(scroll down for more recent)
Donna-Marie’s appearances prior to this date are not listed due to a computer crash in the past and no time to attempt to retrieve the information.
In addition, some events which are not shown are because they are in the planning stages therefore they might not be listed. Please check with Donna-Marie about her availability for your event, she sometimes blocks out periods of time for book writing.
~Saturday, September 20, 2008
Registration after 8:00 AM Mass
concluding at 3:30 PM
Four talks throughout the day
concentrating on Mulieris Dignitatem
~All day retreat: “Adult Education Day”
For men and women
Reporting Back From the International Congress: “Woman and Man, the Humanum in its Entirety”
2) Thirsting for the Living Water: Meeting Jesus at the Well
3) The God-given Dignity of Every Person
4) Awareness of a Mission: Our Call to Evangelization
Immaculate Conception Bascilica
74 West Main Street, Waterbury, CT. 06721
Book signing during this event
contact: Fr. Bevins, (203) 574-0017
Book Signing after the Masses
2 new books plus others
~St Francis Xavier Church
Saturday, Oct. 18th after 5:00 PM Mass
Sunday, Oct. 19th after the 7:30 AM Mass,
after the 10:00 AM Mass and
after the 5:00 PM Mass
Rte. 109
New Milford, CT 06776
~Sunday, October 26, 2008
2:00 PM
Borders Books and Cafe
110 Federal Road
Danbury, CT 06810
(203) 798-1100
Book signing for two new books
~Saturday, November 1, 2008
All Saints Day
11:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Bank Street Book Nook
50 Bank Street
New Milford, CT 06776
(860) 354-3865
Book signing for two new books
plus Catholic Saints Prayer Book
on All Saints Day
~Friday, November 7, 2008
7:00 PM
Evening Retreat and Book Signing
St. Augustine Parish
Talk: “Women’s Thirst for the Living Water: On the Dignity
and Vocation of Women”
Seymore, CT
contact: Fr. Stephen Bzdyea
~November 19, 2008
Talk: “Women’s Thirst for the Living Water: On the Dignity
and Vocation of Women”
“Sponsored by the “Women of St. Ann”
7:00 PM
St. Ann’s Church
Bridgeport, CT
~Friday, January 9, 2009 to Jan. 10, 2009
Retreat week end
Bishop Lane Retreat Center
Rockford, Illinois
Book signing included
~Sunday, February 8, 2009
1:00 to 4:00 PM
Retreat/Day of Prayer
“The Gift to be A Parent and A Grandparent”
Book Signing included
Father Peter Towsley presenting also
Nazareth Spiritual Life Center
1428 Monroe Turnpike, Monroe, CT 06468
contact: Sr. Mary Frances, CSFN, (203) 268-6540
~March 28, 2009
Retreat day
Nazareth Spiritual Life Center
1428 Monroe TurnpikeMonroe, CT 06468
contact: Sr. Mary Frances, CSFN, (203) 268-6540
~Saturday April 4, 2009
Retreat day
St. Mary Parish
Hamburg, PA
Postponed to September 19th
~Sunday, April 26, 2009
1:00 to 4:00 PM
Retreat/Day of Prayer
“Mother/Daughter Afternoon Deepening the Spirit”
Book Signing included
Father Peter Towsley presenting also
Nazareth Spiritual Life Center
1428 Monroe TurnpikeMonroe, CT 06468
contact: Sr. Mary Frances, CSFN, (203) 268-6540
~Tuesday, May 12, 2009
TALK and book signing: 9:30 AM
St. Edward the Confessor’s M.O.M.S. Group
Open to St. Edward parishioners
and M.O.M.S. participants only
21 Brush Hill Rd.
New Fairfield, CT 06812
746-2200, Ext. 14
~Book Signing, Sunday, June 7, 2009
after the 7:30 AM, 10:00 AM and 5:00 PM Masses
St. Francis Xavier Church Hall
Route 109
New Milford, CT 06776
~Saturday, June 13th, 2009
Retreat day and book signing
beginning with 8:30 AM Mass until 3:00 PM
2 to 3 talks with Q & A
St. Helena of the True Cross Catholic Church
Corpus Christi, Texas
~August 5 through 7, 2009
Catholic Marketing Network Convention
New Jersey
Talk: Publisher and Author
Talk: Author Panel: Getting Published
Book Signing 11:00 to noon, Thursday, August 6th
~Saturday, September 19, 2009
“Thirsting for the Living Water”
Women’s Day of Spirituality
3 talks, Q & A
and Book Signing
St. Mary’s RC Church
94 Walnut Road/PO Box 189
Hamburg, PA 19526-0189
Phone: 610-562-7657
Contact MaryAnn Genna to register: mgenna@allentowndiocese.org
E-mail for parish is: Stmaryhamburg@aol.com
Detour directions
St. Mary, Hamburg website:
www.rc.net/allentown/stmaryhamb/ link and click directions.
Week end of October 10th and 11th, 2009 POSTPONED SINCE BOOK
NEW BOOK: “Mother Teresa and Me: Ten Years of Friendship”
Book Signing after all of the Masses
Sat. – 5:00 PM, Sunday – 7:30 AM, 10:00 AM, 5:00 PM
St. Francis Xavier Church
Rte 109, New Milford, CT 06776
2:00 PM
Borders Books and Cafe
110 Federal Road
Danbury, CT 06810
(203) 798-1100
~Thursday, October 22, 2009 RESCHEDULED FOR NEXT SPRING
Talk and Book Signing
Acushet, MA
Details forthcoming
~Saturday, October 24, 2009
Retreat day and book signing
7:30 AM to 4:00 PM
(click on link to see brochure)
“If Only I Could Touch His Cloak: Faithful Surrender to Our Lord’s Will”
and “Guiding Others to Christ’s Cloak.”
St. Benedict’s Abbey
252 Still River Road
Still River, MA
www.abbey.org (for driving directions and other info)
~Thursday, November 5, 2009
6;30 PM
Talk to the Little Flowers and their Moms
St. Joseph’s Parish, Brookfield, CT
~December 17, 2009 – Podcast with Lisa Hendey. Details to be announced.
~Saturday, December 19, 2009
Borders Books and Cafe
3:00 to 5:00 PM
New book: Mother Teresa and Me: Ten Years of Friendship
110 Federal Road
Danbury, CT 06810
~Saturday, December 19, 2009
Book signing after the 5:00 Mass
St. Francis Xavier church
Rte 109
New Milford, CT 06776
A portion of the proceeds will be donated
to the Martha and Mary Community Care
~Sunday, December 20, 2009
Book signing after all of the Masses
St. Francis Xavier church
Rte. 109
New Milford, CT 06776
7:30 AM, 10:00 AM, and 5:00 PM
A portion of the proceeds will be donated
to the Martha and Mary Community Care
~December 21, 2009 – Radio interview. Details to be announced
~Saturday February 6, 2010 (postponed)
St. Mary Parish
Ridgefield, CT
details forthcoming
~Saturday, Feb. 20, 2010
Three Talks and Book Signing
Key Note Speaker
~FEBRUARY 19, 20, 21, 2010
St. Agnes Rectory, Atlantic Highlands, NJ
“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.”
~Isaiah 43:19
Cost of retreat is $75.00
For more information call Mary 609-458-6209
~February 27, 2010
Boston Women’s Conference
Key Note Speaker
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Cathedral of the Holy Cross
1400 Washington Street, Boston, MA 02118
For more information see link below:
~March 19, 2010
Lenten Reflection for Women
7:00 PM
St. Pius X parish
340 Dudley Rd.
Edgewood, KY 41017
Contact: Katy @ (859) 384-4306, Julie @ (859) 426-9120
or Robin @ (859) 384-8416 for more info. and to register
$15.00 registration fee and $20.00 at the door
~March 27, 2010
Talks and Book Signing
Key Note Speaker
Day of Reflection for Women
Mass, light breakfast, and lunch
3 talks and Q & A (details forthcoming)
St. Mary Church
Hopmeadow St.
Simsbury, CT 0607
contact – Patty Lepak 860-651-9930
Spring 2010 [POSTPONED]
Retreat Day of Reflection, along with Teresa Tomeo
and Pia de Solenni
Dallas, Texas
~April 17, 2010
Book Signing
8:00 AM to 5:30 PM
Living God’s Grace Conference
with Johnnette Benkovic
Cathedral High School
Springfield, MA
~Saturday, May 1, 2010 [Event being moved to October]
9:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Key Note Speaker and Book Signing
Retreat Day for Catholic Mothers of Fort Worth Diocese
to help encourage, inspire and rejuvenate all mothers
in their God-given vocation of motherhood.
2010 Host: Archangel Moms Group,
Good Shepherd Catholic Church
Contact Barbara Maxwell for more information at 817-421-1387
more details forthcoming
~Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Key Note Speaker
TALK and book signing: 9:30 AM
St. Edward the Confessor’s M.O.M.S. Group
Mother’s Day Brunch
21 Brush Hill Rd.
New Fairfield, CT 06812
746-2200, Ext. 14
~Thursday, August 26, 2010, Mother Teresa’s 100th birthday
Donna Marie Cooper-O’Boyle, EWTN TV host and author of Mother Teresa and Me: Ten Years of Friendship, will be the guest speaker at the Knights of Columbus celebration in honor of Mother Teresa’s 100th birthday. The celebration will take place on August 26 at the Knights of Columbus Museum, One Columbus Plaza, New Haven, CT.
Schedule for the day is as follows:
10:00 am Exhibition opens
11:30 am Unveiling of Mother Teresa postage stamp by New Haven
12:15 pm Birthday celebration (cake)
2:00 pm Meet Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle, TV host and author of Mother Teresa and Me: Ten Years of Friendship
4:30 pm Light reception and book signing by Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle. Autographed copies of Mother Teresa and Me; Ten Years of Friendship will be available for purchase.
5:30 pm Presentation: “Discovering Calcutta in Our Midst: Mother Teresa’s Lessons of Love” by Donna Marie Cooper-O’Boyle
7:00 pm Exhibition closes
The Knights of Columbus Museum is hosting the American premiere of the exhibition, Mother Teresa: Life, Spirituality and Message, which runs from March 25 – Oct. 4, 2010. It is an historical presentation, chronicling Mother Teresa’s life from childhood to beatification by the Catholic Church. It includes biographical information, artifacts such as her sari and other religious and personal articles, as well as a full-scale replica of Mother Teresa’s convent cell (room) in her Calcutta convent. Call 203-865-0400 or visit kofcmuseum.org for directions or more information.
~September 6th through 12th
Rome, Italy
Church Up Close Conference
for Catholic Journalists
~September 26th
2:00 PM
Talk and Book Signing
Ladies Guild Tea
Immaculate Conception Basilica,
Waterbury, CT
this annual event is held at the McGivney Hall
Contact: G.Joy Brown
President, Ladies Guild Basilica of The Immaculate Conception
~October 1 and 2, 2010
Key Note Talk and Book Signing
Donna-Marie will sign her books Friday night
and speak Saturday morning as well as sign books again
throughout the day
San Antonio, Texas
The Pilgrim Center of Hope
A Catholic Evangelization Ministry
7680 Joe Newton
San Antonio, TX 78251
Connect with them at:
9:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Key Note Talk and Book Signing
Retreat Day for Catholic Mothers of Fort Worth Diocese
to help encourage, inspire and rejuvenate all mothers
in their God-given vocation of motherhood.
2010 Host: Archangel Moms Group,
Good Shepherd Catholic Church
Contact Barbara Maxwell for more information at 817-421-1387
more details forthcoming
~Saturday, October 23, 2010
Book Signing
Borders Books and Cafe
2:oo PM
New book: A Catholic Woman’s Book of Prayers
110 Federal Road
Danbury, CT 06810
(203) 798-1100
~October 30, 2010
Book Signing
Faith & Family Live! conference
(details forthcoming)
Women’s Retreat day
St Gregory Barbarigo Parish
Garnerville, NY
Details forthcoming
~Saturday, December 11, 2010
Special Event: 2 Talks and Book Signings throughout the day
All of Donna-Marie’s books will be available for purchase and signing
11:00 AM – first talk: Blessed Mother Teresa and Radical Love
In between talks – meet and greet and book signing
2:00 PM – second talk: Blessed Mother Teresa and The Holy Family of Nazareth
Knights of Columbus Museum
One Columbus Plaza
New Haven, CT
The Knights of Columbus Museum is hosting the American premiere of the exhibition, Mother Teresa: Life, Spirituality and Message. It is an historical presentation, chronicling Mother Teresa’s life from childhood to beatification by the Catholic Church. It includes biographical information, artifacts such as her sari and other religious and personal articles, as well as a full-scale replica of Mother Teresa’s convent cell (room) in her Calcutta convent. Call 203-865-0400 or visit kofcmuseum.org for directions or more information.
In addition to the Mother Teresa exhibit, the Knights of Columbus will host their annual Creche Exhibit featuring special creches from Asian countries.
Free Admission for the day
~Saturday, December 18, 2010
(the Saturday prior to Christmas)
2:00 PM
Borders Book Signing
Danbury, CT 06810
All of Donna-Marie’s books will be available
~Saturday, January 29, 2011
snow date the following Saturday, February 5, 2011
Women’s Spiritual Retreat day
St. Thomas More parish
374 Middlesex Road, Darien, CT 06820
Contact: @ renvyle@hotmail.com for more information
9:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Talk: “Meeting the Challenges of our Culture: A Catholic Woman’s Perspective”
• 9 am Mass, followed by coffee and light breakfast
• 10 am talk, followed by breakout sessions
• Reporting back to the larger group
12:30 lunch and book sales/signing to follow
~Retreat week end for women
March 18th, 19th, and 20th 2011
Our Lady of Corpus Christi parish
Corpus Christi, Texas
(details forthcoming)
~Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Talk: Radical Love: Mother Teresa’s Lessons
and book signing
3rd in Tuesday night Lenten Speakers series
Our Lady Star of the Sea Marina Room
7pm to 8pm
Refreshments before, during and after
1200 Shippan Avenue
Stamford, CT
Open to all
~March 31, 2011
Event for the West Point Women
7:00 PM
Rectory at Most Holy Trinity
699 Washington Road, West Point, NY 10996.
Contact: Christina Pride: christina.pride@gmail.com
(845) 938-8760 – Parish Coordinator
talk related to the study “Domestic Church: Room-By-Room”
given for the ladies of the Military Council of Catholic Women (MCCW),
West Point Chapter
(also open to the parish)
Refreshments will be provided.
~April 2, 2011
Book Signing
Faith & Family Event
MA (details forthcoming)
~June 5th through 9th, 2011
EWTN network visit to tape 25 new episodes to Donna-Marie’s show:
“Everyday Blessings for Catholic Moms” and to do
an EWTN Bookmark interview with Doug Keck
~August 2nd through 6th, 2011
Catholic marketing Network/Catholic Writer’s Guild Conference
Valley Forge Convention Center
King of Prussia, PA
Donna-Marie will give 2 talks, do a book signing and do 2 radio shows
~September 2, 2011 at 4:15 PM Eastern time – RADIO SHOW
“A Cup of Tea With Donna-Marie”
with Cheryl and Jim of Domestic Church Media
Listeners can tune in through the website http://www.domesticchurchmedia.org/ and click on LISTEN NOW for STREAMING LIVE.
Listeners can also tune in to 1260 AM is for the Trenton/Princeton/Bucks County area
And 89.3 FM is for Freehold/Colts Neck/ Spring Lake area
Blackberry and i-phones have a free APP; simply search for WFJS
On any other hand held type phone, one can go to
http://www.tunein.com/ and search for WFJS and listen that way…also free.
~September 6, 2011
Radio chat with Drew Mariani about Mother Teresa
Check September 6th archives, click on MP# for Hour 1: http://relevantradio.com/audios/the-drew-mariani-show
~September 20, 2011, 8:30 AM Eastern time
Radio interview on “Wake up Baton Rouge”
Chatting about my new book: “Mother Teresa and Me: Ten Years of Friendship”
Go to http://www.brcatholicradio.com and click the “Listen Now” button or you can download the TuneIn Radio App on your smartphones. It’s a free app and you just search for WPYR and just listen.
~September 27, 2011, 9:38 AM Eastern time – RADIO interview
“Catholic Connection” with Teresa Tomeo
Chatting about my new book: “Mother Teresa and Me: Ten Years of Friendship” and other Catholic things.
~Friday, Oct 7 (Feast of the Holy Rosary) – RADIO interview [SWITCHED TO FUTURE DATE, see below]
“Blessed John Paul the Great’s Leafeaters’ Club”
Chatting about “Mother Teresa and Me: Ten Years of Friendship”
10:00 – 11:00 am (Eastern)
CST, KFHC, 88.1 Catholic Radio, Sioux City IA.
~Friday, October 7th, (Feast of the Holy Rosary) – RADIO SHOW
“A Cup of Tea With Donna-Marie” Chatting about the Blessed Mother and Mother Teresa
with Cheryl and Jim of Domestic Church Media
Listeners can tune in through the website http://www.domesticchurchmedia.org/ and click on LISTEN NOW for STREAMING LIVE.
Listeners can also tune in to 1260 AM is for the Trenton/Princeton/Bucks County area
And 89.3 FM is for Freehold/Colts Neck/ Spring Lake area
Blackberry and i-phones have a free APP; simply search for WFJS
On any other hand held type phone, one can go to
http://www.tunein.com/ and search for WFJS and listen that way…also free.
~Friday, October 14 at 10:00 AM Eastern time
“Blessed John Paul the Great’s Leafeaters’ Club”
Chatting about “Mother Teresa and Me: Ten Years of Friendship”
10:00 – 11:00 am (Eastern)
CST, KFHC, 88.1 Catholic Radio, Sioux City IA.
~Saturday, October 15th and Sunday Oct. 16th
Book signing after all of the Masses
St. Francis Xavier Church, Route 109,
New Milford, CT 06776
after the 5:00 PM Sat. night, after the 7:30 AM on Sunday,
after the 10:00 AM on Sunday and after the 5:00 PM on Sunday
(a portion of any proceeds will be donated to Martha and Mary Community Care)
-October 25 through 27th
Taping an audio book at the publisher’s headquarters
~November 5, 2011
Catholic Women’s Conference: “Life Changes: God Remains”
Speaking and Book signing
“Change is a constant. Sometimes we yearn for it,
sometimes we dread it. Come for a day of
refreshment and learn how change in our lives
always includes God’s grace and love.”
St. Mary Church
939 Charlotte Ave. (near Borgess Hospital)
Kalamazoo, Michigan 49048
Mass with Bishop, Eucharistic Adoration, opportunity for Confession,
See www.newmansbookshoppe.com for details
Call: (269) 553-0482
~November 9th, 2011, RADIO interview
11:00 AM to 12:00 noon Eastern time
Catholic Broadcasting NW 88.3 FM KBVM
PO Box 5888; Portland, OR 97228
503-285-5200 ext. 305 – listen on http://www.kbvm.fm
Sunday, November 20, 2011
10:30 AM to 12:30 PM
St. Ann R C Church
481 Brewster Street
Women’s Breakfast
“Preparing to Meet the Christ Child: Catholic Women Journeying Through Advent”
Bridgeport, CT. 06605
Flier from Saint Ann: The last weekend in November is the traditional beginning of the holiday preparations – Thanksgiving, Christmas shopping, school pageants, cleaning, cooking, etc! I’m tired just thinking about it! Are you ready to step on the crazy treadmill this time of year represents?
Why not take time for yourself before the zaniness starts? Time to spend with other women who can share your faith journey with you? Time to reflect on the true meaning of the upcoming season. Time to share a Continental Breakfast and listen to the story of a woman like yourself – Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle – renowned author, speaker, and retreat leader – who juggles a career and family and has found a calling sharing the spiritual insights she has learned from her friend and mentor, Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta.
There is NO CHARGE! We just ask that you sign-up by November 15 so that we can ensure that we have enough food for everyone! Please invite your mom, sister, friends, and adult daughters as well.
Time: Attend the 9:30 AM Children’s Liturgy
Join us in the cafeteria from 10:30 to
Noon for Continental Breakfast.
Topic: Preparing to Meet the Christ Child: Catholic Women Journeying Through Advent
RSVP by Monday, November 15
TUESDAY, FEB. 7, 2012
3:00 PM EST
Along with Ave Maria Press, I am offering a Webinar about Mother Teresa
Registration information and more is available here:
Wednesday, February 8th
8:40 AM Eastern
Talking about her new book “Embracing Motherhood”
Son Rise Morning Show
EWTN Radio
Wednesday, February 8th
8:00 PM Eastern
Donna-Marie will be interviewed about her new book: “Embracing Motherhood”
“The Busted Halo Show with Father Dave Dwyer”
on the Catholic Channel at Sirius/XM Satellite Radio, which is channel 129. www.siriusxm/thecatholicchannel.org
Friday, FEBRUARY 10, 2012 [show rescheduled details will follow soon]
Radio Show: “A Cup of Tea with Donna-Marie”
with Cheryl and Jim of Domestic Church Media
Listeners can tune in through the website http://www.domesticchurchmedia.org/ and click on LISTEN NOW for STREAMING LIVE.
Listeners can also tune in to 1260 AM is for the Trenton/Princeton/Bucks County area
And 89.3 FM is for Freehold/Colts Neck/ Spring Lake area
Blackberry and i-phones have a free APP; simply search for WFJS
On any other hand held type phone, one can go to
http://www.tunein.com/ and search for WFJS and listen that way…also free.
Thursday Feb. 16, 2012
“ON CALL” Radio show on Relevant Radio
2:00 PM Eastern
Friday, Feb. 17, 2012
“Seize the Day” with Gus Lloyd radio show
Will be discussing “Bringing Lent Home with Mother Teresa”
8:20 AM Eastern
The Catholic Channel on SiriusXM 129.
Sunday, Feb. 19, 2012
“Sunday Night Prime” EWTN Television
Donna-Marie to appear on Fr. Benedict Groeschel’s show
chatting about Mother Teresa and a few of her books
EWTN television and on http://www.ewtn.com/index.asp (watch by clicking “Watch Live” button in right-hand column of webpage)
Monday, Feb. 20, 2012
Son Rise Morning Show with Brian Patrick
EWTN Radio
7:45 AM Eastern
Tuesday, Feb. 21, 2012
“The Catholics Next Door” Radio show
2:20 PM Eastern
March 2, 2012
10:00 a.m. Eastern
Blessed John Paul the Great’s Leafeaters Club Radio Show
hosted by Terry Moran and John Lillis
will discuss: “Bringing Lent Home with Mother Teresa”
FHC Radio Network
MARCH 2, 2012
4:15 PM Eastern
Radio Show: “A Cup of Tea with Donna-Marie” and BOOK-GIVE AWAY!
with Cheryl and Jim of Domestic Church Media
Listeners can tune in through the website http://www.domesticchurchmedia.org/ and click on LISTEN NOW for STREAMING LIVE.
Listeners can also tune in to 1260 AM is for the Trenton/Princeton/Bucks County area
And 89.3 FM is for Freehold/Colts Neck/ Spring Lake area
Blackberry and i-phones have a free APP; simply search for WFJS
On any other hand held type phone, one can go to
http://www.tunein.com/ and search for WFJS and listen that way…also free.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Radio on Catholic Connection on Ave Maria Radio
8:30 AM Eastern
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Radio with Dina Marie Hale
11:00 AM Eastern
Chatting about Lent, Mother Teresa, and Catholic stuff
Monday, March 12, 2012
Radio: Bishop’s Radio Hour
Launching NEW SHOW along with host Bob Dunning, “Food for the Family’s Soul” TODAY at NOON EST on Immaculate Heart Radio, 1620am (Sacramento area) and 1250am (Stockton area). Tune in: www.ihradio.com
12:00 noon Eastern
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Pathways of Faith
12:00 noon Eastern
~ March 24, 2012
Key-Note Speech and Book-signing
9:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Magnificat Breakfast
Roberto’s Restaurant,
505 Main St.
Monroe, CT
Friday, April 6, 2012
Radio Show: “A Cup of Tea with Donna-Marie” and BOOK-GIVE AWAY!
with Cheryl and Jim of Domestic Church Media
Listeners can tune in through the website http://www.domesticchurchmedia.org/ and click on LISTEN NOW for STREAMING LIVE.
Listeners can also tune in to 1260 AM is for the Trenton/Princeton/Bucks County area
And 89.3 FM is for Freehold/Colts Neck/ Spring Lake area
Blackberry and i-phones have a free APP; simply search for WFJS
On any other hand held type phone, one can go to
http://www.tunein.com/ and search for WFJS and listen that way…also free.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
at 3:30 PM Eastern
Radio interview on: “Diocese Live” with host, Leo Brown,
Real Life Radio, 1380 AM/ 94.9 FM, WMJR
195 Moore Drive
Lexington KY 40503
Monday, April 16, 2012
12 noon Eastern (9:00 AM Pacific)
“Food for the Family’s Soul” Radio show
on the Bishop’s Radio Hour with Bob Dunning
Chatting about Catholic family issues
Immaculate Heart Radio, 1620am (Sacramento area) and 1250am (Stockton area). Tune in: www.ihradio.com
Saturday, April 21, 2012
2012 Catholic Women’s Conference
“Living God’s Grace”
Hosted by Bishop Timothy A. McDonnell
Featuring Fr. James Martin, SJ and Sr. Mary Johnson, SND as speakers
Donna-Marie will be Book Signing
9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Bellamy Middle School
314 Pendleton Ave, Chicopee, MA
May 4, 2012
10:00 a.m. Eastern
Blessed John Paul the Great’s Leafeaters Club Radio Show
hosted by Terry Moran and John Lillis
will discuss: “Embracing Motherhood”
FHC Radio Network
Monday, May 7, 2012
TALK on Mother Teresa to the women of the Rosary Confraternity
St. Francis Xavier Church
Route 109
New Milford, CT
Friday, May 11, 2012
12 noon Eastern time
RADIO: Food for the Family’s Soul
Chatting with Bob Dunning about Catholic family issues
on the Bishop’s Radio Hour
Immaculate Heart Radio, 1620am (Sacramento area) and 1250am (Stockton area). Tune in: www.ihradio.com
Mother’s Day, May 13, 2012
details to be announced
July 13, 2012
details to follow
RADIO: August 2, 2012 POSTPONED
Archangel Radio
8:00 to 9:00 AM Eastern
tune in to www.WNGL1410AM.com and click on the “Listen Live” icon. In the Mobile, AL area, the frequency is 1410 AM.
October 1, 2012
7:30 PM to 9:00 PM Eastern
Talk and book signing
Adoration, Rosary, and Benediction
St. Peter’s parish
Main St.
Danbury, CT
October 26 an 27th, 2012
Conference of the Society of Catholic Social Scientists
Long Island, New York
Donna-Marie will give a writing workshop
as well as participate on 3 panels
December 1, 2012
Morning of Reflection for Advent
St. Mary’s
17 Pompton Avenue
Pompton Lakes, NJ 07442
973-835-0374 or 973-896-2341 for more info.
December 3, 2012
Sun Rise Morning EWTN Radio Show
8:20 AM Eastern
December 5, 2012
7:45 AM CENTRAL (8:45 AM Eastern)
“Iowa Catholic Radio Morning Show”
December 6, 2012
6:30 AM Central (7:30 AM Eastern)
Morning Air
December 11, 2012
7:30-8:00 a.m. CST or 8:30 to 9:00 EASTERN
the Wake Up Baton Rouge morning show
December 12, 2012
Son Rise Morning EWTN Radio Show
8:15 AM Eastern
December 18, 2012
“Pathways of Learning” Radio Show
11:30 AM to 12:30 PM Eastern
December 27, 2012
9:15-9:35am EST
Catholic Connection with Teresa Tomeo
Ave Maria Radio
Listen Live here: http://avemariaradio.net/christian-radio-host.php/Teresa-Tomeo/
January 15, 2013
5:30 – 6:00 PM Eastern (4:30-5:00 PM CST)
WPYR 1380 AM
Faith and Good Counsel Show
Monday, March 4, 2013
Son Rise Morning Show
with Brian Patrick
8:20 AM EST
MARCH 22, 2013
9:15-9:35am EST
Catholic Connection with Teresa Tomeo
Ave Maria Radio
Listen Live here: http://avemariaradio.net/christian-radio-host.php/Teresa-Tomeo/
March 23, 2013 POSTPONED UNTIL JUNE 22, 2013
Women’s Retreat Day
Key Note Speeches and Book Signing
Holiday Inn
80 Newtown Road
Danbury, CT
Details forthcoming
April 8, 2013
RADIO: with Gail Buckley
Noon to 1:00 PM EST
APRIL 10, 2013
RADIO with Dina Marie Hale
11:00 AM EST to Noon
88.3 FM KBVM & 94.9 FM & 100.5 FM KMME
PO Box 5888; Portland, OR 97228
503-285-5200 ext. 305
listen online at www.kbvm.fm
Thursday, April 11, 2013
9:39 AM EST
Catholic Connection with Teresa Tomeo
Ave Maria Radio
Listen Live here: http://avemariaradio.net/christian-radio-host.php/Teresa-Tomeo/
April 12, 2013
3:30 PM EST
RADIO:Domestic Church Media
Listeners can tune in through the website http://www.domesticchurchmedia.org/ and click on LISTEN NOW for STREAMING LIVE.
Listeners can also tune in to 1260 AM is for the Trenton/Princeton/Bucks County area
And 89.3 FM is for Freehold/Colts Neck/ Spring Lake area
Blackberry and i-phones have a free APP; simply search for WFJS
April 2013
Filming and hosting new EWTN TV series for Catholic Moms
“Catholic Mom’s Cafe”
April 23, 2013
Appearance on Father Mitch Pacwa’s LIVE EWTN show
discussing new TV series
May 4, 2013
Women’s Conference
“Rise Up Women of Truth Women’s Conference”
“Called to Holiness”
Key Note Speeches and Book signings
Holy Name of Jesus Parish
146 Talbot Street South
Essex, Ontario, Canada N8M 1B4.
Contact person: Maggie Ducharme
June 3, 2013
Radio show with Jim and Joy Pinto
2:00 to 2:45 PM EST
June 8, 2013
Women’s Retreat day
Kansas City, Kansas
Details forthcoming
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Key Note and Book Signing
“Living the Virtues in the Family: Guided by Mother Teresa”
Prince of Peace parish
16000 W. 143rd St.
Olathe, Kansas
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
June 16, 2013, Sunday
EWTN’s Bookmark appearance with Doug Keck
9:30 AM & 11:30 PM EST
June 17, 2013, Monday
EWTN’s Bookmark appearance with Doug Keck
5:00 AM EST
June 19, 2013, Wednesday
EWTN’s Bookmark appearance with Doug Keck
5:30 PM EST
JUNE 22, 2013
Taste of God’s Grace
Women’s Retreat Day
9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Key Note Speeches and Book Signing
Holiday Inn
80 Newtown Road
Danbury, CT
Call Allison to register:
July 29: 3:30 PM Eastern
Diocese Live on Real Life Radio 1380/94.9FM
Listen Live: http://www.realliferadio.com/
August 5, 2013
“On Call” Radio show – Relevant Radio – Live
12:00 noon to 1:00 PM Eastern
August 7th to 9th, 2013
Catholic Marketing Network
Catholic Writer’s Guild Conference
New Jersey
Wednesday, Aug. 7th:
LIVE Radio: 9:39 AM with Teresa Tomeo on Catholic Connection
LIVE Radio: 10:15 AM EWTN Radio: “LIVE from CMN”
BOOK SIGNING: 1:00 PM EST: “The Miraculous Medal” book, Servant Book booth
BOOK SIGNING: 3:00-4:00 PM: “Rooted in Love: Our Calling as Catholic Women”
at Ave Maria Press booth
BOOK SIGNING: 5:15 PM Grand Ballroom: “My Confirmation Book” at Paraclete Table
Thurs., Aug. 8th:
BOOK SIGNING: 11:00 AM EST “Catholic Mom’s Cafe” book
at the OSV booth
BOOK SIGNING: 1:00 PM, Paraclete Press booth: My Confirmation Book
3:30 PM: Participate on panel about working with editors
LIVE Radio: 5:20: Kresta in the Afternoon
Friday, Aug. 9th:
10:00 AM: Participate on panel about blogging
For more information:
http://cmntradeshow.com/ and http://catholicmarketing.com/
August 12, 2013
Radio: Morning Air
9:00 AM Eastern
August 13, 2013
“At Home with Jim and Joy”
2:00 PM to 2:45 PM Eastern
August 14, 2013
POSTPONED to Aug. 28th 4:00 PM EST
4:00 PM Eastern
Diocese Live on Real Life Radio 1380/94.9FM
Listen Live: http://www.realliferadio.com/
August 17, 2013
Keynote Speech and Book Signing
Magnificat Pittsburgh
A Ministry to Catholic Women
9:00 AM to 12 Noon EST
Donna-Marie will arrive early and be at her book table at 8:15 AM
Sheraton Four Points, Cranberry Township, PA
Four Points by Sheraton Pittsburgh North, 910 Sheraton Drive, Mars, Pennsylvania 16046.
Event Contact: Kay Burkot, 724-772-6749
August 17 and 18, 2013
EWTN’s Family Celebration
Birmingham Jefferson Convention Complex in Birmingham, Alabama
Donna-Marie will be a guest on LIVE TV show Sat., Aug 17th, 6:00 PM Central time
She will be at: Family Corner booth: Saturday 7:30 to 8:30 PM
and on Sunday: 3:15 to 4:30 PM
She will be at: Meet the Author booth: Sunday 12:15 to 1:00 PM
Donna-Marie will be doing LIVE Radio on Sunday at 12: Noon Central.
The weekend of events will be taped and aired the following
Saturday and Sunday, August 24 & 25.
Check: www.ewtn.com for more info.
August 26th
Relevant Radio: With Wendy Wiese
2:00 to 3:00 Eastern
August 28, 2013
4:00 PM Eastern
Diocese Live on Real Life Radio 1380/94.9FM
Listen Live: http://www.realliferadio.com/
POSTPONED: September 4, 2013: 4:00 PM Eastern
Diocese Live on Real Life Radio 1380/94.9FM
Listen Live: http://www.realliferadio.com/
September 5, 2013
Mother Teresa’s Feast day
Sun Rise Morning EWTN Radio Show
6:45 AM Eastern
September 11. 2013
Radio: http://www.IowaCatholicRadio.com/
with Jon Leonetti
7:20 AM Central (8:20 AM ET)
September 13, 2013
Keynote and Book Signing
St. Aloysius church
21 Cherry St. New Canaan, Ct. 06840
Mass at 9:00 AM followed by the Rosary, light Brunch at 10:00, talk at about 10:30 AM in Stapleton Hall (next to the school). Sponsored by Our Lady’s Guild and open to the public.
Contact person: Margie Doran (mmdoran@optonline.net) Phone: Cell: (203)223-9697
October 2, 2013
Radio: 4:00 PM Eastern
Diocese Live on Real Life Radio 1380/94.9FM
Listen Live: http://www.realliferadio.com/
October 14, 2013
RADIO: with Gail Buckley AKA the “Bible Lady”
Noon to 1:00 PM EST
October 19, 2013
8:30 AM to 4:30 PM with Mass following
“Our Journey with Jesus” Women’s event
Key note and book signing
Open to the public
Sts. Joseph and Paul Catholic Church
514 E. 4th St.
Owensboro, KY 42301
(270) 926-4638
Contact person:Tara Boling (270) 852-3783 taobdht@att.net
POSTPONED UNTIL SPRING: October 24, 2013, Thursday
2:00 PM ET
Paraclete House at the Community of Jesus
Rock Harbor, Orleans MA
Free Admission to a Talk on the Angels: “Angels: Our Invisible Friends”
Book signing to follow at Priory Books and Gifts
For more information call
(508) 247 3194
October 31, 2013
11:00 AM ET
POSTPONED: November 6, 2013: 4:00 PM Eastern
Diocese Live on Real Life Radio 1380/94.9FM
Listen Live: http://www.realliferadio.com/
November 7, 2013
Iowa Catholic Radio
Catholic Women NOW
9:00 to 9:30 AM Central
November 8, 2013
Radio with Cheryl and Jim of Domestic Church Media
Listeners can tune in through the website http://www.domesticchurchmedia.org/ and click on LISTEN NOW for STREAMING LIVE.
Listeners can also tune in to 1260 AM is for the Trenton/Princeton/Bucks County area
And 89.3 FM is for Freehold/Colts Neck/ Spring Lake area
Blackberry and i-phones have a free APP; simply search for WFJS
On any other hand held type phone, one can go to
http://www.tunein.com/ and search for WFJS and listen that way…also free.
4:30 to 4:45 PM ET
Sun. Nov. 17 at 8:00 PM ET
Mon. Nov. 18 at 2:00 AM ET
Mon. Nov. 18 at 9:00 AM ET
Fr. Apostoli welcomes Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle to discuss the vocation of motherhood and her latest book, The Miraculous Medal: Stories, Prayers and Devotions.
Duration: 01:00
Saturday, November 16, 2013
BOOK SIGNING: Sacred Heart University
Fairfield, CT
Donna-Marie will be signing her new Angels for Kids book
December 4, 2013: 4:00 PM Eastern
Diocese Live on Real Life Radio 1380/94.9FM
Listen Live: http://www.realliferadio.com/
January 13, 2014
Radio show with Teresa Tomeo
“Catholic Connection” on Ave Maria Radio
9:39 AM ET to 9:57 AM ET
January 25, 2014
Radio with Dr. Matthew Bunson
Faithworks on Redeemer Radio
10 AM ET and 6 PM ET
Chatting about my book Catholic Mom’s Cafe and other good stuff!
Here’s the link to the archived library: http://redeemerradio.com/catholic-audio-library.php
EWTN Bookmark TV appearance
January 26, 2014
9:30 AM ET and 11:30 PM ET
Discussing Donna-Marie’s books: The Miraculous Medal: Stories, Prayers, and Devotions and Embracing Motherhood.
EWTN Bookmark TV appearance
January 27, 2014
5:00 AM ET
Discussing Donna-Marie’s books: The Miraculous Medal: Stories, Prayers, and Devotions and Embracing Motherhood.
EWTN Bookmark TV appearance
January 29, 2014
5:30 PM ET
Discussing Donna-Marie’s books: The Miraculous Medal: Stories, Prayers, and Devotions and Embracing Motherhood.
February 26, 2014
Radio: Morning Air on Relevant Radio
7:30 AM ET
Discussing Lent and Saint Therese
March 7, 2014
Radio: Son Rise Morning Show
8:10 AM ET
Chatting about Lent and families
March 11, 2014
Radio with Teresa Tomeo
on Catholic Connection/Ave Maria Radio
9:39 AM ET
Talking about Lent, Saint Therese of Lisieux and my new book
and other good Catholic stuff!
March 12, 2014
Radio with Wendy Wiese
Relevant Radio
2:00 PM ET
March 14, 20143
Radio: Son Rise Morning Show
8:10 AM ET
March 17, 2014
9:39 AM EST
Catholic Connection with Teresa Tomeo
Ave Maria Radio
Listen Live here: http://avemariaradio.net/christian-radio-host.php/Teresa-Tomeo/
March 21, 2014
Radio: Son Rise Morning Show
8:10 AM ET
Chatting about Lent and families
March 22, 2014
New Jersey
Key note and book signing
details to follow
March 28, 2014
Radio: Son Rise Morning Show
with Matt Swaim
8:10 AM ET
March 31, 2104
Radio: http://www.IowaCatholicRadio.com/
with Jon Leonetti
7:15 AM Central (8:15 AM ET)
April 2, 2014
Radio: Diocese Live
4:00 PM Eastern
Diocese Live on Real Life Radio 1380/94.9FM
Listen Live: http://www.realliferadio.com/
April 4, 2014
Radio: Son Rise Morning Show
with Matt Swaim
8:10 AM ET
April 11, 2014
Radio: Son Rise Morning Show
with Matt Swaim
8:10 AM ET
April 18, 2014
Radio: Son Rise Morning Show
with Matt Swaim
8:10 AM ET
May 5, 2014
RADIO: with Gail Buckley
Noon to 1:00 PM EST
May 14, 2014
Radio: http://www.IowaCatholicRadio.com/
with Jon Leonetti
7:45 AM Central (8:45 AM ET)
June 4, 2014
Radio: 4:00 PM Eastern
Diocese Live on Real Life Radio 1380/94.9FM
Listen Live: http://www.realliferadio.com/
July 2, 2014
Radio: 4:00 PM Eastern
Diocese Live on Real Life Radio 1380/94.9FM
Listen Live: http://www.realliferadio.com/
July 29 through August 1st, 2014
Catholic Marketing Network/Catholic Writer’s Guild conference (Chicago)
Donna-Marie will do book signings and moderate a panel of bloggers
Wednesday, July 30, 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM BOOK SIGNING: Parclete Press both: Donna-Marie will sign Angels for Kids
Wednesday, July 30, 5:15 PM BOOK SIGNING: Ballroom Author event: Donna-Marie will sign Catholic Saints Prayer Book (Our Sunday Visitor)
Thursday, July 31st, 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon: BOOK SIGNING: Paraclete Press booth: Donna-Marie will sign Angels for Kids
Thursday, 4:00 PM Donna-Marie will moderate a blogging panel for the Catholic Writer’s Guild
August 23, 2014
Key note speech and book signing
Marian Consecration anniversary event
McAllen, TX
October 1, 2014
Real Life Radio
Discussing St. Therese and her “tips” for Catholic parenting
EWTN Bookmark TV appearance POSTPONED UNTIL MARCH 2014
October 12, 2014
9:30 AM ET and 11:30 PM ET
Discussing Donna-Marie’s books: My Confirmation Book and Angels for Kids
EWTN Bookmark TV appearance POSTPONED UNTIL MARCH 2014
October 13, 2014
5:00 AM ET
Discussing Donna-Marie’s books: My Confirmation Book and Angels for Kids
EWTN Bookmark TV appearance POSTPONED UNTIL MARCH 2014
October 15, 2014
5:30 PM ET
Discussing Donna-Marie’s books: My Confirmation Book and Angels for Kids
October 14, 2014
Key Note Speeches
Our Lady of Fatima parish
Lafayette, Louisiana
12 noon to 1:00 PM to the Fatima Families group
Evening talk at the parish
Contact: Stephanie at: receptionist@fatimalafayette.org for more details
October 18, 2014
Key Note speech and book signing
Magnificat Breakfast
Bristol, CT: Mother of Divine Mercy Chapter
9:00 AM ET to Noon
Double tree by Hilton in Bristol, CT
Contact: Gloria Brophy: (860) 584-8803
October 25, 26th, 2014
Catholic Women’s Week end Retreat
McAllen, Texas
details to follow
October 22, 2014
Administrative Assistant’s Retreat Day of Prayer and Reflection
With Bishop Michael Mulvey
As primary presenter: Donna-Marie will give 3 talks
Pax Christi Retreat Center
4601 Calallen Dr. Corpus Christi, TX
Closed event for diocese only
October 26, 2014
RADIO: Guadalupe Radio Network
South & Central Texas
Listen Live
KJMA 89.7 FM in San Antonio
KBMD 88.5 FM in Marble Falls
KIVM 91.1 FM in Fredericksburg
KGWU 1400 AM in Uvalde
KYRT 97.9 FM in Kerrville
October 28th, 2014
Speaking and book signing event in San Antonio, TX
Holy Trinity Banquet Hall
7:00 PM Central
20523 Huebner Rd.
San Antonio, TX 78258
Contact: Debbie Gray at (210) 497-4145
October 30, 2014
8:30 AM ET
Radio: LIVE interview w/ Relevant Radio Network’s “Morning Air” (hosted by John Harper)
October 31, 2014
9:15 AM ET
RADIO: Catholic Connection
with Teresa Tomeo
Ave Maria Radio
Listen Live here: http://avemariaradio.net/christian-radio-host.php/Teresa-Tomeo/
PREMIERE of Donna-Marie’s new television series on the EWTN Gallery:
Tue 11/04/2014 03:00 AM ET PART TWO: KIDS AND CULTURE
Tue 11/04/2014 06:30 PM ET KIDS AND CULTURE
Wed 11/05/2014 03:00 AM ET PART THREE: GOING IT ALONE
Wed 11/05/2014 06:30 PM ET GOING IT ALONE
Here is a Radio segment announcing this new TV series and more:
November 9, 2014
Sun. Nov. 09 at 8:00 PM ET
Mon. Nov. 10 at 2:00 AM ET
Mon. Nov. 10 at 9:00 AM ET
Donna-Marie discussing the holy Angels
with Fr. Andrew Apostoli
December 3, 2014
4:00 PM ET
Diocese Live on Real Life Radio 1380/94.9FM
Listen Live: http://www.realliferadio.com/
December 4, 2014
RADIO: 11:00 AM ET to 12:00 Noon ET
with Dina Marie
88.3 FM KBVM & 94.9 FM & 100.5 FM KMME
PO Box 5888; Portland, OR 97228
503-285-5200 ext. 305
listen online at www.kbvm.fm
December 6, 2014
Book Signing after the Tree Lighting
which is after the 5:00 PM Mass
St. Francis Xavier church
New Milford, CT 06776
Donna-Marie will donate a portion of any proceeds
to the Martha and Mary Community Care of St. Francis
December 8, 2014
RADIO: with Gail Buckley
Noon to 1:00 PM EST
December 14, 2014
Book Signing
after the 7:30 & 10 AM Masses
St. Francis Xavier parish
New Milford, CT 06776
Donna-Marie will donate a portion of any proceeds
to the Martha and Mary Community Care of St. Francis
December 19, 2014
Radio: Son Rise Morning Show
with Anne Mitchell
8:40 AM ET
December 20, 2014
Book Signing
after the 5:00 Mass
St. Francis Xavier parish
New Milford, CT 06776
Donna-Marie will donate a portion of any proceeds
to the Martha and Mary Community Care of St. Francis
January 23rd to the 25th
Women’s Retreat
Details to be announced
January 26, 2015
RADIO: 12:30 PM ET
Saint Gabriel Radio
February 5, 2015
RADIO: 3:30 to 3:50 PM
with Ken Huck on Radio Maria
February 6, 2015
RADIO: Son Rise Morning Show
8:40 AM ET
Chatting about Lent and Pope John Paul II
and Donna-Marie’s new book:
“Bringing Lent Home with St. John Paul II”
February 9, 2015
with Host Lisa Hendey
12:30 PM ET
February 20, 2015
9:39-9:56 AM EST
Catholic Connection with Teresa Tomeo
Ave Maria Radio
Listen Live here: http://avemariaradio.net/christian-radio-host.php/Teresa-Tomeo/
February 27, 2015
RADIO: Son Rise Morning Show
with Matt Swaim
8:40 AM ET
March 18, 2015
With Host Mark Shea
6:00 PM to 7:00 PM
March 19, 2015
Key Note speaking
Columbus, Ohio
Legatus group
Contact: Peggy at: pwolock@sbcglobal.net
March 22, 2015
Interview with Doug Keck
Talking about “Angels for Kids” and “My Confirmation Book”
w/ 3 re-airs that week March 22 at 11:30 PM ET, March 23, 5:00 AM ET and 5:30 PM ET
[The Sunday slot might get pre-empted due to longer Sunday Mass]
March 23, 2015
TV: EWTN’s Bookmark
Interview with Doug Keck
5:00 AM ET and 5:30 PM ET
Talking about “Angels for Kids” and “My Confirmation Book”
April 2, 2015
RADIO: Son Rise Morning Show
8:40 AM ET to 9:00 AM ET
April 6, 2015
TV: EWTN Sunday Night Prime (will not air on Easter Sunday, 5th)
[Will air during the Sunday Night Prime encore slots this week]
Mon. April 6 at 2:00 AM ET
Mon. April 6 at 9:00 AM ET
May 2, 2015
Retreat Day
Key Note: Three talks and a Q & A
Immaculate Conception of BVM Church
106 Carlisle St.
New Oxford, PA 17350
Contact: Pete Socks at: 717-634-4961
May 7, 2015
RADIO: Son Rise Morning Show
with Matt Swaim
Talking about Motherhood and Mother Teresa
8:50 AM ET
May 13, 2015
KEY NOTE speech at Our Lady’s Guild Luncheon
St. Birgitta’s convent in Darien, CT
Mass and the Rosary at 10:30 am followed by my talk in the Chapel
Lunch follows at 12 noon sharp
Cost is $35.00 per person
Contact Margie for inquiries: mmdoran@optonline.net
May 15, 2015
RADIO: The Catholic Answers
3:00 to 4:00 PM Pacific Time
May 15, 16, 17, 2015
Retreat week end for Women
San Diego, CA
at Whispering Winds
details to follow
Contact: Stefanie for inquiries: stefanie.battaglia@cox.net
May 18, 2015
TV: EWTN’s “The Journey Home” with Marcus Grodi
8:00 PM EST
May 19, 2015
TV: EWTN’s “The Journey Home” with Marcus Grodi
1:00 AM EST
May 22, 2015
AVE MARIA RADIO: Catholic Connection at 9:15 until 9:35 AM EST
Join us!
May 22, 2015
TV: EWTN’s “The Journey Home” with Marcus Grodi
1:00 PM EST
July 21st through the 24th
Catholic Marketing Network International Trade Show
Garden State Exhibit Center in Somerset, New Jersey
July 23rd, 9:30 AM ET: Donna-Marie will moderate a non-fiction panel (Catholic Writer’s Guild)
July 23rd, 4:30 PM ET: Donna-Marie will moderate a blogging panel (Catholic Writer’s Guild)
ALSO on July 23rd, Donna-Marie will give a talk at the Ignatius Press evening event as well as sign advance reader copies of her upcoming memoir: THE KISS OF JESUS
Donna-Marie’s television series will re-air this week:
12:00 AM
3:30 PM
12:00 AM
3:30 PM
12:00 AM
3:30 PM
12:00 AM 3:30 PM
12:00 AM
3:30 PM
August 27 through August 30th
El Paso, Texas
September 22 to 27, 2015
Philadelphia, PA
September 30, 2015
RADIO: Son Rise Morning
6:45 AM ET
October 1, 2015
EWTN’s Morning Glory with Brian Patrick
October 2, 2015
RADIO: Kresta in the Afternoon
4:00 PM ET to 5:00 PM ET
October 6, 2015
RADIO: Catholic Connection with Teresa Tomeo
9:39 AM ET to 10:00 AM
October 8, 2015
RADIO: Spirit Mornings with Jennifer Brown and Bruce McGregor
11:30 AM ET to 11:45 AM ET
October 9, 2015
Radio interview: TGIF – Friday LIVE
Chatting about “The Kiss of Jesus” with Jim Manfredonia and Gabriella Furmato
WFJS 1260 AM and 89.3 FM
4:15 p.m. ET to 4:30 PM ET
October 14, 2015
RADIO: WakeUp!
8:35 AM ET
with Johnny Hebert and Jeff Blackwell
Catholic Community Radio
October 16, 2015
RADIO: ON CALL with Wendy Weise
2:00 PM ET to 2:30 PM
October 20, 2015
RADIO: Morning Air
with John Harper
7:00 AM ET
October 21, 2015
8:00 AM ET to 9:00 AM ET
October 21, 2015
RADIO: Spirit Mornings
8:35 AM ET
October 26, 2015
RADIO: Sacred Treasures POSTPONED TO NOV. 2nd.
3:00 PM ET to 4:00 PM
October 26, 2015
Host: Liz Faublas
Will air between 7:30 PM ET and 8:00 PM ET
Airs on NET T.V (New Evangelization Television) on Time Warner (Channel 97) and Cablevision (Channel 30) in the New York Tri-state area. Currents is the official television program for the Diocese of Brooklyn and operates under the leadership of His Excellency, Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio.
October 27, 2015
RADIO: “A Closer Look”
With Host Sheila Liaugminas
6:30 PM ET
Relevant Radio
October 30, 2015
RADIO: The Catholic Foodie
Jeff Young
1:00 PM ET
October 31, 2015
November 1, 2015
RADIO: “Christopher Closeup” on Sirius-XM’s The Catholic Channel (channel 129)
7:00am and 11:30am Eastern.
Also: it will air November 1st on the Relevant Radio network at 4:30pm Eastern.
November 2, 2015
3:00 PM ET to 4:00 PM ET
Sacred Treasures
November 2, 2015
RADIO: “The Drew Mariani Show”
hosted by Drew Mariani on Relevant Radio
5:30 pm ET
November 4, 2015
November 7, 2015
RADIO: The Good Fight
with Barbara McGuigan
2:00 PM ET to 4:00 PM ET
November 13, 2015
As the Spirit Leads
with Host: Barbaranne Marion
WTMR AM Radio 800
4:20 p.m. ET
November 17, 2015
RADIO: “Faith and Good Counsel”
2:30 PM ET
With Staci Gulino
Catholic Community Radio
November 19, 2015
11:00 AM ET to 12:00 Noon ET
In Person With Dina Marie
Mater Dei Radio
November 24, 2015
RADIO: Son Rise Morning
with Matt Swaim
8:40 AM
November 24, 2015
RADIO: Behind the Catholic Counter
Host:Ian Rutherford
Aquinas and More
December 5, 2015
Book signing
St. Francis Xavier parish hall, Route 109, New Milford, CT 06776
after the 5:00 PM ET Mass
December 6, 2015
Book signing
St. Francis Xavier parish hall, Route 109, New Milford, CT 06776
after the 7:30 AM ET Mass, after the 10:00 AM ET, and after the 5:00 PM ET Mass
December 18, 2015
TV: “This is the Day”
co-hosted by Fr. Robert Reed and Jay Fadden
on CatholicTV (national)
10:40 a.m. ET
January 6, 2016
RADIO: 7:00 PM ET to 8:00 PM ET
Catholic Answers Live
January 8, 2016
“Mother Teresa and Mercy” #2
Son Rise Morning
January 11 to 13, 2016
FILMING at the EWTN network
January 27, 2016
February 2, 2016
RADIO: “An Engaging Faith”
4:00 to 5:00 PM ET
February 9, 2016
RADIO: “Morning Air with John Harper
7:00 AM ET
February 10, 2016, Ash Wednesday
RADIO: On Call with Wendy Wiese
2:00 to 3:30 PM ET
February 11, 2016
RADIO: Iowa Catholic with Jon Leonetti
8:45 AM ET
February 18, 2016 POSTPONED TO MARCH 31, 2016
Faith and Wine
Key Note speaking
Women’s event
Naples, Florida
details to be announced
March 2, 2016
RADIO: Morning Air with John Harper
Talking about the Lenten journey
7:00 AM ET
March 4 and 5, 2016
RETREAT for women
Our Lady of Fatima Women’s Retreat
Lafayette, LA
Speakers include:
Rev. Father Michael J. Russo
Johnnette Benkovic
March 11, 2016
RADIO: “Mother Teresa and Mercy”
with Mattt Swaim ion The Son Rise Morning Show
8:40 AM ET
March 19, 2016
Key note speaking
“Dynamic Catholic Women Conference”
Toronto Canada
Details to be announced
March 29, 2016
RADIO: Morning Air with John Harper
Talking about: “Spiritual Warfare: Watching Out for the Evil One”
7:30 AM ET
March 31, 2016
Faith and Wine
Key Note speaking
Women’s event
Naples, Florida
April 3, 2016
EWTN Sunday Night Prime Show
8:00 PM ET
Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle joins Fr. Apostoli in discussing the Angelic realm of Our Lord’s creation.
April 4, 2016
EWTN Sunday Night Prime Show
3:30 AM ET
Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle joins Fr. Apostoli in discussing the Angelic realm of Our Lord’s creation.
April 10, 2016
Catholic Women’s Retreat Afternoon
Parish: Mary Our Queen Church,
248 Savage Street, Plantsville, CT 06479
Contact: Donna Ayer, ayer26@cox.net, 203-619-3985
Open to the Public: yes
Fee: $20 (includes lunch) Flyer with information here.
April 15, 2016
RADIO: “Mother Teresa and Mercy”
The Son Rise Morning Show
8:50 AM ET
April 21 – 25, 2016
Key Note Speaking and talk with break out session
Military Council of Catholic Women
Washington DC area
Hilton Crystal Hotel
May 11, 2016
RADIO: Iowa Catholic Radio with Jon Leonetti in the Morning
8:15 AM ET
July 26 through 29th
Catholic Marketing Network
Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center and Hotel
Chicago, ILL
Thursday, July 28th, 1:00 to 1:45 PM Central:
Donna-Marie’s Catholic Writer’s Guild Workshop: How to market your work with success and humility: Tips and inspiration
Thursday evening Donna-Marie will book sign at a special event in the ballroom.
[Details of Donna-Marie’s other appearances (including book signing) will be updated soon]
Sunday, July 31, 2016, 9:30 AM ET
EWTN’s Bookmark TV Show
Donna-Marie with Host Doug Keck
Discussing her memoir “The Kiss of Jesus.”
Website here.
Monday, Aug 01, 2016 5:00 AM
EWTN’s Bookmark TV Show
Donna-Marie with Host Doug Keck
Discussing her memoir “The Kiss of Jesus.”
Website here.
Monday, Aug 01, 2016, 5:30 PM
EWTN’s Bookmark TV Show
Donna-Marie with Host Doug Keck
Discussing her memoir “The Kiss of Jesus.”
Website here.
August 5, 2016
RADIO: Son Rise Morning
8:50 AM ET
Talking about Mother Teresa
Saturday, Aug 06, 2016, 5:30 PM
EWTN’s Bookmark TV Show
Donna-Marie with Host Doug Keck
Discussing her memoir “The Kiss of Jesus.”
Website here.
Sun. Aug. 07, 2016 at 8:00 PM ET
EWTN’s Sunday Night Prime TV Show
Donna-Marie discusses her new book:
“Feeding Your Family’s Soul: Dinner Table Spirituality”
with Host Fr. Andrew Apostoli
Website here.
Mon. Aug. 08, 2016 at 1:30 AM ET
EWTN’s Sunday Night Prime TV Show
Donna-Marie discusses her new book:
“Feeding Your Family’s Soul: Dinner Table Spirituality”
with Host Fr. Andrew Apostoli
Website here.
Mon. Aug. 08, 2016 at 9:00 AM ET
EWTN’s Sunday Night Prime TV Show
Donna-Marie discusses her new book:
“Feeding Your Family’s Soul: Dinner Table Spirituality”
with Host Fr. Andrew Apostoli
Website here.
August 17, 2016
TV (to be announced)
August 23, 2016
LIVE RADIO: EWTN’s Morning Glory
with Brian Patrick
7:45 AM ET
Chatting about Mother Teresa
August 25, 2016
LIVE RADIO: Seize the Day
8:00 AM ET
Chatting about Mother Teresa
August 29, 2016
LIVE RADIO: Morning Air with Jon Harper
7:30 AM ET (6:30 AM Central)
Talking about Donna-Marie’s new book: “Feeding Your Family’s Soul”
Studio Line: 877.766.3777
Face book page
August 30, 2016
Drew Mariani Show
3:30 PM ET
August 31, 2016
Bishops Hour
12:30 PM ET
September 2016
Donna-Marie will be speaking on Mother Teresa of Calcutta in a number of places
Details to be announced soon.
September 1, 2016
LIVE RADIO: Spirit Mornings
9:40 AM ET
September 1, 2016
LIVE RADIO: On Call with Wendy Weis
Relevant Radio
2:30 PM ET to 3:00 PM ET
September 1, 2016
with Host Mark Shea
September 2, 2016
RADIO: GRN Alive: Guadalupe Radio
with Dave Palmer chatting about Mother Teresa
9:00 AM ET
September 2, 2016
Knights of Columbus Museum
New Haven, CT
10:00 AM ET
Donna-Marie will be present for the unveiling and hanging of the special painting
of Mother Teresa. The exact image of this painting will be used at the canonization.
Knights of Columbus Museum website is here
September 2, 2016
Spirited Debate with Lauren Green
[Link to watch anytime here]
September 4, 2016
Mother Teresa’s canonization day
Donna-Marie to speak at the Knights of Columbus Museum, New Haven, CT
2:00 PM: Reflection on St. Teresa of Calcutta’s Spirituality and Witness
Knights of Columbus website is here
Knights of Columbus Museum website is here
September 4, 2016
(Mother Teresa’s Canonization day)
EWTN’s Sunday Night Prime TV Show
Donna-Marie discusses Mother Teresa with Fr. Benedict Groeschel
8:00 PM ET
September 5, 2016
Mother Teresa’s feast day
RADIO: “Take 2 With Jerry and Debbie”
EWTN radio
“Take 2” Website
12 Noon ET
September 5, 2016
Mother Teresa’s feast day
Women of Grace EWTN TV SHOW
The Kiss of Jesus
Discovering the Beauty of the Cross Part I
11:00 AM ET
September 6, 2016
Women of Grace EWTN TV SHOW
The Kiss of Jesus
Discovering the Beauty of the Cross Part 2
11:00 AM ET
September 7, 2016
Women of Grace EWTN TV SHOW
The Kiss of Jesus
Discovering the Beauty of the Cross Part 3
11:00 AM ET
September 8, 2016
Key Note at Ave Maria University
Ave Maria, Florida
[Details to come]
September 8, 2016
Women of Grace EWTN TV SHOW
The Kiss of Jesus
Discovering the Beauty of the Cross Part 4
11:00 AM ET
September 9, 2016
Women of Grace EWTN TV SHOW
The Kiss of Jesus
Discovering the Beauty of the Cross Part 5
11:00 AM ET
September 18, 2016
RADIO Catholic Kaleidoscope
on Radio Maria with Host: Alyssa Bormes
2:00 PM to 3:00 PM ET
Chatting about Mother Teresa
October 7, 2016
RADIO: Son Rise Morning Show
Talking about Mother Teresa and the Blessed Mother
8:50 AM ET
November 4, 2016
RADIO: Son Rise Morning Show
8:50 AM ET
November 7, 2016
RADIO: 10:00 AM ET
Faith in Action
Catholic Radio Indy WSPM 89.1/WSQM 90.9 FM
8383 Craig Street, Suite 280, Indianapolis, IN 46250
Catholic Radio Indy
November 8, 2016
Faith in Action
Catholic Radio Indy WSPM 89.1/WSQM 90.9 FM
8383 Craig Street, Suite 280, Indianapolis, IN 46250
Catholic Radio Indy
November 10, 2016
RADIO: 10:00 AM ET
Faith in Action
Catholic Radio Indy WSPM 89.1/WSQM 90.9 FM
8383 Craig Street, Suite 280, Indianapolis, IN 46250
Catholic Radio Indy
November 11, 2016
Faith in Action
Catholic Radio Indy WSPM 89.1/WSQM 90.9 FM
8383 Craig Street, Suite 280, Indianapolis, IN 46250
Catholic Radio Indy
November 12, 2106
Faith in Action
Catholic Radio Indy WSPM 89.1/WSQM 90.9 FM
8383 Craig Street, Suite 280, Indianapolis, IN 46250
Catholic Radio Indy
November 20, 2016
Speaking and book signing at:
St. Marguerite B. church, Brookfield CT.
5:30 PM ET after the 5:00 PM Mass the movie “The Letters” will be shown (2 hours long)
Afterwards, Donna-Marie will give a short reflection on Mother Teresa and do a book signing
(Pasta and Meatballs will be served for a “free-will” offering)
November 23, 2016
RADIO: Busted Halo
8:20 PM ET
December 6, 2016
7:45 AM ET
The Kyle Heimann Show on Redeemer Radio
95.7 FM Michiana |106.3 FM NE Indiana
December 11, 2016 [Postponed to January 8, 2017)
EWTN’s Bookmark TV Show
Donna-Marie visits with TV Host Doug Keck
Discussing her new book “Feeding Your Family’s Soul”
December 12, 2016
8:30 PM ET
New TV show: “WOMAN”
“One on One Evangelization”
Tune in at this link
December 15, 2016
St. Francis Xavier parish
New Milford, CT 06776
Donna-Marie will reflect on knowing St. Mother Teresa
at 7:00 PM after the 6:30 PM Mass
Book signing to follow
January 8, 2017
9:30 AM ET
EWTN’s Bookmark TV Show
Donna-Marie visits with TV Host Doug Keck
Discussing her new book “Feeding Your Family’s Soul”
January 9, 2017
5:00 Am and 5:30 PM ET
EWTN’s Bookmark TV Show
Donna-Marie visits with TV Host Doug Keck
Discussing her new book “Feeding Your Family’s Soul”
February 9, 2017
EWTN’s At Home with Jim and Joy TV Show
Donna-Marie visits with Hosts Jim and Joy Pinto
about her book “Feeding Your Family’s Soul”
and her NEW upcoming EWTN series.
Author Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle discusses Catholic motherhood and her book Feeding Your Family’s Soul: Dinner Table Spirituality.
Thursday, February 9th at 2:00 pm ET
Saturday, February 11th at 1:00 am ET
Sunday, February 12th at 10:30 am ET
CC TV-G Duration: 01:00
March 5, 2017
EWTN Sunday Night Prime
“Fr. Apostoli welcomes Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle
to discuss Mother Teresa, St. Therese, and the Lenten season”
Sun. Mar. 05 at 8:00 PM
Mon. Mar. 06 at 4:00 AM
Mon. Mar. 06 at 9:00 AM
March 4 and 5th, 2017
Parish Mission about Our Lady of Fatima
Our Lady of Fatima parish
Lafayette, LA
Donna-Marie and Fr. will give talks about Our Lady of Fatima and do book signings
[More information to come]
March 6, 2017
Sacred Heart Parish in Baton Rouge, LA
Donna-Marie will give talks about Our Lady of Fatima and do book signings
[More details to come]
March 27 – 31, 2017
Filming throughout the week.
April 7, 2017
RADIO: Son Rise Morning Show
8:50 AM ET
Chatting about Our Lady of Fatima
April 10, 2017
RADIO: Catholic Connection
with Teresa Tomeo
9:15 AM ET
Chatting about Our Lady of Fatima
April 17, 2017
RADIO: Morning Air
with John Harper
7:00 AM ET
Chatting about Our Lady of Fatima
April 21, 2017
RADIO: GRN Alive with Dave Palmer
Guadalupe Radio Network, Dallas, TX
LIVE at: 9:45am-10:00am Eastern
Listeners can tune in live at
April 27
RADIO: Catholic Exchange
with Michael Lichens
3:00 PM ET chatting about Our Lady of Fatima
May 1, 2017
RADIO: The Drew Mariani Show
Relevant Radio, Green Bay, WI
LIVE at 3:30pm-3:50pm Eastern
Listeners can tune in here.
May 3, 2017
9:00 AM ET
VIDEO interview
on CRUX with John on
“A Drink with John”
Sponsored by the USCCB
May 4, 2017
8:30 AM ET
RADIO: Gus Lloyd
Sirius XM, the Catholic Channel
May 6, 2017
9 AM to 2 PM
Norwich Diocesan Council of Catholic Women Annual Convention (with Mass and Luncheon)
Saint Lawrence Church
7 Hemlock Drive
Killingworth, CT 06419
Pre-registration is required.
Further details and registration forms will be available in February 2017
Contact: June Getchius – 860-460-0126, Or, Eileen Lincke: (860) 395-6630
May 7, 2017
Speaking to parents
St. Michael parish
Greenwich, CT
May 13, 2017
Anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima
Speaking about Our Lady of Fatima
Sacred Heart of Jesus church
Danbury, CT
Fr. Peter Towsley, pastor
(details forthcoming)
May 15, 2017
RADIO: 7:30 to 8:00 PM ET
Living Stones on the Mater Dei Radio Network
with Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers and Ken Hallenius
Discussing Fatima
May 16, 2017
ADIO: Son Rise Morning
7:07 AM ET
May 18, 2017
May 19, 2017
RADIO: Catholic Connection
with Teresa Tomeo
9:39 AM ET
May 21, 2017
“In the Arena”
WOR NY 710
8:00 AM ET
and on NET TV on today at 8:00 PM ET
[this show will also air on Boston Catholic TV
and NET TV, on Time Warner, and Fios. Details to be announced]
May 22, 2017
RADIO: EWTN’s Morning Glory Show
with Brian Patrick, Gloria Pervis, and Monsignor Charles Pope
7:45 AM ET
May 23, 2017
RADIO: Spirit Mornings
with Bruce and Jen
8:05 AM ET
May 31, 2017
10:00 AM ET
RADIO: with Chris Gunty
June 1, 2017
RADIO: The Miracle Hunter
2:00 PM ET
June 1, 2017
RADIO: Radio Maria
3:30 PM ET
Listen here
June 4, 2017
Miracle Hunter
Relevant Radio
July 8, 2017
Speaking at a FATIMA retreat day
Starts at 9:00 AM and goes throughout the day
includes Confession opportunity and holy Mass.
St. Theresa of the Child Jesus parish
Leeds, AL
Donna-Marie will give two talks on Fatima
(details forthcoming)
July 18 – 21, 2017
Catholic Marketing Network
Donna-Marie will give a talk addressing writers
“Ten Tips to Writing Your Bestseller!”
She will also do book signings
Details to follow
Donna-Marie’s new “Feeding Your Family’s Soul” EWTN TV series
Dates for August are:
Monday, August 14
Thursday, August 17
Monday, August 21
Monday, August 28
All are shown on the “At Home with Jim and Joy” Show.
September 9-10th, 2017
Worcester, Massachusetts
EWTN Family Celebration
Donna-Marie will give a talk on Fatima
She will do meet and greets and book signings
She will appear on the Live show in the evening
Info: Call Viewer Services 205-795-5813 Or check here.
September 17th to 27th, 2017
Donna-Marie will lead a pilgrimage to Fatima, Portugal and Poland
with Fr. Andrew Apostoli, CFR
Details are here
October 7 and 8th, 2017
Rosary Congress
Our Lady of Fatima parish, Lafayette, LA
Donna-Marie will speak along with Fr. Andrew Apostoli, C.F.R
check parish bulletin for details
Oct. 19, 2017
Key Note Speaking at:
MiraVia will host its 23rd Annual Fundraising Banquet on Thursday
at the Charlotte Convention Center
Charlotte, N.C.
October 23, 2017
Saint Gabriel the ArchAngel Parish
McKinney, TX (details to follow)
November 4, 2017
Women of Christ Conference
website is here.
Near Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Contact person: Ann Enright,
Women of Christ, Inc.
December 3, 2017
Advent Reflection
St. Edward parish, Stafford Springs, CT
1:00 PM ET Talk on Advent and Fatima followed by book signing and light refreshment
February 2018
Lenten Retreat week end
All Saints parish, Somers, CT
Details to follow
February 19, 2018
RADIO: Morning Glory with Brian Patrick
7:45 AM ET
February 20, 2018
RADIO: Gary Zimak Show: 7:35 AM ET
February 21, 2018
February 27, 2018
RADIO: Morning Air: 7:30 [POSTPONED to March 5, 2018]
March 1, 2018
RADIO: Jon Leonetti: 8:45 AM ET
March 5, 2018
RADIO: 7:00 AM ET: Morning AIR
March 16, 17, 18, 2018
LENTEN parish retreat week end!
All Saints parish, Somers, CT (details to follow)
April 20 – 22, 2018
Key note at MCCW Worldwide (Military conference)
San Diego, CA
POSTPONED to September
April 28, 2018
“Feed Your Family’s Soul” day!
St. Mary of the Pines, 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM
Registration required: Lunch included!
Shrevesport, LA
May 2018
Talk at Magnificat in Malta: POSTPONED TO NOVEMBER
June 2, 2018
Women’s Morning of Reflection
St. Pius X Church, 45 Elm Street, Westerly, RI
Day begins with 8:00 am Mass … Event ends at 11:30 am ET
For further information please contact: Jane Rathbun, PH: (401) 596-9422 mjrathbun1@verizon.net
August 2018
World Meeting of Families
Dublin, Ireland
Details to follow
September 8, 2018
Diocesan Retreat Day
“Feed Your Family’s Soul” day! (postponed)
St. Mary of the Pines, 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM
Registration required: Lunch included!
Shrevesport, LA
September 24th to October 4th! Check it out here!
BEST Shrines of France and Normandy Beaches!
Lourdes (St. Bernadette) · Toulouse · Rocamadour · Paray Le Monial · Nevers (St. Bernadette) ·Chartres · Lisieux (St. Therese the Little Flower) · Normandy Beaches · Mont Saint Michel · Paris (St. Catherine Laboure) and more!
OCTOBER: Netherlands RETREAT to the military.
November 2018 (postponed)
Magnificat in Malta!
Early November (details to follow)
December 3, 2018
Radio: Kyle Heiman show 11:00 AM ET
December 6, 2018
9:39 AM: Catholic Connection with Teresa Tomeo on Ave Maria Radio (EWTN)
December 15, 2018
BOOK SIGNING at St. Francis Xavier, New Milford, CT
(after 5:00 PM ET Mass)
December 16, 2018
BOOK SIGNING at St. Francis Xavier, New Milford, CT
(after 7:30 AM and 10:00 AM ET Masses)
December 16, 2018
RADIO: 3:00 PM ET: “The Miracle Hunter” (Relevant Radio)
December 18, 2018
RADIO: EWTN’s Morning Glory: 7:45 AM ET
January 26, 2019
Donna-Marie will give two key note addresses
Archdiocesan of Dubuque Women’s Conference: “Beauty in Christ” in Cedar Rapids, Iowa: https://archwomensconference.org
Contact: Joanne Pohland: (563) 556-2580, ext. 255 or dbqrel@dbqarch.org
March 9, 2019
Donna-Marie will give a key note speech
Greater Cincinnati Women’s Conference: www.cincinnaticatholicwomensconference.com/
Contact: Laura Strietmann: (513) 407-8672 or Jenn Giroux: jenngiroux9@gmail.com
April 4, 2019
10:00 AM: “Soup for the Soul” Lenten Reflection
Donna-Marie will present about the Blessed Mother, Divine Mercy, St. Faustina, and Mother Teresa
Our Lady of Lakes parish, New Milford, CT 06776
Contact: Soraya: tolala@aol.com
April 12, 13, 2019
Parish Mission in Ann Arbor, Michigan (Details to be announced) POSTPONED
April 20, 21, 2019 (Divine Mercy week end)
Divine Mercy Week end: Events at National Shrine of Divine Mercy in Stockbridge, Mass. Donna-Marie will give a talk on Sunday morning at the outdoor Shrine on Divine Mercy Sunday. She will book sign her new book 52 Weeks with Saint Faustina: A Year of Grace and Mercy in the Gift Tent throughout Saturday and Sunday.
April 21, 2019
Talk at the National Shrine of Divine Mercy: 11:00 AM ET
May 9, 2019
Son Rise Morning Show at 8:40 AM ET: discussing the vocation of motherhood and Mother’s Day
RADIO: “The Miracle Hunter,” discussing 52 Weeks with Saint Faustina
May 13, 2019: Feast of Our Lady of Fatima
RADIO: Catholic Connection at 9:39 AM ET
Talking about Our Lady of Fatima and “Our Lady of Fatima: Stories, Prayers, and Devotions”
May 20 to 25, 2019
EWTN Filming
May 29, 2019
RADIO: Driving Home the Faith
4:06 PM ET
Sacred Heart Radio
July 31, 2019
Catholic Marketing Network Conference
2:30 PM ET to 3:30 PM ET
Donna-Marie will do a book signing at the Paraclete Press booth
at the Marriott at Penn Square Conference Center
July 31, 2019
5:00 PM ET to 7:00 PM ET
Catholic Marketing Network Conference
Lancaster, PA
Donna-Marie will do a book signing in the Heritage Ballroom (Salon C)
at Marriott at Penn Square Conference Center
at the “Author Meet and Greet” during MOMENTUM 2019 Welcome Reception.
August 1, 2019
9:00 AM ET to 9:45 AM ET
Catholic Marketing Network Conference/Catholic Writer’s Guild
Lancaster, PA
Donna-Marie will give a talk: “7 Unfailing Rituals to Nourish the Writer’s Soul to Become Effective and Prolific”
in the Federal Conference Room
August 1, 2019
3:00 PM ET to 4:00 PM ET
Donna-Marie will do a book signing at the Marian Press booth
at the Marriott at Penn Square Conference Center
August 5, 2019
11:00 AM ET
Donna-Marie will appear on EWTN’s Women of Grace TV Show
August 6, 2019
11:00 AM
Donna-Marie will appear on EWTN’s Women of Grace TV Show
September, 2019
Filming for “The Choices We Face.”
September 8 to September 18, 2019
PILGRIMAGE! [Postponed until further notice]
Donna-Marie’s Poland and Vilnius pilgrimage: www.pilgrimages.com/donnamarie
October 5, 2019: St. Faustina’s feast day
October 8, 2019
Speaking engagement
More details to follow
October 19, 2019
November 16, 2019
Women’s conference/Retreat Day: St. John Vianney parish, South Burlington, Vermont
8:00 Am to 4:00 PM: Includes Mass with Bishop, talks, break out session, Q & A, refreshments, lunch, Rosary, and more!
Talk One: The Role and Discovery in Christ for Women
Talk Two: How to Be Beautiful to God
Contact: Terri McCormack: (802) 658-6110 Ext. 1451
November, 2019
EWTN to air Donna-Marie’s two “Advent with Our Lady of Fatima” shows on Women of Grace with Johnnette Williams (dates will be announced, but keep an eye out!)
January 16, 2020
8:35 AM EST
SonRise Radio
February 5, 2020
3:00 PM to 4:00 PM EST
“A Light in the World” Radio on Radio Maria
Donna-Marie’s interview is archived here. Click on podcast in left column and find interview.
February 7, 2020
8:35 AM EST
“Son Rise Morning” Radio Show
February 15, 2020
11:00 AM EST
Relevant Radio: “Catholic Forum” show with Bob Krebs.
Online archive (after this date) here.
February 18, 2020
9:35 AM ET
Radio: Catholic Connection with Teresa Tomeo on Ave Maria Radio and aired through EWTN.
February 27, 2020
7:30 AM ET
“Morning Air” on Relevant Radio
March 6, 2020
Soon Rise Morning Show
March 21, 2020
Mass Mutual Center, 1277 Main St., in Springfield, MA
8:30 AM until 5:30 PM ET, More information here
April 21, 2020 (Tuesday)
5:00 PM
EWTN TV: The Choices We Face show with Ralph Martin
“A Hard Life Redeemed”
April 24, 2020 (Friday)
6:30 AM
EWTN TV: The Choices We Face show with Ralph Martin
“A Hard Life Redeemed”
April 27, 2020
“Women of Grace” TV on EWTN
11:00 Am ET and 11:30 PM ET
April 28, 2020
“Women of Grace” TV on EWTN
11:00 Am ET and 11:30 PM ET
5:00 PM
EWTN TV: The Choices We Face show with Ralph Martin
“Two Sides of Mercy”
April 29, 2020
“Women of Grace” TV on EWTN
11:00 Am ET and 11:30 PM ET
April 30, 2020
“Women of Grace” TV on EWTN
11:00 Am ET and 11:30 PM ET
May 1, 2020 (Friday)
6:30 AM
EWTN TV: The Choices We Face show with Ralph Martin
“Two Sides of Mercy”
“Women of Grace” TV on EWTN
11:00 Am ET and 11:30 PM ET
Women’s Conference in Agawam, Mass.
Saint John the Evangelist parish (details forthcoming)
May 7, 2020
LIVE Webinar with Paraclete Press
3:00 PM ET
MALTA Magnificat
Donna-Marie will speak to the Magnificat group (details to come)
Also: Radio and television in Malta
June 4, 2020
2:00 PM Eastern
Zoom with Dorothy Palarski and “Mom’s Group”
June 22, 2020
4:00 PM ET
RADIO: Driving Home the Faith
June 29, 2020
8:45 AM Eastern
RADIO: with Jon Leonetti
July 9, 2020
RADIO: 2:00 PM ET “Power From the Pews” Ave Maria Radio
July 9, 2020
RADIO: with Peggy Stanton
July 13, 2020
RADIO: The Catholic Current
Key Note at women’s group (details forthcoming)
July 16, 2020
RADIO: 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM ET
July 22, 2020
RADIO: 8:29 AM ET, with Gaby Smith of “Catholic Community Radio’s Wake Up!”
August 7, 2020
RADIO: Son Rise Morning: 8:20 AM Eastern
August 18, 2020
10:30 AM ET
Boston Catholic TV: “This is the Day” television show
Here are the YouTube clips:
August 21, 2020
RADIO: 8:29 AM ET, with Gaby Smith of “Catholic Community Radio’s Wake Up!”
August 22, 2020
RADIO: with Peggy Stanton
“A Place of Peace” Ave Maria Radio
11:00 AM ET
August 23, 2020
RADIO: with Peggy Stanton
“A Place of Peace” Ave Maria Radio
9:30 AM ET (re-air of yesterday’s show
August 24 2020
RADIO: “Morning Air Show”
7:30 AM ET
August 29, 2020
September 9, 2020
RADIO: Son Rise Morning Show
8:10 AM ET
September 16, 2020
Celebrating Saint Mother Teresa! 5:00 PM ET Conference for NYC parish and to public virtually.
Donna-Marie will give a presentation through Zoom.
September 17 and September 18, 2020
Virtual Conference: Donna-Marie will be presenting at a Mother’s conference.
September, 19, 2020
RADIO: “Mast Appeal” Ave Maria Radio
(Look for “Listen Live” button at top of screen)
9:00 to 11:00 AM ET
September 13 to 25th, 2020 [CANCELLED DUE TO PANDEMIC–will take place in 2022 instead]
PILGRIMAGE: Upcoming pilgrimage in September 2020! Limited spaces to the famous Passion Play performed only once every ten years!
ZOOM Virtual Presentation with Paraclete Press
October 2, 2020
RADIO: “Diapers and Disciples“
October 17, 2020
Key Note at Conference (CANCELED)
October 20, 2020 (Tuesday)
5:00 PM ET
EWTN Television: The Choices We Face show with Ralph Martin
“A Hard Life Redeemed”
October 22, 2020
RADIO: Son Rise Morning Show on Sacred Heart Radio
8:35 AM ET
October 23, 2020 (Friday)
6:30 AM ET
EWTN Television: The Choices We Face show with Ralph Martin
“Two Sides of Mercy”
October 27, 2020 (Tuesday)
5:00 PM ET
EWTN Television: The Choices We Face show with Ralph Martin
“A Hard Life Redeemed”
October 30, 2020 (Friday)
6:30 AM ET
EWTN Television: The Choices We Face show with Ralph Martin
“Two Sides of Mercy”
November 12, 2020
November 28, 2020
RADIO with the Miracle Hunter
December 4, 2020
RADIO: Son Rise Morning Show: 8:20 AM Eastern
February 25, 2021
7:00 PM Eastern
“Small Things with Great Love: How to Love Like Mother Teresa”
Virtual Zoom conference for Faith & Wine, Lee County Florida
and open to the public for FREE.
March 5, 2021
RADIO: Son Rise Morning Show: 8:20 AM Eastern
April 9, 2021
RADIO: 8:20 AM ET Son Rise Morning Show
Discussing Divine Mercy and St. Faustina
April 12, 2021
RADIO: 9:15 AM ET: Catholic Connection w/ Teresa Tomeo
Discussing “Prayerfully Waiting: A Catholic Grandmother’s Prayer Journal” and more.
April 16, 2021
RADIO: 12:30 PM ET FOCUS on Veritas Catholic Network
Peter Sonski interviews Donna-Marie about Covid and the Catholic Faith.
April 16 to April 18, 2021
Donna-Marie will present at a virtual conference “Listening for God.” She will give a talk and will be part of a panel discussion along with Al Kresta and Marge Fenelon, moderated by Teresa Tomeo. Register here.
June 5, 2021
World Apostolate of Fatima Shrine, 674 Mountain View Rd. E., Asbury, New Jersey 08802
FIRST SATURDAY: Donna-Marie will bespeaking and Book Signing
September 13, 2021
World Apostolate of Fatima Shrine, 674 Mountain View Rd. E., Asbury, New Jersey 08802
Fatima anniversary: Celebrant Bishop Frank Caggiano at holy Mass.
Donna-Marie as Key note speaker and will do a book signing.
Click here for Shrine information.
February 7, 2023
Presentation about Mother Teresa and the Saints to students at St. Mary in Florida.
March 28, 2023
March 28, 2023
Lenten Mission at St. Joseph Parish, Windsor, CT. Donna-Marie will present a talk and will have a Q&A afterwards, as well as a book signing.
April 16, 2023: Divine Mercy Sunday
Divine Mercy Sunday, April 16, 2023
National Shrine of Divine Mercy in Stockbridge, Mass
Donna-Marie will give a talk from the outdoor altar in the morning and will also be part of the LIVE show (or pre-show) filmed on location by EWTN and aired LIVE through EWTN television.
May 1, 2023
Donna-Marie to speak to the Confraternity of the Rosary group at Saint Francis Parish in New Milford, CT at 1:00 PM ET.
May 6, 2023
May 6, 2023
St. Mary Parish, Ridgefield, CT
Donna-Marie will present a Catholic Woman’s Retreat Day at St. Mary Parish in Ridgefield, CT.
August 25, 2023
Donna-Marie to do a book signing at the National Shrine of the Divine Mercy in Stockbridge, Mass at 12:00 Noon ET for St. Faustina’s birthday anniversary.
September 13, 2023
Women of Grace television at 1:00 PM ET and 11:30 PM ET.
September 14
EWTN’s Women of Grace television at 1:00 PM ET and 11:30 PM ET.
October 5, 2023
EWTN’s Donna-Marie to give a speech on St. Faustina at the National Shrine of the Divine Mercy in Stockbridge, Mass.
11:00 to 12:00 Noon ET in the St. Faustina Center followed by a book signing in the Gift Shop until 1:00 PM
October 6 and 7, 2023
Salesian Festival, New York State: Donna-Marie to give a presentation on the “Domestic Church” and book signings throughout.
October 13 and 14, 2023
Donna-Marie to give retreats and workshops at Mother of Mercy House of Prayer (near Buffalo, N.Y.) as well as book signings.
October 19, 2023
Iowa Catholic Radio: 8:45 ET.
October 21, 2023
Donna-Marie to give a full Retreat Day on Ender’s Island for the NDCCW.
October 28, 2023
St. John the Evangelist Parish in Agawam, Mass. 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM.
Donna-Marie will present a Morning Retreat for men and women on the subject of the Eucharist.
December 2, 2023
Donna-Marie will present a Retreat day for men and women: “Revived in the Eucharist” at St. Marguerite Parish in Brookfield, CT. Contact: Barbara Baughman, (203) 241-9444.
December 11, 2023
Holy Trinity Catholic Church, 20523 Hueber Road, San Antonio, TX. (210) 497- 4200.
Donna-Marie will present on Mary and the Eucharist as part of a celebration of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
January 20, 2024
Donna-Marie on “The Miracle Hunter” Radio Show
February 20, 2024
Zoom appearance to students at Catholic school in Florida
February 27, 2024
Donna-Marie as keynote speaker at a women’s Brunch in Darien, CT
February 28, 2024
Live Radio: “Faith with Reasons” at 4:00 to 5:00 PM ET.
March 16, 2024
Donna-Marie to present a full Retreat Day at St. Catherine of Siena Parish in Springfield, Mass.
June 1, 2024
Donna-Marie to present a full Retreat Day based on the Eucharist at St. Francis Xavier Parish, New Milford, CT from 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM.
October 19, 2024
Donna-Marie to present a full Retreat Day at St. Catherine of Siena Parish in Springfield, Mass. She’ll present on the Miraculous Medal. Special guest to also present that day on St. Padre Pio. Contact Rose Lopez (413) 896-4143 or Parish office: (413) 783-8619 or Mary Baxter: (4130 272-9018 for more info and to register.
November 16, 2024
Donna-Marie to present a full retreat day called “I Thirst” at St. Cecilia Parish in Monmouth Junction, NJ.
Contact: Lisa Miklos: (781) 354-5788 for more info. and to register.

December 7, 2024
Donna-Marie to present an evening Advent Reflection “Advent with the Saints” at St. Ambrose Parish in Latham, New York. Details to come. Contact Jen at:

October 17-18, 2025
Donna-Marie to present a full Retreat week end (Friday evening and Saturday): “Women of Dignity Conference” at Holy Family Parish in Alberta, Canada. More details to follow.