Chatting on the airwaves with Jon Leonetti

I recently chatted on the airwaves with Jon Leonetti on “The Catholic Morning Show” about my new book “30 Marian Eucharistic Visits: Adoring Jesus with His Mother.”

You can listen to our conversation here.

You can learn more and order your autographed copy of my book here.

Chatting with Teresa Tomeo on Catholic Connection

I recently had the pleasure and blessing of chatting with Teresa Tomeo on the airwaves on her show “Catholic Connection” on EWTN Radio. We chatted about my new book with EWTN Publishing: “30 Marian Eucharistic Visits: Adoring Jesus with His Mother.”

You can listen to our conversation here.

Order your autographed copy here

Click on book cover image to learn more.

Saint Faustina’s Feast Day, 2023

A Grace-filled day!

I was blessed, very happy, and honored to present on the life and spirituality of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska at the National Shrine of the Divine Mercy in Stockbridge, Massachusetts a few days ago on dear St. Fasutina’s feast day. It was wonderful to see all of the folks who came out to partake in the amazing graces of the day — many coming to my presentation, and asking many great questions during our Q&A following my talk. I thoroughly enjoyed having to have a chance to chat with them afterward at my book signing held at the Gift Shop.

Click on the video image below (from Instagram) if you would like to watch my presentation at the Saint Faustina Center at the National Shrine of the Divine Mercy in Stockbridge, Mass.

Part One: “Mary & The Eucharist: A Path to Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament”

I was Johnnette William’s guest on EWTN’s “Women of Grace” show, discussing my new book “30 Marian Eucharistic Visits: Adoring Jesus with His Mother.” Here is Part One of our two episodes. You can check it out right here.

“St. Faustina’s Incredible Journey”

I recently sat down with Fr. Mark Mary and enjoyed a lovely and blessed discussion on the spiritual life and St. Faustina’s incredible journey. I was at the EWTN television network in Irondale, Alabama when I bumped into Fr. Mark Mary when I was coming out of the chapel from Mass. We chatted a bit and Father invited me on his podcast. We just had to figure out when we would fit it in. Since I was there to film three shows and was all booked up, it turned out the podcast would have to be at the “last minute”! Seems to be the story of my life. 😉 I hope you enjoy listening to our conversation.

Diary of a Future Saint: Faustina’s Incredible Journey

Hot off the press! Releasing NOW!

Diary of a Future Saint: Faustina’s Incredible Journey

“Young children are capable of great holiness. This book will help them get there!”

Ralph Martin, S.T.D., Director of Graduate Theology Programs in the New Evangelization, Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Archdiocese of Detroit

Finally, the inspiring story of Saint Faustina for young readers! 

Far from a mere gathering of historic details, this is an engaging and readable biography. In her personal, conversational style, Donna-Marie is simply telling the story of one of her favorite saints. It’s a compelling story and, as it unfolds, she invites her readers to think about their own relationship with Christ, offering them practical ways to model their lives on Faustina’s. Though geared primarily for young people, this is perhaps the fullest and richest biography of Saint Faustina and will be a great blessing for young and old alike.

Vinny Flynn, best-selling author of 7 Secrets of Divine Mercy

Book description:

Born Helena Kowalska, a simple Polish peasant farm girl at the dawn of the 20th century, Faustina was chosen by God to teach the world about His unfathomable Divine Mercy. Though mocked, ridiculed, and unbelieved, she earnestly followed Jesus’ commands, the Blessed Mother’s instructions, and saintly wisdom to tread an amazing mystical journey, filled to overflowing with gifts and graces to glorify God. She went on to become one of the world’s most popular saints. Befriend this lovable, down-to-earth saint through the work of celebrated author Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle, an authority on the life of St. Fasutina and master storyteller, who presents St. Faustina’s life in this page-turning novel for all ages.


Buy your autographed copy here: $15.95 U.S./ dollars plus shipping.


For purchasing when outside the United States, order here: $15.95 plus shipping


Longer book description:

In Diary of a Future Saint, an authority on the life of St. Faustina, master storyteller, and celebrated author Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle, brings to life the incredible story of one of the world’s most popular saints, and according to St. John Paul II, “the great apostle of Divine Mercy in our time.”

This true biography reads like a page-turning novel and is written for ages ten and up. Helena Kowalska, once a poor Polish farm girl, whose family struggled during the years of World War I, perseveringly navigated many obstacles to follow her call to religious life. Even her pious parents stood in her way. One day, after a shocking visit from Jesus, Whom appeared covered in blood, the startled young aspirant fled to the nearby church, eventually eloping with Jesus in order to finally enter the Congregation of Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy in Poland during the 1930s.

Crossing over the threshold to religious life was an arduous journey for Helena, whom experienced crippling blows when doors shut in her face by the congregations that deemed her undesirable. With less than three years of formal education under her belt, Helena was considered to be no-one special, from a low rung of society. Therefore, when the door at the Congregation of Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy finally opened to her, the Sisters placed Helena in the “second choir” or class of nuns, responsible for the domestic duties.

Yet, it was there among the pots and pans, the dirty laundry, the vegetable gardens, and beggars at the gate where Jesus communed with His little bride. Helena, whom was later named Sister Maria Faustina, would flourish in the spiritual life hidden behind a cloak of humility. Saint Faustina received many graces and gifts (such as a hidden stigmata, visions, revelations, the gift of contemplation, bilocation, levitation, reading human souls, a gift of prophesy, deep knowledge of God’s mercy and of the Blessed Trinity, and mystical espousal). However, she never let on to anyone, with the exception of her directors, that Jesus Himself was instructing her to tell the world about His unfathomable Divine Mercy.

Divine Mercy is not a new revelation, for God has always been merciful. Yet, Heaven saw fit that Divine Mercy would be revealed in a new way. On the evening of February 22, 1931, Sr. Faustina was in her cell when Jesus appeared to her in the image of the Divine Mercy, which took her breath away! Jesus gave her explicit instructions in propagating His image and His promises to those who venerate the image. The young visionary also communed with the Blessed Mother, whom also guided her.

Early in religious life, Sr. Faustina’s Guardian Angel escorted her to Purgatory where she learned the need to pray for the holy souls. She also experienced Hell and all its chasms and observed many unspeakable torments. She learned that almost all souls perishing in Hell were ones who did not believe in Hell’s existence while on Earth. Sister Faustina had many enthralling experiences with holy angels and dreaded demons. Jesus asked Sr. Faustina to record her experiences, which she hand wrote in notebooks. Today, St. Faustina’s writings are known as the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska.

Saint Faustina’s Diary is God’s loving message of Divine Mercy for our world. Though Helena Kowalska was considered to be insignificant and uneducated, she was obedient to God’s designs on her soul and eventually raised to the altar as a canonized saint, Jesus’ “Secretary and Apostle of Divine Mercy.” Faustina’s humble faith and trust in God gives us great hope for our own lives.

Please visit the Marian Press website to learn more or to purchase there.

Stay tuned for additional endorsements to be posted.

Women of Grace, Part 5

Here is Part 5 of my visits with Johnnette B. Williams on “Women of Grace” on EWTN. You can see it by clicking here.

Watch by clicking here.

Here’s a description of the episode:

“Have you ever considered that you may well be part of God’s plan in bringing restoration and hope to others, healing and new life? 

And have you ever considered that perhaps your sufferings and trials are the means God uses to fill you with His divine life that you might be that font of mercy for another? 

Well, it’s not just possible, it is plausible. And here to tell us how God has used her travail to be a source of grace for others is our guest, Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle.”

Click here to purchase your autographed copy.

Women of Grace, Part 4

Here is Part 4 of my visits with Johnnette B. Williams on her show “Women of Grace” on EWTN. You can see it by clicking here.

Part 4: Discovering the Beauty of Cross

The description from the website is here:

“Do you recall the Via Dolorosa of Our Lord? That moment when He carried His cross through the streets of Jerusalem and up the hill to Calvary? 

We can only imagine the intensity of the suffering He endured, the pain and travail that he experienced – physically, emotionally, psychologically, and yes, spiritually. 
But notice something more. Jesus was not alone on His way of the Cross. God’s providence was in play and there were others who sojourned with Him to bring Him aid and relief, consolation and solace, encouragement and strength. 

And so it is with us. The Father always provides for us in the midst of our suffering. And He sends others to assist us as well, to help us discover the beauty of the Cross. Guest Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle knows this to be true. And today she is going to tell us about it.” 

Women of Grace, Part 3

Here is Part 3 of my visits with Johnnette B. Williams on her “Women of Grace” show on the EWTN television network. You can see it by clicking here.

Here’s the description from the “Women of Grace” website:

“As we have come to discover, no one is immune from suffering, especially those seeking holiness of life and working in the service of the Lord. 

It seems that it is in the crucible of tribulation that the greatest of saints are made. And, when they are in that crucible, they strive to find the spiritual benefit as well as God’s will – what am I to do, Lord? What is your will? 

Today, we will look at the trial of marital discord and divorce with our guest, Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle.”

Part 3: Discovering the Beauty of the Cross
Purchase your autographed copy by clicking here.

Women of Grace, Part 2

You can click here to see the second episode.

Here is the description from the Women of Grace website:

“Woman’s greatest gift is the gift of herself. Through her feminine charisms of receptivity, trust, and surrender, she demonstrates fully her Christ-likeness in the world. Be she professional woman in the world, mother of a family of ten, or religious sister or nun, woman is called to be mother.”

Today, we will talk about this graced charism of the feminine person with our guest, Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle.”

Part 2: Discovering the Beauty of the Cross
You can click here to purchase your autographed copy of my memoir “The Kiss of Jesus.”

Women of Grace, Part 1

Here is Part 1 of my 5-part mini-series with Johnnette Benkovic Williams in discussing my memoir “The Kiss of Jesus” and the spiritual life, particularly the crosses in our life. You can click here to watch Part 1.

Part 1 Discovering the Beauty of the Cross

Here’s the description from the Women of Grace website:

“The common denominator of the human experience is suffering. We all experience it to greater or lesser degree, and if we haven’t experienced it yet, it is sure to come. After all, we live in a broken and fallen world surrounded by broken and fallen people. 

So the question ought not to be. “Will I suffer?” We are assured of that. Rather the question ought to be, “What will I do when I suffer?” And the way we answer that question makes all the difference in the world. 

This week’s guest on Women of Grace answered that question not once in her life, but many times over. And what she discovered was the cross, when embraced, holds abundant and beautiful treasures. In this 5 Part Women of Grace series, Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle will share with us how to Discover the Beauty of the Cross.”

You can purchase an autographed copy of my book “The Kiss of Jesus” here on my website or at EWTN Religious Catalogue.

The Kiss of Jesus

My visits with Johnnette B. Williams are airings this week on EWTN’s “Women of Grace” television.

The description for the series

“The common denominator of the human experience is suffering. We all experience it to greater or lesser degree, and if we haven’t experienced it yet, it is sure to come. After all, we live in a broken and fallen world surrounded by broken and fallen people. 

So the question ought not to be. “Will I suffer?” We are assured of that. Rather the question ought to be, “What will I do when I suffer?” And the way we answer that question makes all the difference in the world. 

This week’s guest on Women of Grace answered that question not once in her life, but many times over. And what she discovered was the cross, when embraced, holds abundant and beautiful treasures. In this 5 Part Women of Grace series, Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle will share with us how to Discover the Beauty of the Cross.” 

Part 1 through Part 5 airing all week this week on EWTN television (1:00 PM and 11:00 PM Eastern)
Always a blessing to visit with Johnnette Benkovic!

“The Kiss of Jesus” is #4 in Biographies of Catholicism

By the way, Amazon just posted that my memoir “The Kiss of Jesus” is right now #4 in Biographies of Catholicism!

Number 4 right now on Amazon in Biographies of Catholicism!

You can get your autographed copy here!

A great Lenten read. You can order your autographed copy here.

Retails for $20.00.


You can also visit the EWTN Religious Catalogue here.

Do you believe in Angels?

Angels are all around us.

Do you believe in Angels? I do. Of course, Angels are real.

I’ve studied them, I’ve written about them, and have even experienced them. Angels are mentioned in both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. I also wrote a book about Angels (“Angels for Kids“). We are all blessed to have our own Guardian Angel to accompany us through life.

Here’s an excerpt about Angels from my book 52 Weeks with Saint Faustina: A Year of Grace and Mercy.

Incidentally, Father Andrew Apostoli, CFR had me on his show “Sunday Night Prime” twice to discuss the holy Angels. I’ll post about that soon (and come back here at some point to leave links to the shows — check below under my signature). I don’t have an assistant or anyone that helps me with the work, so it may take a while — I’m not complaining, I do have help from my amazing Guardian Angel!

Truth be told, I don’t really have time to write this blog post, but if I don’t do so now, it might never be shared. We are about one week away from Christmas. As I type these words, I am battling a migraine. It’s a dreary wet cold day here in New England. I can’t even get the fire started properly, as there are too many ashes in the wood stove. We need to make some time to clean them out.

I haven’t had time to decorate much for Christmas and I have only stolen away a few hours recently to begin my Christmas shopping. I have been busy with life and with book writing. I am on a tight deadline for an important biography I am currently writing. Plus, my husband got very sick right after Thanksgiving and ended up in the ER one night due to a very low oxygen level.

Thanks be to God, he turned a corner and is doing very well now. I asked Jesus to please (if it was according to His holy will) spare me of the dreaded virus so that I could take care of my husband and also try to continue on with other responsibilities.

Thanks be to God again, Jesus spared me. It was a true miracle in my humble opinion. Trust me. I was endlessly coughed upon and exposed to it by a couple of other “positive” people for a number of days in close proximity, and then the 24/7 care of my husband (for about 2 weeks).

God has His reasons for everything and I am singing His praises for taking such good care of us. All the while, we are and have been praying for so many other people who are sick or suffering in some way. The ministry of helping others in need is very busy at this time.

But let me get to the point of this sharing with you …

As I mentioned, I have that very tight book deadline. Actually, it was due yesterday! Thanks to my kind and understanding publisher, I have a bit more time to complete the manuscript. However, yesterday, I was working away on it (with a migraine) and suddenly the manuscript was completely gone! Yes, I said, “gone!” It had mysteriously disappeared!

The only document that resembled the manuscript was a much shorter one that had given me trouble earlier on in the writing process, so I had copied the work I had done on there thus far, and transferred it to another document where I have been writing ever since — AND saving my work every few minutes in various places (drives) due to having had lost a bunch of important work in the past (when the hard drive on my fairly new computer totally crashed and was not retrievable). 🙁

Even with saving my work constantly, the manuscript disappeared! I’m sure you can imagine the fear that began rushing through my veins! This was months of work. All the while, I was trusting God that He would help me — somehow — that no matter what, all would be well — eventually.

My cell phone was just about dead, so, I picked up the land line phone (which had been out of order for a couple of days, but was suddenly working!) and I called a technician. I knew from past experience that I had to be very careful. I needed to get immediate help because if I did the wrong thing, I could lose the entire manuscript for good. I was getting confusing messages on the screen of my computer and every single option offered was not good — at all!

After some initial delay with the automated communication, I finally got a real person on the phone, someone with whom I would try to explain my situation and whom would hopefully and prayerfully be able to help me. Please God! I prayed.

“Hello, my name is Angel …”

“Hello my name is Angel. May I ask your name?”

You can probably imagine my surprise and delight to be speaking with someone named Angel! God is pretty amazing like that!

Well, there is just so much to the story and I don’t want keep you hanging, but I need to be a bit brief so that I can get back to my work.

In a nutshell, Angel was a true Godsend! We had the most amazing conversation. He ended up telling me that he served in the military for a number of years and that he always counts his blessings and continues to put his “life into the hand of the MAN above.” That really told me something about him.

Well, it took almost 2 hours to fix the problem and thank God it is fixed now. The last few minutes (or more!), we shared with one another about our Faith in God and even about writing. You see, this man has a book in him, just wanting to be written.

I believe God put me in Angel’s life yesterday to encourage him to write the book that has been on his heart for years now. And God certainly put him into my life to inspire Faith in my own heart and to give to me this story to share with you (not to mention the fact that Angel had saved my book)!

I told Angel that I was so delighted when I heard him tell me his name at the beginning of what would be a truly blessed conversation — one I won’t forget.

One more thing! Last evening, I swept up some piles of dirt and pieces of bark from fire wood that my husband had brought into the house, and I headed to the kitchen to get our dinner going. Right then, broom and dust pan in hand, I literally stopped in my tracks.

“Wow!” I said out loud, entering the kitchen.

It had suddenly dawned on me that I had been working on the chapter about ANGELS (and demons) when my book manuscript disappeared and all of the above happened! I hadn’t thought about that when I was in the midst of trying to save my book.

Pretty amazing!

I’ll add quickly here that during our phone conversation, I offered to give Angel my email address in case he wanted to get in touch about his future book (so I could encourage him :)) and he said he couldn’t take that over the phone since the phone call was being recorded by the company, etc. So, since we were “screen sharing” at that moment, I punched in my website and it popped up. I told him he could find out how to reach out to me through my website.

He was amazed as he looked at my website.

I wish I could tell him that one last thing, though … because I know he would think it was pretty amazing — and that is that I was actually writing about the Angels just moments before He, (Angel!) answered the phone and helped me with my huge problem. Maybe he will see this blog post. 🙂

Well, my dear Reader, please pray for my writing. I best get back to it now. I just wanted to share this with you.

Stay safe and well. Take your vitamins! I can’t help it, it’s the MOM in me! Keep praying and counting your blessings. Give God’s love to others. They surely need it, especially at this time of year.

God bless you!



PS I did come back to share these links: Here is one of my Angel shows with Fr. Andrew Apostoli, CFR. It’s titled, “Angels of God.” And here is the next show we did on the Angels, “Your Angel’s Questions.”

I hope you can watch them. Angels are truly fascinating and so helpful to us along our path through life.