It’s been a while since I have had a chance to write a blog post. I hope you’ve had a good summer–maybe a little down time.
I’ll fill you in on what’s been happening with me…but, I’ll also give you fair warning…it will be long winded! I have a lot to share…
I have had a very busy schedule, which included travel for speaking, lots of writing work, and very tight writing deadlines. All the while, I have been making several trips with my husband back and forth to my out-of-town Lyme disease doctor to get help with my new case of Lyme disease, as well as the Q Fever (a tick borne disease) already in my system. I have been dealing with many migraines, joint and muscle pain, and several other symptoms. All good material to offer up to God.
Thankfully, the doctor thinks that the Annaplasma and Babisia are now defeated. I worked for sometime (years!) trying to get rid of those nasty tick borne infections. Now, I need to keep working to get rid of the Lyme, please God. The Q Fever is on its way out (we think). We need to do some further checking into this.
Then, there were the unwelcome visitors
There was the “attack” by hundreds of angry bees living in our kitchen wall. There are thousands, actually. But hundreds got into our house. Yellow jackets, to be specific. I was the one with the fly swatter in hand swatting away at them as they found there way into our kitchen through small cracks or crevices where the kitchen cabinets meet the kitchen ceiling. They would occasionally dive at our heads or try to get into our shirts, etc.
I should show you a photo of the massive amounts of duct tape I used to cover every single possible place they might be sneaking in. Well, maybe I’ll skip that photo.
It turns out that the bees made a nest inside our wall by going through an old stove vent on the outside of the house. That’s where thousands of bees still live (until we get them out). So, it’s been interesting keeping up with the bees and trying to get rid of them. We are still working on it.
“Interesting” Summer!
In many ways it’s been an interesting summer. I was on Doxycycline for a month for my new case of Lyme disease (the ticks love me, unfortunately!) When taking that medicine, one is supposed to stay out of the sun. So, I did. I had to stay inside for a whole month except for Mass. We had many sunny days and just going from the front door to our vehicle gave me third degree burns on parts of my body. It was crazy. The blisters and burns took many weeks to heal. I was extremely happy once I got off of the Doxy and started a new antibiotic. Then, I could thankfully go outside again. I love the outdoors.
I’ll cut to the chase…Just a few days ago I was in a bicycle accident. You may have heard about that on social media. It was supposed to be a fun time. Allow me to step back to explain. Last year, my husband and I took a very nice long bike ride on a rail trail. We enjoyed it so much that we said we’d do it again.
Need to take a drive!
But, truth be told, we have been so busy with work schedules that we never scheduled it. However, we recently concluded that we had to do something fun this summer, Lord willing! Maybe that was to get a good bike ride in before the summer ends. We knew just the place!
We made some impromptu plans, and off we went. The added bonus was that we’d also be able to get to the ocean for a very short respite. That would surely soothe our tired minds and lift our hearts and souls.
I “brought” Fr. Andrew along with me as well! I hoped I might have time to read a bit–something I very rarely have a chance to do since I am full time working on writing!

We visited the ocean for just a day.
But, I soaked in all its beauty–the gorgeous skies and pretty clouds painted in designs across the massive blue canvas…

…feeling the the strong warm breeze…watching the cute little sandpipers running back and forth on the beach and the sea gulls flying all around…

…the humongous roaring waves moving their way back and forth across the beach–each time, stealing rocks and shells and forcefully pulling them along–boasting of their power–their consitency.

We actually saw a shark! A real one! Unfortunately, it was attacking a seal. But, that is nature–played out before our watchful eyes. Yes, we saw many seals, and that was fun observing and waiting to see where they will poke their black heads out of the water next.
The day was made in heaven.
Fr. Andrew’s smiling face looked up at me from nearby my beach chair. I never did get a chance to read that magazine that day.
I also didn’t know what would soon unfold.
We finally set out for our bike ride
It was a very warm day. Okay, I should be truthful–it was VERY hot.

Photo before our ride. But, be sure to wear your helmet on bike rides. 🙂
Yet, we were happy to embark upon what promised to be a fun journey on our rented bikes. We made our way onto the bike trail and peddled away. I thoroughly loved the warmth of the wind caressing my face as I sped along, and the penetrating sun’s rays beating down on my (sunscreen-ed) arms.
There were a few challenging hills, but for the most part, it felt almost effortless, even though I have some health challenges with the Lyme disease. It seemed to be just what the doctor ordered–a little break from work–fresh air, sunshine and good company!
I had a bit of trouble with the brakes on my bike and I think the bike guy adjusted my seat a little bit too high. But, I managed to do okay throughout the trip.
Something to look forward to
We figured that after our ride we would treat ourselves to an ice cream sundae! It would be the first one we would have all summer long. For the most part, we try to eat very healthy. However, every once in a while, it is HEALTHY to have a delicious dessert!
We kept peddling away down the rail trail–the tires of our bikes spinning around wildly. Along the way, we passed a couple of families whose red-faced sweaty kids cried out, “I can’t do it anymore! I want to go home!” It was a hot day, as I mentioned. I called out to them with a smile and encouraging words as I passed by. I have no idea if it helped or not, but it was worth a try.
I knew I had to keep going–peddling away to make it up the hill. The sun beat down.
About five miles out, we stopped at a little market to get fresh water bottles. We sat on a wooden bench outside the store to take a short break, drinking our water and making plans. I suggested we turn back because it didn’t take a mathematician to tell us that it would be another 5 miles to get back. Since it was so hot out I figured we might tire easily and not be able to get back.
So, after a short break we hopped back on our bikes and headed to the bike place. I took in the scenery and enjoyed the nature all around us. But, there was one thing that I did not enjoy…
Unexpected turn of events
Just as I was turning to pull into the bike rental place, I skidded on some sand and completely lost control of my bike.Was it the faulty brakes? The bike seat too high? Whatever the case, I was headed directly towards a large solid pole which was extremely close. I came crashing down on the pavement right next to the pole and the bike swung around and belted me in the rib cage. The pain from the crash was excruciating and I couldn’t breathe due to the wallop to my ribs which knocked the wind out of me. I knew I had to wait there on the ground, even though my husband wanted to help me up.
Crumpled up, I waited. I kept crying out in prayer to Jesus to please help me. I know that He did. My husband said my head had been less than an inch from the pole. Somehow, my body swerved away from it and my head was saved. I say, “somehow.” But, I know how. I have no doubt that the collision would have been much worse.
When I could finally get up off the ground, I hobbled ever-so-slowly and painfully to our vehicle. We stopped at a store and my husband ran in to pick up supplies to treat the scary-looking wound on my left knee. But, before I could apply medication and bandages, I had to clean it out first. That was challenging, as many little twigs and pebbles were inside the wound. But, as I attempted to clean it and the water gushed over my knee, it was a perfect opportunity to offer the intense pain to God as Our Lady of Fatima has requested. For the love of God, the conversion of sinners, and in reparation for the sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
I then spent some time with ice packs over my very wounded knee.
It wasn’t easy, but, nonetheless, we made it back out to get our ice cream sundaes that we had anticipated early in our bike ride. The efforts to get there, with me bandaged and hobbling slowly and gingerly, were definitely worth it! I think I was still in shock!

After that, it was serious business for days on end (and still doing it!) in the healing process–staying put–icing my badly injured knees and my ribs, changing bandages, icing, elevating, lots of Advil, icing, icing, icing!
Now, here I am again, confined to the house. Like I said earlier, it has been an interesting summer. Today, just six days after the accident, the pain persists. It’s still tough to move, breathe and sleep due to my rib injury. It’s difficult to walk too. But, just today, I think I turned a corner with my left leg in that the swelling is finally going down. Thank you, Jesus! I still have a ways to go and I will be leaving to lead a pilgrimage to France three weeks from today! Please keep me in your prayers for quick healing. Thank you in advance.
I am writing this blog post with my swollen legs elevated and an ice pack on my knee and ribs, because I want to share a very meaningful encounter.
A continuing saga
The other night, I noticed that the injuries were getting worse instead of better. It appeared that a bad infection was rapidly spreading on my left leg.
This necessitated a trip to the Emergency Room. I certainly did not want to go out at that late hour, but I didn’t think I should wait until the morning. My leg looked pretty scary! I began to think that I might have inadvertently left a few stray pieces of debris in my wound which may have caused an infection.
At the ER, GUESS WHAT I happened to pull out of my wallet? It was surely something of comfort… as I retrieved my license for the woman checking me into the ER. It would seem that dear Fr. Andrew was watching over me. I asked for his intercession. Truth be told, I ask him several times a day.

I had an exam and a bunch of x-rays. I was given an antibiotic, as well as instructions. But, I had to smile at how things unfolded with the x-ray technician.
After the doctor examined me, he ordered the series of x-rays of my knee and ribs. By the way, the doctor told me that he could not have cleaned my wound as well as I had. He told me several times. He said I should be a doctor or nurse. 🙂 Well, I am a mother and grandmother, after all! But, back to the x-rays…
I waited on the hospital bed to be taken down to the x-ray. department.
“Knock knock!” A voice from behind the curtain beckoned.
The curtain suddenly moved aside and a woman was standing there. An amazed look immediately spread across her face.
“Aren’t you on EWTN?! Wow! I watch you all the time! Wait a minute…what? You live around here?!”
She was visibly excited. We launched into a very beautiful conversation. As she transported me in a wheel chair towards the x-ray department, the doctor spotted us chatting away and poked his head out from around his computer screen.
“Do you know one another?” I guess he was surprised at our animated discussion at the wee hour of the morning, especially because I was in a lot of pain.
She said, “Yes! I know her from television!”
We were still rolling towards the Radiology department. The doctor looked at me and asked, “You’re on TV?”
I peered at him and put my finger to my lips. “Shhhhhhhhhh!” I said. “I try to keep a low profile around here.”
A lot to talk about
The wonderful x-ray technician (I’ll call her Sally) and I continued gabbing all the way to Radiology and throughout our time together. We talked about EWTN–Sally has been watching for twenty years. We chatted about Fr. Andrew, Fr. Mitch, and others on EWTN, as well as the Faith. I told Sally that I was sure that God saved my head from crashing into the pole.
The only time we were quiet was when I had to hold my breath for the many x-rays.
Just before the x-rays, “Sally” unfastened the chain around my neck to take off my medals. Of course, I had to tell her that dear Mother Teresa had given the Miraculous Medal to me, and that it had gotten so worn out that I had to put it in the decorative case on my chain so I wouldn’t lose it. I also showed her the piece of Mother’s sari that I have in that same little case, right behind the medal. I pointed out dear St. Jacinta’s relic also in there, as well as the other small meaningful medals that I wear.
While my knee was being x-rayed, I realized that my Rosary which contained St. Faustina’s relic was in my pocket. I asked if it was okay that it was, since you are supposed to take off metal objects before x-rays. She said it was fine since we weren’t x-raying that area. I then happily discovered that my pocket also contained a blessed Miraculous Medal. If you know me, you’ll probably remember that I give Miraculous Medals out to people all over the world (like thousands upon thousands, by God’s grace!).
Blessings and graces
After the x-rays were completed, I put my chain back on my neck. I took out the blessed medal from my pocket, kissed it, and touched it to my medals. I then gave it to the kind lady.
“Sally” was delighted and proceeded to show me her medals. She told me the story of when she received a Miraculous Medal from a friend who told her to expect miracles!
After “Sally” brought me back to my hospital room, she thanked me again for the Miraculous Medal. I had a sudden thought that I should also touch her medal to my Rosary. After all, Fr.Andrew had blessed it for me. Why not add another blessing to her new medal? She said she’d add to her chain. She was very grateful.
I told “Sally” that when I am feeling better I will drop off one of my books at the hospital for her. I think I’ll give her my “Miraculous Medal” book!
Well, I am all banged up, and it will take a while to heal completely. But, I have to say that I do love how God brings people together. Don’t you? He arranges all sorts of meetings between complete strangers. I could write a book about that! Oh, wait! I have written several like that! 🙂 I hope you don’t mind my bad attempt at humor. I am a bit stir crazy staying still for so long. 🙂
All joking aside, I love to share true stories of Faith to help inspire others to come closer to God. I will be sharing soon about my new books that will be releasing soon! As well as two that released earlier this year in case you missed them.
It’s time for another ice pack! Oh, and I see a few more angry bees in the house…
God bless you! Please pray for me! Be assured of my prayers for you too.
By the way, how was your summer?