Exciting News–My Upcoming Book!

On this day–Holy Thursday, I will reveal a big surprise! I have not breathed a word about this thus far. But, I will right now! The wonderful news is that my book Prayerfully Waiting: A Grandmother’s Prayer Journal will release on October 13th! It is a prayer journal for Grandmothers to help them to pray for their unborn grandchildren!

A Brief Description

A grandmother’s prayers are of significant importance through every age and stage of a grandchild’s development! These prayers are amazing and lovely blessings that can powerfully nurture and help shape a grandchild’s conscience and future life! It is so important to recognize the great gift and role grandparents have in praying for grandchildren in utero.
This grandmother’s prayer journal offers a delightful and unparalleled opportunity to not merely sit back and wait for the wondrous arrival, but instead, to use the time wisely by prayerfully waiting for your grandchild throughout what can be a meaningful and powerful nine-month novena of prayer.
Month-by-month, inspired with holy insights, you will learn, discover, and note the development of your precious “grand-blessing.” Spaces are provided for you to personalize this special unborn baby book, as well as lovingly record your thoughts and prayers as you pray for your grandchild’s first nine months of life.
From beginning to end, you’ll be partnering with St. Anne, the grandmother of Jesus, to swaddle your unborn grandchild with prayer. You’ll journey with Mother Mary, and all the saints, to prayerfully prepare for the little one’s birth.

A Personal Note

As a mother of five, and now a proud grandmother, I couldn’t help but write this book for grandmothers who are awaiting the birth of their precious grandchild. Many years ago when I was on complete bedrest for a precarious pregnancy and when my doctor didn’t think my baby would survive, I prayed and pondered the amazing significance of a nine-month waiting period while our unborn babies are nourished by our love and life, nestled inside our wombs. During that time of staying still and earnestly prayerfully waiting, I was deeply inspired to write “Prayerfully Expecting: A Nine-Month Novena for Mothers to Be” for expectant mothers. My dear friend Mother Teresa wrote the Foreword! Now, as a grandmother, I am excited to offer this beautiful prayer journal for the “expectant” grandmother whose period of waiting can become transformed into an amazing novena of love while her heartfelt meaningful prayers are benefiting her unborn grandchild and her own soul as well. May God bless every grandmother and grandchild and nurture their relationship–even as early as from their conception!

Early Praise for Prayerfully Waiting

Grandparents become grandparents as soon as their grandchildren begin to exist. How appropriate it is, therefore, to get to know more about your grandchild during his or her journey of growth in the womb – and especially to accompany that knowledge with prayer! Prayerfully Waiting will help you begin your lifelong relationship with your new grandchild!

Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director, Priests for Life

With its many and varied prayers, wisdom from Mother Church, and space to journal and create memories, Prayerfully Waiting is a lovely, gentle companion for the grandmother-to-be. I plan to use it myself when I’m prayerfully waiting for my first grandchild! 

—Karen Edmisten, author of After Miscarriage and Deathbed Conversions.

As I flipped through the pages of Prayerfully Waiting, I recognized the beauty it offers in drawing families across generations closer together. As a mother prepares to welcome her newborn child, the grandmother can also prepare for her role –  through prayer and reflection. What a blessing for a grandchild to receive so many graces from prayer before even being born! A new life is worth celebrating and Prayerfully Waiting reflects that it’s worth celebrating in multiple family generations.

–Catherine Hadro, Host of EWTN Pro-Life Weekly

This is a blessed book and a brilliant idea. Combining information on the baby in the womb’s developments with prayer to the Blessed Mother, St. Anne and other saints, Prayerfully Waiting is both practical and spiritual. I am a grandmother of four and I know I will be referring to this book often.

—Janet Morana, Executive Director, Priests for Life, Author of Recall Abortion 

And, Now, the Cover REVEAL!

You can PRE-ORDER your autographed copy here! It sells for $15.99 plus shipping. I suggest purchasing a couple of copies to have on hand to gift to someone when they are expecting a grandchild. It is a great resource for any stage of the pregnancy (if I may say so myself!). Though, I believe it will be extra beneficial to start reading the month-by-month book just as soon as possible for praying for the unborn grandchild.

Here is the Amazon listing. Keep in mind that Amazon is very behind with book orders and are only selling essential items due to the coronavirus.

4 thoughts on “Exciting News–My Upcoming Book!

    • Hi Pat. I wish there was a way for you to get it early. It is being printed as we speak and is due to be released on October 13th. But, I usually have early copies a month or so in advance. I am so sorry that it won’t be ready until then. May God bless you, your daughter, and your unborn Grand baby!

  1. Thank you, Donna-Marie, for letting me know. It sounds like a wonderful book and a much-needed one for grandmothers. Thank you for your kind thoughts.

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