Advent is almost upon us! Get ready!
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Book description: Take an Advent journey with Joseph, Anne-Marie, and Grandmother! Together, you’ll discover the story of Christmas and get ready to welcome Jesus into your own heart and home. Beautifully illustrated, this gentle, loving introduction to the true meaning of Christmas by celebrated author Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle will become a beloved book for every family and revisited each holiday season.

Book description: In these spiritually-rich pages, award-winning Catholic author Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle brings you powerful prayers and readings guaranteed to shield you from the annual holiday sales frenzy that, during the holy season of Advent, distracts even sincere believers from preparation for the coming of the Christ Child.These wise pages are sure to draw you closer to Our Lady of Fatima and her gracious messages of peace and hope. For these Advent prayers and readings are all rooted in Mary’s 1917 messages to Jacinta, Francisco, and Lucia (the three young Fatima visionaries); and in the personal Fatima devotions of three of our holy contemporaries, St. Teresa of Calcutta, St. John Paul II, and the late Fr. Andrew Apostoli.From Donna-Marie’s Introduction:Advent with Our Lady of Fatima will help you to stay the course and not get caught up with the holiday advertising frenzy which distracts from the attention due to Christ during this holy season. Instead, embrace the two-fold meaning of Advent in the coming of Jesus—the period of expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of the Nativity of Jesus, as well as the ardent desire for the Second Coming of Christ. Through Church teachings and compelling stories of saintly friends, page-by-page; you will learn and refresh your Faith and reflect and meditate upon the remembrance and reality of Christ at the center of your life.