New Review of my new book!

Author Maria V. Gallagher has this to say for her review:

Author Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle once again proves herself a master of Mariology with her latest work, Our Life, Our Sweetness, and Our Hope! Jubilee Pilgrims of Hope with Mary.

Donna-Marie excels in demonstrating how the Blessed Mother personifies hope–the kind of hope that helps us to cast our eyes heavenward. She explores various aspects of Mary’s life, from the Annunciation to the Crucifixion, showing Mary’s enduring faith and trust in her Creator.

The author also cites various Apparitions as evidence of the Blessed Virgin Mary offering hope to a number of pilgrims along the way. The result is a comprehensive account of Mary’s influence throughout the Christian era.

Donna-Marie is also a messenger of the miraculous, detailing ways that the Blessed Mother has intervened to bestow love to her children. In this way, she has created a powerful case for veneration of the mother of God.

Read this book and chances are your relationship with Mary will be greatly enhanced!

Click here or on book cover image above to learn more about the book and to order your autographed copy.

COVER REVEAL: I have very exciting news to share!

I was asked by my publisher Marian Press (based in Stockbridge, Mass) to write a book for the Great Jubilee Year of Hope in our Church which occurs in 2025. My newest book is titled: “Our Life, Our Sweetness, and Our Hope: Jubilee Pilgrims of Hope with Mary” and is due to be released very soon!

It is a true labor of love! Thanks to my very kind publisher, working hard and putting my book on a very fast track, it will be released in time for the Great Jubilee of Hope, but also in time for your Christmas gift-giving!

I’ll share a few secrets below. . . .

A few secrets!

Just very quickly for now, I’ll let you in on a few secrets: 

  • I have used a word in this book that I have never ever used before in any of my previously published books! And I have over 35 books out thus far! To be honest, I was a bit surprised that it wasn’t edited out! 🙂
  • In my new book, I have revealed many very personal stories (some I didn’t plan to share) 
  • I have also shared many compelling true stories, which might keep you on the edge of your seat. 
  • But, very simply put, my new book is ALL about HOPE and how Mama Mary helps us! 

Cardinal Dolan of New York has said about this book: 

One of the devil’s most cunning tricks is trying to lead us to

despair, to believing that we are beyond God’s redemptive grace.

Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle’s fine book, Our Life, Our Sweetness,

and Our Hope! is a welcome reminder that our Blessed Mother

is always there for us, and a constant source of hope, encourage-

ment, and companionship towards a closer relationship with her

Son, Jesus.

— His Eminence, Timothy Cardinal Dolan,

Archbishop of New York


You’ll see a description below this image of the full book cover . . .

Here is a bit of a description taken from my Preface:

Hope is truly a lifesaver! Whether we have struggled through a world-wide pandemic, are dealing with seemingly hopeless diagnoses, losses, family troubles, or whatever else that might have caused us to become tempted to give up on hope, we should realize that God is certainly the foundation of our every hope. He will forever be. We need to continue to hope in His loving promises. He will never leave us! And He gifted us with the most eminent gift ever — His own Mother!

This book presents many reasons for hope in our world today through the lens of Our Mother Mary and some of her apparitions around the world. Join Our Blessed Mother, “Our Life, Our Sweetness, and Our Hope” on an inspiring journey to coincide with the 2025 Jubilee Year of Hope.

Let’s learn from and become inspired by the great pilgrims of hope who have gone before us (and those still with us): Jesus, Mary, St. Joseph, and the saints! Let us pray to encounter our Lord Jesus Christ in a more profound way, becoming pilgrims of hope in our weary world!

Pope Francis encourages us in this time of jubilee: “Let us lift up our hearts to Christ, and become singers of hope in a world marked by too much despair. By our actions, our words, the decisions we make each day, our patient efforts to sow seeds of beauty and kindness wherever we find ourselves, we want to sing of hope, so that its melody can touch the heartstrings of humanity and reawaken in every heart the joy and the courage to embrace life to the full.”

Yes, we can do this — during the Jubilee Year and beyond! Mother Mary will help us! Our world thirsts for hope. Let us carry the torch!

Ways to pre-order

My new book is scheduled to be ready in early December!

1. Please feel free to visit and support “Shop Mercy” website to see more about my book and other books. Marian Press is taking pre-orders. Click here to see more. See here for more of my books there on Shop Mercy. While you are at Shop Mercy you might see other items you’d like to purchase for Christmas gifts. 🙂

2. To purchase your autographed copy from my website, please use the payment button below to see more and to order. Or, you may visit the “Book” page here and find the book at the top of the page.

Payment button for 1 autographed copy at $16.95 (plus shipping)

Get 1 for you and 1 for a loved one at only $29.95 (for both books)!

Special introductory price for 2 autographed copies is only: $29.95 plus shipping (instead of $33.90)! Use the button below.

Monday’s for Mom: Episode # 1!


Donna-Marie and her Mom!

A Mother’s Never-Ending Prayer

I decided to share the episodes of Everyday Blessings for Catholic Moms here on my blog, starting with the first one today! Check back each Monday for a new episode. The shows were filmed by EWTN in 2011.


“I don’t feel so alone now.”

Here are some reactions thus far to my memoir  The Kiss of Jesus:

First of all, I thought this one was very sweet. This woman is having trouble putting the book down so she is reading it on the treadmill.


Some serious and heartfelt responses follow. After reading my book, one woman shares…

“Thank you for writing your latest book. I don’t feel so alone now. Please pray for my husband who decided on his own to admit himself to our local hospital’s behavioral health department. I pray he gets the hope he needs and perhaps our marriage will last as it should. I’m so afraid. I don’t want my children to suffer the consequences of any of this. Please pray for us…This book has really become a turning point for me. It came when I needed it most.”


After listening to my interview on ‘Kresta in the Afternoon” with Al Kresta about my memoir, The Kiss of Jesus, a woman told me, “Thank you for sharing. I was blown away by your testimony. I will be getting your book!” She said she wanted me to know, “just hearing you touched my heart and gave me hope.”


Another person said: “I was blessed by your book. I was especially blessed by the tenacity of your faith in your circumstances. So many situations that you described, I don’t know if I would have pressed in like you did. I just want you to know that I was moved by your relationship with God and how you let Him hold you up through all of your struggles.”

I am immensely thankful to God who seems to be powerfully working through the testimony of my book.

Christmas Blessings!

A couple of months ago I felt inspired to give a blessed Miraculous Medal to a woman I met who was working at a department store. I’ll call her Louise. She seemed very touched to receive the medal. After accepting it, she began to tell me that she had been going through some really rough times lately and felt she truly “needed” the medal. As Louise was telling me she began to cry. Her tears seemed to come from profound thankfulness and even relief. It was as if Mother Mary had come to Louise at that very moment in the blessed medal and Louise could now feel that everything would be okay. Louise’s whole demeanor changed when she accepted the medal into her hand. She continued to wipe her eyes with a tissue as tears continued to appear. Thankfully, for her sake, no one else noticed. I silently prayed that Mother Mary would profoundly touch this woman now holding the blessed medal. I had no doubt that she would.


About a month later I saw Louise again at the same store. She proudly showed me her beautiful medal which was now on a chain around her neck and hanging alongside two tiny opals. Louise said the opals represented hope. When she had come across the opals in her jewelry box she thought that she should wear them together with the medal, for the medal brought her great hope. My heart secretly soared. I was thrilled that she was wearing the blessed medal I had given her and that it brought her a renewed hope.

Louise also shared that her sister Mary was going through some very hard times. I don’t know what it entailed and I didn’t venture to ask. I didn’t need to know. But, I did ask Louise if I could give her a blessed medal for her sister and she gladly accepted my offer. I reached into my pocket and retrieved a blessed medal that I had placed in there that morning before heading out to do my errands. I kissed it, touched it to the one I wear, and handed it to Louise who teared up instantly. She sincerely thanked me.

Just recently, as the Advent season was winding down to the tail end, only a couple of days before Christmas, I went into the same department store to finish up my Christmas shopping. Earlier in the day, I had just completed a huge book manuscript and was happily relieved that I could finally finish up preparations for Christmas at the eleventh hour. I spotted Louise behind the jewelry counter and went over to say “hello” and to wish her a very happy Christmas. She was very eager to share a little story with me. Thankfully, there were no customers around the counter and she could freely speak to me. Louise said that she visited her sister recently and Mary told her that she was feeling very sad because she was sorely missing their mother who had passed away the previous Christmas time. Mary couldn’t stop thinking of her mother. When she heard the song “Ave Maria” playing, she broke down and cried. It was their mother’s favorite song.

So, at the visit with her sister, Louise pulled out the Miraculous Medal I had given to her for her sister and proceeded to tell Mary about meeting me and the gift of the medal. She also told her sister that I had touched it to the blessed medal that I wear that Mother Teresa had given me (a relic). Her sister began to cry and said she felt very blessed and thankful to receive the special gift. After that, Mary’s husband bought her a chain and she is now wearing the medal. Mary is now feeling comforted with a sacramental of the Blessed Mother who is with her at all times to bring her graces, hope, and encouragement.

As Louise recounted the story of her sister and their mother, she shed quiet tears once again. I was very touched too, upon hearing it, and I felt extremely blessed to have played a part in this beautiful exchange. We expressed to one another that we were so very thankful that God had clearly arranged all of this to happen. It was especially joyful and poignant to happen right at Christmas time.

I believe that God is so very good and takes care of our every need. He desires that we open our hearts to His whispers to our souls and that we be cooperative to His many graces so that we can help others around us who are struggling with hurt, loneliness, sadness, and pain. So many people are deeply wounded and need a loving touch. Mother Mary is always ready to assist us in getting closer to her Son Jesus.

“O Mary, conceived without sin, Pray for us who have recourse to thee.” [words from the Blessed Mother that appear on the Miraculous Medal]

Will you reach out in love soon to someone you don’t even know? It could be a perfect stranger. Mother Teresa, whom I was blessed to know, considered that person to be “Jesus in the distressing disguise of the poorest of the poor.”

Venture to reach out with Christ’s love. It will undoubtably change someone’s heart forever.

[You can see a similar article here at ICL]