the way, Amazon just posted that my memoir “The Kiss of Jesus” is right now #4 in Biographies of Catholicism!
Number 4 right now on Amazon in Biographies of Catholicism!
You can get your autographed copy here!
A great Lenten read. You can order your autographed copy here.