“No mere conversion story”

An endorsement from Al Kresta for my upcoming memoir, The Kiss of Jesus: How Mother Teresa and the Saints Helped Me to Discover the Beauty of the Cross.


“The things we carry with us, the stories that make us who we are usually remain hidden from the watching world. Until now, that has been true of Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle who, for years, I’ve known as a writer of rare luminous simplicity and maternal sensitivity whose spirituality bears the mark of her encounters with Mother Teresa. But I was unprepared for the shocking assaults, penetrating injuries, wounds of betrayal, shame of poverty and neglect that alternately enraged and grieved me as I read her memoir. These dark episodes form a devilish veil that can only be pierced by the sword of Christ’s severe mercy. This is no mere conversion story. The power of His grace far exceeds God’s momentary acceptance of a sinner. Here grace is an active, personal force molding, shaping, nurturing, and transforming her. Transformed for love and service. She is led into moving evangelistic encounters with family, strangers and neighbors. So please, don’t deprive yourself of the tough, relentless grace that fills this book. Take up and read. Share in the dispensation of grace Donna-Marie has received and you will learn love and peace in the midst of tribulation.”

~Al Kresta, President, CEO Ave Maria Communications Host, Kresta in the Afternoon

You can pre-order The Kiss of Jesus here.

Saint Joseph Novena Day One

I absolutely love Saint Joseph. Today begins a nine day novena to this illustrious saint which will end on his feast day, March 19th. As Foster Father of the Holy Family he certainly knows a thing or two about family life and takes an interest in our families. Don’t hesitate to call upon him. Saint Teresa of Avila said he never failed her.

'Childhood of Christ', c1620. Artist: Gerrit van Honthorst

O St. Joseph, whose protection is so great, so strong, so prompt before the throne of God, I place in thee all my interests and desires. O St. Joseph, assist me by thy powerful intercession and obtain for me all spiritual blessings through thy foster Son, Jesus Christ Our Lord, so that, having engaged here below thy heavenly power, I may offer thee my thanksgiving and homage.

O St. Joseph, I never weary contemplating thee and Jesus asleep in thine arms. I dare not approach while He reposes near thy heart. Press Him in my name and kiss His fine head for me, and ask Him to return the kiss when I draw my dying breath.

St. Joseph, patron of departing souls, pray for me.

Teaching kids how to give alms


How can we teach our kids to want to give when they might be more interested in receiving?

I recently chatted about teaching our kids how to give alms with Matt Swaim on the Son Rise Morning Show. You can listen in to our latest segment about Mother Teresa and Mothers right here.

New Lenten Sale!

ALL four of these books for $14.00! Three Lenten books and one hard cover Catholic Saints Prayer Book for inspiration this Lenten season.




Here is what the publisher says about them:

The Bringing Lent Home series gives families with young children a no-hassle resource for daily Lenten reflection and observance. Author Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle, EWTN television host and bestselling Catholic author, presents a beloved saint in each booklet and offers the witness and wisdom of their lives to show families how better to pray, fast, and care for the poor during Lent. Bringing Lent Home booklets can be used during any of the three lectionary cycles and are designed for families with children younger than thirteen.


From the Introduction:

“What can the saints of yesterday offer us today? Transcending history, they offer us timeless wisdom and inspiration, while bringing us closer to God. Sanctity surpasses time and is forever with near us.

The saints’ exemplary examples of holiness give us unparalleled help and sustain our hope, especially during trying times. Just as our association with fellow Christians helps us come closer to Jesus, so our communion with the saints in heaven helps join us to Jesus, but more perfectly…”


You can order your autographed copies here. All FOUR for $14.00! Each order is sent with a blessed Miraculous Medal.

Tips and encouragement for your family Lenten journey

One mom I know is doing this for Lent. Each day, drawing from the tips, advice, and encouragement in my new book Bringing Lent Home with St. John Paul II, she makes her family’s fasting, prayer, and almsgiving more tangible by writing it down for them to see. It’s a great reminder to all.

I’ve suggested this in my book and I am tickled to see it carried out by Katie.

11001928_10204592717150349_1660276647255228005_nand this:



Katie’s daughter Lillian helped by writing the prayer.

What ways can you be mindful of the holy season of Lent in your family? It’s not too late to initiate some ideas and put them into place. We are just beginning on our journey.

In case you’d like to listen in, here’s my visit with Teresa Tomeo on Catholic Connection chatting about families and Lent.

Please feel free to share your ideas for your Lenten journey in the comments below. I’d love to hear them! 🙂


So excited to announce my upcoming memoir: The Kiss of Jesus

This is the very first time that I am unveiling the book cover of my memoir, The Kiss of Jesus: How Mother Teresa and the Saints Helped Me to Discover the Beauty of the Cross.

The publisher, Ignatius Press has just announced it on their website. You can sign up there to learn more about the book.


The time is getting closer. My memoir, The Kiss of Jesus: How Mother Teresa and the Saints Helped Me to Discover the Beauty of the Cross will be released in August.

Here is the very first sneak peek at the dust jacket description:

When Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle was growing up, she had no thought of one day becoming a popular author and television host. She was immersed in her life as the seventh of eight children in a Catholic family. Sometimes that life was carefree and fun, spending time with relatives dancing the festive Polkas at family weddings, and enjoying picnics in her back yard dappled with fruit trees and flower gardens. Other times, life for her was very dark and tarnished with struggles and pain. Struggles that she felt were perhaps best left a secret.

Donna-Marie retreated to the beauty of nature, thanking God for its splendors, pondering and meditating. She plunged her heart and soul into a deeper meaning of life as she tried to navigate the ups and downs in a large struggling family. She turned to God for help especially as she became increasingly misunderstood by her family and her peers.

Life took some bizarre turns, and Donna-Marie was forced to deal with a crazed man who took away her freedom and held her hostage. Eventually escaping the nightmare of her prison, she married and began raising her family, believing she had finally found her true vocation. But she couldn’t seem to get out from under the shadow of the Cross. She lost three babies to miscarriage, struggled with her husband’s serious drinking problem and was later abandoned by him just before she gave birth to her third living child.

Raising her family alone, she was subjected to abusive neighbors and appalling living conditions, struggling to overcome these challenges as she held onto hope for better days.

Her knight in shining armor finally came on the scene. Or so she thought. Another unexpected adventure ensued, thrusting Donna-Marie into a more affluent yet controlled life. “Prince Charming” had charmed his way into her life, but under the veneer of his charm was a dark side.

Survival mode took over as Donna-Marie had to fight for her life and for her children’s safety. Providentially, a saint or two crossed paths with Donna-Marie and impacted her life greatly. One was Blessed Mother Teresa who would become her close friend and spiritual mother.

The Kiss of Jesus is a powerful, moving true story of a well-known Catholic author who faced great suffering, abuse and rejection, but through faith, hope and love she found redemption and the beauty of the Cross.


Please take a quick moment to subscribe at this simple form to be among the first to learn more about this book AND to receive a discount! I will be in touch to let you know when you can pre-order The Kiss of Jesus. All sign ups are entitled to a sale price (to be announced)!

[Have no fear! I promise that your email address will never be shared.]

The Kiss of Jesus Email List

Information about The Kiss of Jesus book

Getting ready for Lent?

A Family Lenten Guide!



Ash Wednesday is February 18th!

Are you ready?  

I have written three family Lenten books which are in my series with Ave Maria Press.

You can get all three for only $8.00 right here!


That’s a savings on already low priced books that are packed with inspiration and Church teaching to guide your family through Lent. Consider purchasing a few sets to give as gifts to relatives and friends.



Here is what the publisher says about them:

The Bringing Lent Home series gives families with young children a no-hassle resource for daily Lenten reflection and observance. Author Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle, EWTN television host and bestselling Catholic author, presents a beloved saint in each booklet and offers the witness and wisdom of their lives to show families how better to pray, fast, and care for the poor during Lent. Bringing Lent Home booklets can be used during any of the three lectionary cycles and are designed for families with children younger than thirteen.


5 Things That Caught My Eye…

1) When traveling out-of-state to do some speaking and book signing, I happened to be behind this gentleman at the airport. His shirt caught my eye. It was such a nice sight!



2) When it comes to clean laundry, did you know that white distilled vinegar is supposedly as good or better than bleach?


 (My daughter, Chaldea’s artwork above which she sells at her Etsy site.She has illustrated several of my books.)

According to a recent article, “The acetic acid in white distilled vinegar is so mild that it will not harm washable fabrics; yet is strong enough to dissolve residues (alkalies) left by soaps and detergents. Adding just 1/2 cup vinegar to the final rinse will result in brighter, clearer colors.”

I think I will do a load of white laundry later today and try out the vinegar! Check out the article about 10 uses for the white vinegar here.


3) A recent sentiment from Pope Francis caught my eye. “It gave us consolation and hope to see so many large families that welcome children as a true gift of God.” (Pope Francis, Wednesday’s General Audience, Vatican City,    (Zenit.org)



4) I just happened to catch an excellent and powerful episode of EWTN’s “The Journey Home” about Steven W. Mosher, President of the Population Research Institute and former Secular Humanist.

It was great show. Steven Mosher is the author of several books including: A Mother’s Ordeal: One Woman’s Fight Against China’s One-Child Policy. Mosher says he had a confrontation with evil in China as he watched late term abortions being performed due to China’s one-child policy. He was an atheist at the time. He soon became an agnostic and later on…well, you will see in this program. He does amazing work. Here is the show right here and his website here.


5) And, finally, just for fun, this short Huff Post news video about longevity caught my eye. A 109 year old woman shares her big secret to her longevity. You might laugh when you learn what she says you should avoid if you’d like to live a long life! Here’s the video.


Saint John Paul II Guides Us

Ash Wednesday is February 18th. Are you ready?

A Family Lenten Guide!

A Family Lenten Guide!

My new Lenten book: Bringing Lent Home with Saint John Paul II was recently released. Here’s a description from the publisher:

This timely new addition to the Bringing Lent Home series focuses on the life and wisdom of recently canonized St. John Paul II. Designed by Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle for families with young children, it offers a variety of prayers and practices for each day of Lent.

This family guide to prayer and Lenten devotion is the perfect way to deepen a family’s observance of Lent while also learning about St. John Paul II, beloved pope for more than thirty-five years (1978 -2005) and one of the Church’s newest saints. Structured around a daily quotation from St. John Paul II, a story about his life, and practical suggestions for living the threefold call of Lent–prayer, fasting, and almsgiving–this useful booklet takes the worry and the work out of planning the family’s Lent and can be used with any of the three Catholic lectionary cycles. Parents can enhance their own daily prayer by using the booklet’s reflections for parents. On Sundays, families focus on the themes assigned to that Sunday of Lent, and Cooper O’Boyle suggests a project for the week ahead.

I love that it sells for only $2.95 each! Here’s a recent review as it appears on Amazon:

“Donna-Marie is such a blessing and gift from God for busy moms who are looking for creative, inspirational, practical ways to bring their family together, to grow in faith, hope and love during the grace-filled time of Lent. She is a wise mentor and faithful friend whose books like this one truly help parents, as the primary educators of their children in the faith, to guide their little saints to heaven. I’m thrilled she wrote this book and look forward to using Bringing Lent Home with St. John Paul II this Lent with my family! I’ve used her previous two books, Bringing Lent Home with Mother Teresa of Calcutta and also with St. Therese of Lisieux, as guides in years past with my husband and three young boys, and it is prayer and family discussion time that everyone looks forward to each day, including our four-year-old! It’s a perfect guide, because it offers a fresh idea each day for prayer, fasting and almsgiving, and helps us stay focused on the purpose of Lent and growing in our relationship with God and serving others. The book being available this year is great timing, as we’ll be able to learn more about our beloved St. John Paul II and have him as our companion during Lent, and leading up Divine Mercy Sunday, which this year will mark the one year anniversary of him being canonized a Saint. We have so much to learn from these holy men and women that God put on Earth to serve as bright lights and witnesses for us in how to live the faith, and Donna-Marie invites the learning at just the right pace and helps us to apply it to our lives in a meaningful way together as a family!”

Here’s a review on Epic Pew.

You can find this book available for purchase on the “Books” page of this website.

New review on my brand new book!

Donna-Marie is such a blessing and gift from God for busy moms who are looking for creative, inspirational, practical ways to bring their family together, to grow in faith, hope and love during the grace-filled time of Lent. She is a wise mentor and faithful friend whose books like this one truly help parents, as the primary educators of their children in the faith, to guide their little saints to heaven.

I’m thrilled she wrote this book and look forward to using Bringing Lent Home with St. John Paul II this Lent with my family! I’ve used her previous two books, Bringing Lent Home with Mother Teresa of Calcutta and also with St. Therese of Lisieux, as guides in years past with my husband and three young boys, and it is prayer and family discussion time that everyone looks forward to each day, including our four-year-old!

It’s a perfect guide, because it offers a fresh idea each day for prayer, fasting and almsgiving, and helps us stay focused on the purpose of Lent and growing in our relationship with God and serving others. The book being available this year is great timing, as we’ll be able to learn more about our beloved St. John Paul II and have him as our companion during Lent, and leading up Divine Mercy Sunday, which this year will mark the one year anniversary of him being canonized a Saint.

We have so much to learn from these holy men and women that God put on Earth to serve as bright lights and witnesses for us in how to live the faith, and Donna-Marie invites the learning at just the right pace and helps us to apply it to our lives in a meaningful way together as a family!
[As seen on Amazon, by Julie Malchow]

Feast of the Holy Family


“The history of mankind, the history of salvation, passes by way of the family…The family is placed at the center of the great struggle between good and evil, between life and death, between love and all that is opposed to love. To the family is entrusted the task of striving, first and foremost, to unleash the forces of good, the source of which is found in Christ the Redeemer o man. Every family unit needs to make these forces their own so that, to use a phrase spoken on the occasion of the Millennium of Christianity in Poland, the family will be strong with the strength of God.” ~Saint John Paul II

Christmas Blessings!

A couple of months ago I felt inspired to give a blessed Miraculous Medal to a woman I met who was working at a department store. I’ll call her Louise. She seemed very touched to receive the medal. After accepting it, she began to tell me that she had been going through some really rough times lately and felt she truly “needed” the medal. As Louise was telling me she began to cry. Her tears seemed to come from profound thankfulness and even relief. It was as if Mother Mary had come to Louise at that very moment in the blessed medal and Louise could now feel that everything would be okay. Louise’s whole demeanor changed when she accepted the medal into her hand. She continued to wipe her eyes with a tissue as tears continued to appear. Thankfully, for her sake, no one else noticed. I silently prayed that Mother Mary would profoundly touch this woman now holding the blessed medal. I had no doubt that she would.


About a month later I saw Louise again at the same store. She proudly showed me her beautiful medal which was now on a chain around her neck and hanging alongside two tiny opals. Louise said the opals represented hope. When she had come across the opals in her jewelry box she thought that she should wear them together with the medal, for the medal brought her great hope. My heart secretly soared. I was thrilled that she was wearing the blessed medal I had given her and that it brought her a renewed hope.

Louise also shared that her sister Mary was going through some very hard times. I don’t know what it entailed and I didn’t venture to ask. I didn’t need to know. But, I did ask Louise if I could give her a blessed medal for her sister and she gladly accepted my offer. I reached into my pocket and retrieved a blessed medal that I had placed in there that morning before heading out to do my errands. I kissed it, touched it to the one I wear, and handed it to Louise who teared up instantly. She sincerely thanked me.

Just recently, as the Advent season was winding down to the tail end, only a couple of days before Christmas, I went into the same department store to finish up my Christmas shopping. Earlier in the day, I had just completed a huge book manuscript and was happily relieved that I could finally finish up preparations for Christmas at the eleventh hour. I spotted Louise behind the jewelry counter and went over to say “hello” and to wish her a very happy Christmas. She was very eager to share a little story with me. Thankfully, there were no customers around the counter and she could freely speak to me. Louise said that she visited her sister recently and Mary told her that she was feeling very sad because she was sorely missing their mother who had passed away the previous Christmas time. Mary couldn’t stop thinking of her mother. When she heard the song “Ave Maria” playing, she broke down and cried. It was their mother’s favorite song.

So, at the visit with her sister, Louise pulled out the Miraculous Medal I had given to her for her sister and proceeded to tell Mary about meeting me and the gift of the medal. She also told her sister that I had touched it to the blessed medal that I wear that Mother Teresa had given me (a relic). Her sister began to cry and said she felt very blessed and thankful to receive the special gift. After that, Mary’s husband bought her a chain and she is now wearing the medal. Mary is now feeling comforted with a sacramental of the Blessed Mother who is with her at all times to bring her graces, hope, and encouragement.

As Louise recounted the story of her sister and their mother, she shed quiet tears once again. I was very touched too, upon hearing it, and I felt extremely blessed to have played a part in this beautiful exchange. We expressed to one another that we were so very thankful that God had clearly arranged all of this to happen. It was especially joyful and poignant to happen right at Christmas time.

I believe that God is so very good and takes care of our every need. He desires that we open our hearts to His whispers to our souls and that we be cooperative to His many graces so that we can help others around us who are struggling with hurt, loneliness, sadness, and pain. So many people are deeply wounded and need a loving touch. Mother Mary is always ready to assist us in getting closer to her Son Jesus.

“O Mary, conceived without sin, Pray for us who have recourse to thee.” [words from the Blessed Mother that appear on the Miraculous Medal]

Will you reach out in love soon to someone you don’t even know? It could be a perfect stranger. Mother Teresa, whom I was blessed to know, considered that person to be “Jesus in the distressing disguise of the poorest of the poor.”

Venture to reach out with Christ’s love. It will undoubtably change someone’s heart forever.

[You can see a similar article here at ICL]

Extended book sale for Christmas shopping!

Take advantage of this EXTENDED sale on a variety of my book titles on special! Scroll down to see amazing savings. Get your Christmas shopping done early! By the way, there is more information about each book on the “Book” page of this website.

The NEW ANGELS FOR KIDS is 20% off! It makes a wonderful Christmas present for children and adults alike.

Angels for Kids

Angels for Kids

Special discount paying button ($3.00 off per book!):


The NEW The Miraculous Medal: Stories, Prayers, and Devotions is 20% off! It makes a wonderful and inspiring Christmas present.


Special discount paying button ($3.00 SAVINGS per book!):


Embracing Motherhood is 20% off! Don’t let the cover fool you–this book discusses all ages and stages of raising kids today. It makes a wonderful Christmas present for any Mom or GrandMom, or Mom-to-be!


Special discount paying button ($3.00 OFF per book!):



GRACE CAFE: SERVING UP RECIPES FOR FAITHFUL MOTHERING only $8.00 per book! That is a $7.00 savings per book! Wonderful Christmas gift for a Mom, GrandMom, or Mom-to-be!

Grace Cafe; Serving Up Recipes for faithful Mothering


Special discount paying button ($7.00 OFF per book!):


MOTHER TERESA AND ME: TEN YEARS OF FRIENDSHIP (First Edition) Great inspirational gift for Christmas gift giving!

Mother Teresa and Me: Ten years of Friendship

AMAZING LOW PRICE of $8.00 ($7.00 off per book!)


Special discount paying button:


CATHOLIC SAINTS PRAYER BOOK (Hard cover edition) Where else but here can you get a book of this quality (sturdy hard cover and beautiful illustrations inside and information and inspiration about 32 saints) for only $5.00? Excellent for anyone on your Christmas list–child, adult, man, or woman. I have gifted this book to many a child and many an adult.

Catholic Saints Prayer Book

Inspiration and wisdom from 32 popular saints! Prayers, bios, patronages, and quotes


Special paying button: ONLY $5.00 per book!


Keeping Kids focused this Advent season

Are your kids making long Christmas wish lists? Are you trying to figure out ways to get them and to keep them focused on what’s really important?

It might seem like an impossible undertaking, knowing full well that the lopsided messages of the culture are constantly bombarding us. Kids know all about the latest gadgets and toys and exactly where they can be purchased!

Of course, there will always be Christmas wish lists. But, how about making another kind of list this Advent season as well? Sit down with your family and list some things you’d like to do to help others. A wonderful added bonus is that while you’re at it you’ll be growing in your faith life too. Doing Works of Mercy is indeed a win-win situation because when you are helping others you will earn graces for them and for you AND you will grow in holiness when done with a humble heart. God has it all figured out!

And, then, after you’ve made your list, endeavor to carry the acts of love and kidness out during this season of HOPE.

It helps a great deal to pause and take a moment to capture your young ones’ attention. Get them excited about giving and about making crafts and pausing to pray, asking Jesus to come into their hearts more fully this Advent season.

Have a look here for some simple coloring pages to the more elaborate yet not too complicated crafts you can do with your kids to keep them focused on Advent.

Do you have your Advent wreath out? It’s never too late. Well, actually it is if you take it out in February. 🙂 But, don’t worry if it’s not out yet or if you haven’t found replacement candles. Try to work on that as soon as you can. You might find the candles at your local Hallmark store (I have purchased them there) or at a religious store. You can also buy them online. You can have the kids draw a wreath or you can construct one from colored papers if you don’t have an Advent wreath and you can explain what the purpose of the wreath is.

You can take a moment each night all throughout Advent at the dinner table to pray as a family.

How about your creche? Do you have it out and decorated with all of the figurines? You can pause beside it each day to say a family prayer for Advent. Tangible items such as an Advent wreath, a creche, and a Jesse Tree will all help to draw your children’s minds to the holy and off of the secular, even for a time. All efforts to create a holy atmosphere in your home–your domestic church will surely help.

Here’s some wonderful information from EWTN about many Advent and Christmas traditions.

Here’s some information at Catholic Mom. And, some coloring pages here too.

The Catholic Toolbox gives lesson plans for Advent here.

I love this: Fifty Advent Acts of Kindness and how to orchestrate that in your own household. It even includes real cute stuff to print out and hang up to aid you on your journey of giving with the kids through Advent.

Again, I suggest that you make your own list! It will be a lot of fun to do with the kids. Just sit down and do it! Make your list–maybe not fifty things, but perhaps 25 or even 12. Just write them down and endeavor to do them. It’s as simple as that. Keep the kids focused on Christ’s love by doing charitable Works of Mercy all throughout this holy season!

Well, this was just a few starters for now to get you going. Please share your ideas about how to keep your kids focused on the Advent season and the real reason for this season in the comments below. I’ll also add some more ideas later. Right now I have to get ready to go on the radio and talk about this subject! See you later!


Take advantage of these CYBER MONDAY sales on a variety of my book titles on special sale TODAY and ALL week! Scroll down to see amazing savings. Get your Christmas shopping done today! By the way, there is more information about each book on the “Book” page of this website.

The NEW ANGELS FOR KIDS is 20% off today! It makes a wonderful Christmas present for children and adults alike.

Angels for Kids

Angels for Kids

Special discount paying button ($3.00 off per book!):


The NEW The Miraculous Medal: Stories, Prayers, and Devotions is 20% off today! It makes a wonderful and inspiring Christmas present.


Special discount paying button ($3.00 SAVINGS per book!):


Embracing Motherhood is 20% off today! Don’t let the cover fool you–this book discusses all ages and stages of raising kids today. It makes a wonderful Christmas present for any Mom or GrandMom, or Mom-to-be!


Special discount paying button ($3.00 OFF per book!):



GRACE CAFE: SERVING UP RECIPES FOR FAITHFUL MOTHERING only $8.00 per book! That is a $7.00 savings per book! Wonderful Christmas gift for a Mom, GrandMom, or Mom-to-be!

Grace Cafe; Serving Up Recipes for faithful Mothering


Special discount paying button ($7.00 OFF per book!):


MOTHER TERESA AND ME: TEN YEARS OF FRIENDSHIP (First Edition) Great inspirational gift for Christmas gift giving!

Mother Teresa and Me: Ten years of Friendship

AMAZING LOW PRICE of $8.00 ($7.00 off per book!)


Special discount paying button:


CATHOLIC SAINTS PRAYER BOOK (Hard cover edition) Where else but here can you get a book of this quality (sturdy hard cover and beautiful illustrations inside) for only $5.00? Excellent for anyone on your Christmas list–child, adult, man, or woman. I have gifted this book to many a child and many an adult.

Catholic Saints Prayer Book

Inspiration and wisdom from 32 popular saints! Prayers, bios, patronages, and quotes


Special paying button: ONLY $5.00 per book!


Catholic Mom’s Cafe


Recent review on Amazon: “I love this book. I received it on Nov. 11th and read the “ponder, offer, pray, & savor” for that day and was hooked. I look forward to this every day and it is inspiring to say the least. The “savor” is helpful because it really does stay with you through the day. It helps you know what you will be spiritually conscious of as you go about the day. The author’s way of writing is delicate, practical and to the point. It’s wonderful to know there are women like this still out there. A joy to read and very relatable for anyone. I like how the prayers are in the front of the book to reference back to. I feel I’m actually doing something structured and purposeful for the Lord when I’m short on time. This would make a GREAT gift for anyone.”

Sharing a blogger’s reflection on “Angels for Kids”

A blogger homeschooling Mama of five shares about my Angels for Kids book:

We started our next book, “Angels for Kids” by Donna Marie Cooper O’Boyle. Let me tell you, I have only read ahead a few chapters (because I am a busy mama and I just don’t have the time or energy to read all the way ahead! I am a self-professed ‘non-reader’ anyway–I prefer to do all kinds of other things before I choose to sit down and read a book. Reading is great, I admit, but I still prefer lots of other things to reading), but I am really impressed with this book.

First of all, Donna Marie Cooper O’Boyle addresses the book to her young audience. She speaks to them in her introduction, and continues with a friendly and easy-to-understand tone throughout the chapters.

Second, it is full of beautiful Scripture references and stories of the Angels. Each chapter is full of verses, leaving no doubts that not only should we believe in the Angels, but God has given us His own words about them so that we might believe. I also like that each chapter begins with a short verse. I am using some of them as copywork for my children, and hope to also use them in prayer to help memorize verses.

Third, Donna Marie Cooper O’Boyle also references teachings of the saints and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Our history is rich in belief about the angels! She helps that young readers understand and appreciate the rich traditions we have, and by the end of the book, have a new appreciation and (hopefully) a deepening respect for (and even relationship with!) the angels.

To date, we have finished the first two chapters. (Chapter Three, “What Angels Look Like”, is on the agenda later today) Chapter One, “A Multitude of Angels”, tells us all about who the angels are and are not, (they are not fairies!), and what they do. In short, the angels are in God’s service, to aid us in attaining salvation. How fabulous is that? To finish up chapter one, I created copywork sheets for my girls with Hebrews 1:14, “Are not all angels spirits in the divine service, sent to serve for the sake of those who are to inherit salvation?” I made another for my 5yr old, with his name, “angel”, and “St. Michael the Archangel”.

Chapter Two, “Angels in the Bible”, might be the longest chapter in the book. From creation in Genesis to Revelation, stories with angels are re-told. Even though this was a long chapter to read aloud, and I wondered at times if my kids were beginning to day dream, I loved this chapter. I know the angels are in the Bible; I have heard the stories all my life. Probably everyone can at least name the Angel Gabriel, who announces the birth of Jesus. And yet, I was delighted to be reminded of not only Gabriel, but all the other angels who play a role in the lives of so many. I had many “oh yeah!” moments while reading this chapter. To finish up chapter two, my 5 yr old retold a favorite story and illustrated it, and the girls illustrated their favorite angel story.

I am keeping it simple as we read and “study” these books this year. Not only to do not have abundant time for coming up with elaborate crafts and activities, but I want our mini family “book club” to be relaxed, casual, and enjoyable. Here and there I’ll come up with a craft or recipe, I’m sure (‘cuz that’s how I roll), but at the same time, it is nice to have a family read that isn’t part of our syllabus and isn’t crying out to be enhanced with Pinterest-worth crafts. It’s the reading together that counts!

Well, that is wonderful, Gina! Thank you for sharing my book on your blog. I pray that your family is thoroughly blessed!

The TV series and contests continue…


Lots of buzz lately. Have you seen yesterday’s first show of my brand new Catholic Mom’s Cafe series? It’s about kids, modesty, and fashion. When EWTN re-airs the show I’ll be sure to let you know. Take a look at this blog post about tonight’s new show which is about kids and the culture (airing at 6:30 PM ET) and the cool contests you can enter to win just by watching the show.

Kids and the Culture

Kids and the Culture

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Take good care!

God bless!

My new television mini-series launching next week!


The month of October has been very busy. I have been conducting lots of contests to celebrate Moms and GrandMoms since my new television series designed for Catholic Moms and GrandMoms will be launching next week on EWTN. You can still enter to win books and fun things. Here’s a link to enter the latest. In addition, I’ll be conducting fun contests to win great gift cards and books next week during the launch. Stay tuned for more information on that.
I hope you can tune in next week to Catholic Mom’s Cafe. It’s set in the heart of a Catholic home. “Catholic Mom’s Café” dishes up bighearted helpings of inspiration, encouragement, and Church teaching as it delves into the challenges and joys amid the miraculous yet crazy vocation of motherhood.
Here’s the schedule:

On the set of Catholic Mom's Cafe.

On the set of Catholic Mom’s Cafe.

Mon 11/03/2014 03:00 AM: The Skinny on Catholic Fashion
Mon 11/03/2014 06:30 PM: The Skinny on Catholic Fashion
Tue 11/04/2014 03:00 AM: Kids and the Culture
Tue 11/04/2014 06:30 PM: Kids and the Culture
Wed 11/05/2014 03:00 AM: Going it Alone (single motherhood and moms who “feel” single)
Wed 11/05/2014 06:30 PM: Going it Alone (single motherhood and moms who “feel” single)
Thu 11/06/2014 03:00 AM: Upholding Dignity through Contradictions
Thu 11/06/2014 06:30 PM: Upholding Dignity through Contradictions
Fri 11/07/2014 03:00 AM: Dealing with Loss through Miscarriage
Fri 11/07/2014 06:30 PM: Dealing with Loss through Miscarriage

I hope you enjoy the series!