Chatting about dear Mother Teresa on Son Rise Morning

This morning I chatted with sweet Anna Mitchell on the Son Rise Morning Show on Sacred Heart Radio. I love doing my regular segment on “Mother Teresa and Mercy” every First Friday in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Today we focused on Mother Teresa’s upcoming canonization and my friendship with her.

Here is our short radio chat this morning. I hope that you enjoy it.

“Feeding Your Family’s Soul” on EWTN’s Sunday Night Prime

IMG_5340Fr. Andrew Apostoli, C.F.R. recently interviewed me on his very popular Sunday Night Prime TV show about my upcoming book Feeding Your Family’s Soul: Dinner Table Spirituality.I love doing shows with Fr. Andrew. He is a wonderful Host!  I just found out that it will air this Sunday, August 7th, as well as August 8th. You can see more here on the EWTN website.

Here are the times and dates:
Sun. Aug. 07 at 8:00 PM ET
Mon. Aug. 08 at 1:30 AM ET
Mon. Aug. 08 at 9:00 AM ET

Fr. Andrew and I discuss the family and the need and responsibility to teach the faith to the family and I give many tips during our show. In addition, we stress the importance of family dinners. I hope that you can tune in and that you will enjoy our show.

My book will be ready very soon. In fact, I think I will have copies as early as the end of August. I will ship out pre-orders as soon as I receive the books. They will be autographed and be sent with a blessed Miraculous Medal.

If you would like to pre-order my new book you can do so here on my book page of this website.

Here is a description of the book: This book is uniquely suited to come to their rescue. Feeding Your Family’s Soul: Dinner Table Spirituality is a vital tool to enable parents to transform a regular dinner time into a prayerful faith lesson for their elementary school to high school aged children. It will indeed help to fulfill the Catholic Church’s vision for evangelization in the family and beyond.

Through 52 fun and creative faith lessons (one for each week of the year plus actually one extra as Extra Credit!), this one-of-a-kind book will encourage parents and caregivers to seize the opportunity in teaching the Catholic faith to the children (the captive audience waiting to eat!) while gathered at the dinner table, and while reminding them of the value of coming together as a family to break bread and share hearts.

This book bears a foreword by Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers and wonderful endorsements.

Donna-Marie’s book is a real treasure. The family has been called the “domestic church” and it is there that we first learn about God, our prayers, and how to live our Christian life. Donna-Marie certainly offers a valuable tool, because when the family gets together for a meal, it is an appropriate time to share and teach the faith. We are reminded at a meal that we not only feed our body, but we need to feed our soul with God’s word and message.

~ Fr. Andrew Apostoli, C.F.R., Founding member of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal and Host of EWTN’s Sunday Night Prime

There is no shortage of studies showing the importance of family meal time. Add in the spiritual component of prayer and teaching the faith and you have, as Donna Marie so eloquently illustrates, a recipe for success. Follow Donna Marie’s plan and you’ll be fortifying your loved ones in their faith now and in the future.

~Teresa Tomeo, Syndicated Catholic talk show Host and best selling Catholic author

This is a very important book for the Church and the culture today, and will no doubt help shape the hearts and minds of parents and children to be more like the Holy Family. Fr. Patrick Peyton said it best: “The family that prays together, stays together.” When families truly begin to pray together, the culture will experience the love and mercy of Jesus.

~Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers

An altar is also a table. It is the scene both of self-sacrificial love and of a meal signifying and embodying communion with God and one another. In Feeding Your Family’s Soul, Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle shows us how to help make our dinner table into an altar of worship and love centered around family meal times. Read this wise and practical book and find a way to help your family become happier and holier. Taste and see that the Lord is good!

~Mark P. Shea, Author, This is My Body: An Evangelical Discovers the Real Presence

With gentle affection for her readers and an invigorating passion for the Catholic faith, Donna-Marie’s new book is a gift of great value to Catholic parents and grandparents, everywhere. Feeding Your Family’s Soul is a wise and delectable fusion of insights, stories, recipes, and prayers that will inspire and empower you to evangelize your family in the most natural of environments: the sacred space around your kitchen table.

~Lisa Mladinich, Founder of Author of Heads Bowed: Prayers for Catholic School Days

PRE-ORDER NOW for $15.99!

Enjoy the show this Sunday Night or go ahead and record it for when you have time. I pray that the show and my upcoming book which will be available in a few short weeks will bless families all around the world!

God bless you and keep you!



The Kiss of Jesus on EWTN’s Bookmark

71E3vNvwhBLThis Bookmark episode (above) was filmed last summer at the Catholic Marketing network and is comprised of two segments. I am in the second segment. You can scroll the little marker to the halfway point or watch the whole show. Below, I am standing with EWTN’s Bookmark Host and my good friend Doug Keck after filming our program.

You can click on the book cover image to see more about the book as well as ordering information at my “book” page.Bookmark_Memoir_CMN_2015

You can also view the show here on EWTN’s YouTube page and here at the EWTN Bookmark web page.

Enjoy the show and please share it with your friends and family.


Was it something he said?

Barb_crossHow often do we hold a grudge without even realizing it? A co-worker is in a bad mood and takes something out on you. It seems crazy and totally out of the blue–you were simply an innocent bystander. Someone makes a snide remark in a passive aggressive kind of way. Your husband is short with you. Or, he seems ungrateful for the countless things you do for him. Your mother-in-law just does not understand your mothering style–and she has voiced her opinion about that—on more than one occasion. Sound familiar? And the list goes on and on–little pin pricks actually hurt a lot. Little splinters from the Cross?

Love hurts too. Mother Teresa often said that to love authentically should cost us. Real love hurts, she explained. Is it possible to take the high road when attacked? Let love and prayer deflect that arrow to the heart? Jesus said, “Love your enemies. And pray for those who persecute” (Matthew 5:44).

Have you felt hurt at a deep level? Do you wonder why you can’t sleep well or feel any peace after an argument or misunderstanding? Are you angry? Did you forgive and let it go? Can you? Are you hanging onto the pain and hurt for dear life because—well, because only God knows why! It’s stupid when you think about it. You are letting the slight pin prick or even deeper affliction fester and even get infected–with pride and anger, and even rebellion. Yes, rebellion, because you are refusing to forgive and let go of it. What is that doing to your heart and soul? Do you want to let the evil one rob you of peace and all of the amazing life-sustaining graces that await you when you forgive and let go? Jesus said, “Forgive and you will be forgiven” (Luke 6:37).

Saint Faustina said, “He who knows how to forgive prepares for himself many graces from God. As often as I look upon the cross, so often will I forgive with all my heart.”

Let’s do just that. Let’s meditate on the Passion of Christ—like St. Faustina, gaze upon the Crucifix and pray for the graces to forgive. God’s love through us can miraculously heal hearts and soothe the savage beast. Think about it. It’s not a coincidence that we are in the situations we find ourselves in. We need to grow in holiness. God gives us plenty of opportunities. Why not do something countercultural and choose not to react negatively when wronged by another? Why not instead, take it immediately to prayer? Go a step further and smile at that person—yes, smile.

Christ’s abiding peace and amazing graces are waiting.


“The Domestic Church” will inspire, energize, and change your perspective on the mundanity of domestic tasks.

The Domestic Church: Room By Room: A Mother's Study Guide

Study your Faith-Room By Room! Designed for group study $18.95

For all of the Moms in the trenches out there…this just found on Amazon:

Exhausted? Discouraged? Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle’s book, The Domestic Church, will inspire, energize, and change your perspective on the mundanity of domestic tasks.

It’s so easy for stay-at-home mothers of young children to get disheartened. Day after day, we have an endless stream of wearisome tasks. Our work is seemingly invisible and goes largely unnoticed. However, Donna-Marie helps us to see that it is precisely these quiet, unnoticed tasks that put us on the path to Heaven. True, it would be easier to sweep the aisles of your church or volunteer for a charity than it would be to sweep your own dirty kitchen floor or serve your own children. But, God’s call to holiness for mothers is in the home, as Blessed Mother Teresa said, “Charity begins in the home.”

It is my prayer that mothers everywhere will be uplifted and find solace in Donna-Marie’s works. Let the truths explicated by her writings seep into your spirit and serve as the hug, the reward, and the recognition that every mother deserves but might not receive this side of Heaven. Let her words motivate you to transform your home from an ordinary house to a domestic church, a place of prayer where the virtues necessary for holiness are practiced. Sweeping floors and scrubbing toilets never became so holy! God bless you, Donna-Marie! 5 stars!!!

Are you facing a “domestic church dilemma”? Do you need a good shot in the arm with regard to your mothering? Could you benefit by gathering together either cyberly or in the flesh with like-minded Catholic mothers to nurture and share your faith? I suspect you can. 🙂

You can purchase your autographed copy here. You can inquire about study group discounts by emailing me: I hope to hear from you!

God bless you!


Don’t let your prayer life go on vacation!

3189girlpraying_00000002441Just the thought of summer fast approaching might bring thoughts of rest and relaxation to mind. We may recall the lazy days of summer during our youth. Summer may also mean anticipated excitement and adventure—exploring new places or trying new things.

Some families plan escapes to beaches and paradise vacations, while others may stay home and plan day trips to fun spots, the local library, or parks and recreation centers. Anything out of the ordinary can be a very welcome change.

The realization that summer is just around the corner can cause Moms to feel a bit (or a lot!) nervous too. They might not want to let go of their semi-structured schedule for the more relaxed bedlam, craziness, and insane structure of summertime.

One thing we can count on—the schedule will usually change quite dramatically. But there’s no need to fear. Let’s take the stress out of summer right now by pausing to plan a strategy.

Summertime can certainly be a time of well-deserved rest and also a welcome change of scenery. While making plans for our families this summer, let’s not forget about prayer because a change in schedule once we hit summertime and an eagerness to “get away from it all” could cause us to lose touch with our spiritual needs. We don’t want to inadvertently let our prayer life go on vacation!

I am passing along this article I wrote for the Catholic World Report about keeping our prayer lives active in the summer time. It is right here. I hope that you enjoy it.

How can we show mercy to others?

Unexpected_Discovery2I recently briefly discussed the Works of Mercy on my continuing series “Mother Teresa and Mercy” on the Son Rise Morning Show. Sometimes, I think that parents and grandparents believe they must carry out huge endeavors to accomplish a Work of Mercy. But I think not.

I do wholeheartedly admit that many times while the Work of Mercy we want to do might not be so “ginormous,” we often must put a lot (or maybe a HUGE amount) of effort into our Work of Mercy. That is because in a family we are dealing with delicate or very personal matters of the heart that can sometimes involve pain or heart ache. On a lesser level, the situations can involve the butting of heads, of egos, and even stubborn grudges.

Showing mercy, offering forgiveness, and bearing wrongs patiently can be really tough to do in the family, but they are essential to our true happiness and our growth in holiness.

Take a listen here when you have about 10 minutes. Slide the marker to the “17:50” mark to hear just my segment (at the end of the show) or listen to the whole thing. I hope that you will enjoy my discussion with the lovely Anna Mitchell!


Is God whispering to your soul?

I recently reflected on God’s great love when observing the intricate detail in a daisy. I took that a bit further to speak about some of the dangers of the culture and how we can protect the “garden” of our soul.

You can see that reflection over at Catholic Mom right here. I hope that you enjoy it.

Remember to take the time to pause even briefly and listen for God’s whispers to your soul!


Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle (2016) All Rights Reserved

Book Award

Press Release:

Family, the Church, and the Real World, a book co-authored by Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle took first place in the “Popular Presentation of the Catholic Faith” category at the Catholic Press Association’s awards presentation June 3 in St. Louis. It also won third place in the Family Life category. Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle contributed an essay to the book, published by Liguori Publications (2015).

Judges for the Best Popular Presentation category called the book, “An inspiring, practical, and insightful multi-author guide for family life, rooted in a God-love that binds, builds, and refreshes while moving outward to bolster Church and society.”

In the Family Life category, judged cited the book as “Easy and comfortable reading, nicely poetic, and scripture-based.”

“This would be a wonderful book for a group discussion of young married couples with children,” said the judges.

I’m very excited to announce my upcoming book: “Feeding Your Family’s Soul: Dinner Table Spirituality”!

It’s time to announce my upcoming book, Feeding Your Family’s Soul: Dinner Table Spirituality which will be released at the time of dear Mother Teresa’s canonization.

Are you ready for the cover?

That’s always an exciting part of the book writing process for me. It kind of puts a “face” on the book.

Well, here it is!

Feeding Your Family_cover_FINAL

What do you think?

This book is comprised of 52 faith lessons for the family. It encourages parents and grandparents to step up to the plate as first and foremost educator and to seize the moment to teach the faith right at the dinner table.

Here’s the book description:

This book is uniquely suited to come to their rescue. Feeding Your Family’s Soul: Dinner Table Spirituality is a vital tool to enable parents to transform a regular dinner time into a prayerful faith lesson for their elementary school to high school aged children. It will indeed help to fulfill the Catholic Church’s vision for evangelization in the family and beyond.

Through 52 fun and creative faith lessons (one for each week of the year), this one-of-a-kind book will encourage parents and caregivers to seize the opportunity in teaching the Catholic faith to the children (the captive audience waiting to eat!) while gathered at the dinner table, and while reminding them of the value of coming together as a family to break bread and share hearts.

Here’s a special endorsement:


Donna-Marie’s book is a real treasure. The family has been called the “domestic church” and it is there that we first learn about God, our prayers, and how to live our Christian life. Donna-Marie certainly offers a valuable tool, because when the family gets together for a meal, it is an appropriate time to share and teach the faith. We are reminded at a meal that we not only feed our body, but we need to feed our soul with God’s word and message.

—Fr. Andrew Apostoli, C.F.R., Founding member of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal and Host of EWTN’s Sunday Night Prime

This book bears a foreword by Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers and has received wonderful endorsements.

I’ll fill you in some more very soon.

Are you excited? I am!


God is in the details of EVERTHING.


Have you looked at a daisy lately?

I have some daisies growing in my garden next to my front sidewalk. They didn’t come up last year. I suppose it is because of the fierce winter we had before that spring. With each snow storm, every time my husband shoveled the sidewalk, he piled up lots of snow right over that spot. My poor daisies! It was no great wonder that the daisies didn’t survive.

But, I have to say that I was rather jubilantly surprised to see that the daisies did come up this year and I have enjoyed watching them open their petals and bloom during the past couple of weeks.


“Our Lord’s love shines out just as much through a little soul who yields completely to His Grace as it does through the greatest . . . Just as the sun shines equally on the cedar and the little flower, so the Divine Sun shines equally on everyone, great and small. Everything is ordered for their good, just as in nature the seasons are so ordered that the smallest daisy comes to bloom at its appointed time.”
— St. Therese of Lisieux, Story of a Soul, p. 4-5


I just love the simplicity of daisies and I think of them as “happy” flowers! 🙂

The other day, my husband plucked one out of the garden and then turned to me and as he held it out, he said:

“This is for you!”

I took it from his hand and thanked him. But, I must confess that it was kind of half hearted because I was sort of “complaining” that he should have picked it with a longer stem! Geesh! I have a lot of nerve! I quickly caught myself and thanked him again (with much more sincerity!) for his little impromptu surprise gift.

I brought it inside and put it in a vase of water and placed it on the table.


The next morning we sat down to enjoy a simple breakfast together. We prayed our Grace Before Meals and a few quick morning prayers and then we talked about the day ahead while we ate our breakfast.

Before long, my husband rose from his seat and cleared his plate, eager to check out whether or not his favorite war movie would be playing on TV since it was Memorial Day! I asked if he could please sit down again–just for a few minutes. I pleaded, actually. I wanted him to read a morning Psalm while I finished my healthy breakfast smoothie (I am a slow eater and he is fast!). I hadn’t yet read the little reading and the Psalm, but I felt deeply inspired to have my husband read it. But, Dave was in a bit of a rush that morning.

To my delight though, my husband sat down again, and I slid my prayer book in front of him, pointing to the passage for him to read out loud. We blessed ourselves with the Sign of the Cross and then Dave began to read:

Lord God, you have made heaven and earth by your great might, with your outstretched arm, nothing is impossible to you (Jer 32: 17)

Our glory is to mirror back in loving praise to the God who made us the beauty we glimpse dimly in all that comes from his hand.


Praise the Lord from the earth,

sea creatures and all oceans,

fire and hail, snow and mist,

stormy winds that obey his word;

all mountains and hills,

all fruit trees and cedars,

beasts, wild and tame,

reptiles and birds on the wing;

all earth’s kings and peoples,

earth’s princes and rulers;

young men and maidens,

old men together with children.

Let them praise the name of the Lord

for he alone is exalted.

The splendor of his name

reaches beyond heaven and earth.

He exalts the strength of his people.

He is the praise of all saints,

of the sons of Israel,

of the people to whom he comes close. (Psalm 148)


As Dave was reading the Psalm, I was listening and praying, and then I found myself gazing at the short stemmed daisy in the little glass vase, which, by the way, happened to be right in front of my face.




Wow…such beauty…



As I leaned in a bit closer, I suddenly discovered something about the daisy, that to me, was unexpected. I stared at the modest little gift my husband gave me the previous day. I was truly amazed at the perfect and petite intricate pattern on that simple yellow and white flower. I don’t think I had ever looked that closely before. I’m not sure. But, my sweet daisy was “speaking” to me during the reading of the Psalm which was all about mirroring back “in loving praise to the God who made us the beauty we glimpse dimly in all that comes from his hand.”

God is certainly about all of the details of His creation. Since He is, I have no doubt that He takes care of every detail of our lives.

If God can create such incredible and intricate beauty in one simple daisy, just think of the beauty He wants to make of our hearts and souls!

We finished our prayer together, blessing ourselves with the Sign of the Cross and Dave headed to the other room. Before I dove into some preparations for our upcoming barbecue, I decided to step outside to pause a moment beside the daisies in my garden where I could give thanks and praise to God.


There had been a gentle rain that morning and some rain drops were clinging to the daisy petals which was another reminder to me of how God takes care of the details. My thoughts immediately turned to one of my very favorite Bible passages:

Look at the birds of the air; they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? And can any of you by worrying add a single hour to your span of life? And why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not clothed like one of these. But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What will we eat?’ or ‘What will we drink?’ or ‘What will we wear?’ For it is the Gentiles who strive for all these things; and indeed your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But strive first for the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

“So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of its own. Today’s trouble is enough for today.”(Matthew 6:26-34)



God is waiting for us in all the details of our lives. Will we meet Him there? Will we take time to pause, reflect, and see the beauty of His creation and strive to understand His loving messages to us?

Let’s live in ALL of the present moments of our days. Amazing graces are in store for us. Who is there in that moment who needs our help in some way?

We need to allow God to make a beautiful creation of our hearts and souls–RIGHT now! We can start by striving to become more attentive to His whispers to our souls and respond with love to His many graces.

“So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of its own. Today’s trouble is enough for today.”

Do you need “bite-sized gems” in your mothering?

I think we can all need “bite-sized gems” in our daily lives. But this is true, especially for busy mothers whose lives are really not their own. They are on call 24/7 to care for their family. They can use a nourishing morsel of inspiration to kick-start their day!


A kind reader recently posted a review on Amazon about my book Catholic Mom’s Cafe: 5-Minute Retreats For Every Day of the Year.

She said:

Short and Sweet…and Life-Changing! Absolutely genius way of maximizing the little time that moms have into a daily ritual of quality time with the Lord that is power-packed. Thank you, Donna-Marie, for helping to make prayer time easier for mothers everywhere!
As a busy homeschooling mother of five (and expecting again), I have often lamented not having a structure to my prayer time. Structure equals efficiency, and efficiency equals doable. Prayer is absolutely necessary to feed my soul, but I have to fit it in before the next baby’s cry or cup of milk is spilled.

Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle’s Catholic Mom’s Café: 5-Minute Retreats For Every Day Of The Year offered me the perfect solution. A short five minute structure to my prayer time which inspired and charged me for the day. She neatly organizes each day’s retreat into ponder, offer, pray and savor. Bite-sized gems that I can actually remember and use as I go about my hectic day. My daily “go-to” along with coffee 🙂
God bless you! 5 stars!!!

Here is the link to see my book on Amazon.

Speaking of mothering, I was recently looking over my book A Catholic Woman’s Book of Prayers because a publishing company just requested permission to translate my book into Portuguese. This book is actually for women of every walk of life, not only for mothers.

I’ll share one of the reflections that popped out at me when looking through my book:

My Distinct Mission
Within all of the innumerable things I do as a woman,
right down at the core of it all
lies the call to my distinct mission from God.
I pray that I may fulfill it lovingly throughout each day
while praying actively, through my hands, in service,
and contemplatively, on my knees,
to please God
and help my neighbor find his way to heaven.
A Catholic Woman's Book of Prayers

Speaks to ALL Catholic women: single, married, mothers, and consecrated Religious, $7.95

What “bite-sized morsel” are you hanging onto today? Please feel free to share in the comment box!

Stay tuned for exciting news! I’ll be sharing soon about upcoming projects which includes a new book for families!

May God bless you and keep you!


God often surprises us!

I never tire of God’s amazing surprises. How could I possibly? I often preach that one should not worry if you can’t get out of your house to evangelize due to your duties with small children, elderly parents, or sickness, or other important reasons. I always say that God will BRING the evangelizing opportunities to YOU!

Recently, when I was home working on my writing, way back in the woods here in rural Connecticut, I heard the sound of a horn blowing out in my driveway.

Who could that be and why is that person blowing the horn? I wondered.

I got up from my computer and away from my percolating thoughts about my writing to check it out. I went outside my front door to see a man sitting in his truck with the window rolled down.

“Can I help you with something?” I called out. I felt a tad annoyed that he had honked his horn which had “disturbed” me, calling me outside to see what was up.

“Yes,” he said.

So, I ventured towards his truck, still feeling a bit put out. He got out of his truck and showed me his credentials. It turned out that he had come to my home representing the electric company who wanted to trim some trees in my property that could be interfering with the electrical wires. I had no problem with that and agreed that I would sign the release to give my permission.

But, what unfolded in our conversation was fascinating. I would not have imagined it earlier on but God has an amazing way of keeping life interesting. It began with me commenting on the beauty of the day. The man–his name is Hector, lamented that he couldn’t be at his home on the deck with “a couple of cold ones” to thoroughly enjoy the beautiful weather. He was instead busy with his work.

Well, I went into talking about the importance of our work (always having my dear friend Fr. John A. Hardon’s sentiments ringing in my ear: “There’s work to be done!”) and the fact that I work constantly. I didn’t go so far as to say, “There’s no rest for the weary!” though, as I am known to say. But, the conversation unfolded about faith and prayer because I ended up telling him that I was an author and worked all day on my writing from my home most times and then if I am not writing, I travel all around the world to speak.

I was NOT planning to say any of this. It’s just how it happened.

He wanted to know more. He asked what kind of author I was and I told him I was a Catholic author and that I love to inspire faith in others. Very gently–so I wouldn’t hurt his feelings or seem judgmental–I went on to say that I believe that what is more important than sitting and relaxing and “having a couple of cold ones” is the great importance of getting across to others that life is short and we need to be ready–we need to help get others ready to meet God!  I felt so passionate about sharing this with this complete stranger!

Hector’s face lit up.

“You didn’t think you would have this kind of conversation today, did you?” I asked him.

“No! But it is refreshing! I mostly hear from disgruntled people using the ‘F-word’ complaining to me about their trees!”

Hector suddenly seemed deep in thought. Then he told me that he just lost a friend and co-worker on Easter week end. He said he was directing traffic at a job site and was killed when hit by a car. He seemed very troubled about losing that man on that particular holy week end and said it was so hard.

“We never know what tomorrow might bring. It’s important to get our lives straightened out today,” I told him.

Hector then shared a very personal story about someone he knew who got into trouble in the past and now after prison, tries very hard to help others. I’m sure that neither one of us expected to have such a conversation that day. It was seemingly out of the blue. God is so good to us to provide these types of amazing opportunities for His grace to work in our hearts.

I believe that it all starts with our prayer of the Morning Offering, asking God to use all of our prayers, works, joys, and sufferings of the day and asking Him to sanctify them and use them for His glory.

He does!


posted with his permission

My new friend walked away that day with a very hearty hand shake, a promise of prayers for him and his family, as well as a signed copy of my memoir The Kiss of Jesus. And, let’s not forget, the four blessed Miraculous Medals–one for him, his wife, and his two children.

What changes do we need to make to show mercy?



How do we show mercy to others?

Mother Teresa said:

“When our sisters were in Ceylon, a minister of state once told me something very surprising. He said, “You know Mother, I love Christ but I hate Christians.” So I asked him how could that be because it is such a contradiction, since Christ and Christians are one. Then he answered me, “Because Christians do not give us Christ, they do not live their Christian lives to the full.”

In continuing our series “Mother Teresa and Mercy” I spoke with Anna Mitchell this morning on the Son Rise Morning Show about how to show God’s mercy in the Year of Mercy.

You can hear our short radio chat here.

I shared a simple but hopefully helpful 4-Step plan to a more merciful YOU! I’ll briefly share it here, but try to take a listen to the show for the entire plan.

1) Be prayerful! We need a strong foundation of prayer to become a more merciful person. The mercy we offer to others will quickly become depleted if we don’t have prayer to back it up! We need a strong prayer life! Mother Teresa had preached that she could not have done the work that she did without a strong foundation of prayer. She said she needed to receive Jesus in the broken BREAD of the EUCHARIST every morning at holy Mass in order to go out and care for the broken bodies of the poor.

2) Admit that you are not always right. This is an important first step to becoming a merciful person. It might be very hard for some to admit. Pray for humility. It is essential to possess humility in order to offer mercy to others. It is such an important virtue to practice. This requires that we die to ourselves–that we look outside ourselves and become more ready to give Christ’s love to others.

3) Be prayerfully attentive. The Blessed Mother at Cana was prayerfully attentive. She realized that a couple was without wine at their wedding feast. She asked her Son Jesus to do something about it. Then, she told the wine stewards, “Do whatever He tells

Rosaryyou.” What does He tell us? He says, “Whatever you do to the least of my brothers, you do to Me.” We need to show His love and mercy to others. This might require that we step beyond our comfort zones to do so.

4) Get to know your Guardian Angel! Our Guardian Angel will show us opportunities to become more merciful. By the way, I did a couple of shows on the holy Angels with Fr. Andrew Apostoli on EWTN’s Sunday Night Prime TV show. You can see them on my TV page of my website. Our Guardian Angels will assist us in being merciful to others! They will show us many opportunities. Let’s not forget to ask for their assistance!


Again, you can listen to this morning’s radio visit right here.

Novena Bracelet as First Holy Communion or Confirmation Gift

Created by Donna-Marie–this is the first of the Prayerfully Hoping and Expecting Novena Bracelets (featuring a Guardian Angel medal) and created for First Holy Communion and Confirmation girls!

You might have heard about my Prayerfully Hoping & Expecting NOVENA bracelets. You can learn more here.


[Every bracelet purchased benefits an unwed or struggling mother because I donate copies of my mothering books, as well as monetary donations to a wonderful pregnancy center]

See more about the bracelets here. Scroll down the page to find this one.

Stay tuned for Novena Mother/Daughter bracelets!

“Mother Teresa and Mercy”: Offering forgiveness and showing mercy even when it’s difficult


I recently spoke with Anna Mitchell on Son Rise Morning Show. We continued our series on “Mother Teresa and Mercy” during this Year of Mercy. We talked about offering forgiveness and mercy at home and why it is important to do so. Take a listen to the interview here.

The military women are close to my heart!

I just spent some precious time with some of my very favorite people. I had the honor and blessing of speaking to the military women, AKA the MCCW, which is the Military Council of Catholic Women. They invited me to key note at their Worldwide conference held in Washington, DC. I was there from Thursday until Monday. It was a beautiful and intensely grace-filled time hanging with and ministering to about 260 Catholic military women.

I’ll write more about the experience when I get the chance. Meanwhile, take a look at this page of Novena bracelets I made for the military.


Donna-Marie at Fort Bliss in El Paso, Texas last summer wearing her pin as an honorary member of the MCCW.

The heroic role of the mother

“You lifted my spirits, pointing out how motherhood is a ‘sublime calling,'” she told me.

A very beautiful part of my ministry to mothers, families, and women is that I often feel blessed when hearing from someone who expresses her heartfelt thanks for my work. It causes me to stop right then to give glory to God, thanking Him for using His little servant and working in that person’s heart.

I recently received a beautiful email from a young expectant homeschooling mother of five children. I asked her permission to share part of it.

Here it is:

I must tell you how much your books and talks have affected my life.  I am not even sure how I discovered you. I think it was an Amazon search years ago for Catholic motherhood.  The first book that I’ve read by you was Embracing Motherhood, which made me feel elevated in my status as a mom.  You lifted my spirits, pointing out how motherhood is a “sublime” calling. For years, I just wanted my mom and mother-in-law to come beside me and lift me up and praise the work I was doing, but the reality is that they grew-up in a very feminist generation and seem to be blind to the validity of this work.  So, your writings filled that need for validation for me.

Next, I started listening to Everyday Blessings For Catholic Moms on my Kindle as I went around cooking, cleaning and doing laundry. The kids always knew when I was folding clothes bc the theme music would blare out 🙂  Then, I read The Domestic Church, and one of my favorite passages in that book (which I double highlighted) was when you said that “Blessed (soon to be saint 🙂 Teresa’s advice was to not be ashamed of humble work which is a huge part of mothering: an extraordinary vocation in which little saints are raised inside the hidden confines of the homelife amid the nitty-gritty, humble work of the mother in the home.”   That one statement helps to bring me back to a place of peace when I am tempted to grumble and get discouraged with the nitty-gritty of it all.


She continued…

I cannot express to you what a miracle it is that a girl like me (raised in a non-church going home with a mom who thinks I have lost my mind to be open to this many children…and consequently, she has not offered any support or help) is on the path that I am on. I owe it to the great influences of women like you!  You have come into my home and spoken words of faith and encouragement. Your words have given me strength when I’ve been tempted to agree with my naysayers that I am nuts for doing this.  Your work renews my sense of purpose and inspires me to go on when every bone in my exhausted body says,  “Just quit; put them in public school; and, put your feet up with a latte.”  ?
Next, my goals are to order the Miraculous Medal book, the Mother Teresa Friendship book and the Children’s book on Angels. I will read them all.  Please don’t ever stop writing!!!!!  Keep the nourishment coming!  Your books are my spiritual direction.  They are my friends.
My dear Reader, I want you to know that your loving words and actions mean more than you might ever know. The culture does not make it easy for the heroic mothers who are trying their best to raise Christian children. They are constantly bombarded by the crazy mixed messages of the culture and are not often encouraged in their beautiful sacrificial role of serving their family. Protecting their family from the influences of the evil in society and working hard to teach, care, and most of all, love their children can be tiring.
That mother you see who seems to have it all together, might actually be deeply hurting inside because she craves some motherly affirmation–some kind of shot in the arm to keep her going. You can be the one to help her to know that she is so treasured by God and extremely important to her family in a sometimes thankless job, humbly working through the nitty gritty details of life in the family.
Please go out of your way, and perhaps even push a bit beyond your comfort zone to encourage the many mothers in the trenches raising their little saints to heaven. They need our kind and loving words of encouragement and affirmation. Please help that frazzled or worn out Mom in the grocery store or on the plane–wherever the encounter unfolds and the need arrises. Let her know that her work and sacrifice are SO very important. After all, God has entrusted her with the human being!
I am absolutely sure that you will find countless opportunities–even just in your daily life as you encounter mothers and grandmothers–to help uplift them in their sublime vocation of motherhood – that beautiful vocation of LOVE.