Rebuild the domestic church!

Here is PART of a chapter from my new book “Reclaiming Sundays.”

Reaching Out Sunday

“On Sundays and other holy days of obligation, the faithful are to refrain from engaging in work or activities that hinder the worship owed to God, the joy proper to the Lord’s Day, the performance of the works of mercy, and the appropriate relaxation of mind and body.”

—Catechism of the Catholic Church, no. 2185


Read the verse above and pray the Morning Offering together as a family.

Morning Offering: Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for the gift of today—your day. Please guide our family as we strive to grow closer to you and to one another. Open our hearts and teach us to be more generous with our time. Open our eyes to opportunities today to love others. Amen.

Pray: Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be.


Every Sunday should be about offering mercy to others in one form or another. The problem is that we might pack so many things into our weekends, and most especially our Sundays, that they will prevent us from enjoying the experiences of family, rest, worship, and service. To actually reclaim our Sundays means we need to live countercultural lives, since the world outside our doors has a completely opposite idea. Let’s do our best to cut back on our outside activities, unless they include special time with our family, with worship, and service to the needy. As well, when we are home, let’s do our best to resist the temptations to pick up devices to check updates, or engage in senseless activities. Rather, we should enjoy our family time and have wholesome conversations. Let’s reclaim our Sundays!


Focus on the hungry:
When planning your works of mercy, consider the hungry. Is there a local soup kitchen or food pantry where you can donate food or some time? Could your family choose a Sunday, perhaps today, to make an extra portion of your Sunday dinner to gift to a needy neighbor? Take time with your family to pray and discern where your works of mercy could be most helpful.


Strive to find ways in which you can become more alive in your faith in doing your works of mercy. As you pray, allow God to transform your heart and soul so you will be an exemplary Christian example to your family and others.


to be prayed each evening this week

Dear Lord, thank you for the blessings of this day—your day. If we have failed you in any way, please forgive us. If we have failed one another by not taking care of our responsibilities, please forgive us, Lord. Please help us to grow in holiness each day. We love you! Amen.

Pray: Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be.

Purchase an autographed copy here!

Today is THE official release day for “Reclaiming Sundays”!

“Reclaiming Sundays” officially releases TODAY!

Pray, play, serve, rest, refresh, and CELEBRATE! Let’s RECLAIM our Sundays!

(Have a look at the video to the left!)

You can ORDER here at my website for a signed copy and also at the publisher Paraclete Press!

Very excited to tell you!

Happy Saint Nicholas Day!

I just got word from my publisher that my book Reclaiming Sundays has been printed and is all ready to ship next week! That means I might see copies by the end of next week and I’ll be able to ship out pre-orders, as well as any new orders that come in!

That said, if you’d like to purchase a copy or more for Christmas gift giving, now is the time. You can order here. As well, here is a blog post that gives many pertinent details about the book.

I’m excited! Can you tell? That’s because I believe that this book will immensely help Catholic and Christian families far and wide to RECLAIM their family Sundays!

You know what? I just decided–right now–to offer a special deal (for a limited time) when buying more than one copy! If you’d like to order in bulk (10 or more copies), just let me know. You can email me: with “Bulk order inquiry” in the subject line. I’ll be happy to help if I can.

If you have already taken advantage of pre-ordering, you have received more than a dollar off per book. Your order will be shipped as soon as those books arrive to my home!


Brief Description: Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle encourages Catholic families to reclaim a significant tradition: setting apart Sundays as a day of worship, true rest, teaching, and simply spending precious time together. In fifty-two creative chapters Donna-Marie presents fun and meaningful ideas inspired by the seasons (both natural and liturgical), holidays, saints days, and holy scripture, to help keep Sundays special, just as God said we should.

On another note, I hope that your Advent season is going well. This morning on the radio, I discussed the Advent season and my book Advent with Our Lady of Fatima (The Son Rise Morning Show).

Stay the course! Don’t let the advertising frenzy get to you! Carve out those times for very necessary prayer. Prepare your heart for the Christ Child!

God bless!


Priest Prisoner continues his discussion on “52 Weeks with Saint Faustina”

Father Gordon MacRae continues his discussion in a blog post at “These Stone Walls.” Among other things, he said:

“Donna-Marie writes of the “tremendous transforming power” of our works of mercy, but that transforming power is not only directed to the recipients of our mercy. It transforms us as well. I do not recommend picking up hitchhikers but the young man who stopped on my road to Jericho that night was also transformed by his own work of mercy. And I was transformed by the one that resulted in my being stranded on that road…”

Are you intrigued? Well, you can read his blog post here.

Special Endorsement!

Here is a wonderful endorsement sent to me today by Ralph Martin:

“I’m not usually keen about reading one of the 30 days or 52 weeks kind of books as I don’t usually find them going into depth enough to decently treat the saint they are focusing on. But it was different with Donna-Marie’s book. As I began to skim through it in preparation for doing a Television interview with her I realized that this book was different and I wanted to read it from cover to cover. This is the best integration of the main events of St. Faustina’s life and the best presentation in a clear, orderly way, of her spiritual teaching that I know of. I am very grateful for this book and highly recommend it.”

Ralph Martin, S.T.D.

Director of Graduate Theology Programs in the New Evangelization

Sacred Heart Major Seminary

Archdiocese of Detroit

Click on the image to learn more and/or to purchase.

My New Book: “Reclaiming Sundays”!

I passionately desire to help families to reclaim their Sundays so I have written this book! In addition, I am very excited to offer to you a sneak peek at the cover of my upcoming book for families: Reclaiming Sundays: Play, Pray, Serve, Rest, Refresh, and Celebrate. It will be released late this year! Please take a few minutes to read the excerpts below as well as to read what some high-profile Catholics have said thus far. If desired, please leave a comment below in the comment box. Soon, I will have this book available for pre-sale.

Here is the Introduction of my book:


Vivid memories of my Sundays growing up in a large family are etched upon my heart. My mother made sure that all her eight “ducklings” were home whenever possible. We went to Mass in the morning and came home to enjoy a pancake and egg breakfast. That was after one of us kids ran out to the chicken coop, dodging our protective rooster to collect the fresh eggs warm from the nests. Relatives stopped by later on and we often played board games together. Later in the afternoon, my mother made a nice family dinner and expected that we would all be at the table to enjoy it together. It was not an option. 

Those were the days! Times have changed. Sunday in many families has become just another day. It can be a significant challenge these days to honor and to live the Third Commandment to keep Sunday holy and as a day of rest. Years ago, in a simpler lifestyle, there weren’t as many distractions bombarding parents. Today’s families have a tendency to be stretched—constantly beckoned by technology—and are usually over-active. They might not give much thought to making Sunday the special day that it is meant to be. 

As we rush around, trying to accomplish so much, our busyness typically spills into our Sundays. That’s a problem because often it becomes impossible to carve out the necessary time to rest and re-charge our batteries. There’s no time left! But, let’s hang in here because God has given us a way to do so. This book will help you to happily reclaim your Sundays.

God has set aside a full day each week for us to worship, rest, be refreshed, to serve, and to grow in holiness. At times, we have totally missed God’s invitation because we either forgot, we weren’t listening, or we were just too busy. We also need the reminders to slow down since life is packed with events. 

The Third Commandment is the reminder, “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.” The Catholic Catechism tells us, “The institution of Sunday helps all ‘to be allowed sufficient rest and leisure to cultivate their familial, cultural, social, and religious lives’” (CCC #2194). Clearly our Church wants us to slow down on Sundays. Most importantly, God wants us to. When families make the (sometimes heroic) effort to put on the brakes to experience the proper rest and refreshment they are meant to enjoy on Sundays, they will not only feel healthier and more balanced, they will be better equipped to fulfill their duties throughout the week. 

God knew what he was doing when he created Sundays! Scripture tells us, “For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but rested the seventh day; therefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day and consecrated it” (Exod. 20:11).

I’ll also let you in on the first endorsements:

This may be the most important book you read this year. God gave us very few commandments, and one of them is to keep one day holy for worship and leisure in His presence. He did this not for His good, but for ours. The recovery of Sunday is key to our renewal of our families, parishes, society, and the environment. Please read this book.

Mike Aquilina
EWTN Host and Author of The Fathers of the Church

What a delightful book! Filled with great ideas of how to make Sundays special, Reclaiming Sundays is a treasure trove of prayers, reflections, and family activities to help every family delight in the Day of the Lord. As a priest, I will be recommending this book to families and newly married couples. I am certain this book will be a blessing for families and society in general. 

Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC
Author, 10 Wonders of the Rosary

Wow! Just, wow! Reclaiming Sundays is a must-have for any family that wants to take what they receive in word and sacrament at Mass on Sunday, and integrate a Eucharistic faith into their homes every day. Through the use of simple, practical yet powerful signs of faith and culture, Donna-Marie reminds us that God designed Sundays as sacred family time. She shows how works of mercy, arts and crafts, recipes, and celebrations can be catalysts for developing strong families that form the domestic church. This book will help parents build lasting memories in their children’s hearts, memories that they will bring into their own families one day. 

Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers, Author, Father Augustus Tolton: The Slave Who Became the First African-American Priest  

If there were an antidote to reclaiming peace in our families and the world, Donna-Marie just wrote the book on it. Reclaiming Sundays is truly the answer to build and rebuild the domestic church.

Leah Darrow, author of The Other Side of Beauty and founder of Lux University

Finally, there’s a helpmate for making Sundays holy again! Donna-Marie has done a spectacular job of bringing to light the vital importance of the Lord’s Day to our spiritual, mental, and physical health and offering a practical, useful, and fun resource for reclaiming Sundays for ourselves and those we love. Keep Reclaiming Sundays handy – you’ll be referring back to it often!

Marge Steinhage Fenelon, speaker and best-selling author of Forgiving Mother, My Queen, My Mother: A Living Novena, and Our Lady, Undoer of Knots: A Living Novena. 

Okay! Here is some additional information excerpted from the book…

Family togetherness through meaningful activities…to help you to reclaim your Sundays.

What to expect from this book

Family togetherness through meaningful activities will be emphasized throughout this Catholic family guide to help you to reclaim your Sundays. By committing to reclaiming your family Sundays, you will be guided to fight the scores of temptations from the secular culture, which urges everyone to become preoccupied with unending busyness and things that take us away from God and immerse us into a darkened culture. At the same time, through using this book, families will be helped in a great way to recognize the importance of growing together spiritually, physically, and emotionally on the Lord’s Day within the blessedness of their family. 

You’ll be guided to words of wisdom from the Catechism and Church teachings, which tell us how to slow down and rest on Sunday. For example: “On Sundays and other holy days of obligation, the faithful are to refrain from engaging in work or activities that hinder the worship owed to God, the joy proper to the Lord’s Day, the performance of the works of mercy, and the appropriate relaxation of mind and body” (CCC #2185). 

How to use this book

Each Sunday’s compilation will include an inspirational verse to set the tone for the day, original or traditional family prayers to be said together, and suggested meaningful and fun activities; these could be a work of mercy, a simple craft or project, or a story idea. There are mini teachings about the family and the domestic church woven throughout, and, occasionally, a suggested simple recipe to make together.

Have fun!

There are absolutely no rules in following this book. Keep Reclaiming Sundays nearby and handy to be reminded to slow down on Sundays and to reclaim them as the holy and restful days they are meant to be. Perhaps you will keep it in your kitchen or dining room to pick up and discuss at the table.

I invite you to turn to this book as often as needed for ideas for family togetherness, ministry, and fun while observing the holiness of Sunday. Skip around in the book to find whatever suits your family the particular Sunday that you wish to observe. For instance, you might be in the mood to celebrate a Sunday in a “Marian” sort of way. Simply skip to that section of the book and choose a Marian Sunday. You will discover many categories that are divided into seasons, ideas, and situations from which to choose. 

You certainly don’t have to do every single suggestion listed for each Sunday reflection. However, I encourage you to read the entire chapter each week so that you won’t miss the “mini teaching” and other tips and encouragement for your domestic church. I recommend that you take a look at the book throughout the week and pick out a Sunday theme that you’d like to put into practice the following Sunday. You’ll be prepared in every way and hopefully enjoy a stress-free week while you look forward to your family Sunday! For fun, and perhaps for a challenge, pick a chapter at random and strive to carry it out with your family; this might mean pushing a bit beyond your comfort zone.

I pray that you’ll find this book flexible, practical, and most of all, a welcoming tool to inspire your family to observe Sundays in a manner that is pleasing to God and nurturing for your family as well. All the while, you are sure to carry down family traditions from the past and possibly create new ones together. Enjoy every bit of it!

My heart holds fond memories of my family Sundays when I was a child. In addition to the traditions we kept each Sunday that I mentioned earlier, we never failed to have our treat of a dish of ice cream every Sunday evening! Let us together RECLAIM our Sundays! May God bless your journey.

So, what do you think? Please leave a comment below.

Talking about Divine Mercy: Part One

EWTN television recently aired my visit with Johnnette Benkovic Williams on her Women of Grace show. We discussed my book 52 Week with Saint Faustina: A Year of Grace and Mercy as well as St. Faustina and God’s unfathomable Divine Mercy. You can see Part One here. Part Two is also in this link but you need to be a member of the Women of Grace website to view that one.

Unfortunately, the Part Two was pre-empted on the day it was to air. I don’t know when it might air. However, if you are a member of the WOG website, you can see it anytime. I still have not seen it myself! 🙂 I will keep you posted when I hear when Part Two will air on EWTN television.

Here is my book which can be read at any time of the year. It does not follow the Liturgical seasons. I hope that you get a chance to read it. Saint Faustina has a way of stirring hearts. You can purchase an autographed copy on my website.

How do we “feed” the children’s souls?

Here’s a sure fire way to feed and nourish the souls of the children! You can find it here! This is the book which came out first and is very popular with families all over the world.
We followed up with the DVD below to help provide additional “tools” for Catholic families and Faith educators.
Here is ANOTHER way to feed their souls! It’s the DVD that is promoted in the short video above. You can see both items here on this page of my website.

Prisoner Father Gordon MacRae speaks about “52 Weeks with Saint Faustina”

In his recent blog post from a New Hampshire prison, Father Gordon MacRae speaks about his pilgrimage with my book: 52 Weeks with Saint Faustina.

Among other things that this priest prisoner (imprisoned under false charges) wrote is this:

“I confess that I turned to the page, read just the first sentence, “Each day we fight a battle,” and then stopped because something happened that hasn’t happened for a long time. Suddenly, inexplicably, tears welled up. This journey is going to cost me something of myself, something stored up over these years in prison. I need to catch my breath, and then proceed….”

It’s a great post, so you’ll want to read the whole thing. However, if you are looking for his thoughts on my book, click on this link and scroll down a bit until you see the book cover image for 52 Weeks with Saint Faustina: A Year of Grace and Mercy.

I want to share a bit about Father MacRae, from his Bio:

On September 23, 1994, Father Gordon MacRae, a priest of the Diocese of Manchester, NH, was confined to a prison cell to begin a sentence of sixty seven years in the New Hampshire State Prison...
On September 23, 1994, Father Gordon MacRae, a priest of the Diocese of Manchester, NH, was confined to a prison cell to begin a sentence of sixty seven years in the New Hampshire State Prison…

Father MacRae maintains his innocence of these claims, an assertion of truth for which he has paid a very high price. Had he accepted one of several well documented pre-trial “plea deals” offered by the State, he could have left prison after one year. For standing by the truth, Father MacRae now serves a draconian prison term more than sixty times the sentence that would have been imposed had he in fact been guilty or willing to pretend so. 

You can read the full bio here.

You can see much more about this fine priest unjustly imprisoned at his Bio page of his blog These Stone Walls, including:

In 2006, Cardinal Dulles asked Father MacRae to “contribute a new chapter to the volume of Christian literature from believers who were unjustly imprisoned.” The result is These Stone Walls, described by author, Father James Valladares in Hope Springs Eternal in the Priestly Breast as, “the finest example of priestly witness the last decade of scandal has produced.” These Stone Walls has been selected by Our Sunday Visitor as Readers Choice for the Best of the Catholic Web in the area of Spirituality, and as a second place finalist for Best Catholic Blog at These Stone Walls and Father Gordon MacRae have been cited in numerous books and articles in both Catholic and secular publications.

Please pray for Father Gordon MacRae and all those who have been unjustly imprisoned. May God bless Father Gordon and all of the others.

Feast of Our Lady of Fatima

There’s so much Our Lady of Fatima teaches us!

I did a short radio show this morning on Catholic Connection on Ave Maria Radio which you can listen to below…

Today is the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima. Our Lady appeared to 3 simple shepherd children 102 years ago today. I tell about the visit and all of the others in my books about Fatima: Our Lady of Fatima: 100 Years of Stories, Prayers, and Devotions, Our Lady’s Message to Three Shepherd Children and the World, and Advent with Our Lady of Fatima.

I would like to provide the special prayers taught to the children by the Angel of Peace in 1916 and by our Blessed Mother in 1917 here in this post.

You can pray these prayers today on this special feast day and any other day. Ask Mother Mary to grant many graces to you for your own soul and so that you can help others.

The Pardon Prayer

“My God, I believe, I adore, I hope and I love Thee! I beg pardon for all those that do not believe, do not adore, do not hope and do not love Thee.”

—This prayer was given to the children by the angel of Peace in Spring 1916.

Angel’s Prayer

“O Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I adore Thee profoundly. I offer Thee the most precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ present in all the tabernacles of the world, in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges and indifferences by which He is offended. By the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary I beg the conversion of poor sinners.”

—Given to the children Fall 1916. A Eucharistic host and chalice were suspended in the air, and the Angel of Peace led the children to kneel before it in Adoration and pray this prayer.

The Eucharistic Prayer

“Most Holy Trinity, I adore Thee! My God, my God, I love Thee in the Most Blessed Sacrament.”

—The Blessed Mother taught this prayer to the children on the first visit on May 13, 1917. 

The Sacrifice Prayer

“O Jesus, it is for the love of Thee, in reparation for the offenses committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and for the conversion of poor sinners [that I do this].”

—The Blessed Mother taught the children this prayer, as well as the Decade Prayer, on June 13th, 1917. It is meant to be prayed when offering up  suffering or penance to God.

The Decade Prayer

“O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, lead all souls to Heaven, especially those most in need of Thy mercy. Amen.”

—On July 13, 1917, the Blessed Mother told the children that people should add this prayer to the end of each decade of the Rosary.

Special DISCOUNT on my pilgrimage!

If you act fast you will receive $100.00 off from my upcoming Poland and Vilinus pilgrimage September 8, 2019 to September 18, 2109. You can see the itinerary and more details here.

A Marian priest will accompany us! We will have his name soon.

I planned this pilgrimage believing that folks will want to follow in St. Faustina’s footsteps after reading my book 52 Weeks with Saint Faustina: A Year of Grace and Mercy.

My book is available here.

Advent Reflections

Just a few thoughts I’d like to share with you. Here is an article “Making Room in Our Hearts for Our Lord and Our Neighbor” which I wrote and that was published at Catholic Mom today. In it, I have shared a few recent Advent observations including folks getting caught up in the mad rush and how we might help them.

Just now, in searching for a photo I needed for another article, I came across a blog post that I wrote just about this time last year. Wow. That had been quite an eventful week! You’ll need a cup of tea, coffee, or other beverage for this post–it’s a long one!

Here is a recent RADIO chat with good friends at EWTN’s Morning Glory show. I hope you can listen in at your convenience.

Here is a recent article at Catholic Exchange which shares an excerpt from my book: Advent with Our Lady of Fatima (Sophia Institute Press). You can order your book at Sophia Institute Press or here at my website.

Here’s the product page for my newest book: 52 Weeks with Saint Faustina: A Year of Grace and Mercy (Marian Press). You’ll see some of the reviews thus far. You can also order your copy there or through my website

Happy Advent!

It’s been awhile. I know. I have been so busy with my book writing and writing work, major traveling for speaking, and I have been sick too. Plus, of course, we just celebrated Thanksgiving.

It really is true. There are only so many hours in a day! 🙂 Where do I begin to catch up with you? You might be following me on social media too, so you know I haven’t fallen off the edge of the Earth!

Here I am with my precious helpers in the kitchen for Thanksgiving. My grandson in the first photo exclaimed, “I am wearing an apron–just like GRANDMA!” There’s nothing like the love of a grandchild. They are blessings to be sure!

We also celebrated four birthdays at Thanksgiving time. Three of my children’s birthdays as well as mine! Lots of festivity! After that, I got sick! I was run down and illness finally got to me. I’m getting better as we speak!

I’ll give you a few updates. My Advent with Our Lady of Fatima book has released. I have copies available here. 

Lived well, the season of Advent can help us meditate upon our eternal life as well as the need to help others get to heaven. Our Lady emphasizes that heaven is real and that we need to live holy lives to get there one day, but it’s important to recognize that hell is very real, too, and is a sure consequence for unrepented sin…” [From my book]

Catholic Exchange recently posted an excerpt from my book. You can see that here.

Here is a link to listen to a radio conversation I had with Jon Leonetti chatting about my Advent book. Just click on the link and then click on the Novemeber 21st date. You can scroll to the 18:53 time marker and listen there. It goes to about the 30:10 mark. Or, just listen to his whole show if you’d like. 

As well, I made a couple of very short videos for yesterday’s and today’s reflections. You can see them on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter. I tried to upload them here but the files are too large. I’ll try to do these types of teaching videos as open as I can. I pray that they stir your heart during this marvelous season of Advent and beyond!

In case you’d like additional information on my book:

From the Inside Flap:

Spend this Advent with Our Lady of Fatima
and with six saintly souls who were particularly devoted to her:
St. Teresa of Calcutta, St. John Paul II, Fr. Andrew Apostoli, and the Three Shepherd Children to whom Mary appeared in 1917!

In these spiritually-rich pages, award-winning Catholic author Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle brings you powerful prayers and readings guaranteed to shield you from the annual holiday sales frenzy that, during the holy season of Advent, distracts even sincere believers from preparation for the coming of the Christ Child.

These wise pages are sure to draw you closer to Our Lady of Fatima and her gracious messages of peace and hope. For these Advent prayers and readings are all rooted in Mary’s 1917 messages to Jacinta, Francisco, and Lucia (the three young Fatima visionaries); and in the personal Fatima devotions of three of our holy contemporaries, St. Teresa of Calcutta, St. John Paul II, and the late Fr. Andrew Apostoli.

Reflecting on Advent through their lives and words, you will also learn:

  • The prayers of adoration the Angel taught Jacinta, Francisco, and Lucia
  • What Fr. Andrew considered the most important of Our LadyFatima requests
  • How St. John Paul II fulfilled the Third Secret of Fatima — and why he credits Our Lady with saving his life!
  • How, in his final months, Fr. Andrew radically fulfilled Our Lady’s Fatima requests
  • The role Mother Teresa secretly played in the consecration of Russia
  • Why, particularly in Advent, you must pray for Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart to triumph
  • And much more to help you grow closer to Our Lady and keep your Advent frenzy-free.

There’s still time to get an autographed copy. Just click here or on the book cover image above. I hope that if you get a chance to read it that it will deeply inspire you. I hope and pray that Our Lady of Fatima will guide you through each day, along with some special Saintly friends I have woven through the chapters.

Advent with Our Lady of Fatima!


I was thinking of you and praying for you the other day on the 101st anniversary of the anniversary of the Great Miracle of the Sun at Fatima! And, I have some news…

Advent with Our Lady of Fatima is ready for pre-order!



You most likely know that I have written and preached much on Our Lady of Fatima and her important messages. I wrote two Fatima books which were released for the 100th anniversary year. One is for children (though many adults have told me that the children’s version has deeply impacted their lives as well as the adult version) and one is for adults (you can see them on my website).

I have included a picture of dear Fr. Andrew Apostoli, CFR here because he is in the book! There’s a photo of Fr. Luke Fletcher, CFR with me when we were visiting with Sister Lucia’s niece in Fatima last Autumn. By the way, Dear Fr. Luke makes a “cameo” appearance in my book too!

Because Our Lady of Fatima’s messages are so important for us, I wrote an Advent book to take you through the Advent season day-by-day with Our Lady of Fatima at your side: Advent with Our Lady of Fatima (cover image above)!

Some pertinent information on the book from the inside Flap:

Spend this Advent with Our Lady of Fatima
and with six saintly souls who were particularly devoted to her:
St. Teresa of Calcutta, St. John Paul II, Fr. Andrew Apostoli, and the Three Shepherd Children to whom Mary appeared in 1917!

In these spiritually-rich pages, award-winning Catholic author Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle brings you powerful prayers and readings guaranteed to shield you from the annual holiday sales frenzy that, during the holy season of Advent, distracts even sincere believers from preparation for the coming of the Christ Child.These wise pages are sure to draw you closer to Our Lady of Fatima and her gracious messages of peace and hope. For these Advent prayers and readings are all rooted in Mary’s 1917 messages to Jacinta, Francisco, and Lucia (the three young Fatima visionaries); and in the personal Fatima devotions of three of our holy contemporaries, St. Teresa of Calcutta, St. John Paul II, and the late Fr. Andrew Apostoli.


Reflecting on Advent through their lives and words, you will also learn:

  • The prayers of adoration the Angel taught Jacinta, Francisco, and Lucia
  • What Fr. Andrew considered the most important of Our LadyFatima requests
  • How St. John Paul II fulfilled the Third Secret of Fatima — and why he credits Our Lady with saving his life!
  • How, in his final months, Fr. Andrew radically fulfilled Our Lady’s Fatima requests
  • The role Mother Teresa secretly played in the consecration of Russia
  • Why, particularly in Advent, you must pray for Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart to triumph
  • And much more to help you grow closer to Our Lady and keep your Advent frenzy-free.


    As someone who has written books about Our Lady of Fatima before, Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle brings a unique richness to Advent with Through Advent with Our Lady of Fatima. She blends the wisdom of Fr. Andrew Apostoli, the Three Shepherd Children, Saint Teresa of Calcutta, and Saint John Paul II with her own into a fantastic formula of meditation, prayer and action that will make this your holiest, most blessed Advent ever!
    Marge Steinhage Fenelon, award-winning author of Our Lady, Undoer of Knots: A Living Novena and Forgiving Mother: A Marian Novena of Healing and Peace.

    Advent is an important time of preparation for the most stupendous event of history; Christmas, celebrating the day God became man. Through Fatima centered prayers and reflections, author Donna-Marie Cooper O Boyle provides the reader an excellent day-by-day guide on how to deepen and enrich both their Advent and Christmas experience.

    Alan Napleton, President and Founder of the Catholic Marketing Network

    This is an Advent journey like no other, revealing spiritual gifts from the God who comes, and reflected in the lives of some of his greatest disciples, many of whom I too was privileged to know personally. This journey leads us to learn, reflect, pray and act. Don t miss it!

    Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director, Priests for Life

    Donna Marie has captured the spirituality of the message of Fatima. This compilation of reflections and prayers of Mother Teresa, St John Paul II, the shepherd children, and Fr. Andrew Apostoli is a great guide to hope, peace, joy and love as seen through the eyes of these holy people. A great spiritual guide for Advent.

    David M. Carollo, Executive Director of World Apostolate of Fatima USA


Find Out More and Pre-order HERE!

I am leaving the country tomorrow to present a Divine Mercy retreat overseas. Please keep me in your prayers and be assured of my prayers for you. I have much more to tell you very soon. I want to share about my recent pilgrimage to the Shrines of France and Normandy Beaches.

In case you didn’t already see it, get a sneak peek HERE at some more amazing news!

Coming Soon! “52 Weeks with Saint Faustina.”


52 Weeks with Saint Faustina

(Marian Press)

Just as a little backdrop for you to share the blessings I received…

On Sunday night, October 4th, I returned home from leading a pilgrimage to France. The following day was the feast of St. Faustina!

After a strenuous, but very AMAZING trip, my body absolutely needed some time to rest and recuperate, especially because I am still healing up from a bad bicycle accident I was in a few short weeks before the pilgrimage and because I will be leaving very soon on another European trip. This one will be to give a Divine Mercy retreat to the military.

Well, on the morning of St. Faustina’s feast day, I sprang up out of bed at 4:00 AM. I felt rested enough and I decided to check my phone for messages. Right at that exact time, I received a text from a dear priest friend who said he was going to the National Shrine of Divine Mercy in Stockbridge, Mass. that day. Oh, how I longed to go. But, practically speaking, it seemed impossible to me, logistics-wise, etc. But still, I felt deeply inspired to embark on that trip with my husband–jet lag and all! So, we both began our work very early that day and finished in time to set out for the Shrine.

I am so glad and incredibly grateful that we did! For on that very day, I was handed a copy of an advance reader’s copy of my book “52 Weeks With Saint Faustina.” What a surprise! I didn’t know it was ready. As well, I participated in holy Mass, the Rosary, the Divine Mercy chaplet, Adoration, Benediction, and more. It was so meaningful to me on the special feast. What incredible blessings! And ones I could never have anticipated since I did not plan to go to the Shrine that day!

After that, I met Fr. Anthony Gramlich, MIC (in photo above and below) who had celebrated the Mass and gave a beautiful homily on St. Faustina. We had a lovely spiritual conversation and I was blessed to receive his blessing on my book and the work of the book, the people who will read it, etc, as well as a blessing for my husband and myself.

In addition to the amazing blessings that unfolded on dear St. Faustina’s feast day, I was told that the Nihil Obstat for the book came in on that very day! If that was not enough, later that day I received a vey beautiful foreword for my book which was written on St. Faustina’s feast day! I have included a very short snippet of it below. Certainly, God was showering me with amazing blessings on St. Faustina’s feast day! I am not worthy, but I am deeply grateful and blessed!

Here is the temporary book cover. It will be updated and will contain the subtitle. It will be available at Marian Press, my website, and in stores in December. It’s available to pre-order now through my website.

Description: Come spend 52 weeks with St. Faustina! Perfect for any time of the year, this collection of weekly meditations and activities by EWTN host Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle, author of The Miraculous Medal, guides readers on a 52-week spiritual pilgrimage through the life and teachings of the Secretary and Apostle of Divine Mercy, St. Faustina Kowalska (1905-1938).

Writing in her usual loving, thoughtful style, Donna-Marie offers readers a light-filled retreat, helping them welcome the grace and power of St. Faustina’s spiritual path of mercy and trust into their lives. Drawing deeply upon the wealth of spiritual insight and truth in the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska: Divine Mercy in My Soul, Donna-Marie shares with the reader the fruits of her own discipleship at the feet of St. Faustina and other great saints of mercy, such as St. John Paul II and St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta.

Rich, beautiful, inspiring, this book will help bring light into your life, and prepare you to share that light with others, as well!

Shown on Amazon here. But, not available on Amazon yet as this is just the advance reader’s copy.

Available (and autographed!) for pre-order here. $15.95 each (plus shipping)

A brief snippet from the Foreword (by Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, “Fr. Joseph, MIC,” Director, Association of Marian Helpers written on St. Faustina’s feast day):

Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle, a great Marian Helper, popular author, and EWTN show host, has created about as faithful and as thorough a presentation on the spirituality and the writings of St. Faustina Kowalska (1905-1938), the Secretary and Apostle of Divine Mercy, as I’ve ever read. It’s a deep dive into the life and writings of one of the greatest mystics in the history of the Church, a religious sister who was given to us by God specifically for the times we are living in today…

Saint Faustina changes lives. The Divine Mercy message and devotion that she was given by Jesus, a reminder and a prophetic restatement of the classical Gospel teaching on the mercy of God, changes lives…

I hope that you’ll get a chance to partake in the “pilgrimage” in reading 52 Weeks with Saint Faustina for a beautiful transformation in your own life.

It’s been awhile–catching up–my bike trip and trip to the hospital

It’s been a while since I have had a chance to write a blog post. I hope you’ve had a good summer–maybe a little down time.


I’ll fill you in on what’s been happening with me…but, I’ll also give you fair warning…it will be long winded! I have a lot to share…

I have had a very busy schedule, which included travel for speaking, lots of writing work, and very tight writing deadlines. All the while, I have been making several trips with my husband back and forth to my out-of-town Lyme disease doctor to get help with my new case of Lyme disease, as well as the Q Fever (a tick borne disease) already in my system. I have been dealing with many migraines, joint and muscle pain, and several other symptoms. All good material to offer up to God.

Thankfully, the doctor thinks that the Annaplasma and Babisia are now defeated. I worked for sometime (years!) trying to get rid of those nasty tick borne infections. Now, I need to keep working to get rid of the Lyme, please God. The Q Fever is on its way out (we think). We need to do some further checking into this.

Then, there were the unwelcome visitors

There was the “attack” by hundreds of angry bees living in our kitchen wall. There are thousands, actually. But hundreds got into our house. Yellow jackets, to be specific. I was the one with the fly swatter in hand swatting away at them as they found there way into our kitchen through small cracks or crevices where the kitchen cabinets meet the kitchen ceiling. They would occasionally dive at our heads or try to get into our shirts, etc.

I should show you a photo of the massive amounts of duct tape I used to cover every single possible place they might be sneaking in. Well, maybe I’ll skip that photo.

It turns out that the bees made a nest inside our wall by going through an old stove vent on the outside of the house. That’s where thousands of bees still live (until we get them out). So, it’s been interesting keeping up with the bees and trying to get rid of them. We are still working on it.

“Interesting” Summer!

In many ways it’s been an interesting summer. I was on Doxycycline for a month for my new case of Lyme disease (the ticks love me, unfortunately!) When taking that medicine, one is supposed to stay out of the sun. So, I did. I had to stay inside for a whole month except for Mass. We had many sunny days and just going from the front door to our vehicle gave me third degree burns on parts of my body. It was crazy. The blisters and burns took many weeks to heal. I was extremely happy once I got off of the Doxy and started a new antibiotic. Then, I could thankfully go outside again. I love the outdoors.

I’ll cut to the chase…Just a few days ago I was in a bicycle accident. You may have heard about that on social media. It was supposed to be a fun time. Allow me to step back to explain. Last year, my husband and I took a very nice long bike ride on a rail trail. We enjoyed it so much that we said we’d do it again.

Need to take a drive!

But, truth be told, we have been so busy with work schedules that we never scheduled it. However, we recently concluded that we had to do something fun this summer, Lord willing! Maybe that was to get a good bike ride in before the summer ends. We knew just the place!

We made some impromptu plans, and off we went. The added bonus was that we’d also be able to get to the ocean for a very short respite. That would surely soothe our tired minds and lift our hearts and souls.

I “brought” Fr. Andrew along with me as well! I hoped I might have time to read a bit–something I very rarely have a chance to do since I am full time working on writing!

We visited the ocean for just a day.

But, I soaked in all its beauty–the gorgeous skies and pretty clouds painted in designs across the massive blue canvas…


…feeling the the strong warm breeze…watching the cute little sandpipers running back and forth on the beach and the sea gulls flying all around…

…the humongous roaring waves moving their way back and forth across the beach–each time, stealing rocks and shells and forcefully pulling them along–boasting of their power–their consitency.


We actually saw a shark! A real one! Unfortunately, it was attacking a seal. But, that is nature–played out before our watchful eyes. Yes, we saw many seals, and that was fun observing and waiting to see where they will poke their black heads out of the water next.

The day was made in heaven.

Fr. Andrew’s smiling face looked up at me from nearby my beach chair. I never did get a chance to read that magazine that day.

I also didn’t know what would soon unfold.


We finally set out for our bike ride

It was a very warm day. Okay, I should be truthful–it was VERY hot.


Photo before our ride. But, be sure to wear your helmet on bike rides. 🙂

Yet, we were happy to embark upon what promised to be a fun journey on our rented bikes. We made our way onto the bike trail and peddled away. I thoroughly loved the warmth of the wind caressing my face as I sped along, and the penetrating sun’s rays beating down on my (sunscreen-ed) arms.

There were a few challenging hills, but for the most part, it felt almost effortless, even though I have some health challenges with the Lyme disease. It seemed to be just what the doctor ordered–a little break from work–fresh air, sunshine and good company!

I had a bit of trouble with the brakes on my bike and I think the bike guy adjusted my seat a little bit too high. But, I managed to do okay throughout the trip.

Something to look forward to

We figured that after our ride we would treat ourselves to an ice cream sundae! It would be the first one we would have all summer long. For the most part, we try to eat very healthy. However, every once in a while, it is HEALTHY to have a delicious dessert!

We kept peddling away down the rail trail–the tires of our bikes spinning around wildly.  Along the way, we passed a couple of families whose red-faced sweaty kids cried out, “I can’t do it anymore! I want to go home!” It was a hot day, as I mentioned. I called out to them with a smile and encouraging words as I passed by. I have no idea if it helped or not, but it was worth a try.

I knew I had to keep going–peddling away to make it up the hill. The sun beat down.

About five miles out, we stopped at a little market to get fresh water bottles. We sat on a wooden bench outside the store to take a short break, drinking our water and making plans. I suggested we turn back because it didn’t take a mathematician to tell us that it would be another 5 miles to get back. Since it was so hot out I figured we might tire easily and not be able to get back.

So, after a short break we hopped back on our bikes and headed to the bike place. I took in the scenery and enjoyed the nature all around us. But, there was one thing that I did not enjoy…

Unexpected turn of events

Just as I was turning to pull into the bike rental place, I skidded on some sand and completely lost control of my bike.Was it the faulty brakes? The bike seat too high?  Whatever the case, I was headed directly towards a large solid pole which was extremely close. I came crashing down on the pavement right next to the pole and the bike swung around and belted me in the rib cage. The pain from the crash was excruciating and I couldn’t breathe due to the wallop to my ribs which knocked the wind out of me. I knew I had to wait there on the ground, even though my husband wanted to help me up.

Crumpled up, I waited. I  kept crying out in prayer to Jesus to please help me. I know that He did. My husband said my head had been less than an inch from the pole. Somehow, my body swerved away from it and my head was saved. I say, “somehow.” But, I know how. I have no doubt that the collision would have been much worse.

When I could finally get up off the ground, I hobbled ever-so-slowly and painfully to our vehicle. We stopped at a store and my husband ran in to pick up supplies to treat the scary-looking wound on my left knee. But, before I could apply medication and bandages, I had to clean it out first. That was challenging, as many little twigs and pebbles were inside the wound. But, as I attempted to clean it and the water gushed over my knee, it was a perfect opportunity to offer the intense pain to God as Our Lady of Fatima has requested. For the love of God, the conversion of sinners, and in reparation for the sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

I then spent some time with ice packs over my very wounded knee.

It wasn’t easy, but, nonetheless, we made it back out to get our ice cream sundaes that we had anticipated early in our bike ride. The efforts to get there, with me bandaged and hobbling slowly and gingerly, were definitely worth it! I think I was still in shock!

After that, it was serious business for days on end (and still doing it!) in the healing process–staying put–icing my badly injured knees and my ribs, changing bandages, icing, elevating, lots of Advil, icing, icing, icing!

Now, here I am again, confined to the house. Like I said earlier, it has been an interesting summer. Today, just six days after the accident, the pain persists. It’s still tough to move, breathe and sleep due to my rib injury. It’s difficult to walk too. But, just today, I think I turned a corner with my left leg in that the swelling is finally going down. Thank you, Jesus! I still have a ways to go and I will be leaving to lead a pilgrimage to France three weeks from today! Please keep me in your prayers for quick healing. Thank you in advance.

I am writing this blog post with my swollen legs elevated and an ice pack on my knee and ribs, because I want to share a very meaningful encounter.

A continuing saga

The other night, I noticed that the injuries were getting worse instead of better. It appeared that a bad infection was rapidly spreading on my left leg.

This necessitated a trip to the Emergency Room. I certainly did not want to go out at that late hour, but I didn’t think I should wait until the morning. My leg looked pretty scary! I began to think that I might have inadvertently left a few stray pieces of debris in my wound which may have caused an infection.

At the ER, GUESS WHAT I happened to pull out of my wallet? It was surely something of comfort… as I retrieved my license for the woman checking me into the ER. It would seem that dear Fr. Andrew was watching over me. I asked for his intercession. Truth be told, I ask him several times a day.

I had an exam and a bunch of x-rays. I was given an antibiotic, as well as instructions. But, I had to smile at how things unfolded with the x-ray technician.

After the doctor examined me, he ordered the series of x-rays of my knee and ribs. By the way, the doctor told me that he could not have cleaned my wound as well as I had. He told me several times. He said I should be a doctor or nurse. 🙂 Well, I am a mother and grandmother, after all! But, back to the x-rays…

I waited on the hospital bed to be taken down to the x-ray. department.

“Knock knock!” A voice from behind the curtain beckoned.

The curtain suddenly moved aside and a woman was standing there. An amazed look immediately spread across her face.

“Aren’t you on EWTN?! Wow! I watch you all the time! Wait a minute…what? You live around here?!”

She was visibly excited. We launched into a very beautiful conversation. As she transported me in a wheel chair towards the x-ray department, the doctor spotted us chatting away and poked his head out from around his computer screen.

“Do you know one another?” I guess he was surprised at our animated discussion at the wee hour of the morning, especially because I was in a lot of pain.

She said, “Yes! I know her from television!”

We were still rolling towards the Radiology department. The doctor looked at me and asked, “You’re on TV?”

I peered at him and put my finger to my lips. “Shhhhhhhhhh!” I said. “I try to keep a low profile around here.”

A lot to talk about

The wonderful x-ray technician (I’ll call her Sally) and I continued gabbing all the way to Radiology and throughout our time together. We talked about EWTN–Sally has been watching for twenty years. We chatted about Fr. Andrew, Fr. Mitch, and others on EWTN, as well as the Faith. I told Sally that I was sure that God saved my head from crashing into the pole.

The only time we were quiet was when I had to hold my breath for the many x-rays.

Just before the x-rays, “Sally” unfastened the chain around my neck to take off my medals. Of course, I had to tell her that dear Mother Teresa had given the Miraculous Medal to me, and that it had gotten so worn out that I had to put it in the decorative case on my chain so I wouldn’t lose it. I also showed her the piece of Mother’s sari that I have in that same little case, right behind the medal. I pointed out dear St. Jacinta’s relic also in there, as well as the other small meaningful medals that I wear.

While my knee was being x-rayed, I realized that my Rosary which contained St. Faustina’s relic was in my pocket. I asked if it was okay that it was, since you are supposed to take off metal objects before x-rays. She said it was fine since we weren’t x-raying that area. I then happily discovered that my pocket also contained a blessed Miraculous Medal. If you know me, you’ll probably remember that I give Miraculous Medals out to people all over the world (like thousands upon thousands, by God’s grace!).

Blessings and graces

After the x-rays were completed, I put my chain back on my neck. I took out the blessed medal from my pocket, kissed it, and touched it to my medals. I then gave it to the kind lady.

“Sally” was delighted and proceeded to show me her medals. She told me the story of when she received a Miraculous Medal from a friend who told her to expect miracles!

After “Sally” brought me back to my hospital room, she thanked me again for the Miraculous  Medal. I had a sudden thought that I should also touch her medal to my Rosary. After all, Fr.Andrew had blessed it for me. Why not add another blessing to her new medal? She said she’d add to her chain. She was very grateful.

I told “Sally” that when I am feeling better I will drop off one of my books at the hospital for her. I think I’ll give her my “Miraculous Medal” book!

Well, I am all banged up, and it will take a while to heal completely. But, I have to say that I do love how God brings people together. Don’t you? He arranges all sorts of meetings between complete strangers. I could write a book about that! Oh, wait! I have written several like that! 🙂 I hope you don’t mind my bad attempt at humor. I am a bit stir crazy staying still for so long. 🙂

All joking aside, I love to share true stories of Faith to help inspire others to come closer to God. I will be sharing soon about my new books that will be releasing soon! As well as two that released earlier this year in case you missed them.

It’s time for another ice pack! Oh, and I see a few more angry bees in the house…

God bless you! Please pray for me! Be assured of my prayers for you too.

By the way, how was your summer?

Supporting Heroic Military Women

I have been connected to the military for as long as I can remember.

My father was in the National Guard, and my brothers Gary and Tim fought in the Vietnam War. Several other family members also served in the military.

As a young girl, I prayed so much for my brothers to be safe, and I have vivid memories of my mother’s earnest prayers for my brothers to come home alive from the jungles of Vietnam. Tears filled in her worried eyes as she fervently prayed that God would save her sons…

My National Catholic Register article shining a light on heroic military women is here.

Happy Feast of St. Joan of Arc!

Saint Joan of Arc is a very popular and beloved saint. I have included her in my recent book By Dawn’s Early Light: Prayers and Meditations for Military Wives (Sophia Institute Press) since she is a patroness of soldiers and military leaders. I hope you get to know her a bit more through the excerpt from my saints’ chapter of the book which I’ll share below, and perhaps through prayers to her asking for her intercession.


St. Joan of Arc, Patroness of Soldiers
and Military Leaders

Joan of Arc (1412–1431), a subject of many books, movies, and plays, was born in France to well-to-do peasant parents. Joan loved the sacraments and had a heart for the poor. In 1424, at twelve years old, this simple peasant girl began having visions of St. Margaret, St. Catherine, and St. Michael. She heard St. Michael tell her that she needed to go to King Charles VII to support him and help him rid France of the English.

Despite her young age, during the many battles of the Hundred Years’ War, Joan was instrumental in recapturing Orleans, Rheims, Paris, and numerous other towns from the English. The angry English declared her a heretic.

Joan was captured near Compiègne and was sold to the English. She was placed on trial for heresy and witchcraft, was interrogated, and was condemned to death for her crimes against the English and as a heretic, sorceress, and adulteress. Joan refused to retract her statements that it was the saints who appeared to her and spoke to her. In 1431 in Rouen, nineteen-year-old Joan was burned at the stake. She asked for a cross to be made that she put on her dress while she was burned. A priest held up another cross for Joan to gaze upon during her martyrdom. Witnesses attest to her composure and courage.

Joan’s ashes were dispersed in the Seine River. It is said that her heart did not burn and was thrown into the river with her ashes so that there wouldn’t be any relics. In 1456, Pope Callixtus III declared that Joan was innocent of her crimes and was now considered a martyr. Joan was beatified in 1909 and canonized in 1920. To St. Joan of Arc is ascribed the prayer “I fear nothing, for God is with me.” Her feast day is May 30.

Novena Prayer to St. Joan of Arc
Opening Prayer

Eternal Father, You gave us St. Joan of Arc
through Your infinite love and mercy for us.
We humbly ask that You send down Your Holy Spirit
upon us, as your Spirit is the intermediary
by which the Word goes forth from Your lips
and reaches the ears of the faithful.
Allow me to be a witness to Your Son
Jesus Christ, just as St. Joan of Arc was.

O Jesus, grant me the courage to do Your will,
that I may be in one accord with our Father in Heaven.
I thank You for the gift of Your love,
which I hope to understand fully one day.

Petition Prayer

Pray nineteen Our Fathers,

followed by the following prayer:

St. Joan of Arc,

by your powerful intercession,

hear and answer me.

St. Joan of Arc,
I ask you now to fight this battle
with me by prayer,
just as you led your troops to victory in battle.
You, who were filled with
the Holy Spirit and chosen by God,
help me this day with the favor I ask:
(mention your request).

Grant me by your
divine and powerful intercession
the courage and strength I need
to endure this constant fight.
O St. Joan, help me to be victorious
in the tasks God presents to me.

I thank you and ask you
for your continuing protection
of God’s people.

Closing Prayer

Sweet St. Joan,
plead for me before the throne
of Almighty God, that I may be deemed
worthy to be granted the request I have asked.
Help me, St. Joan, to be more like you
in the attempt to love our Lord
with all my heart, soul, and mind.
Through your guidance and prayer
help me to be a truly devout
and loving Christian, that I may
both know and see the will of God.

Help me now St. Joan, in my time of need.
I ask that you may always be near me
guiding me closer each day to Jesus.
Thank you, St. Joan,
for having heard my prayer. Amen.

Chatting with Al Kresta about military stresses and invisible war wounds

In case you missed it, you can listen to Al Kresta and me chatting about military stresses and strains and invisible war wounds in our conversation yesterday on Memorial Day: Here is a link to my recent radio chatJust slide the marker to the “22:27” mark and our chat will begin just after that point. Enjoy!