My visit on EWTN’s Bookmark TV Show

I loved visiting with Doug Keck On EWTN’s Bookmark show. He is such a gracious and very brilliant television host. I have been honored and blessed to have visited with him on several Bookmark shows.

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I am striving to reach the kids with solid teaching on the Angels, their invisible companions (based on Scripture and St. John Paul II’s catechesis on the Angels) and also teaching them about the Gifts of the Holy Spirit for their Confirmation preparation and for LIFE!


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We chatted about my books “Angels For Kids” and “My Confirmation Book.”


I’m having a special sale on both books here.

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You can see out visit here:


Saint Joseph Novena Day Four

Today is the fourth day of a nine day novena to the illustrious Saint Joseph which will end on his feast day, March 19th. As Foster Father of the Holy Family he certainly knows a thing or two about family life and takes an interest in our families. Don’t hesitate to call upon him. Saint Teresa of Avila said he never failed her.


O St. Joseph, whose protection is so great, so strong, so prompt before the throne of God, I place in thee all my interests and desires. O St. Joseph, assist me by thy powerful intercession and obtain for me all spiritual blessings through thy foster Son, Jesus Christ Our Lord, so that, having engaged here below thy heavenly power, I may offer thee my thanksgiving and homage.

O St. Joseph, I never weary contemplating thee and Jesus asleep in thine arms. I dare not approach while He reposes near thy heart. Press Him in my name and kiss His fine head for me, and ask Him to return the kiss when I draw my dying breath.

St. Joseph, patron of departing souls, pray for me.

Saint Joseph Novena Day Two

Today is the second day of a nine day novena to the illustrious Saint Joseph which will end on his feast day, March 19th. As Foster Father of the Holy Family he certainly knows a thing or two about family life and takes an interest in our families. Don’t hesitate to call upon him. Saint Teresa of Avila said he never failed her.

'Childhood of Christ', c1620. Artist: Gerrit van Honthorst

[“Childhood of Christ,” c1620. Artist: Gerrit van Honthorst]

O St. Joseph, whose protection is so great, so strong, so prompt before the throne of God, I place in thee all my interests and desires. O St. Joseph, assist me by thy powerful intercession and obtain for me all spiritual blessings through thy foster Son, Jesus Christ Our Lord, so that, having engaged here below thy heavenly power, I may offer thee my thanksgiving and homage.

O St. Joseph, I never weary contemplating thee and Jesus asleep in thine arms. I dare not approach while He reposes near thy heart. Press Him in my name and kiss His fine head for me, and ask Him to return the kiss when I draw my dying breath.

St. Joseph, patron of departing souls, pray for me.

A “small” grace discovered

I recently heard from Elizabeth, a woman I had met a few years ago when I was giving a talk to a women’s group at West Point in New York. Elizabeth wanted to let me know that she was enjoying one of my latest books, The Miraculous Medal: Stories, Prayers, and Devotions.


She shared, “It brought me to tears of happiness several times.”

Elizabeth told me that she wears “a bracelet containing medals of the saints who are especially important to me.” She went on to describe them all. There’s St. Barbara – patroness of the Field Artillery. Elizabeth wears that one because her husband is a field artillery officer. St. Michael the Archangel is the next medal. She said she wears it “To protect my husband.” Next on her bracelet is, St. Patrick (after her son Patrick). Then comes St. Joan of Arc “because of her strength.” St. George is next (because of her son George). Next is Our Lady of Perpetual Help “because I need her,” she simply stated. St. Anthony is next. Elizabeth loves him because “he is the great finder.” She has placed St. Francis next on her bracelet “because his zeal inspires me,” she shared.

St. Therese of Lisieux is next to the others “because her ‘Little Way’ is such a powerful witness.” St. Elizabeth Ann Seton is next on her bracelet “because I was named for her and born on her feast day and have always prayed for her intercession as a mother,” Elizabeth explained. And then there’s St. Thomas More because Elizabeth is a lawyer and asks for his intercession in her work.

To complete the blessed circle of medals is the Miraculous Medal which was given to Elizabeth by her grandmother. Elizabeth shared that her grandmother “was notorious for asking, with very knowing eyes, ‘Have you consulted the Blessed Mother?’” whenever Elizabeth spoke of a dilemma or concern.

One time Elizabeth’s husband was away at military training and Elizabeth was home alone with all of the kids for a month. After awhile, she got to feeling a bit weary being alone with all of their care. But she did enjoy reading about the history of the Miraculous Medal and modern-day Miraculous Medal stories too from my book whenever she’d get a few minutes of quiet to do so.

She shared that it was during that time that she became upset because, “While I was reading your book, I lost my Miraculous Medal.” It was nowhere to be found. “I was upset about losing this medal, and prayed that I would find it.”

During her husband’s absence, Elizabeth began to feel even more exhausted and worn down from all of her responsibilities and no one to help her. She felt lonely too, and started to feel just a bit sorry for herself. She at times didn’t remember to “consult” the Blessed Mother as her grandmother had suggested to her in the past. At other times, she indeed reached out to Mother Mary in prayer but still felt stuck.

One night after she put the kids to bed she couldn’t shake the feeling of not being appreciated for all she did in the home and frustrated that she couldn’t work outside the home. She was feeling too weary to cope with her feelings.

But, it was getting late and though Elizabeth was very tired, she knew that before she could relax and settle down for the night, she had to deal with some dirty dishes that were in the sink waiting for her.

“As I pulled on my rubber gloves at about 9:30 PM to finish the dinner dishes, I felt something strange in the finger of the gloves. I reached in the glove and found my Miraculous Medal!”

Elizabeth was ecstatic to have found her cherished Miraculous Medal given to her by her grandmother.

“What really struck me though,” she revealed, “is the small grace I received in finding the medal.” She continued to recount her experience.
“Bent over the kitchen sink, tired from a busy day, and lonely, I was reminded that this vocation of motherhood is something I share with our Blessed Mother, and she too, knows the simultaneous feelings of love and fatigue that motherhood entails.”

Elizabeth had much to think about as she stood by her kitchen sink that particular evening, drinking in the miraculous graces as she prayed for strength.

“I washed those greasy dishes and prayed for the grace to get through the next day. She, [Mother Mary] of course provided. Had I not been reading your book, I might not have been so aware or appreciative of the small miracle. Thank you very much for your continued ministry.”

My questions for you, dear reader…

What small (or big) grace has unfolded in your life? Might God be asking you to pause and ponder–to stop and reflect on His amazing presence in your life–maybe even amid the pots and pans and small details of life?

Have you “consulted” with the Blessed Mother for help and guidance in your life? Blessed Mother Teresa, whom I was so blessed to know taught me a simple yet succinct prayer: “Mary, Mother of Jesus, be a Mother to me now.” Mother Mary knows our hearts. Don’t be afraid to reach out to her.

O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee. (inscribed on the Miraculous Medal).

[PS Elizabeth gave her permission to share her story]

New Lenten Sale!

ALL four of these books for $14.00! Three Lenten books and one hard cover Catholic Saints Prayer Book for inspiration this Lenten season.




Here is what the publisher says about them:

The Bringing Lent Home series gives families with young children a no-hassle resource for daily Lenten reflection and observance. Author Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle, EWTN television host and bestselling Catholic author, presents a beloved saint in each booklet and offers the witness and wisdom of their lives to show families how better to pray, fast, and care for the poor during Lent. Bringing Lent Home booklets can be used during any of the three lectionary cycles and are designed for families with children younger than thirteen.


From the Introduction:

“What can the saints of yesterday offer us today? Transcending history, they offer us timeless wisdom and inspiration, while bringing us closer to God. Sanctity surpasses time and is forever with near us.

The saints’ exemplary examples of holiness give us unparalleled help and sustain our hope, especially during trying times. Just as our association with fellow Christians helps us come closer to Jesus, so our communion with the saints in heaven helps join us to Jesus, but more perfectly…”


You can order your autographed copies here. All FOUR for $14.00! Each order is sent with a blessed Miraculous Medal.

Tips and encouragement for your family Lenten journey

One mom I know is doing this for Lent. Each day, drawing from the tips, advice, and encouragement in my new book Bringing Lent Home with St. John Paul II, she makes her family’s fasting, prayer, and almsgiving more tangible by writing it down for them to see. It’s a great reminder to all.

I’ve suggested this in my book and I am tickled to see it carried out by Katie.

11001928_10204592717150349_1660276647255228005_nand this:



Katie’s daughter Lillian helped by writing the prayer.

What ways can you be mindful of the holy season of Lent in your family? It’s not too late to initiate some ideas and put them into place. We are just beginning on our journey.

In case you’d like to listen in, here’s my visit with Teresa Tomeo on Catholic Connection chatting about families and Lent.

Please feel free to share your ideas for your Lenten journey in the comments below. I’d love to hear them! 🙂


Chatting on the airwaves about families and Lent this morning

Lucy and Ethel AKA Teresa Tomeo and yours truly. 🙂

Coming up this morning: 9:39-9:56 AM EST I’ll be chatting with Teresa Tomeo on Catholic Connection with Ave Maria Radio about families and Lent and my new book: Bringing Lent Home with St. John Paul II.


You can listen Live here.


And now (after the show) here is the MP3 (archive) of the show. You can listen in any time right here.

God bless!


Getting ready for Lent?

A Family Lenten Guide!



Ash Wednesday is February 18th!

Are you ready?  

I have written three family Lenten books which are in my series with Ave Maria Press.

You can get all three for only $8.00 right here!


That’s a savings on already low priced books that are packed with inspiration and Church teaching to guide your family through Lent. Consider purchasing a few sets to give as gifts to relatives and friends.



Here is what the publisher says about them:

The Bringing Lent Home series gives families with young children a no-hassle resource for daily Lenten reflection and observance. Author Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle, EWTN television host and bestselling Catholic author, presents a beloved saint in each booklet and offers the witness and wisdom of their lives to show families how better to pray, fast, and care for the poor during Lent. Bringing Lent Home booklets can be used during any of the three lectionary cycles and are designed for families with children younger than thirteen.


5 Things That Caught My Eye…

1) When traveling out-of-state to do some speaking and book signing, I happened to be behind this gentleman at the airport. His shirt caught my eye. It was such a nice sight!



2) When it comes to clean laundry, did you know that white distilled vinegar is supposedly as good or better than bleach?


 (My daughter, Chaldea’s artwork above which she sells at her Etsy site.She has illustrated several of my books.)

According to a recent article, “The acetic acid in white distilled vinegar is so mild that it will not harm washable fabrics; yet is strong enough to dissolve residues (alkalies) left by soaps and detergents. Adding just 1/2 cup vinegar to the final rinse will result in brighter, clearer colors.”

I think I will do a load of white laundry later today and try out the vinegar! Check out the article about 10 uses for the white vinegar here.


3) A recent sentiment from Pope Francis caught my eye. “It gave us consolation and hope to see so many large families that welcome children as a true gift of God.” (Pope Francis, Wednesday’s General Audience, Vatican City,    (



4) I just happened to catch an excellent and powerful episode of EWTN’s “The Journey Home” about Steven W. Mosher, President of the Population Research Institute and former Secular Humanist.

It was great show. Steven Mosher is the author of several books including: A Mother’s Ordeal: One Woman’s Fight Against China’s One-Child Policy. Mosher says he had a confrontation with evil in China as he watched late term abortions being performed due to China’s one-child policy. He was an atheist at the time. He soon became an agnostic and later on…well, you will see in this program. He does amazing work. Here is the show right here and his website here.


5) And, finally, just for fun, this short Huff Post news video about longevity caught my eye. A 109 year old woman shares her big secret to her longevity. You might laugh when you learn what she says you should avoid if you’d like to live a long life! Here’s the video.


Saint John Paul II Guides Us

Ash Wednesday is February 18th. Are you ready?

A Family Lenten Guide!

A Family Lenten Guide!

My new Lenten book: Bringing Lent Home with Saint John Paul II was recently released. Here’s a description from the publisher:

This timely new addition to the Bringing Lent Home series focuses on the life and wisdom of recently canonized St. John Paul II. Designed by Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle for families with young children, it offers a variety of prayers and practices for each day of Lent.

This family guide to prayer and Lenten devotion is the perfect way to deepen a family’s observance of Lent while also learning about St. John Paul II, beloved pope for more than thirty-five years (1978 -2005) and one of the Church’s newest saints. Structured around a daily quotation from St. John Paul II, a story about his life, and practical suggestions for living the threefold call of Lent–prayer, fasting, and almsgiving–this useful booklet takes the worry and the work out of planning the family’s Lent and can be used with any of the three Catholic lectionary cycles. Parents can enhance their own daily prayer by using the booklet’s reflections for parents. On Sundays, families focus on the themes assigned to that Sunday of Lent, and Cooper O’Boyle suggests a project for the week ahead.

I love that it sells for only $2.95 each! Here’s a recent review as it appears on Amazon:

“Donna-Marie is such a blessing and gift from God for busy moms who are looking for creative, inspirational, practical ways to bring their family together, to grow in faith, hope and love during the grace-filled time of Lent. She is a wise mentor and faithful friend whose books like this one truly help parents, as the primary educators of their children in the faith, to guide their little saints to heaven. I’m thrilled she wrote this book and look forward to using Bringing Lent Home with St. John Paul II this Lent with my family! I’ve used her previous two books, Bringing Lent Home with Mother Teresa of Calcutta and also with St. Therese of Lisieux, as guides in years past with my husband and three young boys, and it is prayer and family discussion time that everyone looks forward to each day, including our four-year-old! It’s a perfect guide, because it offers a fresh idea each day for prayer, fasting and almsgiving, and helps us stay focused on the purpose of Lent and growing in our relationship with God and serving others. The book being available this year is great timing, as we’ll be able to learn more about our beloved St. John Paul II and have him as our companion during Lent, and leading up Divine Mercy Sunday, which this year will mark the one year anniversary of him being canonized a Saint. We have so much to learn from these holy men and women that God put on Earth to serve as bright lights and witnesses for us in how to live the faith, and Donna-Marie invites the learning at just the right pace and helps us to apply it to our lives in a meaningful way together as a family!”

Here’s a review on Epic Pew.

You can find this book available for purchase on the “Books” page of this website.

Keeping Kids focused this Advent season

Are your kids making long Christmas wish lists? Are you trying to figure out ways to get them and to keep them focused on what’s really important?

It might seem like an impossible undertaking, knowing full well that the lopsided messages of the culture are constantly bombarding us. Kids know all about the latest gadgets and toys and exactly where they can be purchased!

Of course, there will always be Christmas wish lists. But, how about making another kind of list this Advent season as well? Sit down with your family and list some things you’d like to do to help others. A wonderful added bonus is that while you’re at it you’ll be growing in your faith life too. Doing Works of Mercy is indeed a win-win situation because when you are helping others you will earn graces for them and for you AND you will grow in holiness when done with a humble heart. God has it all figured out!

And, then, after you’ve made your list, endeavor to carry the acts of love and kidness out during this season of HOPE.

It helps a great deal to pause and take a moment to capture your young ones’ attention. Get them excited about giving and about making crafts and pausing to pray, asking Jesus to come into their hearts more fully this Advent season.

Have a look here for some simple coloring pages to the more elaborate yet not too complicated crafts you can do with your kids to keep them focused on Advent.

Do you have your Advent wreath out? It’s never too late. Well, actually it is if you take it out in February. 🙂 But, don’t worry if it’s not out yet or if you haven’t found replacement candles. Try to work on that as soon as you can. You might find the candles at your local Hallmark store (I have purchased them there) or at a religious store. You can also buy them online. You can have the kids draw a wreath or you can construct one from colored papers if you don’t have an Advent wreath and you can explain what the purpose of the wreath is.

You can take a moment each night all throughout Advent at the dinner table to pray as a family.

How about your creche? Do you have it out and decorated with all of the figurines? You can pause beside it each day to say a family prayer for Advent. Tangible items such as an Advent wreath, a creche, and a Jesse Tree will all help to draw your children’s minds to the holy and off of the secular, even for a time. All efforts to create a holy atmosphere in your home–your domestic church will surely help.

Here’s some wonderful information from EWTN about many Advent and Christmas traditions.

Here’s some information at Catholic Mom. And, some coloring pages here too.

The Catholic Toolbox gives lesson plans for Advent here.

I love this: Fifty Advent Acts of Kindness and how to orchestrate that in your own household. It even includes real cute stuff to print out and hang up to aid you on your journey of giving with the kids through Advent.

Again, I suggest that you make your own list! It will be a lot of fun to do with the kids. Just sit down and do it! Make your list–maybe not fifty things, but perhaps 25 or even 12. Just write them down and endeavor to do them. It’s as simple as that. Keep the kids focused on Christ’s love by doing charitable Works of Mercy all throughout this holy season!

Well, this was just a few starters for now to get you going. Please share your ideas about how to keep your kids focused on the Advent season and the real reason for this season in the comments below. I’ll also add some more ideas later. Right now I have to get ready to go on the radio and talk about this subject! See you later!


Take advantage of these CYBER MONDAY sales on a variety of my book titles on special sale TODAY and ALL week! Scroll down to see amazing savings. Get your Christmas shopping done today! By the way, there is more information about each book on the “Book” page of this website.

The NEW ANGELS FOR KIDS is 20% off today! It makes a wonderful Christmas present for children and adults alike.

Angels for Kids

Angels for Kids

Special discount paying button ($3.00 off per book!):


The NEW The Miraculous Medal: Stories, Prayers, and Devotions is 20% off today! It makes a wonderful and inspiring Christmas present.


Special discount paying button ($3.00 SAVINGS per book!):


Embracing Motherhood is 20% off today! Don’t let the cover fool you–this book discusses all ages and stages of raising kids today. It makes a wonderful Christmas present for any Mom or GrandMom, or Mom-to-be!


Special discount paying button ($3.00 OFF per book!):



GRACE CAFE: SERVING UP RECIPES FOR FAITHFUL MOTHERING only $8.00 per book! That is a $7.00 savings per book! Wonderful Christmas gift for a Mom, GrandMom, or Mom-to-be!

Grace Cafe; Serving Up Recipes for faithful Mothering


Special discount paying button ($7.00 OFF per book!):


MOTHER TERESA AND ME: TEN YEARS OF FRIENDSHIP (First Edition) Great inspirational gift for Christmas gift giving!

Mother Teresa and Me: Ten years of Friendship

AMAZING LOW PRICE of $8.00 ($7.00 off per book!)


Special discount paying button:


CATHOLIC SAINTS PRAYER BOOK (Hard cover edition) Where else but here can you get a book of this quality (sturdy hard cover and beautiful illustrations inside) for only $5.00? Excellent for anyone on your Christmas list–child, adult, man, or woman. I have gifted this book to many a child and many an adult.

Catholic Saints Prayer Book

Inspiration and wisdom from 32 popular saints! Prayers, bios, patronages, and quotes


Special paying button: ONLY $5.00 per book!


Just arrived!

Bringing Lent Home with Saint John Paul II

Bringing Lent Home with Saint John Paul II

Imagine my joy! I just opened a package from my publisher which contained these two very first copies of my book “Bringing Lent Home with Saint John Paul II.”

Here’s a description from the publisher:

This timely new addition to the Bringing Lent Home series focuses on the life and wisdom of recently canonized St. John Paul II. Designed by Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle for families with young children, it offers a variety of prayers and practices for each day of Lent.

This family guide to prayer and Lenten devotion is the perfect way to deepen a family’s observance of Lent while also learning about St. John Paul II, beloved pope for more than thirty-five years (1978 -2005) and one of the Church’s newest saints. Structured around a daily quotation from St. John Paul II, a story about his life, and practical suggestions for living the threefold call of Lent–prayer, fasting, and almsgiving–this useful booklet takes the worry and the work out of planning the family’s Lent and can be used with any of the three Catholic lectionary cycles. Parents can enhance their own daily prayer by using the booklet’s reflections for parents. On Sundays, families focus on the themes assigned to that Sunday of Lent, and Cooper O’Boyle suggests a project for the week ahead.

[Available at my website on the “Books” page]