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Tag Archives: Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle
Hot off the press! Releasing NOW!
Diary of a Future Saint: Faustina’s Incredible Journey
“Young children are capable of great holiness. This book will help them get there!”
— Ralph Martin, S.T.D., Director of Graduate Theology Programs in the New Evangelization, Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Archdiocese of Detroit
Finally, the inspiring story of Saint Faustina for young readers!
Far from a mere gathering of historic details, this is an engaging and readable biography. In her personal, conversational style, Donna-Marie is simply telling the story of one of her favorite saints. It’s a compelling story and, as it unfolds, she invites her readers to think about their own relationship with Christ, offering them practical ways to model their lives on Faustina’s. Though geared primarily for young people, this is perhaps the fullest and richest biography of Saint Faustina and will be a great blessing for young and old alike.
— Vinny Flynn, best-selling author of 7 Secrets of Divine Mercy
Book description:
Born Helena Kowalska, a simple Polish peasant farm girl at the dawn of the 20th century, Faustina was chosen by God to teach the world about His unfathomable Divine Mercy. Though mocked, ridiculed, and unbelieved, she earnestly followed Jesus’ commands, the Blessed Mother’s instructions, and saintly wisdom to tread an amazing mystical journey, filled to overflowing with gifts and graces to glorify God. She went on to become one of the world’s most popular saints. Befriend this lovable, down-to-earth saint through the work of celebrated author Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle, an authority on the life of St. Fasutina and master storyteller, who presents St. Faustina’s life in this page-turning novel for all ages.
Buy your autographed copy here: $15.95 U.S./ dollars plus shipping.
For purchasing when outside the United States, order here: $15.95 plus shipping
Longer book description:
In Diary of a Future Saint, an authority on the life of St. Faustina, master storyteller, and celebrated author Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle, brings to life the incredible story of one of the world’s most popular saints, and according to St. John Paul II, “the great apostle of Divine Mercy in our time.”
This true biography reads like a page-turning novel and is written for ages ten and up. Helena Kowalska, once a poor Polish farm girl, whose family struggled during the years of World War I, perseveringly navigated many obstacles to follow her call to religious life. Even her pious parents stood in her way. One day, after a shocking visit from Jesus, Whom appeared covered in blood, the startled young aspirant fled to the nearby church, eventually eloping with Jesus in order to finally enter the Congregation of Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy in Poland during the 1930s.
Crossing over the threshold to religious life was an arduous journey for Helena, whom experienced crippling blows when doors shut in her face by the congregations that deemed her undesirable. With less than three years of formal education under her belt, Helena was considered to be no-one special, from a low rung of society. Therefore, when the door at the Congregation of Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy finally opened to her, the Sisters placed Helena in the “second choir” or class of nuns, responsible for the domestic duties.
Yet, it was there among the pots and pans, the dirty laundry, the vegetable gardens, and beggars at the gate where Jesus communed with His little bride. Helena, whom was later named Sister Maria Faustina, would flourish in the spiritual life hidden behind a cloak of humility. Saint Faustina received many graces and gifts (such as a hidden stigmata, visions, revelations, the gift of contemplation, bilocation, levitation, reading human souls, a gift of prophesy, deep knowledge of God’s mercy and of the Blessed Trinity, and mystical espousal). However, she never let on to anyone, with the exception of her directors, that Jesus Himself was instructing her to tell the world about His unfathomable Divine Mercy.
Divine Mercy is not a new revelation, for God has always been merciful. Yet, Heaven saw fit that Divine Mercy would be revealed in a new way. On the evening of February 22, 1931, Sr. Faustina was in her cell when Jesus appeared to her in the image of the Divine Mercy, which took her breath away! Jesus gave her explicit instructions in propagating His image and His promises to those who venerate the image. The young visionary also communed with the Blessed Mother, whom also guided her.
Early in religious life, Sr. Faustina’s Guardian Angel escorted her to Purgatory where she learned the need to pray for the holy souls. She also experienced Hell and all its chasms and observed many unspeakable torments. She learned that almost all souls perishing in Hell were ones who did not believe in Hell’s existence while on Earth. Sister Faustina had many enthralling experiences with holy angels and dreaded demons. Jesus asked Sr. Faustina to record her experiences, which she hand wrote in notebooks. Today, St. Faustina’s writings are known as the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska.
Saint Faustina’s Diary is God’s loving message of Divine Mercy for our world. Though Helena Kowalska was considered to be insignificant and uneducated, she was obedient to God’s designs on her soul and eventually raised to the altar as a canonized saint, Jesus’ “Secretary and Apostle of Divine Mercy.” Faustina’s humble faith and trust in God gives us great hope for our own lives.
Please visit the Marian Press website to learn more or to purchase there.
Stay tuned for additional endorsements to be posted.
Women of Grace, Part 5
Here is Part 5 of my visits with Johnnette B. Williams on “Women of Grace” on EWTN. You can see it by clicking here.
Here’s a description of the episode:
“Have you ever considered that you may well be part of God’s plan in bringing restoration and hope to others, healing and new life?
And have you ever considered that perhaps your sufferings and trials are the means God uses to fill you with His divine life that you might be that font of mercy for another?
Well, it’s not just possible, it is plausible. And here to tell us how God has used her travail to be a source of grace for others is our guest, Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle.”
Click here to purchase your autographed copy.
Women of Grace, Part 3
Here is Part 3 of my visits with Johnnette B. Williams on her “Women of Grace” show on the EWTN television network. You can see it by clicking here.
Here’s the description from the “Women of Grace” website:
“As we have come to discover, no one is immune from suffering, especially those seeking holiness of life and working in the service of the Lord.
It seems that it is in the crucible of tribulation that the greatest of saints are made. And, when they are in that crucible, they strive to find the spiritual benefit as well as God’s will – what am I to do, Lord? What is your will?
Today, we will look at the trial of marital discord and divorce with our guest, Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle.”
Women of Grace, Part 1
Here is Part 1 of my 5-part mini-series with Johnnette Benkovic Williams in discussing my memoir “The Kiss of Jesus” and the spiritual life, particularly the crosses in our life. You can click here to watch Part 1.
Here’s the description from the Women of Grace website:
“The common denominator of the human experience is suffering. We all experience it to greater or lesser degree, and if we haven’t experienced it yet, it is sure to come. After all, we live in a broken and fallen world surrounded by broken and fallen people.
So the question ought not to be. “Will I suffer?” We are assured of that. Rather the question ought to be, “What will I do when I suffer?” And the way we answer that question makes all the difference in the world.
This week’s guest on Women of Grace answered that question not once in her life, but many times over. And what she discovered was the cross, when embraced, holds abundant and beautiful treasures. In this 5 Part Women of Grace series, Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle will share with us how to Discover the Beauty of the Cross.”
The Kiss of Jesus
My visits with Johnnette B. Williams are airings this week on EWTN’s “Women of Grace” television.
The description for the series
“The common denominator of the human experience is suffering. We all experience it to greater or lesser degree, and if we haven’t experienced it yet, it is sure to come. After all, we live in a broken and fallen world surrounded by broken and fallen people.
So the question ought not to be. “Will I suffer?” We are assured of that. Rather the question ought to be, “What will I do when I suffer?” And the way we answer that question makes all the difference in the world.
This week’s guest on Women of Grace answered that question not once in her life, but many times over. And what she discovered was the cross, when embraced, holds abundant and beautiful treasures. In this 5 Part Women of Grace series, Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle will share with us how to Discover the Beauty of the Cross.”
“The Kiss of Jesus” is #4 in Biographies of Catholicism
By the way, Amazon just posted that my memoir “The Kiss of Jesus” is right now #4 in Biographies of Catholicism!
You can get your autographed copy here!
You can also visit the EWTN Religious Catalogue here.
Do you believe in Angels?
Do you believe in Angels? I do. Of course, Angels are real.
I’ve studied them, I’ve written about them, and have even experienced them. Angels are mentioned in both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. I also wrote a book about Angels (“Angels for Kids“). We are all blessed to have our own Guardian Angel to accompany us through life.
Here’s an excerpt about Angels from my book 52 Weeks with Saint Faustina: A Year of Grace and Mercy.
Incidentally, Father Andrew Apostoli, CFR had me on his show “Sunday Night Prime” twice to discuss the holy Angels. I’ll post about that soon (and come back here at some point to leave links to the shows — check below under my signature). I don’t have an assistant or anyone that helps me with the work, so it may take a while — I’m not complaining, I do have help from my amazing Guardian Angel!
Truth be told, I don’t really have time to write this blog post, but if I don’t do so now, it might never be shared. We are about one week away from Christmas. As I type these words, I am battling a migraine. It’s a dreary wet cold day here in New England. I can’t even get the fire started properly, as there are too many ashes in the wood stove. We need to make some time to clean them out.
I haven’t had time to decorate much for Christmas and I have only stolen away a few hours recently to begin my Christmas shopping. I have been busy with life and with book writing. I am on a tight deadline for an important biography I am currently writing. Plus, my husband got very sick right after Thanksgiving and ended up in the ER one night due to a very low oxygen level.
Thanks be to God, he turned a corner and is doing very well now. I asked Jesus to please (if it was according to His holy will) spare me of the dreaded virus so that I could take care of my husband and also try to continue on with other responsibilities.
Thanks be to God again, Jesus spared me. It was a true miracle in my humble opinion. Trust me. I was endlessly coughed upon and exposed to it by a couple of other “positive” people for a number of days in close proximity, and then the 24/7 care of my husband (for about 2 weeks).
God has His reasons for everything and I am singing His praises for taking such good care of us. All the while, we are and have been praying for so many other people who are sick or suffering in some way. The ministry of helping others in need is very busy at this time.
But let me get to the point of this sharing with you …
As I mentioned, I have that very tight book deadline. Actually, it was due yesterday! Thanks to my kind and understanding publisher, I have a bit more time to complete the manuscript. However, yesterday, I was working away on it (with a migraine) and suddenly the manuscript was completely gone! Yes, I said, “gone!” It had mysteriously disappeared!
The only document that resembled the manuscript was a much shorter one that had given me trouble earlier on in the writing process, so I had copied the work I had done on there thus far, and transferred it to another document where I have been writing ever since — AND saving my work every few minutes in various places (drives) due to having had lost a bunch of important work in the past (when the hard drive on my fairly new computer totally crashed and was not retrievable). 🙁
Even with saving my work constantly, the manuscript disappeared! I’m sure you can imagine the fear that began rushing through my veins! This was months of work. All the while, I was trusting God that He would help me — somehow — that no matter what, all would be well — eventually.
My cell phone was just about dead, so, I picked up the land line phone (which had been out of order for a couple of days, but was suddenly working!) and I called a technician. I knew from past experience that I had to be very careful. I needed to get immediate help because if I did the wrong thing, I could lose the entire manuscript for good. I was getting confusing messages on the screen of my computer and every single option offered was not good — at all!
After some initial delay with the automated communication, I finally got a real person on the phone, someone with whom I would try to explain my situation and whom would hopefully and prayerfully be able to help me. Please God! I prayed.
“Hello, my name is Angel …”
“Hello my name is Angel. May I ask your name?”
You can probably imagine my surprise and delight to be speaking with someone named Angel! God is pretty amazing like that!
Well, there is just so much to the story and I don’t want keep you hanging, but I need to be a bit brief so that I can get back to my work.
In a nutshell, Angel was a true Godsend! We had the most amazing conversation. He ended up telling me that he served in the military for a number of years and that he always counts his blessings and continues to put his “life into the hand of the MAN above.” That really told me something about him.
Well, it took almost 2 hours to fix the problem and thank God it is fixed now. The last few minutes (or more!), we shared with one another about our Faith in God and even about writing. You see, this man has a book in him, just wanting to be written.
I believe God put me in Angel’s life yesterday to encourage him to write the book that has been on his heart for years now. And God certainly put him into my life to inspire Faith in my own heart and to give to me this story to share with you (not to mention the fact that Angel had saved my book)!
I told Angel that I was so delighted when I heard him tell me his name at the beginning of what would be a truly blessed conversation — one I won’t forget.
One more thing! Last evening, I swept up some piles of dirt and pieces of bark from fire wood that my husband had brought into the house, and I headed to the kitchen to get our dinner going. Right then, broom and dust pan in hand, I literally stopped in my tracks.
“Wow!” I said out loud, entering the kitchen.
It had suddenly dawned on me that I had been working on the chapter about ANGELS (and demons) when my book manuscript disappeared and all of the above happened! I hadn’t thought about that when I was in the midst of trying to save my book.
Pretty amazing!
I’ll add quickly here that during our phone conversation, I offered to give Angel my email address in case he wanted to get in touch about his future book (so I could encourage him :)) and he said he couldn’t take that over the phone since the phone call was being recorded by the company, etc. So, since we were “screen sharing” at that moment, I punched in my website and it popped up. I told him he could find out how to reach out to me through my website.
He was amazed as he looked at my website.
I wish I could tell him that one last thing, though … because I know he would think it was pretty amazing — and that is that I was actually writing about the Angels just moments before He, (Angel!) answered the phone and helped me with my huge problem. Maybe he will see this blog post. 🙂
Well, my dear Reader, please pray for my writing. I best get back to it now. I just wanted to share this with you.
Stay safe and well. Take your vitamins! I can’t help it, it’s the MOM in me! Keep praying and counting your blessings. Give God’s love to others. They surely need it, especially at this time of year.
God bless you!
PS I did come back to share these links: Here is one of my Angel shows with Fr. Andrew Apostoli, CFR. It’s titled, “Angels of God.” And here is the next show we did on the Angels, “Your Angel’s Questions.”
I hope you can watch them. Angels are truly fascinating and so helpful to us along our path through life.
Advent cookies!
Look at this sweet 4-year old enjoying making my Advent cookie recipe from my new book Christmas Joy with Grandma! with her Grandma! Her photo sent to me by her Grandmother and used with permission.
Create your memories Moms and Grandmoms!
New tea cups in the shop!
By the way, I have some new pretty tea cups in the shop. I pair them with my book: A Catholic Woman’s Book of Prayers. A little card goes with the set (the autographed book and one tea cup and saucer) to encourage folks to strive to make every day a celebration.
I drew from my mother’s wisdom of when she was ill with cancer in the hospital bed and decided that life was much too short to save the good china for special occasions. She vowed that when she got home she would start using her fancy dishes stored away in her china cabinet.
I say, “Let’s use our good china with joy.“ ❤️❤️❤️
My Advent cookies!
Do you enjoy baking Christmas cookies with the little ones? Or with the “big” ones?! I recently wrote a book: Christmas Joy with Grandma! (published by Marian Press) and decided to conclude it with one of my own recipes for healthy oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. Because my story’s Grandma bakes cookies with her grandchildren Anne-Marie and Joseph, I decided to call my cookies, “Advent cookies”!
I hope to start a new trend in Catholic and Christian families — baking Advent cookies when getting together during the Advent season to light the Advent candle or just while enjoying one another’s company in the home — the domestic church during the Advent season. Baking these cookies can help to highlight the important season of Advent when we are to prepare our hearts for the Christ Child at Christmas!
I’m delighted to know that a family whom has read my book decided to use my recipe in my Christmas Joy with Grandma! book to make a batch of Advent cookies (which, by the way, are suitable for any time of the year).
Have a look at their fun in the photos below and see Sophia Monica and Olivia making the cookies. Receiving these photos brought a big smile to my face! I’m glad they had so much fun and enjoyed the end results! They are creating warm memories in their family while also relishing in their precious present moments together. This beautiful family also seized the opportunity to capture a few photos for their Christmas card!
Incidentally, I asked if they enjoyed the cookies, and Mom Allison said,
“Yes! We did enjoy the cookies! They were nice and flaky hot out of the oven, and became more like a light traditional cookie once cooled. The house smelled great!”
Allison Hsu
I hope more families will make and enjoy my “famous” Advent cookies. I think I’ll start a contest soon. Families who send to me their photos of the cookies and of making them will be put into a drawing to win something special! Stay tuned for more information on the contest!
To order a signed copy of this book
Click here to learn more and to order an autographed copy of Christmas Joy with Grandma!
To learn a bit more about this book, click here. I think you’ll also love the lush watercolor illustrations by noted watercolor artist Ann Engelhart.
Kids love this book!
A new review just came in for “Christmas Joy with Grandma!”
I began reading Christmas Joy with Grandma aloud to my three children and after Chapter 1, they grabbed the book to read for themselves! The illustrations are engaging and evoke a sense of nostalgia for this mom. The story is great at introducing not only the Christmas story through scripture but the rich Advent traditions of the Advent wreath and creche. I do think this book would be a great gift from grandparents to read aloud to their grandchildren to make special Christmas traditions of their own.
Allison Hsu
Christmas Joy with Grandma!
Brand new for 2022!
Officially releasing in September 2022, but I am making copies available to you right now (while supplies last)!
“Take an Advent journey with Joseph, Anne-Marie, and Grandmother! Together, you’ll discover the story of Christmas and get ready to welcome Jesus into your own heart and home. Beautifully illustrated, this gentle, loving introduction to the true meaning of Advent and Christmas by celebrated author Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle will become a beloved book for every family and revisited each holiday season.”
Praise for Christmas Joy with Grandma!
Great Children’s Book! It is not only a Christmas book, but an Advent book as well. Donna-Marie brings out the joy of family sharing, Advent-Christmas traditions, and the true meaning of Christmas. The smell of those Grandma’s homemade cookies exudes from each page. Read this book by a nice warm fireplace during Advent or Christmas!
Fr. Anthony Gramlich, MIC
Assistant Rector of the National Shrine of the Divine Mercy
Everyone loves a story – and a story is a wonderful way to teach about Advent without making it feel like a lesson. Christmas Joy with Grandma! gives grandparents and parents a way to share with littles what they believe about Advent in an easily readable and beautifully illustrated way. A great way to share the joy of our Faith!
Kimberly Hahn, author of Life-Giving Love
Donna-Marie’s book, “Christmas Joy with Grandma!” is a treasure to behold; a gift to read and share. It draws you into a place of light, joy, and love. Donna-Marie makes the “real Christmas Story” come to life. Within charming text and colorful illustrations is a vital message on waiting, and preparing for the Christ Child. I look forward to reading this with my grandchildren. Highly recommended for children and adults!
Kathleen Beckman, Author, Speaker, Praying for Priests, A Family Guide to Spiritual Warfare, Beautiful Holiness
In this dizzying, high stress era of sound-byte driven, speed-of-light communications, Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle has written a simple, sweet and sincere story about the value of patience, the thrill of quiet anticipation, the beauty of grandparents, and the true meaning of family, love, and Christmas. Her new children’s book is an absolute delight!
Anthony DeStefano, Bestselling Catholic Author of A Travel Guide to Heaven, Our Lady’s Wardrobe, and Our Lady’s Picture Book
$12.95 plus shipping for an autographed copy.
Order here for outside of United States:
You can also visit Shop Mercy to order there.
The Wonders of the Miraculous Medal!
I recently had the blessing of a radio interview with Michael O’Neill on his show “The Miracle Hunter.” We had a very beautiful discussion about the history of the Miraculous Medal and also its relevance today. You might know Michael for this particular show and perhaps also for his television shows on EWTN.
I love his shows for he delves into rich history and comes up with amazing content to stir our hearts and inspire us to aspire to holiness!
Here’s a bit from the EWTN website: “‘Miracle Hunter’ Michael O’Neill delves into the fascinating world of miracles and takes listeners on a hunt that explores the greatest mysteries and marvels of the Catholic Church. From visions of the Virgin Mary and inexplicable medical healings through the intercession of Saints to the miracles of the Eucharist and those who bear the wounds of Christ, listeners will journey through the wonders that have inspired the fascination and faith of believers for centuries.”
Well, there was so much more I could say about the amazing sacramental — the Miraculous Medal, but alas, there’s only a certain amount of time on the radio! I hope you’ll get a chance to read my book, The Miraculous Medal: Stories, Prayers, and Devotions which you can see and order below. It is filled with much enthralling detail and many miraculous stories.
The interview aired this past Saturday on EWTN radio but you can still listen on a share-able Soundcloud link here:
or in the first slot on the program page
Talking about forgiveness
I had the blessing and pleasure of chatting once again with Chris Sparks on “Sparks of Mercy” podcast. We discussed a tough topic. You can read the episode details below.
It may be the hardest teaching Christ ever gave us: “love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you” (Lk 5:44). How do we live it? With her customary cheerfulness and down to earth practicality, author Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle takes the impossible into the realm of the commonsensical, offering practical advice on living loving mercy toward our enemies and so transforming our modern world. To order “Divine Mercy in a Woman’s Life: Milestones Along The Way” visit ShopMercy.org.
You can tune in at any time to listen to this recording. I suggest you get yourself a beverage and pull up a chair. It’s a 40 minute (or so) podcast.
Have a listen!
A Lively Discussion …
I recently came across my conversation with the wonderful folks at the Busted Halo Radio Show in NYC. On air, we discussed two of my books. By Dawn’s Early Light: Prayers and Meditations for Catholic Military Wives, as well as Catholic Wisdom for a Mother’s Heart.
I disclosed the reasons why it was important to me to write a book of prayers for the heroic military women (wives, sisters, mothers, aunts, daughters, cousins, friends, and any woman associated with the military). We also discussed Catholic women, Catholic mothers, and their amazing vocation, and so much more.
I hope you enjoy our conversation. Just click here to listen at your convenience. Let me know your thoughts in the comment section below … God bless you!
Saint Benedict Chaplet
Brand NEW creation! I designed this with Benedictine Monks in mind — two Monks in particular. The two Benedictine friends have prayed for me and for the ministry. I wanted to make something special for them for Christmas. I thought they could keep the chaplet of beads, or “prayer cord” in their pockets as a protection and a reminder of prayer. After it is blessed, it becomes a sacramental.
I decided to make more of them and make them available for you for purchase. Though I made them for my Benedictine friends, this prayer cord is appropriate for anyone (male, female, Religious or layperson). Saint Benedict is beloved among many and he is known for his powerful protection.
When a St. Benedict medal or crucifix is blessed with the FULL exorcism blessing, it becomes a powerful “weapon” against evil. While my supplies last, I’ll include a leaflet with the full description of the St. Benedict medal and background on St. Benedict.
In addition, I will include a copy of the exorcism blessing for the medals, which can be carried out by a Catholic priest or deacon.
The St. Benedict Crucifix and the lovely and sturdy St. Benedict Cross, both measure about one and a half inches long. The cord measures approximately 10 and a half inches long and is made out of brown and white swirled glass beads and silver plated components and end caps on the beads. A decade of prayer can be prayed on the cord, or the entire Rosary, praying one decade at a time. In addition, one can pray a novena of prayer and an extra prayer on the 10th bead in thanksgiving (like Mother Teresa has done).
What do you think? You can comment below if you’d like.
It comes in a velvet gift bag and sells for $35.99 plus shipping. Or, two for $66.99! I will include a leaflet about the St. Benedict medal. I will also include the blessing formula for a priest or deacon to use to bless your prayer cord.
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“Birds of the Air” Novena Bracelet
“Look at the birds of the air; they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? And can any of you by worrying add a single hour to your span of life? And why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not clothed like one of these. But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith?”
By the way, the little picture of the bird on the clothesline with the patchwork quilt (on the card) is actually my painting ☺️. This photo shows the front and back of the prayer card that comes with the bracelet which comes in a gift box. The little “faith“ charm on the bracelet is actually a silver color. In this picture, due to the lighting, it looks a bit different.
It comes in a gift box with the prayer card and sells for $42.99 plus shipping. Or, two for $79.99!
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New! Mother Teresa “Emergency” Novena Prayer Cord!
I was inspired to create this prayer cord because a very dear friend of mine, who is dying asked me to make a cord of prayer beads for her. She loves the Mother Teresa Emergency Novena Prayer Bracelet that I had sent to her. However, she just recently desired a cord of beads, as well.
As I was making it for my special friend, I decided that I should make more of them so that it will be available for others who would like to purchase it for themselves or for loved ones. It’s a tangible item that becomes a sacramental after it is blessed. It can bring comfort to those who desire to pray earnestly for urgent matters in their own lives, their family’s life, or for some other reason. It has a very nice feel to it and you can keep it in your pocket, purse, back pack, or on your night table.
The crucifix I have used has a St. Benedict medal as part of it. So, I have had the crucifixes blessed with a full exorcism blessing. This Mother Teresa “Emergency” Novena Prayer Cord is suitable for anyone, but I think especially for women because of the feminine design. I have another design in mind that will be less flowery and I hope to make it soon.
Don’t worry with regard to the men! I just designed two other kinds of Novena Prayer Cords for men, but with St. Joseph the Worker as the theme. I’ll post it very soon!
This special Novena Prayer Cord measures approximately 10 1/4 inches in length. I recommend getting it blessed by a priest or a deacon after receiving it. It will still retain the special exorcism blessing already on the crucifix (which is my gift to you).
Comes with lovely velvet bag and prayer card
It sells for $35.99 plus shipping. Or, two for $66.99!
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Saint Faustina, Holy Souls, and Purgatory
The month of November for Catholics is supposed to be a time to prayerfully remember the holy souls in Purgatory. These souls in Purgatory are being purified to be able to get to Heaven. Their sins were forgiven before they had died, but they had not yet done penance for their sins. After we die, we can no longer pray for ourselves. The souls in Purgatory rely on, and earnestly hope for our prayers.
On the feast of All Souls, the other day, I visited a local cemetery to pray for the holy souls. It was a grey chilly day. I parked my car and got out and made my way around the cemetery, praying and observing the many grave sites. I saw some graves of little babes, just one or a few days old and laid to rest by their loving families. I saw many very simple graves and countless ornate ones too. Each person has a story. Every person is loved by God. These souls have finished their pilgrimage on earth and many are awaiting the everlasting happiness of Heaven. We need to pray for them.
Saint Faustina’s mission to save souls
In addition to her great mission to propagate the message of Divine Mercy, St. Faustina Kowalska, a great mystic of the twentieth century had a mission to save souls. In her Diary, the young Sister Faustina recounted a profound experience she had very soon after entering Religious life which touched her to the core of her being. She had asked Jesus for whom she should pray. Our Lord told her that He would tell her on the following night. Below, you’ll see this explained in the excerpt from my book and also from the Diary.
Our friend Saint Faustina earnestly prayed for souls. Souls even visited her to ask for her fervent prayers. Often, the humble mystic knew when someone was dying and she prayed the Divine Mercy Chaplet for them. All throughout her Diary, we can learn about her many encounters with the souls in need of prayer.
In my book, 52 Weeks with Saint Faustina: A Year of Grace and Mercy, I wrote about some of St. Faustina’s holy encounters and prayers for souls. Here is an excerpt:
Purgatory: a place of suffering and transformation
Helen was very familiar with interior suffering, but now in the convent, she would also taste the cup of physical suffering. At times, she felt deeply tormented mentally and spiritually over the humiliations and pain that she experienced at the hands of some of the sisters and her superiors. The pain from these interior torments sometimes caused her to suffer physically. As Helen matured in the spiritual life, she realized the great power in redemptive suffering — in offering her suffering to God and asking Him to use it for His glory. She would later write, “Suffering is a great grace; through suffering the soul becomes like the Savior; in suffering love becomes crystalized; the greater the suffering, the purer the love” (Diary, 57). She also learned she could suffer her Purgatory while on earth, and that she should work hard to help free souls from Purgatory.
A few weeks after Helen went through the interior trial of feeling tempted to leave the congregation, she became physically rundown due to a variety of things, including spiritual conflicts that weighed upon her. When Helen was at the point of exhaustion, her superior decided to send her to Skolimow, near Warsaw, to the congregation’s rented summer country home. The home was used for the sisters living in Warsaw and the girls in their charge. There, Helen would get a much-needed rest, doing only the light work of cooking for the other sisters and looking after one convalescing nun.
In Skolimow, this young postulant experienced an incredibly profound mystical vision that involved her guardian angel. Helen had asked Jesus for whom she should pray. Jesus said He would reveal it on the following night. Helen was shown the souls in Purgatory. Her guardian angel appeared and instructed her to follow him. “In a moment I was in a misty place full of fire in which there was a great crowd of suffering souls” (Diary, 20). Later, she explained her visit to Purgatory. Though she observed the souls praying fervently, Helen was made to know that their prayers could not be of any use for themselves. They needed prayers from others to aid them. Helen asked the souls what was their greatest torment. It was their longing for God. The souls were assured that they would indeed be with God in Heaven in eternal happiness, but first, they needed to be purified.
Helen also observed that the Blessed Mother, called the “Star of the Sea” by the Holy Souls, visited them and brought them “refreshment.” No doubt Mother Mary brought great hope and comfort to the souls. Her guardian angel escorted her out of Purgatory, and she heard an interior voice, “My Mercy does not want this but justice demands it” (Diary, 20). Helen was deeply impacted by this visit, and afterwards prayed earnestly for souls. Some souls would actually visit her, seeking prayers. We will discuss this more later on …
Here’s how St. Faustina penned the experience in her Diary:
“I saw my Guardian Angel, who ordered me to follow him. In a moment I was in a misty place full of fire in which there was a great crowd of suffering souls. They were praying fervently, but to no avail, for themselves; only we can come to their aid. The flames which were burning them did not touch me at all. My Guardian Angel did not leave me for an instant. I asked these souls what their greatest suffering was. They answered me in one voice that their greatest torment was longing for God. I saw Our Lady visiting the souls in Purgatory. The souls call her ‘The Star of the Sea.’ She brings them refreshment. I wanted to talk with them some more, but my Guardian Angel beckoned me to leave. We went out of that prison of suffering. [I heard an interior voice] which said, ‘My mercy does not want this, but justice demands it.’ Since that time, I am in closer communion with the suffering souls (Diary, 20).”
Praying for the holy souls
With regard to praying for the souls in Purgatory in this month of November, Marian Father, Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC suggested, to “pay attention to what’s going on in nature, and let that consideration move your thoughts to the suffering of the souls in purgatory.”
“In other words,” he added, “as November progresses and the days become shorter and colder, as the landscape becomes barren and desolate, we can allow the somber atmosphere to gather our minds and hearts to focus on the suffering of the souls in purgatory. They also experience a kind of dark-cold barrenness and desolation that far surpasses what we endure on earth, and we should try to be mindful of their plight.”
Saint Faustina loved the holy souls so much that she asked the Lord for three special requests on the very profound day of her perpetual vows. She said, “Jesus, I know that today You will refuse me nothing.” She made her first two requests and then for her third request she said: “Jesus, I plead with You for the souls that are most in need of prayer. I plead for the dying; be merciful to them. I also beg You, Jesus, to free all souls from PURGATORY.”
I paused right there
A few days ago on the feast of All Souls, as I was meandering through the cemetery, praying for the holy souls, I came across this blank headstone. I couldn’t find a name on it anywhere. I paused and prayed right there for that person. Though, I do not know their name or anything about them, I will continue to pray for that special soul and all of the souls in Purgatory.
Please remember the holy souls in Purgatory. Try to get into a prayerful habit of praying for them in the morning and in the evening. Visit cemeteries, especially in the month of November to pray for the holy souls.
Our Lady, Star of the Sea, please help them and help us. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord; And let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen.
[Since writing this blog post, I have since written another. It’s about adopting a Forgotten Soul and you can see it here.]
Discussing Advent with Deacon Harold
I was blessed to sit down with Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers through the airwaves on his show “Walk by Faith Wednesday Webinars with Deacon Harold” to discuss the very holy season of Advent. Since Advent is just 3 weeks away, it’s wise to begin to think about our plans and put them into place to make a holy Advent journey. I hope you like our discussion and I encourage you to share this blog post with your friends and family members who might be interested.