Author Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle once again proves herself a master of Mariology with her latest work, Our Life, Our Sweetness, and Our Hope! Jubilee Pilgrims of Hope with Mary.
Donna-Marie excels in demonstrating how the Blessed Mother personifies hope–the kind of hope that helps us to cast our eyes heavenward. She explores various aspects of Mary’s life, from the Annunciation to the Crucifixion, showing Mary’s enduring faith and trust in her Creator.
The author also cites various Apparitions as evidence of the Blessed Virgin Mary offering hope to a number of pilgrims along the way. The result is a comprehensive account of Mary’s influence throughout the Christian era.
Donna-Marie is also a messenger of the miraculous, detailing ways that the Blessed Mother has intervened to bestow love to her children. In this way, she has created a powerful case for veneration of the mother of God.
Read this book and chances are your relationship with Mary will be greatly enhanced!
Click here or on book cover image above to learn more about the book and to order your autographed copy.
I was asked by my publisher Marian Press (based in Stockbridge, Mass) to write a book for the Great Jubilee Year of Hope in our Church which occurs in 2025. My newest book is titled: “Our Life, Our Sweetness, and Our Hope: Jubilee Pilgrims of Hope with Mary” and is due to be released very soon!
It is a true labor of love! Thanks to my very kind publisher, working hard and putting my book on a very fast track, it will be released in time for the Great Jubilee of Hope, but also in time for your Christmas gift-giving!
I’ll share a few secrets below. . . .
A few secrets!
Just very quickly for now, I’ll let you in on a few secrets:
I have used a word in this book that I have never ever used before in any of my previously published books! And I have over 35 books out thus far! To be honest, I was a bit surprised that it wasn’t edited out! 🙂
In my new book, I have revealed many very personal stories (some I didn’t plan to share)
I have also shared many compelling true stories, which might keep you on the edge of your seat.
But, very simply put, my new book is ALL about HOPE and how Mama Mary helps us!
Cardinal Dolan of New York has said about this book:
One of the devil’s most cunning tricks is trying to lead us to
despair, to believing that we are beyond God’s redemptive grace.
Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle’s fine book, Our Life, Our Sweetness,
and Our Hope! is a welcome reminder that our Blessed Mother
is always there for us, and a constant source of hope, encourage-
ment, and companionship towards a closer relationship with her
Son, Jesus.
— His Eminence, Timothy Cardinal Dolan,
Archbishop of New York
You’ll see a description below this image of the full book cover . . .
Here is a bit of a description taken from my Preface:
Hope is truly a lifesaver! Whether we have struggled through a world-wide pandemic, are dealing with seemingly hopeless diagnoses, losses, family troubles, or whatever else that might have caused us to become tempted to give up on hope, we should realize that God is certainly the foundation of our every hope. He will forever be. We need to continue to hope in His loving promises. He will never leave us! And He gifted us with the most eminent gift ever — His own Mother!
This book presents many reasons for hope in our world today through the lens of Our Mother Mary and some of her apparitions around the world. Join Our Blessed Mother, “Our Life, Our Sweetness, and Our Hope” on an inspiring journey to coincide with the 2025 Jubilee Year of Hope.
Let’s learn from and become inspired by the great pilgrims of hope who have gone before us (and those still with us): Jesus, Mary, St. Joseph, and the saints! Let us pray to encounter our Lord Jesus Christ in a more profound way, becoming pilgrims of hope in our weary world!
Pope Francis encourages us in this time of jubilee: “Let us lift up our hearts to Christ, and become singers of hope in a world marked by too much despair. By our actions, our words, the decisions we make each day, our patient efforts to sow seeds of beauty and kindness wherever we find ourselves, we want to sing of hope, so that its melody can touch the heartstrings of humanity and reawaken in every heart the joy and the courage to embrace life to the full.”
Yes, we can do this — during the Jubilee Year and beyond! Mother Mary will help us! Our world thirsts for hope. Let us carry the torch!
Ways to pre-order
My new book is scheduled to be ready in early December!
1. Please feel free to visit and support “Shop Mercy” website to see more about my book and other books. Marian Press is taking pre-orders. Click here to see more. See here for more of my books there on Shop Mercy. While you are at Shop Mercy you might see other items you’d like to purchase for Christmas gifts. 🙂
2. To purchase your autographed copy from my website, please use the payment button below to see more and to order. Or, you may visit the “Book” page here and find the book at the top of the page.
Payment button for 1 autographed copy at $16.95 (plus shipping)
Get 1 for you and 1 for a loved one at only $29.95 (for both books)!
Special introductory price for 2 autographed copies is only: $29.95 plus shipping (instead of $33.90)! Use the button below.
I recently had the pleasure of speaking with Ron Finn and Shayne Stanfield on Annunciation Radio. We shared a very meaningful conversation. Take a listen by clicking the image below.
Get your autographed copy of “30 Marian Eucharistic Visits” here
Have you seen my Family Consecration book? I’ll post a few of the Amazon comments below from families who are using my book.
I gave a bit of background:
First, here’s a description:
“Saint Faustina warned parents that praying for their children is not enough. That’s why so many conscientious parents take the further step of consecrating their children to Jesus through Mary, thereby defending them from evil and paving their way to Heaven.
This book walks you through the simple process of doing just that. Its informed pages give you detailed instructions to help you lead your family (ages seven and up) through each of the 33 mini-retreat days recommended by Saint Louis de Montfort, the beloved eighteenth-century priest and confessor who tirelessly preached that Jesus is not known well enough because Mary is not known well enough.
Adapted for the often less-than-ideal prayer circumstances of families — particularly those with young children — these 33 brief, stress-free daily spiritual exercises and family activities bring adults and children greater knowledge of Jesus through Mary, and a more fervent love of both.
Don’t delay. There’s no book more immediately beneficial than this and no time better than now to seize the day and help all the members of your family — young and old — to consecrate their lives to Jesus through Mary.”
And a note from yours truly:
“Now, more than ever it is important to Consecrate our lives to Jesus through Mary and to help our children and grandchildren to Consecrate their lives too. That’s precisely why I wrote this book! I kept it totally true to Saint Louis de Montfort’s teachings. I’d also like to share that I am deeply touched by Saint Faustina’s words in her Diary (765) when she explained one of her visions in which she encountered a crowd of children about five to eleven years of age. They cried out to her, “Defend us from evil.” Saint Faustina then saw the Lord Jesus Who was distressed and told her, “You are to defend them from evil.” Saint Faustina said that from that moment she prayed for the children. She added, “But I feel that prayer alone is not enough.” Helping children to be Consecrated to Jesus through Mary will surely help to “defend them from evil” by greatly aiding their souls. It will be more than simply praying for them. Remember, St. Faustina expressed that she believed that, “Prayer alone is not enough.” I believe that the children’s Consecrations will surely please Jesus and Mary too. Their Consecrations will certainly help to pave the way to Heaven. May God bless you and your family, now and forever!”
A few Amazon reviews:
“I had previously completed the Morning Glory Consecration personal retreat which I loved, but we were looking for a guide with reflections for our family to complete together to prepare for our family Consecration to the heart of Jesus through Mary. The daily readings and prompts were great to lead us deeper in our faith and helped grow our relationship with Mary. The prayers were beautiful–we split half to pray at breakfast and half before bed. For context, we completed this book with our 2 sons ages 12y and 8y. They were so excited for our consecration day and I am grateful for this book to help teach us why mother Mary will help lead us to a faith filled life.”
If you are like me, and often feel concerned about whether or not you and your family will receive the grace of final perseverance and be united together with Christ in heaven at the end of your lives, reading this book with your family is like a breath of grace to carry you closer to Christ every day. Christ says in Matthew 11:30 …”my yoke is sweet and my burden light.” (Douay-Rheims Bible) If you are feeling overwhelmed with everyday life and are looking for one of the best, easiest way to increase in holiness, “Family Consecration to Jesus Through Mary” will be such a blessing in your life as it takes just a few minutes each day to prepare for and make your consecration, although there will be deep spiritual work to be done if we are sincere in our consecration. I really enjoyed the user-friendly organization of having the traditional prayers recommended by St Louis de Montfort for each section compiled together in the back of the book along with the short family Scripture readings and prayers included in each chapter. I also love the familiarity of the book as it follows the same template of the classic Marian consecration book “True Devotion to Mary” by St. Louis de Montfort. I can already see my relationship with my child growing as we discuss important spiritual truths together through the child-friendly discussion questions in each chapter and pray together in our quest for holiness. She is visibly calmed in both body and spirit after each chapter and so am I. It has been such a sweet thing to have special time together in our family consecration readings and I am delighted to be able to finally share the experience of consecration to Jesus through Mary with my family as I longed to do during my first Marian consecration. Being a new Catholic, I also love the simple yet detailed explanations of how to physically carry out the act of consecration, family crowning of Mary, and many other Catholic devotional practices that have never done or observed before. Glory be to God for this timely aid in stepping heavenward. JMJ
“Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle’s new book, “Family Consecration to Jesus through Mary” is excellent. She has thought of all the tools that families need in order to prepare for and consecrate their family unit to Mary. The book is well planned out with daily prayers and exercises for family members age 7 and up. Donna-Marie has based the 33 days of preparation on the well-founded spiritual exercises and writings of Saint Louis Marie de Montfort. The “How to Use This Book” section is brief and clear for the step-by-step preparation. The Appendices contain many additional prayers and practices that can be used during the preparation as well as all year long. One question that I thought about was when to start the preparation – how to choose an appropriate date. Donna-Marie suggests choosing a special Marian Feast for the Consecration and she helps by providing a chart of monthly feasts (one or more just about every month) to choose from. Then, she backs up the calendar by 33 days to provide the start date for the family preparation. As an example, the Marian Feast of the Assumption is on August 15th, so Donna-Marie tells us that we should start our preparation with Day 1 on July 13th. That suggested to me a great way to start, by having family members decide together their favorite Marian feast day, then working together to prepare for that family Consecration date by following the daily prayers and exercises together during the 33 days of preparation. I found, above all, that this is not meant to be a one time preparation and consecration. Donna-Marie’s daily preparation and consecration can be used at least annually to strengthen our family in the faith as an entire unit. Donna-Marie definitely put together an excellent, well designed book to easily help us consecrate our family unit to Mary!”
Editorial Reviews:
“Mary loves families.This book is a wonderful way for families to open themselves to Mary s love for them, and her deepest desire that they join her in wholeheartedly surrendering to God and doing what Jesus tells them.” Ralph Martin, S.T.D. Director of Graduate Theology Programs in the New Evangelization, Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Archdiocese of Detroit
“Abandoning ourselves to God is the certain way to salvation; St Louis Marie de Montfort teaches us that Mary is the surest, shortest, and most perfect way to approach Jesus and make this act of abandonment. It is a journey we do not take alone, it is one we make in communion with others, most appropriately with members of our family, the domestic church. In this book, Donna-Marie Cooper O Boyle deftly guides families through St Louis Marie s plan of preparing to make the Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary, providing a catechism of Catholic faith and spirituality while helping parents in their role of forming their children as disciples of Christ. This is a beautiful book which, I hope, will enhance the spiritual lives of many Christian families.” Fr John S. Hogan, OCDS Co-host of EWTN’s Forgotten Heritage, Author of “Thomas Becket: Defender of the Church”
“Jesus says the greatest commandment is to Love God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength. And the second is to love your neighbor as yourself (Mark 12:28-31). “Family Consecration to Jesus Through Mary” is a beautiful, clear, practical guide to understanding these commandments and most importantly living them out in your daily life.” Patrick Madrid Host of the Patrick Madrid Show on Relevant Radio
“In an era when family prayer consists of praying around the dinner table and before bed, and a time when more catechesis takes place at the parish church than in the home, Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle’s Family Consecration to Jesus Through Mary will introduce families to prayer and assist them in handing on the faith to their children. Families together will consecrate themselves to the Blessed Virgin Mary, who will surely obtain many graces from her Son, as husbands, wives, and children, live out their Consecration and baptismal promises.” Fr. Edward Looney Author of A Lenten Journey with Mother Mary
According to the experts:
“Don’t delay. There’s no book more immediately beneficial than this and no time better than now to seize the day and help all the members of your family — young and old — to consecrate their lives to Jesus through Mary.”
Order your autographed copy:
$18.95 plus shipping for inside the United States:
For ordering outside of the United States: $18.95 plus shipping
I recently chatted with the Miracle Hunter. You can listen to our conversation: It is on the EWTN show page (aired 11/11/2023). Just click here and look for that date.
I recently had the pleasure and blessing of chatting with Teresa Tomeo on the airwaves on her show “Catholic Connection” on EWTN Radio. We chatted about my new book with EWTN Publishing: “30 Marian Eucharistic Visits: Adoring Jesus with His Mother.”
I was Johnnette William’s guest on EWTN’s “Women of Grace” show, discussing my new book “30 Marian Eucharistic Visits: Adoring Jesus with His Mother.” Here is Part One of our two episodes. You can check it out right here.
To learn more about Mary’s life and to emulate her virtues, we can reflect on her life through meditating upon her 7 sorrows. Have you heard of the Seven Sorrows of Mary? In the 14th century, the Blessed Mother revealed to St. Bridget of Sweden seven promises and graces to those who prayed seven Hail Marys while meditating on the seven sorrowful events of her life.
I like to pray the seven Hail Mary’s each morning while meditating upon Mary’s Seven Sorrows. I wholeheartedly believe it’s a wonderful devotion and can help us to come closer to Mary and Jesus.
I have created this prayer cord which comes in a red velvet gift bag with a card that lists the sorrows and graces on the back. When I get the chance, I’ll come back here and list them in this blog post too.
The cord is made with love and prayer using my very strong bracelet wire, 7 red glass beads and silver plated components. The medal is a bit larger than standard medals and is carved with a lovely image of Sorrowful Mary. On the back side is the Crucifixion scene. Made in Italy. The St. Benedict Crucifix already bears a full exorcism blessing that I had put on it.
I have made a 7 Sorrows of Mary cord with knotted leather, with the men in mind. But it is suitable for women too. I make it with red leather cord (even though it might be shown in the picture as another color). You can see it here.
This meaningful cord sells for $35.99 plus shipping. Or, two for $66.99!
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Happy feast of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal! I’ll share here a message that I posted on Instagram this morning:
Happy Feast Day! Not too long ago, I was blessed to lead a pilgrimage to the Miraculous Medal chapel at Ru du Bac in Paris, France. I had been devoted to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal for many years. I have given out thousands upon thousands of Miraculous Medals all around the world. I never thought I would ever get to the actual apparition site – – where the Blessed Virgin Mary instructed Saint Catherine Laboure about the Miraculous Medal.
Perhaps, you can tell by the kind of “stunned” look on my face in this photo (taken after spending some time there) that I was totally overwhelmed by the blessing of being there. I was also blessed to give the Reading at holy Mass in that chapel of the apparition site for our pilgrimage. In this picture, I am wearing the blessed Miraculous Medal given to me by Mother Teresa during a precarious pregnancy. I never take it off. It’s one of the many she had given to me, but this one is so special to me.
By God’s grace, without any planning, I took up Mother Teresa’s tradition of giving out blessed Miraculous Medals. Today is the Feast of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal. Tomorrow, is another special day in honor of the Miraculous Medal. It is St. Catherine Laboure’s feast day. By the way, I will be on the airwaves tomorrow with “The Miracle Hunter” on #EWTNradio talking about the Miraculous Medal.
Here is a prayer: Miraculous Medal Prayer
O Virgin Mother of God, Mary Immaculate, We dedicate and consecrate ourselves to you under the title of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal. May this Medal be for each one of us a sure sign of your affection for us and a constant reminder of our duties toward you.
Ever while wearing it, may we be blessed by your loving protection and preserved in the grace of your Son. O Most Powerful Virgin, Mother of Our Savior, keep us close to you every moment of our lives. Obtain for us, your children, the grace of a happy death; so that in union with you, we may enjoy the bliss of Heaven forever.
A recent visit on “Mast Appeal” Radio show on Ave Maria Radio talking about things from a Catholic perspective including my book Family Consecration to Jesus Through Mary.
I was thinking of you and praying for you the other day on the 101st anniversary of the anniversary of the Great Miracle of the Sun at Fatima! And, I have some news…
Advent with Our Lady of Fatima is ready for pre-order!
You most likely know that I have written and preached much on Our Lady of Fatima and her important messages. I wrote two Fatima books which were released for the 100th anniversary year. One is for children (though many adults have told me that the children’s version has deeply impacted their lives as well as the adult version) and one is for adults (you can see them on my website).
I have included a picture of dear Fr. Andrew Apostoli, CFR here because he is in the book! There’s a photo of Fr. Luke Fletcher, CFR with me when we were visiting with Sister Lucia’s niece in Fatima last Autumn. By the way, Dear Fr. Luke makes a “cameo” appearance in my book too!
Because Our Lady of Fatima’s messages are so important for us, I wrote an Advent book to take you through the Advent season day-by-day with Our Lady of Fatima at your side: Advent with Our Lady of Fatima (cover image above)!
Some pertinent information on the book from the inside Flap:
Spend this Advent with Our Lady of Fatima
and with six saintly souls who were particularly devoted to her:
St. Teresa of Calcutta, St. John Paul II, Fr. Andrew Apostoli, and the Three Shepherd Children to whom Mary appeared in 1917!
In these spiritually-rich pages, award-winning Catholic author Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle brings you powerful prayers and readings guaranteed to shield you from the annual holiday sales frenzy that, during the holy season of Advent, distracts even sincere believers from preparation for the coming of the Christ Child.These wise pages are sure to draw you closer to Our Lady of Fatima and her gracious messages of peace and hope. For these Advent prayers and readings are all rooted in Mary’s 1917 messages to Jacinta, Francisco, and Lucia (the three young Fatima visionaries); and in the personal Fatima devotions of three of our holy contemporaries, St. Teresa of Calcutta, St. John Paul II, and the late Fr. Andrew Apostoli.
Reflecting on Advent through their lives and words, you will also learn:
The prayers of adoration the Angel taught Jacinta, Francisco, and Lucia
What Fr. Andrew considered the most important of Our LadyFatima requests
How St. John Paul II fulfilled the Third Secret of Fatima — and why he credits Our Lady with saving his life!
How, in his final months, Fr. Andrew radically fulfilled Our Lady’s Fatima requests
The role Mother Teresa secretly played in the consecration of Russia
Why, particularly in Advent, you must pray for Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart to triumph
And much more to help you grow closer to Our Lady and keep your Advent frenzy-free.
As someone who has written books about Our Lady of Fatima before, Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle brings a unique richness to Advent with Through Advent with Our Lady of Fatima. She blends the wisdom of Fr. Andrew Apostoli, the Three Shepherd Children, Saint Teresa of Calcutta, and Saint John Paul II with her own into a fantastic formula of meditation, prayer and action that will make this your holiest, most blessed Advent ever! Marge Steinhage Fenelon, award-winning author of Our Lady, Undoer of Knots: A Living Novena and Forgiving Mother: A Marian Novena of Healing and Peace.
Advent is an important time of preparation for the most stupendous event of history; Christmas, celebrating the day God became man. Through Fatima centered prayers and reflections, author Donna-Marie Cooper O Boyle provides the reader an excellent day-by-day guide on how to deepen and enrich both their Advent and Christmas experience.
Alan Napleton, President and Founder of the Catholic Marketing Network
This is an Advent journey like no other, revealing spiritual gifts from the God who comes, and reflected in the lives of some of his greatest disciples, many of whom I too was privileged to know personally. This journey leads us to learn, reflect, pray and act. Don t miss it!
Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director, Priests for Life
Donna Marie has captured the spirituality of the message of Fatima. This compilation of reflections and prayers of Mother Teresa, St John Paul II, the shepherd children, and Fr. Andrew Apostoli is a great guide to hope, peace, joy and love as seen through the eyes of these holy people. A great spiritual guide for Advent.
David M. Carollo, Executive Director of World Apostolate of Fatima USA
I am leaving the country tomorrow to present a Divine Mercy retreat overseas. Please keep me in your prayers and be assured of my prayers for you. I have much more to tell you very soon. I want to share about my recent pilgrimage to the Shrines of France and Normandy Beaches.
In case you didn’t already see it, get a sneak peek HERE at some more amazing news!
Have a look! It’s always wonderful to be with Doug Keck discussing the Faith and Catholic books. In this visit which was filmed on location at the Catholic Marketing Network we discuss some of the Fatima message and my two Fatima books: Our Lady of Fatima: 100 Years of Stories, Prayers, and Devotions and Our Lady’s Message to Three Shepherd Children and the World.
Click on the video below and if need be, slide the marker all the way to the left to start at the beginning. Enjoy!
Here is a small snippet from my new DVD Feeding Your Family’s Soul which I am happy to share with you. It is from the lesson I give on the Blessed Mother. I think that it will give you a sense of my new DVD and a bit about the Blessed Mother in this month of May which is dedicated to Mother Mary. I hope that you enjoy it. Let me know in the comment box below. I’ll look forward to hearing from you!
You can learn more about my DVD for parents, grandparents, and faith educators here.
I simply cannot observe or smell aromatic lilacs without thinking of Mother’s Day and recalling with vivid memory the precious time spent with my mother, my grandmother, and, later on, with my beloved children.
When I was growing up, I spent many a spring day with my mother and grandmother playing near the weeping willow trees and the hedge of lilac bushes that stretched all across our backyard. Luscious lilac scents were roused with every stirring spring breeze; tantalizing my senses and etching a long-lasting childhood memory upon my heart.
When I became a mother, my Mother’s Days were never complete until at least one of my children presented me with a bouquet of fresh lilacs, usually plucked right from a backyard bush. They would adorn our kitchen table and fill the house with amazing fragrance.
With Mother’s Day having just passed, our thoughts might be reminiscent of times enjoyed with our mothers, our spiritual mothers, or mother figures in our lives. The month of May can also…[read the fully story here].
In case you missed it and would like to listen to my conversation with Drew Mariani, take a listen here. We had a lively and very REAL conversation. You can slide the little time marker over to the 30:00 mark. That’s where our segment begins.
I recently had the blessing of chatting with Catholic author and radio host Bear Woznick as a guest on his “Deep Adventure” radio show. You can listen right here at your leisure. It’s a long one, so you might want to get yourself a beverage and get comfy. Or, just play the audio as you put the dishes or laundry away. 🙂
Bear and I discussed our prayer lives, deep scary struggles, God’s mercy, the Blessed Mother and the Rosary, forgiveness, and so much more. I hope that you enjoy our radio chat. As Bear mentioned on the show, if you would like to hear more, write to him and request that he have me on his show again.
As you might already know, this year is the 100th anniversary of the Apparitions of the Angel of Peace to the Fatima visionaries. Next year in 2017 marks the 100th anniversary of the Apparitions of the Blessed Mother at Fatima. I was asked by Servant Books to write the book: Our Lady of Fatima: 100 Years of Stories, Prayers, and Devotions.
Here is a brief description from the publisher:
On May 13, 1917, the Virgin Mary first revealed herself to a trio of shepherd children in Fatima, Portugal. She would appear to them five more times over the course of the year until the great miracle of the sun on October 13, 1917. She brought a message of love and peace that was heard around the world—a sorely-needed antidote to the ravages of World War I. To mark the 100th anniversary of the apparitions, Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle provides a one-stop guide to the tradition, history and spirituality of Our Lady of Fatima, including the testimonies of those who have made the pilgrimage and prayers for those who share this devotion.
In Our Lady of Fatima, award-winning author, journalist, pilgrimage host and host of EWTN’s Everyday Blessings for Catholic Moms and Catholic Mom’s Café Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle offers a mini-Fatima retreat—an “armchair pilgrimage,” if you will. This collection of prayers, testimonies and reflections will bring to life the events of Fatima and help you find ways to apply Mary’s Fatima message to the nitty-gritty details of your daily life.
Each chapter begins with a quote by or about the Blessed Mother before delving into a key aspect of the story of Mary’s appearances to nine-year-old Lúcia Santos and her cousins, Jacinta and Francisco Marto. A prayer, a simple reflection and a doable call to action transform this book from a simple historical retelling into a practical devotional.
The Blessed Mother’s Fatima message is needed now more than ever. The uncertainty of global events can seep into our daily worries, creating fear and anxiety that’s difficult to overcome. Our Lady of Fatimais a welcome remedy for that worry. In it, you’ll find a chance to grow in faith and holiness, as well as a needed dose of inspiration, hope and peace in following its advice and suggestions, and in praying the prayers.
Today, on the Blessed Mother’s feast day, I am very excited to show you the cover of this book which will be released in March 2017!
Are you ready?
Here it is!
Amazon is already taking pre-orders which you can see here.
You can pre-order an autographed copy at my website here.
Here is an article I wrote for the Our Sunday Visitor Newsweekly in honor of mothers everywhere. It’s titled, “Following Mary’s steps in hope, faith, and love.” Enjoy!