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March has been a busy month–making my way through Lent and giving Lenten talks in various places. One was in Lafayette, LA.
Donna-Marie attending an evening event in Lafayette with Pastor Fr. Michael Russo and EWTN’s Johnnette Benkovic.
While attending the evening event, Donna-Marie “bumped into” Fr. Peter John Cameron, O. P. the Editor in Chief of Magnificat Magazine.
Another event was in Toronto, Canada. I key noted there and gave two talks.
Donna-Marie speaking about demands for perfection women face and a mother’s call to holiness at the Dynamic Women of Faith conference in Toronto, Canada
It was wonderful meeting the hundreds of women gathered together to nourish their faith.
Taking a moment to pose with a sweet Sister of Life who also gave a talk at the conference.
A speaking event in Naples, Florida, Mother Angelica’s passing, Sunday Night Prime
Now that Easter has just passed, I must gear up for speaking to a wonderful group of Catholic women in Florida later this week. Please keep me in your prayers. Please also pray for all of the women who will attend the event in Naples, Florida as well as all of the women who have attended the events this month.
Just yesterday on Easter Sunday, EWTN’s Mother Angelica passed on to her Eternal Reward. As sad as it is that she is no longer with us, I think it is very beautiful that she was taken home to heaven on Easter Sunday. She will be sorely missed, but no doubt, she will be working even harder from her post in heaven to bring souls to the Lord.
Here is an article in which I was quoted.
Coming up very soon is my appearance along with the wonderful Fr. Andrew Apostoli on EWTN’s Sunday Night Prime on April 3rd and 4th.
On this show, we are discussing the holy Angels for the second time. This show will be a kind of continuation of our first show. I hope that you can tune in. Here is a bit more information about the show.
Even throughout my busyness, I am still very inspired to create my Prayerfully Hoping & Expecting novena bracelets to celebrate and pray for human life. Each bracelet contains nine beads to represent a novena as well as the nine months of a pregnancy. They are for every woman. They can be prayed on for your unborn baby and yourself, to conceive a child, for adoption, for your children and grandchildren, and for all unborn babies to not be killed in abortion. New designs are continually crafted and are available for purchase from my webiste.
Here are just a few of the new designs here. You can check out others here at my website.
I am also happy to mention that the EWTN’s Religious Catalogue carries my bracelets in their catalogue. I have created an exclusive design for them called “Bracelet For Life.” It’s here: