My memoir: “The Kiss of Jesus” has arrived!

A few days ago on the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross I heard a familiar sound rumbling outside of my house. I peered out the window to see the UPS truck backing up into my driveway.

Could this be the exciting delivery I had long awaited?



One, two, and then I could see three boxes that were being placed to the side by the driver. This had to be it! This must be my delivery of the first order of my books which were coming straight from the publisher’s printer. I was about to receive them ahead of my launch day of September 29th, the feast of the Arch Angels.

The driver carried them to the house and I mentioned that the boxes much be pretty heavy. He smiled and I asked him to set them down just inside the front door. I couldn’t contain my excitement so I told him that this was a delivery of copies of my memoir! He seemed excited for me and then went back out to the truck to get the other two packages.


I quickly opened up one of the boxes, grabbed out a book and told the driver that I’d like to give him a copy–the first one! He was delighted and thanked me. I signed the book to Pino–that was his name. I then asked if I could take his picture (and if I could use it on social media, etc.)

IMG_1589Pino told me that he would definitely read the book and then pulled out the gold crucifix hanging on a chain under his shirt. I reached into my pocket and took out a blessed Miraculous Medal which I touched to the one that I wear that Mother Teresa had given me (a relic). I gave it to Pino. We chatted for a bit more and then I let him go back to his route.

I would go back inside and take a better look at my memoir. I stood right there in my foyer and took a moment to marvel over God’s amazing graces throughout my life and I offered up a prayer of thanksgiving for the blessing of my memoir which I hope and pray will aid others on their spiritual journey.

I was also marveling over the fact that on the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross my books were delivered to me–my memoir, which was so near and dear to my heart and all about the Cross of Christ and the amazing beauty it it.

God is amazing and His timing is always the most perfect!

IMG_1593Did you order your copy? Out of the 100 copies that were delivered the other day, I have only about 10 left!

4 thoughts on “My memoir: “The Kiss of Jesus” has arrived!

  1. I just got done reading The Miraculous Medal. I loved the book. I purchased 8 metals and I am wearing one right now. I am going to order one of your new books. The kiss of Jesus. Thank you,
    Margaret Nelson

  2. Donna, when did you mail them out? I still haven’t received mine yet. I’ve been waiting for this book and can’t wait to read it!

    Hope you are well, my friend. Your life, despite the ups and downs, is a very blessed one in so many ways. I hope you realize that.


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