Novena Prayers
O Immaculate Virgin Mary, Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ and our Mother, penetrated with the most lively confidence in your all-powerful and never-failing intercession, manifested so often through the Miraculous Medal, we your loving and trustful children implore you to obtain for us the graces and favors we ask during this novena, if they be beneficial to our immortal souls, and the souls for which we pray: (Mention your request).
You know, Mary, how often our souls have been the sanctuaries of your Son who hates iniquity. Obtain for us then a deep hatred of sin and that purity of heart which will attach us to God alone so that our every thought, word, and deed may tend to his greater glory.
Obtain for us also a spirit of prayer and self-denial that we may recover by penance what we have lost by sin and at length attain to that blessed abode where you are the Queen of Angels and of People. Amen.
Act of Consecration to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal
Virgin Mother of God, Mary Immaculate, we dedicate and consecrate ourselves to you under the title of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal. May this medal be for each one of us a sure sign of your affection for us and a constant reminder of our duties toward you. Ever while wearing it, may we be blessed by your loving protection and preserved in the grace of your Son.
Most powerful Virgin, Mother of our Savior, keep us close to you every moment of our lives. Obtain for us, your children, the grace of a happy death, so that, in union with you, we may enjoy the blessing of heaven forever. Amen.
O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee. (3 times.)
Prayer to the Immaculate Conception
O God, who by the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, did prepare a worthy dwelling place for your Son, we beseech you that, as by the foreseen death of this, your Son, you did preserve her from all stain, so too you would permit us, purified through her intercession, to come unto you. Through the same Lord Jesus Christ your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, world without end. Amen.
O, Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.”
If you’d like to request a FREE blessed Miraculous Medal, please send a self-addressed stamped envelope with 75 cents postage affixed to it (because the Post Office charges extra–a surcharge–when there is a bulky object in the envelope) to Donna-Marie at: PO Box 773, New Milford, CT 06776 USA
If you’d like to request a FREE blessed St. Benedict medal with the FULL exorcism blessing, please send a self-addressed stamped envelope with 75 cents postage affixed to it (because the Post Office charges extra–a surcharge–when there is a bulky object in the envelope) to Donna-Marie at: PO Box 773, New Milford, CT 06776 USA
If you’d like to donate Miraculous Medals to Donna-Marie’s apostolate of giving out blessed Miraculous Medals, please contact her ( or simply send them to her: PO Box 773, New Milford, CT 06776, USA. She gives away thousands upon thousands. A donation of Miraculous Medals in any amount will be greatly appreciated. You may also consider a monetary donation to this apostolate. You can see a place to donate on the “Home” page of this website.
First class postage stamps are also appreciated due to the great number of blessed medals that Donna-Marie donates to countless requests and her continual correspondence with people from all over the world. If you would like to donate first class stamps, please send them to Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle, PO Box 773, New Milford, CT 06776.
If you’d like to purchase medals from Donna-Marie in bulk to use for evangelizing and for giving away you can see the opportunities below:
Blessed Aluminum Miraculous Medals (with jump ring), the medal measures: 7/8-inches)
50 aluminum medals for only $8.00 donation (in US):
For countries outside of the United States use this paying button for 50 medals at $8.00 donation:
100 aluminum medals for only $14.00 donation (US):
For countries outside the United States use this paying button for 100 medals for $14.00 donation:
500 aluminum medals for only $55.00 donation (US):
For countries outside the United States use this paying button for 500 medals for $55.00 donation:
These are silver plated Italian made high quality medals (1 inch tall)

1 medal for $2.00 donation:
For countries outside United States use this paying button for 1 medal for $2.00:
or 50 ($2.00 medals) for only $65.00
Use this paying button for countries outside the United States for 50 ($2.00) medals for only $65.00:
or 100 ($2.00 medals) for only $95.00
Use this paying button for countries outside the United States for 100 ($2.00 medals) medals for only $95.00 donation:
May Mother Mary guide you to spread the devotion to her holy medal (a sacramental of the Church).
The Miraculous Medal: Stories, Prayers, and Devotions

Over twenty years ago, Mother Teresa gave Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle a blessed Miraculous Medal, and she has never taken it off. To date, Donna-Marie has given away thousands of Miraculous Medals. But what is the Miraculous Medal–and why is it considered miraculous? Why is it important for us today? You’ll learn the answers to these questions, and you’ll also discover:
- The origin and history of the Miraculous Medal
- How the medal got its name
- The story of St. Catherine Labouré
The author has collected many contemporary stories of the Miraculous Medal’s attraction and impact. Also provided is a section of prayers and devotions, including the perpetual novena prayer, spiritual benefits, and more. This is an informative, fascinating, and inspiring book, designed to stir the hearts of those who aren’t familiar with the Miraculous Medal’s miraculous powers through the Blessed Mother’s intercession, as well as those who are.
Autographed copies are available through the payment button above and each copy is sent with a blessed Miraculous Medal.
Watch Donna-Marie discussing the book with Doug Keck on EWTN’s Bookmark TV show:
“This book should be a must read for all Catholics. Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle not only brings out the grace and beauty of the normal but reveals the divine light shed by the feminine. She details an historical story of women of God – the Blessed Mother, St. Catherine et al, from a feminine perspective. The inclusion of the feminine perspective gives a warmth and reality to the story that makes it alive in your life as you read it. It is truly a great book!”
~Rev. Carl L. Pieber, C.M., Executive Director Central Association of the Miraculous Medal
Interview about this book: Click here for Interview
Donna-Marie was on EWTN’s “Sunday Night Prime”
with the the wonderful Fr. Andrew Apostoli. Here’s information from the EWTN website:
“Fr. Apostoli welcomes Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle to discuss the vocation of motherhood and her latest book, The Miraculous Medal: Stories, Prayers and Devotions.”
Here is an inspiring excerpt from Donna-Marie’s book, The Miraculous Medal: Stories, Prayers, and Devotions:
Chapter Three: Dazzling Rays from Outstretched Holy Hands
One night, the eve of the feast of St. Vincent de Paul, July 18, 1830, Sister Labouré headed off to bed with her heart brimming with joy. Just a bit earlier that evening in the chapel, after giving a lesson on devotion to the saints and particularly their founder, Mother Martha gifted each of the novices with a small piece of a vestment that St. Vincent had worn. Sister Labouré held hers tightly in her hand and prepared for bed. She knew something was about to happen very soon.
Lying in bed in her quiet room, she prayed to St. Vincent, pouring out her heart to him once again. She had grown so fond of this special saint who seemed to have adopted her as his own. Sister Labouré looked forward to morning Mass, when she would deeply celebrate on his feast day the sheer gift of St. Vincent in her life. Then, Sister Labouré felt suddenly inspired to rip her petite cloth relic in half and swallow half of it as an act of devotion. She instantly felt an overflowing, deep peace. Somehow she knew—tonight I shall see her, she mused. Sister Labouré was soon asleep.
The First Miraculous Visit: “The Virgin of the Chair”
The flickering light of a candle lit up Sister Labouré’s room a couple of hours later.
“Sister Labouré!”
She was still groggy. The small child carrying the candle gently approached her bed. An intense heavenly radiance caused the child’s white gown and hair to glow luminously, which together with the candle’s glow made the room as bright as the noonday sun.
“Sister Labouré!”
She started to stir. The brightness and the child’s voice calling to her drew her out of a sound sleep.
“Sister Labouré!” The third time, she opened her eyes—wide—and looked intently upon the child holding the lit candle, light beams bouncing off of him.
“Come to the chapel. The Blessed Virgin awaits you.”
Sister Labouré was completely at peace. She knew this little child would be taking her to see her Mother—the Mother of God—the one she claimed as her mother many years ago. She had no reason to fear or wonder why she would receive such a blessing, but she was concerned that others in the convent would see them. After all, there was a great light around the child. It couldn’t be missed!
“Do not be uneasy,” the child reassured her. “It is half past eleven; everyone is asleep. Come, I am waiting for you.”
Sister Labouré dressed more quickly than she had ever before in her life. Even in her haste, she put her habit on as impeccably as it should be, fastening every last button, smoothing out its fabric. In no time at all, she was spruced up and ready to accompany the heavenly child to go see her Mother.
Sister Labouré followed the child’s cues and headed after him out her doorway, fascinated that the lights in the hallway were all lit and shining brightly. She neither saw nor heard anyone as she followed the little child down the hallways and stairways toward the chapel.
The heavy chapel door, which was locked, by the way, opened wide with ease when the child simply touched it. Sister Labouré was again amazed to see splendid light. The chapel was lit up as brilliantly as if Midnight Mass were about to start! The altar had been dressed in crisp linens and adorned with flowers in preparation for the great feast day tomorrow.
The young novice was directed by the small child to come forward toward the sanctuary. He then paused by the superior’s chair. Sister Labouré knelt down spontaneously. All was calm. She could smell the candles burning and hear little creaking sounds in the quiet, old chapel. But nothing happened. No one was there. Sister Labouré questioned herself and glanced toward the child. It must be real. It couldn’t be a dream.
“Here is the Blessed Virgin.”
Instantly, Sister Labouré heard the swishing of a silken gown. She immediately focused in the direction of the sound and observed a lady descending the altar steps. The lady sat down on the superior’s chair. Could this really be her? She looked a little like St. Anne. She wondered. The little child read her thoughts.
“This is the Blessed Virgin.”
The lady looked at her. The reality of the Blessed Mother’s presence hit Sister Labouré, and she immediately threw herself at Mary’s knee and rested her hands gently on Our Lady’s lap. Sister Labouré caught her breath and raised her eyes to peer into her Mother’s delightful face. This would be the sweetest moment of Catherine’s whole life.
“My child,” the Blessed Mother began. “The good God wishes to charge you with a mission.”
Mary had more to tell Catherine. “You will be tormented,” she explained, “until you have told him who is charged with directing you. You will be contradicted, but do not fear, you will have grace. Tell with confidence all that passes within you; tell it with simplicity. Have confidence. Do not be afraid.”…
Mary lovingly shared the secret to heavenly help. “Come to the foot of the altar,” showing Catherine the spot. “There graces will be shed upon all, great and little, who ask for them. Graces will be especially shed upon those who ask for them.”
Can you even imagine this? It is quite incredible, but very true. Later on, in another apparition, the Blessed Mother revealed to Saint Catherine what her mission would be. Here is what happened (again, from this book):
The Second Visit: “The Virgin of the Globe”
She couldn’t forget it. The Blessed Mother had told Sister Labouré that she was to be entrusted with a mission. Was it to warn Father about the revolution? Would Sister Labouré be blessed with seeing Mary again? She wondered about that, and she prayed constantly as she fulfilled her daily duties in the convent, doing everything as she should.
On the day before Advent was to begin, the Sisters of Charity were headed to the chapel for their evening meditation. Evening meditation was a prayerful time welcomed by Sister Labouré. The long day of duties was coming to an end, and there was a respite of time to catch one’s breath and meditate and pray. With advent beginning the following day, November 28, 1830, there was a lot to think and pray about and for which to prepare her heart.
Then she heard a familiar sound. There could be no mistake. Sister Labouré plainly heard the swishing of silk like she had heard four months earlier. Without delay, she could see Mary, the Mother of God, standing on a globe in the sanctuary! Sister’s heart was pounding with happiness. Mary was back “in all her perfect beauty,” as Sister Labouré would recount later on.
Catherine’s eyes were glued to her holy Mother. She would later recount every last intricate detail of Mary’s attire—the “white veil” on Mary’s head that fell on “either side to her feet,” and “under the veil her hair, in coils, was bound with a fillet ornamented with lace, about three centimeters in height or of two fingers’ breadth, without pleats, and resting lightly on the hair.” The brilliant light all around the apparition that evening was beyond dazzling. The Blessed Mother was holding a golden ball. She raised her eyes heavenward and seemed to offer it to God.
Suddenly, Catherine could see the many magnificent rings adorning Mary’s fingers—“three rings on each of her fingers,” all of them shimmering with precious gems while cascading beams of light. Then, Mary looked straight into Catherine’s eyes and said, “The ball which you see represents the whole world, especially France, and each person in particular.”
Sister Labouré pondered the loving words. Mary went on: “These rays symbolize the graces I shed upon those who ask for them. The gems from which rays do not fall are the graces for which souls forget to ask.”
Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal
Mary stretched her arms out wide. She had a look of compassion in her eyes, and rays of light poured out of her fingers upon the globe under her feet. The golden ball she had previously held was gone now. Instantly, an oval frame appeared, surrounding the Blessed Mother. Sister Labouré saw words that were written in gold around the edge of the oval: “O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.”
Our Lady said to Catherine, “Have a medal struck after this model. All who wear it will receive great graces; they should wear it around the neck. Graces will abound for persons who wear it with confidence.”
Sister Labouré took each word in and instantly memorized Mary’s instructions. The image spun around slowly, and she could see the other side of the sizeable oval. A large letter M was surmounted by a bar and a cross, and right beneath it was the heart of Jesus crowned in thorns and Mary’s heart pierced with a sword. Around the entire image were twelve stars encircling it.
The vision then faded at once. Sister Labouré would later describe it: “Everything disappeared from my sight, like a candle that is blown out.”
Sister Labouré remained in a mystical ecstasy. The next thing she remembered was being in the dining hall with the others. She heard the mistress of novice’s voice matter-of-factly say, almost as if she were annoyed: “Sister Labouré must still be in ecstasy.” Of course, the mistress of novices didn’t really suspect that Catherine was in any sort of ecstasy but was merely being sarcastic. Yet, she was absolutely correct!
Sister Labouré may have been a bit embarrassed, and she didn’t even remember how she got to the dining hall. But she quietly picked up her fork and ate her meal as she pondered the miraculous apparition. She felt calm and peaceful, but at the same time she felt as if she could burst, knowing that her holy Mother had entrusted her with so great a mission…