Early spring on a blustery cool day
It is impossible to put into words how one word melted my heart. But, I’ll try.
I have a beautiful two-year-old grandson who lives in another state. I’m glad that he lives within driving distance, though it does take a good while to get there. Usually, about once a month I get to see him. As you can imagine, that is definitely not enough. So, in between visits, we see one another through video conferencing whenever we can work that out. I try to daily. 🙂 If I had my way, I’d live next door to him.
I recently visited his home to babysit for a few days. I was in my glory being with him. I managed to snap a quick picture of him standing at the window watching for my husband and I to pull into his driveway. If you look closely, you’ll see a thrilled little face within the sunlight designs decorating the window panes.
My sweet grandson used to call me “GWAND-ma.” Now, it’s closer to “Grandma.” However he chooses to pronounce my name is just fine with me. But, he is quite the talker and tells me about his every adventure. I absolutely love it.
It was hot and humid few days, but we had lots of fun and even picked fresh strawberries from the backyard garden…
Just a few days ago when it was time for me to leave to get back to the routine in Connecticut, my daughter broke the news to her son that it was time for me to go back home.
“No!” He said, seemingly quite startled to hear the unsettling news.
He quickly leaned forcefully out of his mother’s arms and practically jumped into mine. Once secure in my arms, he patted my back while clinging tightly to me with his other arm. For a few seconds my precocious young grandson seemed to be at a loss for words as he kept patting my back and struggled to express himself. Then, suddenly he uttered just one single yet powerful word.
Oh, how my heart melted right then. I wished I could stay but it was time to go. It was so hard to leave. Needless to stay, there were lots of hugs and kisses going around. Lord willing, I’ll be back up to see him just as soon as I can.
What an amazing blessing to be a GWAND-ma.