On today’s Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord, I am so excited to announce for the first time my upcoming children’s book: “I Can Pray Anywhere”.
I love children and always want them to know the truth.
I wrote a book for little tots to teach them that they can pray anywhere they’d like. It’s no secret that rules exist at certain places, such as schools which attempt to forbid someone from praying. I’d like little ones (of all ages!) to know that no one can stop or prevent their prayers.
Their precious prayers are their intimate and private conversations with our Lord. No one can take them away from them. When children lift their hearts (even in silent prayer) to God, He hears their prayers!
I wrote this book to be a delightful read to the children and adult alike. It is very lighthearted and whimsical, all the while getting across the important teaching.
Here is a brief description of the book:
“With wonderful illustrations and a memorable rhyme, I Can Pray Anywhere teaches children that any moment is a good moment to pray! Prayer is not just for specific times and places, but for any and all times throughout the day. God is always listening and delights in hearing from us.”
You can order your book ($17.95 plus shipping) and be one of the first to enjoy this book. My book is due out in mid-August, but I will have early copies in early July!
Updated to say that the book has now officially released!
Order your autographed copy:
$17.95 plus shipping for inside the United States:
You can also see my book for sale here at Amazon and here at the OSV Bookstore. I also saw it available at Target and Walmart, as well as other places. Feel free to order from this page, or from my publisher (OSV KIDS), from Amazon, Target, Walmart, or your local heroic Catholic bookstore!
Look at this sweet 4-year old enjoying making my Advent cookie recipe from my new book Christmas Joy with Grandma! with her Grandma! Her photo sent to me by her Grandmother and used with permission.
Create your memories Moms and Grandmoms!
Click on book cover to learn more and to order your autographed copy
Officially releasing in September 2022, but I am making copies available to you right now (while supplies last)!
Click above image to learn more and to purchase an autographed copy (or use button below).
“Take an Advent journey with Joseph, Anne-Marie, and Grandmother! Together, you’ll discover the story of Christmas and get ready to welcome Jesus into your own heart and home. Beautifully illustrated, this gentle, loving introduction to the true meaning of Advent and Christmas by celebrated author Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle will become a beloved book for every family and revisited each holiday season.”
Praise for Christmas Joy with Grandma!
Great Children’s Book! It is not only a Christmas book, but an Advent book as well. Donna-Marie brings out the joy of family sharing, Advent-Christmas traditions, and the true meaning of Christmas. The smell of those Grandma’s homemade cookies exudes from each page. Read this book by a nice warm fireplace during Advent or Christmas!
Fr. Anthony Gramlich, MIC Assistant Rector of the National Shrine of the Divine Mercy
Everyone loves a story – and a story is a wonderful way to teach about Advent without making it feel like a lesson. Christmas Joy with Grandma! gives grandparents and parents a way to share with littles what they believe about Advent in an easily readable and beautifully illustrated way. A great way to share the joy of our Faith!
Kimberly Hahn, author of Life-Giving Love
Donna-Marie’s book, “Christmas Joy with Grandma!” is a treasure to behold; a gift to read and share. It draws you into a place of light, joy, and love. Donna-Marie makes the “real Christmas Story” come to life. Within charming text and colorful illustrations is a vital message on waiting, and preparing for the Christ Child. I look forward to reading this with my grandchildren. Highly recommended for children and adults!
Kathleen Beckman, Author, Speaker, Praying for Priests, A Family Guide to Spiritual Warfare, Beautiful Holiness
In this dizzying, high stress era of sound-byte driven, speed-of-light communications, Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle has written a simple, sweet and sincere story about the value of patience, the thrill of quiet anticipation, the beauty of grandparents, and the true meaning of family, love, and Christmas. Her new children’s book is an absolute delight!
Anthony DeStefano, Bestselling Catholic Author of A Travel Guide to Heaven, Our Lady’s Wardrobe, and Our Lady’s Picture Book
For your family or for a family you know, I would like to suggest two of my books that will aid the family during this time of pandemic isolation. You can save by buying the two books in a bundle. Plus, maybe a special gift (which you’ll read about below).
Each book is filled with Catholic guidance, teaching, inspiration from the Saints, recipes, family activities, fun games, and much more. Surely, these books will benefit Catholic families at such a time as this worldwide pandemic.
Take advantage of the sale prices and order an autographed set for your own family and a set as a gift for a family you know.
As I am writing this blog post, I feel inspired to gift an 8 ounce Holy Water bottle to the first 5 orders!
Here are a couple of endorsements for Reclaiming Sundays:
Wow! Just, wow! Reclaiming Sundays is a must-have for any family that wants to take what they receive in word and sacrament at Mass on Sunday, and integrate a Eucharistic faith into their homes every day. Through the use of simple, practical yet powerful signs of faith and culture, Donna-Marie reminds us that God designed Sundays as sacred family time. She shows how works of mercy, arts and crafts, recipes, and celebrations can be catalysts for developing strong families that form the domestic church. This book will help parents build lasting memories in their children’s hearts, memories that they will bring into their own families one day.
Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers, Author, Father Augustus Tolton: The Slave Who Became the First African-American Priest
If there were an antidote to reclaiming peace in our families and the world, Donna-Marie just wrote the book on it. Reclaiming Sundays is truly the answer to build and rebuild the domestic church.
Leah Darrow, author of The Other Side of Beauty and founder of Lux University
Here are a couple of endorsements for Feeding Your Family’s Soul:
Donna-Marie’s book is a real treasure. The family has been called the “domestic church” and it is there that we first learn about God, our prayers, and how to live our Christian life. Donna-Marie certainly offers a valuable tool, because when the family gets together for a meal, it is an appropriate time to share and teach the faith. We are reminded at a meal that we not only feed our body, but we need to feed our soul with God’s word and message.
Fr. Andrew Apostoli, C.F.R., Founding member of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal and Host of EWTN’s Sunday Night Prime
There is no shortage of studies showing the importance of family meal time. Add in the spiritual component of prayer and teaching the faith and you have, as Donna Marie so eloquently illustrates, a recipe for success. Follow Donna Marie’s plan and you’ll be fortifying your loved ones in their faith now and in the future.
Teresa Tomeo, Syndicated Catholic talk show Host and best selling Catholic author
You can learn more about these books here on the BOOK page of my website. You’ll also be able to purchase them at the SALE price which you’ll see right at the top of the page.
My 4 year old grandson on FaceTime the other day said, “Grandma, we can’t get together because of coronavirus.” That gave me a jolt. Wow. Not only did he say the “c” word, but he knew that this is what what’s going on. His Mom was even a bit surprised. It turned out that his Dad had explained it to him when they were washing their hands. That simple teaching helped my grandson to understand why they were washing their hands extra now, why the nursery school is closed, why he couldn’t see his friends or his Grandma.
I recently chatted on the airwaves about families and how they are coping in this pandemic. The radio host wanted me to give some tips and also to chat about my book Reclaiming Sundays. I decided to put together a list in a blog post too, to hopefully benefit families.
Reclaiming Sundays!
This time of uncertainty during the pandemic can cause much anxiety. Explaining things to children in the best way that they can understand can certainly help to alleviate anxiety.
A SCHEDULE is so important
Families always need a schedule to feel grounded – to feel stability—to have a rhythm to their day—With any change in the family, I believe that it is even more important to have some sort of schedule in place. Schedules help so we don’t feel loss of control or to be OUT OF CONTROL. This is for children and adults alike.
Write your hopeful schedule on a dry erase board, or your tablet, or a piece of paper as a reminder. Hang it up and refer to it often. You don’t have to be regimented in keeping it, but you can certainly try to stick to it.
No doubt with little ones (and older ones!!) schedules need to bend a bit – people need to be flexible. We should do our best to work together, especially during this trying time.
Prayer: (we need it to survive!)
Exercise: Relieves stress, makes you feel good – keeps you healthy.
Rest: Reading (together or alone), resting, being quiet, telling stories.
Work: Yes! Chores – its a good time to start with the kids if you haven’t already. Teaches them responsibility.
Play!: Enjoy board games and your precious time together!
Cook together: Don’t worry about the mess – make memories – reach out to relatives on the phone and Face Time and get family recipes – hand them down–carry on traditions.
Check on your elderly neighbors. Do Works of Mercy! Offer a meal. The kids can make cheery cards.
Reach out: In addition to elderly neighbors, reach out to others who are anxious or alone. It’s a very difficult time and remembering others with phone calls, texts, and emails will make a huge difference for those in need of encouragement and will help your own soul too!
Limit and Schedule Screen Time: It’s important to limit screen time – and especially important to always be sure you know what they are looking at. Set a schedule for screen time so kids don’t go wild with the screen! It’s important for the adults to also refrain from too much screen time. Yes, we want to be informed, but there is such as thing as TOO MUCH news!
Eat healthy: “The Mom in me” needs to add this. This is not a time to sit around and eat Doritos. Eat healthy foods and take your supplements. I know it’s difficult to shop and get certain items but we must try our best. Healthier people have better immune systems to fight off what comes at them.
Feed their souls too!
Despite our fears…
Despite the fears that we might experience, this is a time for great HOPE! Even if we cannot get out to the structure of the church, be prayerful and holy in your domestic church at home. Set vibrant examples for the children, carve out the necessary prayer times, set parameters to ensure that life doesn’t become a free-for-all situation. Show your love and smile often! It’s contagious (in a good way!).
Prayer before and after each meal.
Family Rosary: (or at least a decade with the kids and parents can do the whole thing).
Chaplet of Divine Mercy: However you can do it with the kids – try to do at 3:00 PM (again, being mindful of the schedule helps us to have a holy rhythm to our day). Pray the Chaplet for the dying.
As well, how about starting a new prayer habit? Might I suggest the Angelus at noon? This will certainly please Our Lord and His holy Mother.
Perhaps, you’ll start a new devotion during this time stuck in the house – perhaps DEVOTION to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Cardinal Burke, the other night on EWTN Nightly News was talking about the Sacred Heart of Jesus and how it is Eucharistic – in this time of no Holy Communion for most os us – let us turn to the Heart of Jesus and His Mother’s Immaculate Heart as a REFUGE and for STRENGTH and protection. Learn about these devotions yourself as a parent or grandparent and impart it to the family.
Perhaps you’ll take up learning more about the Saints. There is a plethora of information on the Internet if you don’t have books at home. Invite the Saints to intercede for your family and every family.
Adding and Sustaining…
If you add a new prayer time, devotion, or habit, you are establishing a wonderful foundation in the children’s lives that they can turn to later on in life too.
If you keep up with your regular prayer schedule – you are reinforcing the foundation – the strength for the battle – both spiritual and in every way. You are helping to keep everyone more focused, safe, and calm during uncertain times.
Easter banners draped over the pews in our empty church
Holy Week and Easter…
HOLY WEEK AND EASTER ARE FAST APPROACHING: Even if churches are closed, along with your family, dig into this time like never before! Pray for many graces! I heard Cardinal Burke say that this is a time of GRACE!
Ask for the graces!
These are just a few tips to hopefully help your family to stay the course, to alleviate unnecessary anxiety, and to grow closer as a family and closer to God.
God bless you! I’ll try to post more soon – perhaps some recipes, crafts, and other ideas.
Here is the link to listen in to my radio chat with Al Kresta on Ave Maria Radio (aired through EWTN Radio). You would scroll to the 38 minute mark to hear our visit. We chatted about Reclaiming Sundays.
Here is the link to listen to our fun but important chat on the airwaves. We discussed the importance of family Sundays. I hope that you get a chance to listen.
I passionately desire to help families to reclaim their Sundays so I have written this book! In addition, I am very excited to offer to you a sneak peek at the cover of my upcoming book for families: Reclaiming Sundays: Play, Pray, Serve, Rest, Refresh, and Celebrate. It will be released late this year! Please take a few minutes to read the excerpts below as well as to read what some high-profile Catholics have said thus far. If desired, please leave a comment below in the comment box. Soon, I will have this book available for pre-sale.
Here is the Introduction of my book:
Vivid memories of my Sundays growing up in a large family are etched upon my heart. My mother made sure that all her eight “ducklings” were home whenever possible. We went to Mass in the morning and came home to enjoy a pancake and egg breakfast. That was after one of us kids ran out to the chicken coop, dodging our protective rooster to collect the fresh eggs warm from the nests. Relatives stopped by later on and we often played board games together. Later in the afternoon, my mother made a nice family dinner and expected that we would all be at the table to enjoy it together. It was not an option.
Those were the days! Times have changed. Sunday in many families has become just another day. It can be a significant challenge these days to honor and to live the Third Commandment to keep Sunday holy and as a day of rest. Years ago, in a simpler lifestyle, there weren’t as many distractions bombarding parents. Today’s families have a tendency to be stretched—constantly beckoned by technology—and are usually over-active. They might not give much thought to making Sunday the special day that it is meant to be.
As we rush around, trying to accomplish so much, our busyness typically spills into our Sundays. That’s a problem because often it becomes impossible to carve out the necessary time to rest and re-charge our batteries. There’s no time left! But, let’s hang in here because God has given us a way to do so. This book will help you to happily reclaim your Sundays.
God has set aside a full day each week for us to worship, rest, be refreshed, to serve, and to grow in holiness. At times, we have totally missed God’s invitation because we either forgot, we weren’t listening, or we were just too busy. We also need the reminders to slow down since life is packed with events.
The Third Commandment is the reminder, “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.” The Catholic Catechism tells us, “The institution of Sunday helps all ‘to be allowed sufficient rest and leisure to cultivate their familial, cultural, social, and religious lives’” (CCC #2194). Clearly our Church wants us to slow down on Sundays. Most importantly, God wants us to. When families make the (sometimes heroic) effort to put on the brakes to experience the proper rest and refreshment they are meant to enjoy on Sundays, they will not only feel healthier and more balanced, they will be better equipped to fulfill their duties throughout the week.
God knew what he was doing when he created Sundays! Scripture tells us, “For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but rested the seventh day; therefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day and consecrated it” (Exod. 20:11).
I’ll also let you in on the first endorsements:
This may be the most important book you read this year. God gave us very few commandments, and one of them is to keep one day holy for worship and leisure in His presence. He did this not for His good, but for ours. The recovery of Sunday is key to our renewal of our families, parishes, society, and the environment. Please read this book.
Mike Aquilina EWTN Host and Author of The Fathers of the Church
What a delightful book! Filled with great ideas of how to make Sundays special, Reclaiming Sundays is a treasure trove of prayers, reflections, and family activities to help every family delight in the Day of the Lord. As a priest, I will be recommending this book to families and newly married couples. I am certain this book will be a blessing for families and society in general.
Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC Author, 10 Wonders of the Rosary
Wow! Just, wow! Reclaiming Sundays is a must-have for any family that wants to take what they receive in word and sacrament at Mass on Sunday, and integrate a Eucharistic faith into their homes every day. Through the use of simple, practical yet powerful signs of faith and culture, Donna-Marie reminds us that God designed Sundays as sacred family time. She shows how works of mercy, arts and crafts, recipes, and celebrations can be catalysts for developing strong families that form the domestic church. This book will help parents build lasting memories in their children’s hearts, memories that they will bring into their own families one day.
Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers, Author, Father Augustus Tolton: The Slave Who Became the First African-American Priest
If there were an antidote to reclaiming peace in our families and the world, Donna-Marie just wrote the book on it. Reclaiming Sundays is truly the answer to build and rebuild the domestic church.
Leah Darrow, author of The Other Side of Beauty and founder of Lux University
Finally, there’s a helpmate for making Sundays holy again! Donna-Marie has done a spectacular job of bringing to light the vital importance of the Lord’s Day to our spiritual, mental, and physical health and offering a practical, useful, and fun resource for reclaiming Sundays for ourselves and those we love. Keep Reclaiming Sundays handy – you’ll be referring back to it often!
Marge Steinhage Fenelon, speaker and best-selling author of Forgiving Mother, My Queen, My Mother: A Living Novena, and Our Lady, Undoer of Knots: A Living Novena.
Okay! Here is some additional information excerpted from the book…
Family togetherness through meaningful activities…to help you to reclaim your Sundays.
What to expect from this book
Family togetherness through meaningful activities will be emphasized throughout this Catholic family guide to help you to reclaim your Sundays. By committing to reclaiming your family Sundays, you will be guided to fight the scores of temptations from the secular culture, which urges everyone to become preoccupied with unending busyness and things that take us away from God and immerse us into a darkened culture. At the same time, through using this book, families will be helped in a great way to recognize the importance of growing together spiritually, physically, and emotionally on the Lord’s Day within the blessedness of their family.
You’ll be guided to words of wisdom from the Catechism and Church teachings, which tell us how to slow down and rest on Sunday. For example: “On Sundays and other holy days of obligation, the faithful are to refrain from engaging in work or activities that hinder the worship owed to God, the joy proper to the Lord’s Day, the performance of the works of mercy, and the appropriate relaxation of mind and body” (CCC #2185).
How to use this book
Each Sunday’s compilation will include an inspirational verse to set the tone for the day, original or traditional family prayers to be said together, and suggested meaningful and fun activities; these could be a work of mercy, a simple craft or project, or a story idea. There are mini teachings about the family and the domestic church woven throughout, and, occasionally, a suggested simple recipe to make together.
Have fun!
There are absolutely no rules in following this book. Keep Reclaiming Sundays nearby and handy to be reminded to slow down on Sundays and to reclaim them as the holy and restful days they are meant to be. Perhaps you will keep it in your kitchen or dining room to pick up and discuss at the table.
I invite you to turn to this book as often as needed for ideas for family togetherness, ministry, and fun while observing the holiness of Sunday. Skip around in the book to find whatever suits your family the particular Sunday that you wish to observe. For instance, you might be in the mood to celebrate a Sunday in a “Marian” sort of way. Simply skip to that section of the book and choose a Marian Sunday. You will discover many categories that are divided into seasons, ideas, and situations from which to choose.
You certainly don’t have to do every single suggestion listed for each Sunday reflection. However, I encourage you to read the entire chapter each week so that you won’t miss the “mini teaching” and other tips and encouragement for your domestic church. I recommend that you take a look at the book throughout the week and pick out a Sunday theme that you’d like to put into practice the following Sunday. You’ll be prepared in every way and hopefully enjoy a stress-free week while you look forward to your family Sunday! For fun, and perhaps for a challenge, pick a chapter at random and strive to carry it out with your family; this might mean pushing a bit beyond your comfort zone.
I pray that you’ll find this book flexible, practical, and most of all, a welcoming tool to inspire your family to observe Sundays in a manner that is pleasing to God and nurturing for your family as well. All the while, you are sure to carry down family traditions from the past and possibly create new ones together. Enjoy every bit of it!
My heart holds fond memories of my family Sundays when I was a child. In addition to the traditions we kept each Sunday that I mentioned earlier, we never failed to have our treat of a dish of ice cream every Sunday evening! Let us together RECLAIM our Sundays! May God bless your journey.
So, what do you think? Please leave a comment below.
I have been connected to the military for as long as I can remember.
My father was in the National Guard, and my brothers Gary and Tim fought in the Vietnam War. Several other family members also served in the military.
As a young girl, I prayed so much for my brothers to be safe, and I have vivid memories of my mother’s earnest prayers for my brothers to come home alive from the jungles of Vietnam. Tears filled in her worried eyes as she fervently prayed that God would save her sons…
My National Catholic Register article shining a light on heroic military women is here.
I wrote a book for Catholic Moms that I feel is both realistic and encouraging (if I may say so myself!). As a mother of five and grandmother I certainly know all about the bombardment from the culture, the demands for perfection, and the countless challenges that today’s mothers face. My desire is to encourage Catholic Moms with Church teaching and help them to discover the sublimity in their amazing vocation of raising little Saints to heaven!
Would you like a sneak peak of my newest book not yet released? I thought so! So, I am sharing the first few chapters as well as the Foreword and Introduction (copywritten material). Take a look here and enjoy!
You can learn more about the book as well as order by clicking the book cover image.
I am very excited to announce my new upcoming book for military women and those women associated with the military in some way, as well as for those who would like to know more about their lives…
For all women associated with the military!
Book Description: This book is for every woman associated with the military, whether on land, on sea, or in the air and for all those at home who are waiting for their loved one to return or who are living on military bases, or struggling with the myriad of demands connected with military life.
Catholic military women are very special “Soul Sisters.” There s a certain military pride shared amongst them they are in solidarity in a common goal to defend human life, to fight injustice, to protect their country, and support their military husbands, brothers, sons, daughters, cousins, nieces and nephews [or “their military family”]. They have heroically placed their lives on the line on battlefields, as well as in battling military issues on the home front too.
Best-selling and award-winning author Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle, an honorary lifetime member of the Military Council for Catholic Women (MCCW) shines a light on these gallant, heroic women who carry on with great faith, hope, humility, and love and whose heroism doesn’t remain on the battlefield, but is woven into the very fabric of their lives.
Traditional and original prayers, as well as teachings and inspiration from Jesus, Mary, and the Saints are woven throughout the entire book to give a powerful shot in the arm and to uplift spirits. This book will surely speak to the hearts of military mothers, wives, and women who are serving or have served in the military. It will also be a source of prayer and inspiration for anyone connected to the military the patriotic, and for anyone who would like to learn more about these courageous military women.
Have a look at the newest teaching by Donna-Marie titled, “Nurture Your Own Faith!” After clicking the video BELOW to play it, move the time marker to the 4:00 minute mark (if it doesn’t begin at that point already) and watch until approximately 6:48. Or, watch the whole show! ENJOY!
Have a look at my latest teaching in my EWTN TV series “Feeding Your Family’s Soul.”
Click on the video image below to start. Click the little “icon” on the right for “go full screen” if you’d like it to be larger. Move the time marker to the 6:37 mark and watch the short teaching until about the 8:47 mark. Or, watch the whole show. Enjoy!
to do with teaching the faith and keeping family traditions alive?
Watch the You Tube video below to see my latest “Feeding Your Family’s Soul” teaching on EWTN!
After pressing the “play” arrow, you can move the time marker over to about the 4:12 mark and it will play until about 7:30 or you can certainly watch the whole episode. Enjoy!
It’s been a busy summer thus far. I have been doing a lot of traveling for speaking and book signing. And also filmed a Bookmark segment with Doug Keck.
No slowing down just yet. I hope I can at least pause in August for even a day or two. But, actually, we will celebrate a family birthday very soon and I will be in my glory to have all my ducklings in a row–first time in a long time. Plus I’ll get to see this little guy again! I simply cannot wait!
On the home front…you probably know that I live way out in the woods of rural Connecticut. The bear has visited our home a few times and was even in the back of my husband’s truck one night!
A couple of house wrens are chittering and chattering away most days deciding upon where to build their nest. First, they put it just outside my office window but have decided to move it to another location. I’ll be keeping a look out to see where they’ll end up. I am a bird watcher, after all!
The great blue heron has visited many times lately–always a highlight in my day to see such a huge and majestic, yet prehistoric looking bird. He comes right on my deck! Yesterday, I looked up from my writing work just in time to see the huge creature flying right by my window!
On another note, I want to let you know about the upcoming episodes for my new show. “Feeding Your Family’s Soul” EWTN TV series.
The dates for August are:
Monday, August 14 Thursday, August 17 Monday, August 21 Monday, August 28
The EWTN Family Celebration is coming up! I’ll be speaking about Fatima at the celebration in Worcester, Mass on September 9th and 10th. I’ll also be appearing on the Live show that Saturday evening, along with Marcus Grodi, Fr. Mitch Pacwa, Doug Keck, Michael Warsaw and a couple of others. You can check that out here.
There’s a very small window of time to register for my pilgrimage to Fatima and Portugal coming up September 17th through the 27th with Fr. Andrew Apostoli! If you’d like to come, please consider registering RIGHT AWAY before time runs out. Here is the information.
It is impossible to put into words how one word melted my heart. But, I’ll try.
I have a beautiful two-year-old grandson who lives in another state. I’m glad that he lives within driving distance, though it does take a good while to get there. Usually, about once a month I get to see him. As you can imagine, that is definitely not enough. So, in between visits, we see one another through video conferencing whenever we can work that out. I try to daily. 🙂 If I had my way, I’d live next door to him.
I recently visited his home to babysit for a few days. I was in my glory being with him. I managed to snap a quick picture of him standing at the window watching for my husband and I to pull into his driveway. If you look closely, you’ll see a thrilled little face within the sunlight designs decorating the window panes.
My sweet grandson used to call me “GWAND-ma.” Now, it’s closer to “Grandma.” However he chooses to pronounce my name is just fine with me. But, he is quite the talker and tells me about his every adventure. I absolutely love it.
It was hot and humid few days, but we had lots of fun and even picked fresh strawberries from the backyard garden…
Just a few days ago when it was time for me to leave to get back to the routine in Connecticut, my daughter broke the news to her son that it was time for me to go back home.
“No!” He said, seemingly quite startled to hear the unsettling news.
He quickly leaned forcefully out of his mother’s arms and practically jumped into mine. Once secure in my arms, he patted my back while clinging tightly to me with his other arm. For a few seconds my precocious young grandson seemed to be at a loss for words as he kept patting my back and struggled to express himself. Then, suddenly he uttered just one single yet powerful word.
Oh, how my heart melted right then. I wished I could stay but it was time to go. It was so hard to leave. Needless to stay, there were lots of hugs and kisses going around. Lord willing, I’ll be back up to see him just as soon as I can.
Here is Episode # 2 of #EWTN’s “Everyday Blessings for Catholic Moms.” Again, the series was filmed in 2011 and I am sharing a new episode each Monday here on my blog. Enjoy!