I recently had occasion to take a look at the shows I did with Ralph Martin on “The Choices We Face” on EWTN television a few years back. I decided to post the shows here in this blog post. I hope you get a chance to watch them. I know full well that time is precious and it’s difficult to make the time to sit down and watch something. However, if I may say so myself, I heartily recommend that you watch them. Ralph and I spoke about Saint Faustina and the message of Divine Mercy and how important it is in our day and time. We spoke a bit about my crazy path in life. We talked about Our Lady of Fatima’s important message to us.
I think these are shows that will help those who may be struggling in some way and for those who desire ways to help others to get to Heaven. Feel free to share this blog post with your loved ones.
Ralph is an amazing Host and had so much to say. Absolutely inspiring! Let me know your thoughts in the comments and if I can pray for you. God bless you!
Donna-Marie in Part One: “A Hard Life Redeemed.”
Donna-Marie with Ralph Martin in “Two Sides of Mercy.”
On today’s Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord, I am so excited to announce for the first time my upcoming children’s book: “I Can Pray Anywhere”.
I love children and always want them to know the truth.
I wrote a book for little tots to teach them that they can pray anywhere they’d like. It’s no secret that rules exist at certain places, such as schools which attempt to forbid someone from praying. I’d like little ones (of all ages!) to know that no one can stop or prevent their prayers.
Their precious prayers are their intimate and private conversations with our Lord. No one can take them away from them. When children lift their hearts (even in silent prayer) to God, He hears their prayers!
I wrote this book to be a delightful read to the children and adult alike. It is very lighthearted and whimsical, all the while getting across the important teaching.
Here is a brief description of the book:
“With wonderful illustrations and a memorable rhyme, I Can Pray Anywhere teaches children that any moment is a good moment to pray! Prayer is not just for specific times and places, but for any and all times throughout the day. God is always listening and delights in hearing from us.”
You can order your book ($17.95 plus shipping) and be one of the first to enjoy this book. My book is due out in mid-August, but I will have early copies in early July!
Updated to say that the book has now officially released!
Order your autographed copy:
$17.95 plus shipping for inside the United States:
You can also see my book for sale here at Amazon and here at the OSV Bookstore. I also saw it available at Target and Walmart, as well as other places. Feel free to order from this page, or from my publisher (OSV KIDS), from Amazon, Target, Walmart, or your local heroic Catholic bookstore!
I recently had the pleasure of speaking with Ron Finn and Shayne Stanfield on Annunciation Radio. We shared a very meaningful conversation. Take a listen by clicking the image below.
Get your autographed copy of “30 Marian Eucharistic Visits” here
A brief description from EWTN: “Today’s guest offers inspired suggestions on what to pray about in Adoration, and a down-to-earth portrayal of St. Faustina, to whom Jesus entrusted the message of Divine Mercy.”
Enjoy at your leisure! And if you like it, please give it a “thumbs up” on Youtube!
I recently chatted with the Miracle Hunter. You can listen to our conversation: It is on the EWTN show page (aired 11/11/2023). Just click here and look for that date.
I was blessed, very happy, and honored to present on the life and spirituality of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska at the National Shrine of the Divine Mercy in Stockbridge, Massachusetts a few days ago on dear St. Fasutina’s feast day. It was wonderful to see all of the folks who came out to partake in the amazing graces of the day — many coming to my presentation, and asking many great questions during our Q&A following my talk. I thoroughly enjoyed having to have a chance to chat with them afterward at my book signing held at the Gift Shop.
Click on the video image below (from Instagram) if you would like to watch my presentation at the Saint Faustina Center at the National Shrine of the Divine Mercy in Stockbridge, Mass.
I was Johnnette William’s guest on EWTN’s “Women of Grace” show, discussing my new book “30 Marian Eucharistic Visits: Adoring Jesus with His Mother.” Here is Part One of our two episodes. You can check it out right here.
Officially releasing in September 2022, but I am making copies available to you right now (while supplies last)!
Click above image to learn more and to purchase an autographed copy (or use button below).
“Take an Advent journey with Joseph, Anne-Marie, and Grandmother! Together, you’ll discover the story of Christmas and get ready to welcome Jesus into your own heart and home. Beautifully illustrated, this gentle, loving introduction to the true meaning of Advent and Christmas by celebrated author Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle will become a beloved book for every family and revisited each holiday season.”
Praise for Christmas Joy with Grandma!
Great Children’s Book! It is not only a Christmas book, but an Advent book as well. Donna-Marie brings out the joy of family sharing, Advent-Christmas traditions, and the true meaning of Christmas. The smell of those Grandma’s homemade cookies exudes from each page. Read this book by a nice warm fireplace during Advent or Christmas!
Fr. Anthony Gramlich, MIC Assistant Rector of the National Shrine of the Divine Mercy
Everyone loves a story – and a story is a wonderful way to teach about Advent without making it feel like a lesson. Christmas Joy with Grandma! gives grandparents and parents a way to share with littles what they believe about Advent in an easily readable and beautifully illustrated way. A great way to share the joy of our Faith!
Kimberly Hahn, author of Life-Giving Love
Donna-Marie’s book, “Christmas Joy with Grandma!” is a treasure to behold; a gift to read and share. It draws you into a place of light, joy, and love. Donna-Marie makes the “real Christmas Story” come to life. Within charming text and colorful illustrations is a vital message on waiting, and preparing for the Christ Child. I look forward to reading this with my grandchildren. Highly recommended for children and adults!
Kathleen Beckman, Author, Speaker, Praying for Priests, A Family Guide to Spiritual Warfare, Beautiful Holiness
In this dizzying, high stress era of sound-byte driven, speed-of-light communications, Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle has written a simple, sweet and sincere story about the value of patience, the thrill of quiet anticipation, the beauty of grandparents, and the true meaning of family, love, and Christmas. Her new children’s book is an absolute delight!
Anthony DeStefano, Bestselling Catholic Author of A Travel Guide to Heaven, Our Lady’s Wardrobe, and Our Lady’s Picture Book
I recently had the blessing of a radio interview with Michael O’Neill on his show “The Miracle Hunter.” We had a very beautiful discussion about the history of the Miraculous Medal and also its relevance today. You might know Michael for this particular show and perhaps also for his television shows on EWTN.
I love his shows for he delves into rich history and comes up with amazing content to stir our hearts and inspire us to aspire to holiness!
Here’s a bit from the EWTN website: “‘Miracle Hunter’ Michael O’Neill delves into the fascinating world of miracles and takes listeners on a hunt that explores the greatest mysteries and marvels of the Catholic Church. From visions of the Virgin Mary and inexplicable medical healings through the intercession of Saints to the miracles of the Eucharist and those who bear the wounds of Christ, listeners will journey through the wonders that have inspired the fascination and faith of believers for centuries.”
Well, there was so much more I could say about the amazing sacramental — the Miraculous Medal, but alas, there’s only a certain amount of time on the radio! I hope you’ll get a chance to read my book, The Miraculous Medal: Stories, Prayers, and Devotions which you can see and order below. It is filled with much enthralling detail and many miraculous stories.
click book cover image (and then scroll down the “Book” page) to learn more.
The interview aired this past Saturday on EWTN radio but you can still listen on a share-able Soundcloud link here:
I had the blessing and pleasure of chatting once again with Chris Sparks on “Sparks of Mercy” podcast. We discussed a tough topic. You can read the episode details below.
It may be the hardest teaching Christ ever gave us: “love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you” (Lk 5:44). How do we live it? With her customary cheerfulness and down to earth practicality, author Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle takes the impossible into the realm of the commonsensical, offering practical advice on living loving mercy toward our enemies and so transforming our modern world. To order “Divine Mercy in a Woman’s Life: Milestones Along The Way” visit ShopMercy.org.
You can tune in at any time to listen to this recording. I suggest you get yourself a beverage and pull up a chair. It’s a 40 minute (or so) podcast.
June is the month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The Catechism teaches, “Jesus knew and loved us each and all during his life, his agony, and his Passion, and gave himself up for each one of us: ‘The Son of God … loved me and gave himself for me’ [Gal 2:20]. He has loved us all with a human heart. For this reason, the Sacred Heart of Jesus, pierced by our sins and for our salvation, ‘is quite rightly considered the chief sign and symbol of that … love with which the divine Redeemer continually loves the eternal Father and all human beings’ without exception” (CCC, 478).
Have a look at an excerpt of my book “52 Weeks with Saint Faust in a: A Year of Grace and Mercy.” You can read it here.
I have designed a “Pray for Ukraine Novena Prayer Cord,” using beads in the colors of the Ukraine flag, a St. Benedict Crucifix, a St. Michael medal, and pretty silver plated components to be used to pray a novena of prayer for Ukriane. The nine beads represent a Novena of prayer. The novena can be continual. You can use whatever prayer you would like to pray on the 9 beads. I recommend praying the St. Michael prayer.
This Novena Prayer Cord will come to you with a St. Michael prayer card and a velvet gift bag. Saint Michael is the Patron Saint for Kyiv, which is the capital of Ukraine. Get the Novena Prayer Cord blessed by a priest or deacon and it will become a powerful sacramental.
The Novena Prayer Cord will also be a prayerful reminder to pray for those in need. Five dollars from every Ukraine Novena Prayer Cord sold will be donated directly to efforts to help those most in need in Ukraine and to those who have fled.
Saint Michael Prayer
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
To receive 1 “Pray for Ukraine Novena Prayer Cord” by First Class Mail (in the U.S.), please use the payment button below:
To receive 1 “Pray for Ukraine Novena Prayer Cord” by Priority Mail (in the U.S.), please use the payment button below:
For 1 “Pray for Ukraine Novena Prayer Cord” outside the United States, please use payment button below:
Coming up on Saturday, March 19, St. Joseph’s feast day is the Dynamic Women of Faith Women’s Conference. It is being held virtually. You can see additional information here to learn more and to register. I have spoken in-person at one of the Women’s Conferences and also spoke virtually during the pandemic.
Standing with some of the beautiful moms and babies (born and unborn!) at the Dynamic Women of Faith Conference.
The founder of “Dynamic Women of Faith,” Dorothy Pilarski of Toronto, Canada took time out of her busy schedule to answer a few questions from me.
Donna-Marie: You have been doing this for sometime now, Dorothy. Why are you passionate about putting on these types of events?
Dorothy Pilarski: Donna-Marie, the reason I am so passionate about putting on these types of events is quite simply, because it changes lives. I remember the year my now husband proposed to me after a talk by Kimberly Hahn, at a Defending the Faith conference at the Franciscan University of Steubenville. It was a life changing and riveting experience. At that same conference I heard Dr. Alice von Hildebrand speak. Although I was raised a Catholic, (born in Poland on the same day May 18 as St. John Paul 11), I had never met women that were so rooted in their faith and spoke about it so articulately.
After attending that conference, I thought, Surely there have to be women like that in my own community! I set out to find them. Over the years, that process involved hosting Catholic events, starting http://www.DynamicWomenFaith.com and www.CatholicMomsGroup.com. Catholic women need to hear testimonies and learn about their Catholic faith. Our ministry is faith partners with the Archdiocese of Toronto under the pastoral care of His Eminence Cardinal Collins.
After years of hosting events for women, moms started approaching us saying that their daughters needed to hear these speakers, and so we introduced Calling ALL Girls. It’s been a very popular mother-daughter event. These events have also helped our ministry find Catholic Moms Group Leaders. It’s all been very exciting.
Donna-Marie: How long have you been doing this?
Dorothy: I have been hosting Catholic Moms Groups for over 25 years! Our partnership with the Archdiocese of Toronto is in our seventh year. The Dynamic Women of Faith conference is in it’s 13th year! We have ministered to thousands of women. At each of our live conferences we have given each participant a Miraculous Medal. We now have a membership community and training available for moms who want to start a Catholic Moms Group at their parish.
Donna-Marie: What have you observed in the people who attend and what have they said to you or to others?
Dorothy: Donna-Marie, you have spoken at our Dynamic Women of Faith conference. I just can’t wait to hear your talk this year!
We are thrilled to have you back a second time. You’ve also been on Midday Moms, our outreach to Catholic Moms during the pandemic. I have been a big fan of yours reading at least a dozen of your books. You see how these events and books change lives, as do the Miraculous Medals. Working in hosting these events is like planting seeds. Exposing women, like in my own case, who might have been cultural Catholics and showing them that there is more!
Donna-Marie: Yes, for sure these events are life-transforming as are the blessed sacramentals. Thank you very much for your kind words about my books and speaking, Dorothy. I am very much looking forward to speaking at this event. I pray that God will continue to bless you and your family and all those who will attend the events and all whom are touched by the ministry. God bless you!
Dorothy has graciously provided this link below to view our video chat “Wisdom for a Mother’s Heart” during her “Midday Moms” program during the pandemic. I hope you enjoy it if you get a chance to see it.
Dorothy Pilarski hopes you will register and be blessed by this amazing conference! I hope you’ll check it out. It’s reasonably priced and conveniently virtual.
I was inspired to create this prayer cord because a very dear friend of mine, who is dying asked me to make a cord of prayer beads for her. She loves the Mother Teresa Emergency Novena Prayer Bracelet that I had sent to her. However, she just recently desired a cord of beads, as well.
As I was making it for my special friend, I decided that I should make more of them so that it will be available for others who would like to purchase it for themselves or for loved ones. It’s a tangible item that becomes a sacramental after it is blessed. It can bring comfort to those who desire to pray earnestly for urgent matters in their own lives, their family’s life, or for some other reason. It has a very nice feel to it and you can keep it in your pocket, purse, back pack, or on your night table.
The crucifix I have used has a St. Benedict medal as part of it. So, I have had the crucifixes blessed with a full exorcism blessing. This Mother Teresa “Emergency” Novena Prayer Cord is suitable for anyone, but I think especially for women because of the feminine design. I have another design in mind that will be less flowery and I hope to make it soon.
Don’t worry with regard to the men! I just designed two other kinds of Novena Prayer Cords for men, but with St. Joseph the Worker as the theme. I’ll post it very soon!
This special Novena Prayer Cord measures approximately 10 1/4 inches in length. I recommend getting it blessed by a priest or a deacon after receiving it. It will still retain the special exorcism blessing already on the crucifix (which is my gift to you).
Comes with lovely velvet bag and prayer card
Memorare prayer on back of card.
It sells for $35.99 plus shipping. Or, two for $66.99!
To receive by First Class Mail (in the U.S.), please use the payment button below:
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To purchase 2 for $66.99, with First Class postage, please use payment button below:
To purchase 2 for $66.99 with Priority Mail Postage, please use payment button below:
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“Sweetie, I’m proud of you, but you’re going to have to start drinking coffee again.” These were the endearing words of a devoted husband and father one Saturday morning as he came to a realistic conclusion. His dear wife had given up coffee that week as a form of penance. Despite her best efforts, by the end of the week, the whole family was thoroughly convinced that this loving mom absolutely needed her coffee!
She admits that she got just a bit cranky. Can we blame her? Her young toddler was cutting 4 molars at once and this exhausted mom was trying her very best to cope without sleep and without coffee!
“Moms and mortifications,” as our title points out. Yet, can we actually say both in one sentence? Can busy Moms who are striving for holiness actually carry out mortifications or offer penances? It’s important to ponder.
Let’s take a quick look at the vocation of motherhood in order to accurately answer that initial question. Then, I will get into some ways in which mothers can offer and grow in holiness while heeding some amazing advice from Heaven!
Let’s dive in!
Saying, “Yes” to the miracle of human life begins a wondrous, yet mysterious journey for a woman. We simply cannot see into the future and therefore, we absolutely need to wholeheartedly trust God for His holy will. He knows what is best for our lives. And so, with a faithful heart, we move forward, amid a bit of trepidation and mystery — but always wrapped in holy prayers of hopeful surrender.
Every pregnancy is unique. Every single beautiful human life is unrepeatable.
Some of these precious babies are never placed in their loving mother’s arms. That is, because they were suddenly whisked away to Heaven through miscarriage. Countless mothers have empty and aching arms. Still, these babies’ lives were so important and are now in Heaven praying for their families.
Plenty of women experience great pain within the loss of life in another way. That is, through the often devastating cross of infertility. However, hopefully, through God’s loving grace and Mercy, at some point, they might embrace their child through the generosity of adoption.
Every mother is a hero. Whether biological or adoptive, she will sacrifice her life for her child. After all, women are gifted by God Almighty — to be receptive, to be nurturing — to love and care deeply. Once a woman becomes a mother, she no longer simply cares for herself and her husband. There is a new special little someone to love and nurture. Sleepless nights, exhausted days, and joys overflowing are a few guarantees in her new life. A mother will do anything required to protect, care for, and nurture her child.
She suddenly begins to lead a sacrificial life.
At times, she might be convinced that she can’t go on for even one more minute because of sleep lost when her baby is teething or is up at night going through a growth spurt or illness. A mother might lose her patience over the rowdy misbehavior of older children. Add to that, household routines are forever disrupted, as naps become a thing of the past, and all hands are needed on deck, and maybe even an extra pair of eyes on the back of our heads too, to protect our precious monkeys!
Some mothers endlessly daydream about taking a nap. I sure did!
Older children keep mothers on their toes and ultra attentive to the dangers of the culture. These moms are forever protecting their children from evil influences and making sure these ideologies which are contrary to their Faith do not steal into their domestic churches. In addition, moms with careful eagle eyes, watch over everything being taught, as well as who and what might be influencing her children by peddling clever lies and temptations presented in the form of “sparkly gifts,” which can yank the children from their Faith.
We can honestly say that a faithful mother can never let her guard down. No wonder mothers are so tired.
Heroic mothers are also called by God to raise His very special children. Those who require extra care. Those sweet children who are chronically ill or handicapped in some way.
I have only briefly highlighted just some of the facets and gifts in a devoted Christian mother’s life to set an important backdrop and to give encouraging affirmation to moms. I’m sure you are well aware of many more. I don’t think we will have any arguing over the fact that faithful mothers have their hands and hearts full. Theirs is a very sacrificial role.
Let’s now take a look at some comforting messages from Heaven that can speak to everyone, and especially to busy moms.
Help from Heaven
Allow me to ask the question. How can engaged (and exhausted!) mothers offer penance? Truth be told, I am ALL for offering penances and doing mortifications. I know it’s what Heaven asks for and truly needs for the conversion of sinners. In addition, the benefits in offering sacrifices are undoubtably fruitful for our own spiritual health and growth in holiness.
However, I believe that a mother in the trenches is already doing a lot of penance in simply showing up! Her love and devotion shown to her family in a myriad of ways is, as I have described earlier, most times, very sacrificial. She gives of herself, her time, her energy, and even her feminine figure to house a little bambino for nine months in the womb. Need I say more?
Because moms might be in survival mode and stretched to the limit with regard to demanding schedules and responsibilities, I want to offer a bit of help from Heaven for those mothers who are contemplating doing extra penances and offering mortifications. I want to remind them of a very important way to offer — one they might not have realized or considered.
Do you remember what the Fatima visionaries: Lucia, Francesco, and Jacinta learned from Our Lady of Fatima? Let’s begin with that. Our Blessed Mother instructed them to pray the Rosary every day for peace in the world and to offer prayers and penances for the conversion of sinners.
At the first apparition on May 13, 1917, our Holy Mother asked the children if they were willing to offer their suffering to God, as the Angel of Peace had taught them, “As an act of reparation for the sins by which He is offended and of supplication for the conversion of sinners.” They immediately told her they were willing.
Later on, Lucia would say that this was the most important request of Our Lady of Fatima. That is, that we are all called to offer all of our unavoidable daily suffering as an act of reparation and conversion of sinners.
I will get back to this “unavoidable daily suffering” and how it might help the moms.
Lucia would later recount that the Angel of Peace really helped her understand the intrinsic value of sacrifice and how it is very pleasing to God. I think it’s wonderful to know that because of our offered penances and sufferings, God grants the grace of conversion of sinners.
Sinners Need Prayers
Allow me to bring up, ever so briefly, the subject of Hell for a moment. In addition to the incredible teachings from Our Lady and the Angel of Peace, Mother Mary also showed the 3 young shepherd children a most frightening vision of Hell so that they would be sure of the reality of Hell and the consequence for sin. This was so they could teach it to the world through their fervent prayers for the conversion of sinners.
You might also know that St. Faustina was shown a very gory vision of hell and testified to it in her Diary. It shook her to the core. She noticed that most of the suffering souls in Hell were ones that had not believed in its existence!
Remember, Our Lady of Fatima told the children, “Many souls go to Hell because there are none to sacrifice themselves and pray for them.” Therefore, we know without a doubt that it is a charitable and important task to do all we can to save souls. The little innocent children stepped right up to the plate to pray the prayers that Our Lady of Fatima and the Angel of Peace had taught them and they offered penances for the conversion of sinners.
The Angel of Peace gave very clear instructions to the children with regard to offering penance. I think it’s so important to ponder his words. He said:
Offer prayers and sacrifices constantly to the Most High. Make of everything you can a sacrifice, and offer it to God as an act of reparation for the sins by which He is offended, and in supplication for the conversion of sinners. You will thus draw down peace upon your country. I am its Angel Guardian, the Angel of Portugal. Above all, accept and bear with submission, the suffering which the Lord will send you.
Make of everything you can a sacrifice, and offer it to God as an act of reparation for the sins by which He is offended, and in supplication for the conversion of sinners.
Angel of Peace
How does this all speak to the moms in the trenches of motherhood? I will emphasize what I believe to be a couple of indispensable things he said. “Make of everything you can a sacrifice, and offer it to God as an act of reparation for the sins by which He is offended, and in supplication for the conversion of sinners,” he said.
That means, just what he said: EVERYTHING! Our daily duty, our sleepless nights, the little pin pricks, the challenges, the criticisms, the doubts, discouragement, contradictions, sickness, sufferings, and any little thing offered lovingly to God! It all becomes important prayers in the form of sacrifices. Yes, it is all transformed into prayer!
The Angel said, “Above all, accept and bear with submission, the suffering which the Lord will send you.” This is so important. Let us ponder it deeply in our hearts. Can we “bear with submission” all of the stuff we endure? I’m not suggesting that we should become a door mat or that we should not right a wrong. I’m talking about “the suffering the Lord will send…” That is precisely what we need to bear with submission and offer to God.
If we can keep these words from Heaven in mind and put them into practice each day, we will be on the right track. I have no doubt. Every loving offering can be powerful. The negative becomes positive! God takes our suffering and redeems it for His glory and the conversion of sinners. God is our Divine Physician and knows exactly what we need and when we need it.
Each Morning
Mothers can begin each day afresh (exhausted or not!) with an earnest Morning Offering in their own words or a formal version. We can add the beautiful “Pardon Prayer” taught by the Angel of Peace at Fatima: “O my God, I believe, I adore, I hope and I love Thee; and I beg pardon for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not hope and do not love Thee.” This is very powerful and takes just a few brief minutes.
However, I believe that in that short time, we are beginning our day on a holy note — stepping out on the right foot — even if we’ve hit the ground running that morning. We are handing the reins over to Jesus! Our heart and soul can be earnestly and lovingly raised to God in that short morning prayer. In essence, we are telling God that we give EVERYTHING to Him in advance of our day.
A mother can offer to our Lord all of her prayers, works, sufferings and trials that might unfold that day, together with all of the amazing moments of joy, for love of God, for the conversion of sinners and in reparation for the sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary, as Our Lady specifically requested.
Throughout the day, any time a challenge unfolds, a mother can pray that beautiful prayer: “O Jesus, it is for love of Thee, for the conversion of sinners, and in reparation for the sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary.”After awhile, the loving prayer swiftly ascends from our hearts and rolls off our lips. If you can’t remember the exact words, it’s okay!
Meaningful Mortifications
If you’re still hoping for a few extra ways in which to offer penance to God and don’t know quite how to carry it out, consider doing simple yet meaningful mortifications. For instance, getting up a bit earlier, taking a shorter shower or bath, not offering your opinion (when it’s not necessary), praying an extra Divine Mercy Chaplet or Rosary for sinners, giving up a dessert, a glass of wine, a beer, a cup of tea, or coffee (but maybe not ALL coffee, as we learned above!). And perhaps, not everything all at once! I think you get the idea. Little things carried out with great love and prayer are very pleasing to God.
“Little things” were also very special to the “Little Flower,” a.k.a. St. Thérèse, whose feast day is October 1. Thérèse deeply endeavored to do many small things with great love. She felt she wasn’t capable of doing great things and realized that our Lord was pleased with her little things.
Thérèse felt she wasn’t capable of doing great things and realized that our Lord was pleased with her little things.
My friend and spiritual mother, dear Mother Teresa followed in St. Thérèse’s footsteps and also preached about the little things — about doing ordinary things with extraordinary love.
As I mentioned earlier, when answering, “Yes” to the miracle of human life as a mother, we begin a wondrous and mysterious holy journey. We do not know what tomorrow will bring (or even 5 minutes from now!). We absolutely need to wholeheartedly trust God for His holy will. He knows what is best for our lives. And so, we move forward, amid a bit of trepidation — but always wrapped in holy prayers of hopeful surrender.
Sacrifices and mortifications are already woven all throughout a mother’s sacrificial life. We accept and we also surrender; according to God’s holy will. We must not forget that God sees every single bead of sweat on our brows and is fully aware of our sleepless nights, as well as any worry troubling our hearts. He is a God of great Love and Mercy.
We shouldn’t be so hard on ourselves if we are not able to offer ginormous things to God. Rather, we should strive to do everything we can with great love and we can be sure that God will be pleased. He surely knows our hearts.
My mother and me
As time rolls on, children grow up, seasons change, and many other opportunities to offer penance are presented to us. Let us offer every single little and big thing to God throughout our lives. By God’s amazing grace, He will help us lead our children and grandchildren to Heaven!
You know, at times, for me, writing books is like taking “truth serum.” You might laugh. However, when I earnestly pray and deeply desire to help others get to Heaven by sharing Church teachings and amazing stories of the Saints, I often end up disclosing something very personal. It just comes out as I am steeped in prayer and writing for the greater glory of God. I thought I’d tell you that.
You see, just today, I happened to come across something I wrote a few years back. You might know that I have written many books. Sometimes, it’s hard for me to remember everything I have said. Then, if I get the occasion to read part of my own writing, sometimes I am surprised that I shared certain things. Again, it is always done in an attempt to inspire others to strive for holiness and an encouragement for them to help others get to Heaven.
I’ll share the Preface of my book Our Lady of Fatima: 100 Years of Stories, Prayers, and Devotions with you now. The words that popped out at me today are about my experiences with Mother Teresa a.k.a. St. Teresa of Calcutta”
Above is a beautiful picture that Mother Teresa gave to me with a long note on the back. You might notice that there’s a reflection of a cross on Mary’s veil. It just “happened” to show up as I was holding the image Mother Teresa had given to me. A cross on the wall of my office reflected upon the glass frame. No coincidence here!
Ninety-nine years ago, Our Blessed Mother’s great love for her children was manifested in her appearance to three young peasant children on the rocky hillside in Fatima, Portugal. During this, her first appearance, the Blessed Virgin Mary asked the children to pray the rosary for the conversion of sinners. Mary specifically instructed, “Pray the rosary every day, in order to obtain peace for the world, and the end of the war.”
As I type these words, my heart is bursting to share this important and most essential message given us from heaven. I have always loved the Blessed Mother and feel very fortunate to have been raised in the Catholic faith, knowing about our Mother in Heaven. My dear friend and spiritual mother, St. Teresa of Calcutta, whom I was privileged to know for ten years and who was very close to the Blessed Mother, encouraged me to turn to Mary often with this simple prayer.
“Mary, Mother of Jesus, be Mother to me now.”
Mother Teresa often prodded me to “bring others to Jesus through Mary.” In the almost two dozen letters she wrote to me, she frequently mentioned Mother Mary. In one she said, “Pray to Our Lady—pray the rosary very fervently, cling to Our Lady. She will surely lead you to Jesus to know His will for you.” A couple of years ago, I had the most amazing and beautiful dream on the night of the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, in which St. Teresa of Calcutta appeared to me and very clearly asked me if I was offering my sufferings and sacrifices. I exuberantly told her, “Yes!” But immediately after I uttered that word of affirmation to her, I was made to know that there is so much more to offer.
Recently, I took out my notebook filled with Mother Teresa’s letters, which had been lovingly typed to me on an old typewriter. Some letters of the alphabet were typed so gloriously askew, a sign of the age of the typewriter and of the faithful and frail woman whose holy passion inspired her to sit and type away, long after her duties of the day were completed. Every one of Mother Teresa’s letters to me pierced my heart with a tender love that cannot be articulated. In seeing them again, some took on new meaning and implication as I read them slowly, meditating upon the words.
In October 1987, she wrote, “Please continue praying and offering your sufferings for our Mother—she needs it most now.” All these years later, I understand more clearly what Mother Teresa was asking of me.
As my spiritual mother’s heart overflowed with passion to encourage me to know the Mother, so my heart longs to encourage you through the story of Our Lady of Fatima. I pray that as you read through the history and heavenly messages of one of the most popular and prophetic of all Marian apparitions in Church history, you will grow closer to the Blessed Mother who always leads souls closer to her Son Jesus. I am praying to the Blessed Mother and asking the intercession of Blessed Francisco, Blessed Jacinta, and Lucia to pray for me as I write this book and for each person who will read this book so that they will be deeply transformed and moved by grace!
I hope and pray that you, dear reader, will become more prayerful and interested in doing your part to bring about the conversions of sinners through your prayers and offerings of sufferings and mortifications for the glory of God. This what Our Lady of Fatima has asked of us.
Jesus and his Mother Mary await generous souls who are willing to make reparation for all those who are in danger of losing their souls to hell. Will you be a generous soul?
Let us pray to the Immaculate Heart of Mary for all of the graces that we need to be a brilliant light and a holy comfort to others each and every day in this darkened and sometimes frightening world. Don’t forget to offer your sufferings to God and to make sacrifices to save souls.
Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, Our Lady of Fatima, our dear Mother in Heaven, please pray for us. Please help our world! We are comforted knowing that your Immaculate Heart will triumph.
Yours in prayer and in Christ’s love,
Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle
May 13, 2016 Feast of Our Lady of Fatima
I’ll repeat the part that popped out at me today:
“A couple of years ago, I had the most amazing and beautiful dream on the night of the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, in which St. Teresa of Calcutta appeared to me and very clearly asked me if I was offering my sufferings and sacrifices. I exuberantly told her, ‘Yes!’ But immediately after I uttered that word of affirmation to her, I was made to know that there is so much more to offer.”
Yes, dear Reader, there is SO much more to offer … Heaven waits for our prayers and offerings to help save souls.
God bless you!
ORDER Our Lady of Fatima: 100 Years of Stories, Prayers, and Devotions NOW for $15.99 plus shipping.
Thank you for your letter. I hope that you are well. I’m glad that you wrote I’ll try to answer your questions and I hope it will be helpful to you …
You stated in your letter that I have a “ridiculously long name.” Let’s start with that. My first name is “Donna-Marie.” My mother placed a hyphen in my name when she named me and when baptized because she liked the name that she gave to me and was hoping that the hyphen would prevent people from shortening my name. I don’t mind if people call me “Donna” or “Donna-Marie.” I am perfectly fine with either.
Many years ago, when my first book was going to be released for Catholic mothers titled, “Catholic Prayer Book for Mothers,” I decided to use my full first name for the book, rather than just simply “Donna” as others had shortened it to. I did it to honor my dear deceased Mother.
I decided to keep my maiden name of “Cooper” in order to show honor to my dear deceased father. And my last name, “O’Boyle” is to honor my dear husband.
You asked me what makes me “feel important.” I don’t feel important. I do feel deeply blessed to be a daughter of the Most high God.
You asked, “Who” am I “to give spiritual advice? What qualifies you? Nothing!”
I am a Catholic woman, a wife, a mother, a grandmother, an author, a catechist, and an evangelist. I am no better than anyone else. However, I have been asked to share my insights, advice, and teachings. I do so because I love our Lord and want to serve His people.
You stated, “All you do is prattle on to people to pray. Isn’t that brilliant?!”
I don’t think it’s brilliant. Rather, it is out of love that I encourage others to pray. I know by faith and our Church’s teaching that it is the only way to Heaven. I want to share that with as many as possible.
Yes, you are correct. St. Jacinta and St. Francisco were sick. They were very sick. I have never said that they had a “mysterious illness.” However, I do share with people that through their sincere and earnest prayers; following requests from Our Lady of Fatima, they suffered with much love and courage for the conversion of souls. They had been shown a vision of hell by the Blessed Mother and did not want anyone to suffer the terrible fate of burning in hell. Yes, hell exists and there is a consequence for sin. And prayer (as was mentioned above), is essential for everyone. It helps our own souls and the souls of others.
You stated that I am “making money on religion and spouting holiness.” It seems that you might have come up with your questions and comments after seeing me or hearing me in interviews. I suspect you have seen me on EWTN television sharing about Fatima and the shepherd children. You did send your letter to EWTN, after all.
I do not get paid anything for my appearances on the media to share about the Gospel and God’s love, the spiritual life, etc. I don’t get paid for any of the television series that I have created and that I host on EWTN television. It is out of love for God and His people that I share.
You stated that Catholics are not required to believe in Fatima or Lourdes, etc. You are correct in that we are not required. However, the Church in Her goodness and wisdom points us to the authentic powerful apparitions that will aid our souls.
You asked, “Why do we need another book on St. Faustina? Well, to try to put it succinctly, God’s Divine Mercy is so very important to every single person. We need God’s Mercy! Saint Faustina is a wonderful and perfect spiritual guide to help us to understand it more.
You stated, “You drop names all the time — Mother Teresa, Fr. Apostoli, John Hardon. Whoop-de-do!”
When someone is sharing about another’s example and holiness, it would be wise to state their name, wouldn’t it? I share about the Saints quite often. They are our sure intercessors. They help us to get to Heaven!
I hope that my letter to you will be helpful. I wish you well and I am praying for you to feel better. You seem to be upset and hurting. May God profoundly touch your heart and soul in a special way. God bless you!
I am in quarantine at home with my husband. We are both very sick with C*v*d. I am not even going to spell out the name of the illness because I have noticed that when that word is mentioned on social media, the “powers that be” automatically insert links to various information (propaganda??) about it. They do the same for political posts.
That aside, as I lay feverish in bed last night, I thought I would attempt to write a short blog post each day of my quarantine during this awful illness. I have no idea what I will write about, or if I’ll have the strength to do so. However, I shall try. Perhaps, just a few words or brief reflection each day.
We shall see how it goes.
Well, first off, today is not technically “day one” of my quarantine. But, I guess it’s “official” now. My husband and I have been quarantined since the afternoon of New Year’s Day/Solemnity of the Great Mother of God. That is when the terrible onset of my husband’s illness came on with great gusto.
Chills, high fever, cough and congestion descended upon him without mercy. I took care of him and we hoped and prayed for the best. We didn’t know if it was a virus, flu, or the dreaded C*v*d. The illness progressed with great vigor while we tried to steady the ship in that stormy sea of fever and pain.
I think I should insert a link here to my latest newsletter that explains what led up to now. You can read the brief newsletter here and then continue with this blog post.
Two nights after my husband’s onset of illness, I succumbed to the same illness. The terrible unnerving chills, high fever and deep bone pain assaulted me. After getting my husband settled for the night and getting into bed with a raging fever (even with 3 Advil under my belt,) I hung tightly to my rosary beads and pleaded with Our Lord and Our Lady to get me through the night, and if it is God’s holy will, to enter the new day with a renewed strength in which to to take care of my husband.
Thanks be to God, my fever was down in the morning. The symptoms progressed, but I was able to care for my husband who was pretty bad off with coughing and congestion. I put another call in to the doctor’s office to get set up tests for the dreaded C*v*d.
We had a virtual appointments with the doctor and my husband and I were scheduled for the testing the following day.
I’ll stop there for now, because I want to share a wee bit from last night before my weakness and pain causes me to log off my computer…plus, I do need to muster my strength to make my way to the kitchen to figure out something for us to eat…
I’m back to this blog post now. Turns out that I had to take time away from this writing due to exhaustion and various C*v*d symptoms.
So…back to last night…
When fever and pain awakened me around 3:00 AM, I took my temperature and learned that the fever was back and after taking some more Advil, I opened my night stand drawer to bring out my mother’s Bible that I had kept in there for safe keeping. I hadn’t cracked it open in quite some time. It was the perfect time to do so. I propped up my pillows and began reading from the Psalms which I had flipped opened to.
I read a few pages and ended on:
Take courage and be stouthearted, all you who hope in the Lord” (Psalm 31:25).
I placed my mother’s Bible back into the drawer of my nightstand. I blessed myself with Holy Water and laid back down and prayed that I could get some more sleep.