I just designed this prayer cord with men in mind. Certainly, woman can use it too.
Brand new! New inspiration! A Seven Sorrows of Mary prayer cord specifically created with men in mind. However, it’s also suitable for women as well. For yourself or for gift giving. It consists of 7 knots on a leather cord. You can keep it in your pocket or purse. It could be a comfort in times of stress by simply holding it. After it is blessed, it is a sacramental. Note the gorgeous intricate detail on the Seven Sorrows/Ecce Homo medal and Crucifix.The Saint Benedict Crucifix has been blessed already with the full exorcism blessing. It is created as a prayer cord on which you can pray the Seven Sorrows of Mary Devotion on the 7 knots. Available in the color red as well. The reverse side of the medal shows the Holy Face of Jesus (Ecce Homo). It comes with a red velvet bag and prayer cards.
It sells for $18.95 plus shipping. Or, two for $34.95!
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Adopt a FORGOTTEN Soul!
A prayerful challenge for Catholic families
For Catholics, November is a special month set aside to pray for souls. There are souls waiting in Purgatory to be purified so that they can enter Heaven.
I am proposing that every Catholic family adopt a soul. Especially, a forgotten soul. In addition to praying for all souls, they can pray and ask God to use their prayers for a particular soul who is forgotten. They can make efforts to pray extra for that forgotten soul. They might even have a Mass said for that special person. Imagine the graces abounding!
Catholic families can visit cemeteries throughout the month of November and hopefully, at other times too. It’s a wonderful example for the children when parents and grandparents teach them to give of themselves by making efforts to pray for those in need. And indeed, the souls in Purgatory are in need of our prayers. Try to pray an extra Divine Mercy Chaplet each day for the forgotten souls. We can also offer up little aspirations throughout the day for the holy souls in Purgatory.
If you would like to take a picture of yourself (selfie) or of your family in a cemetery, or praying at church or in your own domestic church, please do and post it on my Facebook page along with the hash tag: #adoptaforgottensoul Possibly, we will raise awareness of the plight of the holy souls in Purgatory.
I recently wrote a blog post about the holy souls which you can see here.
Please consider adopting a Forgotten Soul. That soul will surely remember you and pray for you! God bless you!
Moms and Mortifications
“Sweetie, I’m proud of you, but you’re going to have to start drinking coffee again.” These were the endearing words of a devoted husband and father one Saturday morning as he came to a realistic conclusion. His dear wife had given up coffee that week as a form of penance. Despite her best efforts, by the end of the week, the whole family was thoroughly convinced that this loving mom absolutely needed her coffee!
She admits that she got just a bit cranky. Can we blame her? Her young toddler was cutting 4 molars at once and this exhausted mom was trying her very best to cope without sleep and without coffee!
“Moms and mortifications,” as our title points out. Yet, can we actually say both in one sentence? Can busy Moms who are striving for holiness actually carry out mortifications or offer penances? It’s important to ponder.
Let’s take a quick look at the vocation of motherhood in order to accurately answer that initial question. Then, I will get into some ways in which mothers can offer and grow in holiness while heeding some amazing advice from Heaven!
Let’s dive in!
Saying, “Yes” to the miracle of human life begins a wondrous, yet mysterious journey for a woman. We simply cannot see into the future and therefore, we absolutely need to wholeheartedly trust God for His holy will. He knows what is best for our lives. And so, with a faithful heart, we move forward, amid a bit of trepidation and mystery — but always wrapped in holy prayers of hopeful surrender.
Every pregnancy is unique. Every single beautiful human life is unrepeatable.
Some of these precious babies are never placed in their loving mother’s arms. That is, because they were suddenly whisked away to Heaven through miscarriage. Countless mothers have empty and aching arms. Still, these babies’ lives were so important and are now in Heaven praying for their families.
Plenty of women experience great pain within the loss of life in another way. That is, through the often devastating cross of infertility. However, hopefully, through God’s loving grace and Mercy, at some point, they might embrace their child through the generosity of adoption.
Every mother is a hero. Whether biological or adoptive, she will sacrifice her life for her child. After all, women are gifted by God Almighty — to be receptive, to be nurturing — to love and care deeply. Once a woman becomes a mother, she no longer simply cares for herself and her husband. There is a new special little someone to love and nurture. Sleepless nights, exhausted days, and joys overflowing are a few guarantees in her new life. A mother will do anything required to protect, care for, and nurture her child.
She suddenly begins to lead a sacrificial life.
At times, she might be convinced that she can’t go on for even one more minute because of sleep lost when her baby is teething or is up at night going through a growth spurt or illness. A mother might lose her patience over the rowdy misbehavior of older children. Add to that, household routines are forever disrupted, as naps become a thing of the past, and all hands are needed on deck, and maybe even an extra pair of eyes on the back of our heads too, to protect our precious monkeys!
Some mothers endlessly daydream about taking a nap. I sure did!
Older children keep mothers on their toes and ultra attentive to the dangers of the culture. These moms are forever protecting their children from evil influences and making sure these ideologies which are contrary to their Faith do not steal into their domestic churches. In addition, moms with careful eagle eyes, watch over everything being taught, as well as who and what might be influencing her children by peddling clever lies and temptations presented in the form of “sparkly gifts,” which can yank the children from their Faith.
We can honestly say that a faithful mother can never let her guard down. No wonder mothers are so tired.
Heroic mothers are also called by God to raise His very special children. Those who require extra care. Those sweet children who are chronically ill or handicapped in some way.
I have only briefly highlighted just some of the facets and gifts in a devoted Christian mother’s life to set an important backdrop and to give encouraging affirmation to moms. I’m sure you are well aware of many more. I don’t think we will have any arguing over the fact that faithful mothers have their hands and hearts full. Theirs is a very sacrificial role.
Let’s now take a look at some comforting messages from Heaven that can speak to everyone, and especially to busy moms.
Help from Heaven
Allow me to ask the question. How can engaged (and exhausted!) mothers offer penance? Truth be told, I am ALL for offering penances and doing mortifications. I know it’s what Heaven asks for and truly needs for the conversion of sinners. In addition, the benefits in offering sacrifices are undoubtably fruitful for our own spiritual health and growth in holiness.
However, I believe that a mother in the trenches is already doing a lot of penance in simply showing up! Her love and devotion shown to her family in a myriad of ways is, as I have described earlier, most times, very sacrificial. She gives of herself, her time, her energy, and even her feminine figure to house a little bambino for nine months in the womb. Need I say more?
Because moms might be in survival mode and stretched to the limit with regard to demanding schedules and responsibilities, I want to offer a bit of help from Heaven for those mothers who are contemplating doing extra penances and offering mortifications. I want to remind them of a very important way to offer — one they might not have realized or considered.
Do you remember what the Fatima visionaries: Lucia, Francesco, and Jacinta learned from Our Lady of Fatima? Let’s begin with that. Our Blessed Mother instructed them to pray the Rosary every day for peace in the world and to offer prayers and penances for the conversion of sinners.
At the first apparition on May 13, 1917, our Holy Mother asked the children if they were willing to offer their suffering to God, as the Angel of Peace had taught them, “As an act of reparation for the sins by which He is offended and of supplication for the conversion of sinners.” They immediately told her they were willing.
Later on, Lucia would say that this was the most important request of Our Lady of Fatima. That is, that we are all called to offer all of our unavoidable daily suffering as an act of reparation and conversion of sinners.
I will get back to this “unavoidable daily suffering” and how it might help the moms.
Lucia would later recount that the Angel of Peace really helped her understand the intrinsic value of sacrifice and how it is very pleasing to God. I think it’s wonderful to know that because of our offered penances and sufferings, God grants the grace of conversion of sinners.
Sinners Need Prayers
Allow me to bring up, ever so briefly, the subject of Hell for a moment. In addition to the incredible teachings from Our Lady and the Angel of Peace, Mother Mary also showed the 3 young shepherd children a most frightening vision of Hell so that they would be sure of the reality of Hell and the consequence for sin. This was so they could teach it to the world through their fervent prayers for the conversion of sinners.
You might also know that St. Faustina was shown a very gory vision of hell and testified to it in her Diary. It shook her to the core. She noticed that most of the suffering souls in Hell were ones that had not believed in its existence!
Remember, Our Lady of Fatima told the children, “Many souls go to Hell because there are none to sacrifice themselves and pray for them.” Therefore, we know without a doubt that it is a charitable and important task to do all we can to save souls. The little innocent children stepped right up to the plate to pray the prayers that Our Lady of Fatima and the Angel of Peace had taught them and they offered penances for the conversion of sinners.
The Angel of Peace gave very clear instructions to the children with regard to offering penance. I think it’s so important to ponder his words. He said:
Offer prayers and sacrifices constantly to the Most High. Make of everything you can a sacrifice, and offer it to God as an act of reparation for the sins by which He is offended, and in supplication for the conversion of sinners. You will thus draw down peace upon your country. I am its Angel Guardian, the Angel of Portugal. Above all, accept and bear with submission, the suffering which the Lord will send you.
Make of everything you can a sacrifice, and offer it to God as an act of reparation for the sins by which He is offended, and in supplication for the conversion of sinners.
Angel of Peace
How does this all speak to the moms in the trenches of motherhood? I will emphasize what I believe to be a couple of indispensable things he said. “Make of everything you can a sacrifice, and offer it to God as an act of reparation for the sins by which He is offended, and in supplication for the conversion of sinners,” he said.
That means, just what he said: EVERYTHING! Our daily duty, our sleepless nights, the little pin pricks, the challenges, the criticisms, the doubts, discouragement, contradictions, sickness, sufferings, and any little thing offered lovingly to God! It all becomes important prayers in the form of sacrifices. Yes, it is all transformed into prayer!
The Angel said, “Above all, accept and bear with submission, the suffering which the Lord will send you.” This is so important. Let us ponder it deeply in our hearts. Can we “bear with submission” all of the stuff we endure? I’m not suggesting that we should become a door mat or that we should not right a wrong. I’m talking about “the suffering the Lord will send…” That is precisely what we need to bear with submission and offer to God.
If we can keep these words from Heaven in mind and put them into practice each day, we will be on the right track. I have no doubt. Every loving offering can be powerful. The negative becomes positive! God takes our suffering and redeems it for His glory and the conversion of sinners. God is our Divine Physician and knows exactly what we need and when we need it.
Each Morning
Mothers can begin each day afresh (exhausted or not!) with an earnest Morning Offering in their own words or a formal version. We can add the beautiful “Pardon Prayer” taught by the Angel of Peace at Fatima: “O my God, I believe, I adore, I hope and I love Thee; and I beg pardon for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not hope and do not love Thee.” This is very powerful and takes just a few brief minutes.
However, I believe that in that short time, we are beginning our day on a holy note — stepping out on the right foot — even if we’ve hit the ground running that morning. We are handing the reins over to Jesus! Our heart and soul can be earnestly and lovingly raised to God in that short morning prayer. In essence, we are telling God that we give EVERYTHING to Him in advance of our day.
A mother can offer to our Lord all of her prayers, works, sufferings and trials that might unfold that day, together with all of the amazing moments of joy, for love of God, for the conversion of sinners and in reparation for the sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary, as Our Lady specifically requested.
Throughout the day, any time a challenge unfolds, a mother can pray that beautiful prayer: “O Jesus, it is for love of Thee, for the conversion of sinners, and in reparation for the sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary.”After awhile, the loving prayer swiftly ascends from our hearts and rolls off our lips. If you can’t remember the exact words, it’s okay!
Meaningful Mortifications
If you’re still hoping for a few extra ways in which to offer penance to God and don’t know quite how to carry it out, consider doing simple yet meaningful mortifications. For instance, getting up a bit earlier, taking a shorter shower or bath, not offering your opinion (when it’s not necessary), praying an extra Divine Mercy Chaplet or Rosary for sinners, giving up a dessert, a glass of wine, a beer, a cup of tea, or coffee (but maybe not ALL coffee, as we learned above!). And perhaps, not everything all at once! I think you get the idea. Little things carried out with great love and prayer are very pleasing to God.
“Little things” were also very special to the “Little Flower,” a.k.a. St. Thérèse, whose feast day is October 1. Thérèse deeply endeavored to do many small things with great love. She felt she wasn’t capable of doing great things and realized that our Lord was pleased with her little things.
My friend and spiritual mother, dear Mother Teresa followed in St. Thérèse’s footsteps and also preached about the little things — about doing ordinary things with extraordinary love.
As I mentioned earlier, when answering, “Yes” to the miracle of human life as a mother, we begin a wondrous and mysterious holy journey. We do not know what tomorrow will bring (or even 5 minutes from now!). We absolutely need to wholeheartedly trust God for His holy will. He knows what is best for our lives. And so, we move forward, amid a bit of trepidation — but always wrapped in holy prayers of hopeful surrender.
Sacrifices and mortifications are already woven all throughout a mother’s sacrificial life. We accept and we also surrender; according to God’s holy will. We must not forget that God sees every single bead of sweat on our brows and is fully aware of our sleepless nights, as well as any worry troubling our hearts. He is a God of great Love and Mercy.
We shouldn’t be so hard on ourselves if we are not able to offer ginormous things to God. Rather, we should strive to do everything we can with great love and we can be sure that God will be pleased. He surely knows our hearts.
As time rolls on, children grow up, seasons change, and many other opportunities to offer penance are presented to us. Let us offer every single little and big thing to God throughout our lives. By God’s amazing grace, He will help us lead our children and grandchildren to Heaven!
Visiting with Al Kresta and discussing Reclaiming Sundays
Just click and play the radio visit (above) to be informed about my book Reclaiming Sundays and ways in which to equip today’s Catholic families with the tools to RECLAIM their family Sundays! Learn more about my book here along with purchasing options.
“Listening For God ” Conference
I’ll be speaking at a conference this week end. It’s all about “Listening Fr God” and orchestrated by Teresa Tomeo to follow up her book title Listening For God.
I’ll also participate in a LIVE panel discussion. You can click here to learn more and to register for FREE. There are some paid features available as well.
There are more than 50 speakers who will present, including: Al Kresta Alyssa Bormes Amy Smith Anne DeSantis Annie Karto Anthony Coniglio Bug Hall Chris Martin Crystalina Evert Damon Owens Deacon Dominick Pastore Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle Dr. Edward Sri Dr. Mario Enzler Dr. Matthew Bunson Dr. Ray Guarendi Ellen Salter Fr. Andrew Dawson Fr. Chris Alar, MIC Fr. Edward Looney Fr. Frank Pavone Fr. John Trigilio, Ph.D. Fr. Leo Patalinghug Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J. Fr. Robert McTeigue, S.J. Gail Buckley-Barringer Gail Coniglio Gary Zimak Greg & Julie Alexander Hope Ponsart Janet Morana Jason Evert Jeff Cann Jeff Cavins Joan Lewis Joe Matthiesen John Hale John Wisely Joseph Warren Julie Perolio Kaitlyn Curtin Kathy Crombie Kelly Wahlquist Kevin Wells Kristine Hass Linda Schaefer Marge Steinhage Fenelon Michelle Johnson Mike Aquilina Orlando Javien Jr. Patti Maguire Armstrong Peter Herbeck Steve Ray Teresa Tomeo Tony Frasco Vanessa Denha-Garmo Marcus Grodi.
I hope that you register and tune in at your leisure. Register for FREE here!
Reflecting on 9/11
My friend June who had worked nearby to the horrifying devastation that occurred on 9/11 paused to reflect upon the events of her day, and nineteen years later, has shared her thoughts with me.
“I was living in Westchester County, north of New York City,” she recalled, “and taking the Metro-North commuter railroad to Grand Central terminal on the East side of New York City each day.” This began her trek to work, which she did so often, she could probably do it in her sleep!
It began as a typical work day for June. Buses, taxis, trucks, and cars were out in full force. Shop owners were opening their doors for business, while conversations emanated from newsstands and breakfast kiosks, and the unmistakable satisfying rich aroma of freshly brewing coffee wafted through New York City’s air.
My friend recalled her typical morning, “I would then walk to my office at the Verizon location at 42nd Street and 6th Avenue.” Every day, June naturally took in the day-to-day New York City sights and sounds as she walked briskly to get to work.
Looking south from 6th Avenue, the view was dominated by the twin towers.
Though the daily sights and sounds along June’s commute were pretty much predictable, she remembered that on that particular morning, she had made a point to pause and make a mental note of appreciation of the incredible beauty that caught her eye.
June told me, “As I reached 6th Avenue and approached the Verizon building, I recall looking south, seeing the towers, and thinking what a beautiful day it was. Without a single cloud, the sky was an incredible rich blue.”
Mental note taken, she kept up her swift morning pace and got to the office for what she imagined would be yet another true to form work day.
That striking eye-catching beauty that June had gazed upon earlier and so much more was about to quickly evaporate. As June recalled, “I was on a call, when someone came to my office to tell me that a plane had hit one of the towers.”
Dumbfounded, June went over to one of the offices with a view south and “saw just one tower standing.”
“For the sake of His sorrowful Passion…”
She immediately turned to God. June said, “I prayed for everyone, including friends who were working at the Verizon building across the street.” Within minutes, a second plane hit the other tower. As June watched in utter disbelief, she shared, “The second tower fell.”
She added, “I recall praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy for all the souls.”
The Empire State Building is just eight blocks from the Verizon 42nd Street building. “Fearful that a third plane might target the Empire State Building,” June said, “about 11 AM, upper management advised us to vacate the building and head home.” June made immediate arrangements with her brother who was working at the same location. They met in the lobby, along with another worker, who headed out with them. June said, “Because no trains were leaving from Grand Central, we decided to walk to my brother’s home in Queens.”
June deeply reflected and continued to share her experience, “By 11 AM, with almost all traffic stopped and no planes flying overhead, and the hushed tones of other people nearby, midtown New York City was eerily quiet.” She told me that suddenly everything had dramatically changed. There were, “No engines humming, no impatient horns tooting, no boisterous crowd conversations.” None of that was left—it had totally, frighteningly dissipated into thin air, it seemed.
June called to mind, “It was spooky without all the noise of daily hustle and bustle.” She vividly remembered, “With so many walking—heading uptown, walking across the bridges usually filled with vehicles—the visual was like that of refugees walking miles to safety.”
Eerie silence remains vividly in her thoughts
June could not forget. “Everyone was focused on the billowing smoke where the towers had been downtown.That frighteningly eerie silence is still very vivid in my thoughts.”
“We walked about seven or eight miles into the heart of Queens,” June shared. The siblings found a tour bus driver who was willing to take them a few miles farther. June said, “At that point, off the bus, we neared the famously heavily traveled Long Island Expressway.”
June recalled the experience. Even eerier still, “With no vehicles traveling on the Expressway, the only sounds we heard were the booms of fighter jets flying overhead.”
June’s brother contacted a parish priest who is a good friend stationed at a church about three miles from where they were at the time. “The priest had to navigate through police blockades but did reach us about an hour later.” June will never forget that long journey when, amid countless others who suddenly found themselves in the same inconceivable predicament, the three of them kept putting one foot in front of the other to get to safety.
“We started our journey at 11 AM and reached my brother’s home about 4 PM.”
It was a trek that June, her brother, their priest friend, and thousands of others would never forget. June said, “I stayed with my brother overnight. The following day, he was able to drive me to the Westchester train station where I had left my car the previous morning.”
As June recollected, she stated a couple of times, “I can hardly believe that all this, and more in the months that followed, happened 19 years ago!” It is still so very fresh in the minds of countless people.
June counted her blessings and told me, “We were fortunate to have been far enough uptown to only see the macro picture of what was happening, but our friends who worked at the Verizon building across the street from the towers saw, felt, and experienced everything within a couple of hundred feet.”
June stated, that because of the unimaginable horrendous trauma, “A number of them suffered from PTSD afterward and still have difficulty today.”
Sadly, in addition to the horrifying devastation thousands have experienced and have even perished from, many others suffer from “survivor’s guilt,” and, as June pointed out, “many are reliving the trauma of seeing everything close up.”
June shared with me, “My brother and I pray each year for the deceased and also for the survivors, those friends and heroes who were there that day and those who worked later at the site doing rescue, recovery, and cleanup.”
June encourages us, “If you haven’t had an opportunity to go to the memorial and museum, both are beautiful solemn tributes.”
“A Hard Life Redeemed” TV Interview with Ralph Martin
I recently visited with Ralph Martin President of Renewal Ministries on 2 of his television shows: “The Choices We Face.” It was a blessing to share the faith with Ralph. The shows were aired recently on EWTN TV. You can see the first one “A Hard Life Redeemed” here below. I hope that you enjoy it. God bless you!
Exciting News–My Upcoming Book!
On this day–Holy Thursday, I will reveal a big surprise! I have not breathed a word about this thus far. But, I will right now! The wonderful news is that my book Prayerfully Waiting: A Grandmother’s Prayer Journal will release on October 13th! It is a prayer journal for Grandmothers to help them to pray for their unborn grandchildren!
A Brief Description
A grandmother’s prayers are of significant importance through every age and stage of a grandchild’s development! These prayers are amazing and lovely blessings that can powerfully nurture and help shape a grandchild’s conscience and future life! It is so important to recognize the great gift and role grandparents have in praying for grandchildren in utero.
This grandmother’s prayer journal offers a delightful and unparalleled opportunity to not merely sit back and wait for the wondrous arrival, but instead, to use the time wisely by prayerfully waiting for your grandchild throughout what can be a meaningful and powerful nine-month novena of prayer.
Month-by-month, inspired with holy insights, you will learn, discover, and note the development of your precious “grand-blessing.” Spaces are provided for you to personalize this special unborn baby book, as well as lovingly record your thoughts and prayers as you pray for your grandchild’s first nine months of life.
From beginning to end, you’ll be partnering with St. Anne, the grandmother of Jesus, to swaddle your unborn grandchild with prayer. You’ll journey with Mother Mary, and all the saints, to prayerfully prepare for the little one’s birth.
A Personal Note
As a mother of five, and now a proud grandmother, I couldn’t help but write this book for grandmothers who are awaiting the birth of their precious grandchild. Many years ago when I was on complete bedrest for a precarious pregnancy and when my doctor didn’t think my baby would survive, I prayed and pondered the amazing significance of a nine-month waiting period while our unborn babies are nourished by our love and life, nestled inside our wombs. During that time of staying still and earnestly prayerfully waiting, I was deeply inspired to write “Prayerfully Expecting: A Nine-Month Novena for Mothers to Be” for expectant mothers. My dear friend Mother Teresa wrote the Foreword! Now, as a grandmother, I am excited to offer this beautiful prayer journal for the “expectant” grandmother whose period of waiting can become transformed into an amazing novena of love while her heartfelt meaningful prayers are benefiting her unborn grandchild and her own soul as well. May God bless every grandmother and grandchild and nurture their relationship–even as early as from their conception!
Early Praise for Prayerfully Waiting
Grandparents become grandparents as soon as their grandchildren begin to exist. How appropriate it is, therefore, to get to know more about your grandchild during his or her journey of growth in the womb – and especially to accompany that knowledge with prayer! Prayerfully Waiting will help you begin your lifelong relationship with your new grandchild!
—Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director, Priests for Life
With its many and varied prayers, wisdom from Mother Church, and space to journal and create memories, Prayerfully Waiting is a lovely, gentle companion for the grandmother-to-be. I plan to use it myself when I’m prayerfully waiting for my first grandchild!
—Karen Edmisten, author of After Miscarriage and Deathbed Conversions.
As I flipped through the pages of Prayerfully Waiting, I recognized the beauty it offers in drawing families across generations closer together. As a mother prepares to welcome her newborn child, the grandmother can also prepare for her role – through prayer and reflection. What a blessing for a grandchild to receive so many graces from prayer before even being born! A new life is worth celebrating and Prayerfully Waiting reflects that it’s worth celebrating in multiple family generations.
–Catherine Hadro, Host of EWTN Pro-Life Weekly
This is a blessed book and a brilliant idea. Combining information on the baby in the womb’s developments with prayer to the Blessed Mother, St. Anne and other saints, Prayerfully Waiting is both practical and spiritual. I am a grandmother of four and I know I will be referring to this book often.
—Janet Morana, Executive Director, Priests for Life, Author of Recall Abortion
And, Now, the Cover REVEAL!
You can PRE-ORDER your autographed copy here! It sells for $15.99 plus shipping. I suggest purchasing a couple of copies to have on hand to gift to someone when they are expecting a grandchild. It is a great resource for any stage of the pregnancy (if I may say so myself!). Though, I believe it will be extra beneficial to start reading the month-by-month book just as soon as possible for praying for the unborn grandchild.
Here is the Amazon listing. Keep in mind that Amazon is very behind with book orders and are only selling essential items due to the coronavirus.
Tips for Catholic Families during the Pandemic
My 4 year old grandson on FaceTime the other day said, “Grandma, we can’t get together because of coronavirus.” That gave me a jolt. Wow. Not only did he say the “c” word, but he knew that this is what what’s going on. His Mom was even a bit surprised. It turned out that his Dad had explained it to him when they were washing their hands. That simple teaching helped my grandson to understand why they were washing their hands extra now, why the nursery school is closed, why he couldn’t see his friends or his Grandma.
I recently chatted on the airwaves about families and how they are coping in this pandemic. The radio host wanted me to give some tips and also to chat about my book Reclaiming Sundays. I decided to put together a list in a blog post too, to hopefully benefit families.
This time of uncertainty during the pandemic can cause much anxiety. Explaining things to children in the best way that they can understand can certainly help to alleviate anxiety.
A SCHEDULE is so important
Families always need a schedule to feel grounded – to feel stability—to have a rhythm to their day—With any change in the family, I believe that it is even more important to have some sort of schedule in place. Schedules help so we don’t feel loss of control or to be OUT OF CONTROL. This is for children and adults alike.
Write your hopeful schedule on a dry erase board, or your tablet, or a piece of paper as a reminder. Hang it up and refer to it often. You don’t have to be regimented in keeping it, but you can certainly try to stick to it.
No doubt with little ones (and older ones!!) schedules need to bend a bit – people need to be flexible. We should do our best to work together, especially during this trying time.
- Prayer: (we need it to survive!)
- Exercise: Relieves stress, makes you feel good – keeps you healthy.
- Rest: Reading (together or alone), resting, being quiet, telling stories.
- Work: Yes! Chores – its a good time to start with the kids if you haven’t already. Teaches them responsibility.
- Play!: Enjoy board games and your precious time together!
- Cook together: Don’t worry about the mess – make memories – reach out to relatives on the phone and Face Time and get family recipes – hand them down–carry on traditions.
- Check on your elderly neighbors. Do Works of Mercy! Offer a meal. The kids can make cheery cards.
- Reach out: In addition to elderly neighbors, reach out to others who are anxious or alone. It’s a very difficult time and remembering others with phone calls, texts, and emails will make a huge difference for those in need of encouragement and will help your own soul too!
- Limit and Schedule Screen Time: It’s important to limit screen time – and especially important to always be sure you know what they are looking at. Set a schedule for screen time so kids don’t go wild with the screen! It’s important for the adults to also refrain from too much screen time. Yes, we want to be informed, but there is such as thing as TOO MUCH news!
- Eat healthy: “The Mom in me” needs to add this. This is not a time to sit around and eat Doritos. Eat healthy foods and take your supplements. I know it’s difficult to shop and get certain items but we must try our best. Healthier people have better immune systems to fight off what comes at them.
Despite our fears…
Despite the fears that we might experience, this is a time for great HOPE! Even if we cannot get out to the structure of the church, be prayerful and holy in your domestic church at home. Set vibrant examples for the children, carve out the necessary prayer times, set parameters to ensure that life doesn’t become a free-for-all situation. Show your love and smile often! It’s contagious (in a good way!).
- Prayer before and after each meal.
- Family Rosary: (or at least a decade with the kids and parents can do the whole thing).
- Chaplet of Divine Mercy: However you can do it with the kids – try to do at 3:00 PM (again, being mindful of the schedule helps us to have a holy rhythm to our day). Pray the Chaplet for the dying.
- As well, how about starting a new prayer habit? Might I suggest the Angelus at noon? This will certainly please Our Lord and His holy Mother.
- Perhaps, you’ll start a new devotion during this time stuck in the house – perhaps DEVOTION to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Cardinal Burke, the other night on EWTN Nightly News was talking about the Sacred Heart of Jesus and how it is Eucharistic – in this time of no Holy Communion for most os us – let us turn to the Heart of Jesus and His Mother’s Immaculate Heart as a REFUGE and for STRENGTH and protection. Learn about these devotions yourself as a parent or grandparent and impart it to the family.
- Perhaps you’ll take up learning more about the Saints. There is a plethora of information on the Internet if you don’t have books at home. Invite the Saints to intercede for your family and every family.
Adding and Sustaining…
- If you add a new prayer time, devotion, or habit, you are establishing a wonderful foundation in the children’s lives that they can turn to later on in life too.
- If you keep up with your regular prayer schedule – you are reinforcing the foundation – the strength for the battle – both spiritual and in every way. You are helping to keep everyone more focused, safe, and calm during uncertain times.
Holy Week and Easter…
HOLY WEEK AND EASTER ARE FAST APPROACHING: Even if churches are closed, along with your family, dig into this time like never before! Pray for many graces! I heard Cardinal Burke say that this is a time of GRACE!
Ask for the graces!
These are just a few tips to hopefully help your family to stay the course, to alleviate unnecessary anxiety, and to grow closer as a family and closer to God.
God bless you! I’ll try to post more soon – perhaps some recipes, crafts, and other ideas.
PS My similar article was published here at CatholicMom.
Pope Francis blessing the world
Yesterday was a very special day when Pope Francis and the faithful of the world came together spiritually and virtually to beg God’s mercy to stop the coronavirus that has been attacking the world. In a very empty St. Peter’s Square, Pope Francis carried out a prayer service which included the reading of the Gospel, after which he gave a very moving homily, followed by a time of Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction, as well as an Urbi et Orbi blessing to impart a plenary indulgence (if you are in the proper disposition–no attachment to venial sin). This blessing is usually reserved for Christmas and Easter time.
I knelt on my living room floor for most of that hour, participating in the deep spiritual moments. It was powerful and moving.
Here is a video of some of the scenes from yesterday.
Another video which is the entire prayer service.
Another video from Rome Reposts.
Here is an article from Vatican News with the text of the homily.
Keep praying everyone, and please stay home.
Rebuild the domestic church!
Here is PART of a chapter from my new book “Reclaiming Sundays.”
Reaching Out Sunday
“On Sundays and other holy days of obligation, the faithful are to refrain from engaging in work or activities that hinder the worship owed to God, the joy proper to the Lord’s Day, the performance of the works of mercy, and the appropriate relaxation of mind and body.”
—Catechism of the Catholic Church, no. 2185
Read the verse above and pray the Morning Offering together as a family.
Morning Offering: Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for the gift of today—your day. Please guide our family as we strive to grow closer to you and to one another. Open our hearts and teach us to be more generous with our time. Open our eyes to opportunities today to love others. Amen.
Pray: Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be.
Every Sunday should be about offering mercy to others in one form or another. The problem is that we might pack so many things into our weekends, and most especially our Sundays, that they will prevent us from enjoying the experiences of family, rest, worship, and service. To actually reclaim our Sundays means we need to live countercultural lives, since the world outside our doors has a completely opposite idea. Let’s do our best to cut back on our outside activities, unless they include special time with our family, with worship, and service to the needy. As well, when we are home, let’s do our best to resist the temptations to pick up devices to check updates, or engage in senseless activities. Rather, we should enjoy our family time and have wholesome conversations. Let’s reclaim our Sundays!
Focus on the hungry: When planning your works of mercy, consider the hungry. Is there a local soup kitchen or food pantry where you can donate food or some time? Could your family choose a Sunday, perhaps today, to make an extra portion of your Sunday dinner to gift to a needy neighbor? Take time with your family to pray and discern where your works of mercy could be most helpful.
Strive to find ways in which you can become more alive in your faith in doing your works of mercy. As you pray, allow God to transform your heart and soul so you will be an exemplary Christian example to your family and others.
to be prayed each evening this week
Dear Lord, thank you for the blessings of this day—your day. If we have failed you in any way, please forgive us. If we have failed one another by not taking care of our responsibilities, please forgive us, Lord. Please help us to grow in holiness each day. We love you! Amen.
Pray: Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be.
Purchase an autographed copy here!
How do we “feed” the children’s souls?
We followed up with the DVD below to help provide additional “tools” for Catholic families and Faith educators.
It’s been awhile–catching up–my bike trip and trip to the hospital
It’s been a while since I have had a chance to write a blog post. I hope you’ve had a good summer–maybe a little down time.
I’ll fill you in on what’s been happening with me…but, I’ll also give you fair warning…it will be long winded! I have a lot to share…
I have had a very busy schedule, which included travel for speaking, lots of writing work, and very tight writing deadlines. All the while, I have been making several trips with my husband back and forth to my out-of-town Lyme disease doctor to get help with my new case of Lyme disease, as well as the Q Fever (a tick borne disease) already in my system. I have been dealing with many migraines, joint and muscle pain, and several other symptoms. All good material to offer up to God.
Thankfully, the doctor thinks that the Annaplasma and Babisia are now defeated. I worked for sometime (years!) trying to get rid of those nasty tick borne infections. Now, I need to keep working to get rid of the Lyme, please God. The Q Fever is on its way out (we think). We need to do some further checking into this.
Then, there were the unwelcome visitors
There was the “attack” by hundreds of angry bees living in our kitchen wall. There are thousands, actually. But hundreds got into our house. Yellow jackets, to be specific. I was the one with the fly swatter in hand swatting away at them as they found there way into our kitchen through small cracks or crevices where the kitchen cabinets meet the kitchen ceiling. They would occasionally dive at our heads or try to get into our shirts, etc.
I should show you a photo of the massive amounts of duct tape I used to cover every single possible place they might be sneaking in. Well, maybe I’ll skip that photo.
It turns out that the bees made a nest inside our wall by going through an old stove vent on the outside of the house. That’s where thousands of bees still live (until we get them out). So, it’s been interesting keeping up with the bees and trying to get rid of them. We are still working on it.
“Interesting” Summer!
In many ways it’s been an interesting summer. I was on Doxycycline for a month for my new case of Lyme disease (the ticks love me, unfortunately!) When taking that medicine, one is supposed to stay out of the sun. So, I did. I had to stay inside for a whole month except for Mass. We had many sunny days and just going from the front door to our vehicle gave me third degree burns on parts of my body. It was crazy. The blisters and burns took many weeks to heal. I was extremely happy once I got off of the Doxy and started a new antibiotic. Then, I could thankfully go outside again. I love the outdoors.
I’ll cut to the chase…Just a few days ago I was in a bicycle accident. You may have heard about that on social media. It was supposed to be a fun time. Allow me to step back to explain. Last year, my husband and I took a very nice long bike ride on a rail trail. We enjoyed it so much that we said we’d do it again.
Need to take a drive!
But, truth be told, we have been so busy with work schedules that we never scheduled it. However, we recently concluded that we had to do something fun this summer, Lord willing! Maybe that was to get a good bike ride in before the summer ends. We knew just the place!
We made some impromptu plans, and off we went. The added bonus was that we’d also be able to get to the ocean for a very short respite. That would surely soothe our tired minds and lift our hearts and souls.
I “brought” Fr. Andrew along with me as well! I hoped I might have time to read a bit–something I very rarely have a chance to do since I am full time working on writing!
We visited the ocean for just a day.
But, I soaked in all its beauty–the gorgeous skies and pretty clouds painted in designs across the massive blue canvas…
…feeling the the strong warm breeze…watching the cute little sandpipers running back and forth on the beach and the sea gulls flying all around…
…the humongous roaring waves moving their way back and forth across the beach–each time, stealing rocks and shells and forcefully pulling them along–boasting of their power–their consitency.
We actually saw a shark! A real one! Unfortunately, it was attacking a seal. But, that is nature–played out before our watchful eyes. Yes, we saw many seals, and that was fun observing and waiting to see where they will poke their black heads out of the water next.
The day was made in heaven.
Fr. Andrew’s smiling face looked up at me from nearby my beach chair. I never did get a chance to read that magazine that day.
I also didn’t know what would soon unfold.
We finally set out for our bike ride
It was a very warm day. Okay, I should be truthful–it was VERY hot.
Photo before our ride. But, be sure to wear your helmet on bike rides. 🙂
Yet, we were happy to embark upon what promised to be a fun journey on our rented bikes. We made our way onto the bike trail and peddled away. I thoroughly loved the warmth of the wind caressing my face as I sped along, and the penetrating sun’s rays beating down on my (sunscreen-ed) arms.
There were a few challenging hills, but for the most part, it felt almost effortless, even though I have some health challenges with the Lyme disease. It seemed to be just what the doctor ordered–a little break from work–fresh air, sunshine and good company!
I had a bit of trouble with the brakes on my bike and I think the bike guy adjusted my seat a little bit too high. But, I managed to do okay throughout the trip.
Something to look forward to
We figured that after our ride we would treat ourselves to an ice cream sundae! It would be the first one we would have all summer long. For the most part, we try to eat very healthy. However, every once in a while, it is HEALTHY to have a delicious dessert!
We kept peddling away down the rail trail–the tires of our bikes spinning around wildly. Along the way, we passed a couple of families whose red-faced sweaty kids cried out, “I can’t do it anymore! I want to go home!” It was a hot day, as I mentioned. I called out to them with a smile and encouraging words as I passed by. I have no idea if it helped or not, but it was worth a try.
I knew I had to keep going–peddling away to make it up the hill. The sun beat down.
About five miles out, we stopped at a little market to get fresh water bottles. We sat on a wooden bench outside the store to take a short break, drinking our water and making plans. I suggested we turn back because it didn’t take a mathematician to tell us that it would be another 5 miles to get back. Since it was so hot out I figured we might tire easily and not be able to get back.
So, after a short break we hopped back on our bikes and headed to the bike place. I took in the scenery and enjoyed the nature all around us. But, there was one thing that I did not enjoy…
Unexpected turn of events
Just as I was turning to pull into the bike rental place, I skidded on some sand and completely lost control of my bike.Was it the faulty brakes? The bike seat too high? Whatever the case, I was headed directly towards a large solid pole which was extremely close. I came crashing down on the pavement right next to the pole and the bike swung around and belted me in the rib cage. The pain from the crash was excruciating and I couldn’t breathe due to the wallop to my ribs which knocked the wind out of me. I knew I had to wait there on the ground, even though my husband wanted to help me up.
Crumpled up, I waited. I kept crying out in prayer to Jesus to please help me. I know that He did. My husband said my head had been less than an inch from the pole. Somehow, my body swerved away from it and my head was saved. I say, “somehow.” But, I know how. I have no doubt that the collision would have been much worse.
When I could finally get up off the ground, I hobbled ever-so-slowly and painfully to our vehicle. We stopped at a store and my husband ran in to pick up supplies to treat the scary-looking wound on my left knee. But, before I could apply medication and bandages, I had to clean it out first. That was challenging, as many little twigs and pebbles were inside the wound. But, as I attempted to clean it and the water gushed over my knee, it was a perfect opportunity to offer the intense pain to God as Our Lady of Fatima has requested. For the love of God, the conversion of sinners, and in reparation for the sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
I then spent some time with ice packs over my very wounded knee.
It wasn’t easy, but, nonetheless, we made it back out to get our ice cream sundaes that we had anticipated early in our bike ride. The efforts to get there, with me bandaged and hobbling slowly and gingerly, were definitely worth it! I think I was still in shock!
After that, it was serious business for days on end (and still doing it!) in the healing process–staying put–icing my badly injured knees and my ribs, changing bandages, icing, elevating, lots of Advil, icing, icing, icing!
Now, here I am again, confined to the house. Like I said earlier, it has been an interesting summer. Today, just six days after the accident, the pain persists. It’s still tough to move, breathe and sleep due to my rib injury. It’s difficult to walk too. But, just today, I think I turned a corner with my left leg in that the swelling is finally going down. Thank you, Jesus! I still have a ways to go and I will be leaving to lead a pilgrimage to France three weeks from today! Please keep me in your prayers for quick healing. Thank you in advance.
I am writing this blog post with my swollen legs elevated and an ice pack on my knee and ribs, because I want to share a very meaningful encounter.
A continuing saga
The other night, I noticed that the injuries were getting worse instead of better. It appeared that a bad infection was rapidly spreading on my left leg.
This necessitated a trip to the Emergency Room. I certainly did not want to go out at that late hour, but I didn’t think I should wait until the morning. My leg looked pretty scary! I began to think that I might have inadvertently left a few stray pieces of debris in my wound which may have caused an infection.
At the ER, GUESS WHAT I happened to pull out of my wallet? It was surely something of comfort… as I retrieved my license for the woman checking me into the ER. It would seem that dear Fr. Andrew was watching over me. I asked for his intercession. Truth be told, I ask him several times a day.
I had an exam and a bunch of x-rays. I was given an antibiotic, as well as instructions. But, I had to smile at how things unfolded with the x-ray technician.
After the doctor examined me, he ordered the series of x-rays of my knee and ribs. By the way, the doctor told me that he could not have cleaned my wound as well as I had. He told me several times. He said I should be a doctor or nurse. 🙂 Well, I am a mother and grandmother, after all! But, back to the x-rays…
I waited on the hospital bed to be taken down to the x-ray. department.
“Knock knock!” A voice from behind the curtain beckoned.
The curtain suddenly moved aside and a woman was standing there. An amazed look immediately spread across her face.
“Aren’t you on EWTN?! Wow! I watch you all the time! Wait a minute…what? You live around here?!”
She was visibly excited. We launched into a very beautiful conversation. As she transported me in a wheel chair towards the x-ray department, the doctor spotted us chatting away and poked his head out from around his computer screen.
“Do you know one another?” I guess he was surprised at our animated discussion at the wee hour of the morning, especially because I was in a lot of pain.
She said, “Yes! I know her from television!”
We were still rolling towards the Radiology department. The doctor looked at me and asked, “You’re on TV?”
I peered at him and put my finger to my lips. “Shhhhhhhhhh!” I said. “I try to keep a low profile around here.”
A lot to talk about
The wonderful x-ray technician (I’ll call her Sally) and I continued gabbing all the way to Radiology and throughout our time together. We talked about EWTN–Sally has been watching for twenty years. We chatted about Fr. Andrew, Fr. Mitch, and others on EWTN, as well as the Faith. I told Sally that I was sure that God saved my head from crashing into the pole.
The only time we were quiet was when I had to hold my breath for the many x-rays.
Just before the x-rays, “Sally” unfastened the chain around my neck to take off my medals. Of course, I had to tell her that dear Mother Teresa had given the Miraculous Medal to me, and that it had gotten so worn out that I had to put it in the decorative case on my chain so I wouldn’t lose it. I also showed her the piece of Mother’s sari that I have in that same little case, right behind the medal. I pointed out dear St. Jacinta’s relic also in there, as well as the other small meaningful medals that I wear.
While my knee was being x-rayed, I realized that my Rosary which contained St. Faustina’s relic was in my pocket. I asked if it was okay that it was, since you are supposed to take off metal objects before x-rays. She said it was fine since we weren’t x-raying that area. I then happily discovered that my pocket also contained a blessed Miraculous Medal. If you know me, you’ll probably remember that I give Miraculous Medals out to people all over the world (like thousands upon thousands, by God’s grace!).
Blessings and graces
After the x-rays were completed, I put my chain back on my neck. I took out the blessed medal from my pocket, kissed it, and touched it to my medals. I then gave it to the kind lady.
“Sally” was delighted and proceeded to show me her medals. She told me the story of when she received a Miraculous Medal from a friend who told her to expect miracles!
After “Sally” brought me back to my hospital room, she thanked me again for the Miraculous Medal. I had a sudden thought that I should also touch her medal to my Rosary. After all, Fr.Andrew had blessed it for me. Why not add another blessing to her new medal? She said she’d add to her chain. She was very grateful.
I told “Sally” that when I am feeling better I will drop off one of my books at the hospital for her. I think I’ll give her my “Miraculous Medal” book!
Well, I am all banged up, and it will take a while to heal completely. But, I have to say that I do love how God brings people together. Don’t you? He arranges all sorts of meetings between complete strangers. I could write a book about that! Oh, wait! I have written several like that! 🙂 I hope you don’t mind my bad attempt at humor. I am a bit stir crazy staying still for so long. 🙂
All joking aside, I love to share true stories of Faith to help inspire others to come closer to God. I will be sharing soon about my new books that will be releasing soon! As well as two that released earlier this year in case you missed them.
It’s time for another ice pack! Oh, and I see a few more angry bees in the house…
God bless you! Please pray for me! Be assured of my prayers for you too.
By the way, how was your summer?
Sneak peek (excerpt) of my new book!
I wrote a book for Catholic Moms that I feel is both realistic and encouraging (if I may say so myself!). As a mother of five and grandmother I certainly know all about the bombardment from the culture, the demands for perfection, and the countless challenges that today’s mothers face. My desire is to encourage Catholic Moms with Church teaching and help them to discover the sublimity in their amazing vocation of raising little Saints to heaven!
Would you like a sneak peak of my newest book not yet released? I thought so! So, I am sharing the first few chapters as well as the Foreword and Introduction (copywritten material). Take a look here and enjoy!
You can learn more about the book as well as order by clicking the book cover image.
Chatting about the Five First Saturday Devotion
Our Lady of Fatima requested a few things of the faithful. She asked for the daily rosary for peace but also for us to commit to the Five First Saturday devotion which consists of:
Go to confession. Receive Communion. Pray the Rosary, and
Keep Our Lady company for 15 minutes while meditating on the mysteries of the Rosary.
I discussed the Five First Saturday devotion this morning on the Son Rise Morning radio show. You can listen to the archived version here. Make sure it’s on the May 4, 2018 date and move the marker to the 2:38 point to hear our short radio chat. Enjoy!
Please pray for a dear friend!
Please pray for my dear friend Fr. Andrew Apostoli, C.F.R. who could use our prayers. I was so blessed to spend time with him recently and he sends his very best, by the way. He thanks you very much for your prayers and he prays for you. Thank you dear Friends for keeping him in your prayers. EWTN announced on television yesterday that dear Father is in his last days. The CFR Friars put it this way: “Please pray for him as he is preparing to journey to the house of Our Father.”
Won’t you join me in praying for him? If you’d like you can start the Christmas novena that starts Novemeber 30th, the feast of St. Andrew (Fr. Andrew’s name day–St. Andrew!). Thank you in advance for praying. Here is the prayer:
Beginning on St. Andrew the Apostle’s feast day, November 30, the following beautiful prayer is traditionally recited fifteen times a day until Christmas. This is a very meditative prayer that helps us increase our awareness of the real focus of Christmas and helps us prepare ourselves spiritually for His coming (from the EWTN website).
Hail and blessed be the hour and moment in which the Son of God was born Of the most pure Virgin Mary, at midnight, in Bethlehem, in the piercing cold. In that hour vouchsafe, I beseech Thee, O my God, to hear my prayer and grant my desires,
[here mention your request]
through the merits of Our Saviour Jesus Christ, and of His blessed Mother. Amen.
It is piously believed that whoever recites the St. Andrew Christmas novena prayer FIFTEEN times each day from the feast of St. Andrew (November 30th) until Christmas Eve will obtain the favor requested.
God bless you!
Nurture Your Own Faith! Newest Teaching on Feeding Your Family’s Soul!
Have a look at the newest teaching by Donna-Marie titled, “Nurture Your Own Faith!” After clicking the video BELOW to play it, move the time marker to the 4:00 minute mark (if it doesn’t begin at that point already) and watch until approximately 6:48. Or, watch the whole show! ENJOY!
Donna-Marie speaking at the EWTN Family Celebration
Below is EWTN’s Press Release. This year’s Family Celebration theme is the 100th Anniversary of Fatima. I’ll be speaking at this event, as well as will be doing book signings, Meet & Greets, and will appear on the Live show on Saturday night! I hope you can join us. It’s FREE! See the speaking schedule here.
PRESS RELEASE July 5, 2017 |
Come to EWTN’s 2017 Family Celebration in Worcester, Mass. Celebrate The 100th Anniversary of Fatima With Headliners Such As |
Irondale, AL (EWTN) – Celebrate the 100th Anniversary of Fatima with EWTN at the Network’s 2017 Family Celebration Sept. 9-10 at the DCU Convention Center in Worcester, Mass. Headliners include Father Mitch Pacwa (“EWTN Live”), Marcus Grodi (“The Journey Home”), Susan Conroy, Fr. Maurice Emelu, and Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle.
In addition, EWTN Chairman & CEO Michael P. Warsaw will host a not-to-be-missed Family Talk with EWTN President Doug Keck (“EWTN Bookmark”), EWTN Chaplain Father Joseph Mary Wolfe, the Franciscan Missionaries of the Eternal Word, and more. “My favorite part of every Celebration is meeting our EWTN Family members from near and far,” Warsaw said. “This Celebration is our thank you to them for their love and support throughout the years.” The headlining talks are only the beginning. Guests will also have the opportunity to be part of a studio audience for a taping of a special “EWTN Family Celebration Live Show,” celebrate Mass with Worcester Bishop Robert J. McManus and EWTN’s Friars, and meet EWTN hosts and authors while browsing the EWTN Religious Catalogue shop. Plus, there will be plenty of opportunity for Adoration and Confession, and children will be thrilled to meet some of their favorite characters from “EWTN Faith Factory.” EWTN Radio will broadcast live on-site throughout the weekend and staff from the National Catholic Register will be on hand to answer your questions. You’ll even have an opportunity to join EWTN in its mission of evangelization by becoming an EWTN Media Missionary! It’s a feast for the mind, the heart, and the spirit! For more information, please go to our website: http://www.ewtn.com/familycelebration/. We look forward to seeing you there! EWTN Global Catholic Network, in its 36th year, is the largest religious media network in the world. EWTN’s 11 TV channels are broadcast in multiple languages 24 hours a day, seven days a week to over 268 million television households in more than 145 countries and territories. EWTN platforms also include radio services transmitted through SIRIUS/XM, iHeart Radio, and over 500 domestic and international AM & FM radio affiliates; a worldwide shortwave radio service; the largest Catholic website in the U.S.; electronic and print news services, including Catholic News Agency, “The National Catholic Register” newspaper, and several global news wire services; as well as EWTN Publishing, its book publishing division. ###